Out of the cage

Chapter 372 Chapter 9.62 The Union of All Countercurrents

The brutal suppression of the multi-ethnic groups in the "Left" Banner by the Western Sahara Allied Forces is a sign that the European Union has completely torn down the fig leaf of civilization and blackened it. This time, Jason's behavior was not punished in any way.

As the commander of one of the most critical areas in the Southern Sahara war, Jason cannot be replaced at this time. Moreover, the new leader of the Roman political arena even praised his decisive behavior and legally endorsed it.

Crying for freedom for a century has changed from absolutely correct to absolutely incorrect!

Traditional slogans such as fighting for God and the New Crusade began to be instilled in every unit of the European Union. In such a cyber-structure, anyone who violates it even a little bit will be completely denied by the Europa League just like the "liberal" cyberbullying.

At these two extreme historical moments, a very small number of European thinkers recorded sadly: "European civilization has never had a free space."

But such reflections are too late. The European Union ruling group has completely opened a mode that is conducive to the stability of its own rule.

Just like the magical plot in "X-Men 6" filmed in pre-war Hollywood where humans contain all the supernatural beings. Now Oulian has isolated groups of people who opposed them, and the monitoring rings worn by a few of them are not exactly the same as those in the movie, they can only be said to be plagiarized from each other.

From the perspective of multiple historical observations, the current ruling mode of the Europa League is a deduction of the end of the interstellar civilization two thousand years later on other historical lines.

In those timelines, the huge interstellar empire stubbornly maintains its rule, and because it relies on violence to maintain it, changes that can challenge the interstellar empire on all planets are not allowed to happen. Self-sufficiency is not even allowed.

Religious troops patrolled each star field back and forth. As the highest level, they took away the key resources of each star field, and then despised the backwardness and ignorance of these peripheral areas under the imperial hierarchy.

In the words of Comrade Vladimir before the European War in modern times, this kind of interstellar empire can be described very vividly: "a big prison for all races."


When Oulian and Shengyang were engaged in a desperate fight and entanglement under the pressure of two commercial and private forces, the perspective turned to the east.

On March 17, it took two years to complete the route of the deep mantle thermal pipeline from the plateau to the Western Regions. On the way through a number of crustal fault zones, the complex docking technology has completed the heat exchange, making geothermal energy a new energy vein on this land.

During the ribbon-cutting speech, the wisdom and diligence of the laborers were given top priority.

This is a super electric revolution, and the molten lead pouring in from underground pipes seems to have inexhaustible heat energy. Let all the installed power be generated at full capacity, so that after entering the grid, many energy storage stations are fully pumped.

The natural eruption of crustal lava every year also consumes a lot of heat energy, and now this heat energy has begun to be uploaded to the surface through pipelines.

For a long time, the situation of various high-tech power consumption in China has been alleviated.

Disha Network, a large electricity eater, also carried out energy replenishment on the track three times.

At a depth of five kilometers underground, forty underground operation rooms with a diameter of fifty meters are distributed in the shape of plum blossom petals, forming the Western Region Underground Energy Center Station.

When the system was turned on, Qin Xiaohan said, "The butterfly wings have already caused violent shaking."

Wei Keng: "What's wrong?"

System: "In the world you didn't come to, the power generation capacity in this area is less than 7% of the Tianfu Plain. After your promotion, the world's next century's technological development has been accelerated for at least fifty years."

Questions from time and space downstream unknowingly pushed Wei Keng to the most correct direction.

Facing the system's emotion at this time, Wei Keng said leisurely: "It's not so much that I push forward, but that the damage caused by the war in the original plot is too serious. Well, is there anything else?"

Qin Xiaohan looked at Wei Keng and said, "Oh, you let us measure the upper limit of calculation."

Qin Xiaohan opened the data model, which is the time-seismic plane, and the downstream can interfere with the scale of upstream time and space.

This time, Wei Keng's unprecedented act of hard-wired the downstream disturbance on the time-shock plane this time tested out the time-space parameters that were not measured in the main world in the past.

There is an upper limit to the number of times the downstream of the time-shock universe wants to change history. Once the number of changes in a period of history exceeds a certain limit, there will be no possibility of space-time travel in the next few hundred years.

The time and space will form wrinkles due to the drastic modification of this period of history, which will flatten a big cycle in the future.

In short, after this exciting period of history has passed, time and space will be completely peaceful.

Looking at the magnificent data changes,

Wei Keng narrated very calmly: "We have done our best in one battle, and in this historical stream, we will thoroughly deal with all the questions from the dissatisfied downstream!"

Qin Xiaohan smiled: "Yes, it's all done in one battle. Challenge the time-shock plane, all the accidents in this history! Let those 'protagonists' who hold fake justice reveal their true colors."

Wei Keng: "Uh, are you a little excited?"

Qin Xiaohan: "This is the last time I will witness your mission before I am transferred."

Wei Keng was slightly taken aback, and then said flatly: "There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. Thank you for this journey."


After the opening of the energy station in Western China, China has undergone a century of changes, and finally ushered in the final historical evolution.

After business and private affairs withdrew from Western China, this was a big victory for "social governance"! This completely countered the fallacy of "business investment = technological progress".

On the contrary, the pungent plot of betraying the country's technological accumulation when the business and private parties left is vividly displayed in this old and new era.

[In ancient times, a region: the introduction of foreign capital began to invest in the construction of the technology industry, and the core technology it brought was also controlled by foreign equity parties. In this process, the so-called joint ventures may even dismiss the internal core development team in order to take care of the technological monopoly interests of foreign shareholders. 】

Today, China's traditional superconducting materials, mesotron components and equipment, and heavy-duty vehicle machinery technology have all been transferred overseas by the largest business and private families in China.

On this historical line, Shengyang's abnormal scientific and technological advancement on the Kanguo battlefield did not make the people of Western Shenzhou feel complacent that "the master of Shengyang came from me".

At this time, the level of education in China has reached the level of higher education, and no one would naively think that Shengyang would be grateful.

On the contrary, from the perspective of technicians, such technology diffusion also makes local technology lose its advantage.

If Western China is a traditional business-private country, after this wave of transfers, it will definitely hurt its vitality. (If it is a traditional commercial and private country, according to other historical situations, it will not be transferred. Instead, it will continue to suppress Shengyang, and the commercial and private business in Shenzhou has also been dealt with by Wei Keng.)

For example, the old Baiou in the main world, after experiencing the ravages of two wars, all advanced technologies were transferred to the New World. Let the New World suddenly rise under the condition of backward basic education, and begin to lead the high-tech hegemony for nearly a hundred years. Then it robbed the global high-tech market and pushed Laoou into decline step by step.

At present, the people in China are relatively indifferent to technology transfer. After they have objectively recognized the fact that the flow of business capital takes technology away, as citizens of a big country, they are "neither owed to the well-known commercial and private groups in China" involved in the transfer of technology. ".

From then on, the people of China and the business and private interests of China will go their separate ways.

The reason why the Chinese people are so indifferent is because they have full confidence in the future.

The current Western China has driven out business and private interests before the technological breakthrough. What they take away is only the accumulation of traditional technology. As for the dominance of emerging technologies, business and private parties should not even think about it.

After a hundred years of ups and downs in history, everyone is tired of hearing the big cake drawn by "privatization, first make the cake bigger and thicker". Super geothermal energy pipelines, seabed mining, these public assets. The future will never fall into the hands of business and private parties.

The title of Western Shenzhou's "Format Newsletter": "Farewell, Queen of the Wind." The conclusion went deeper: "The guys who 'see small profits and forget the righteousness', let them go."

After the opening of the energy pipeline, the Western Economic Union ushered in Liang, Guanzhong and Tianfu, Lenan, and the Siam subcontinent began to integrate under the "electricity standard".

"Great format, great justice" is not rootless, nor is it a day's cold. After the spiral of green history, in 2292 of the Qin Dynasty, Western China, represented by the plateau, returned to the state of Xialian's heyday half a year ago. Seven-ninths of China has been ignited "red flame".


"The water that carries the boat suddenly rises into waves" shocked the "VIPs" on the dragon boat of Shenzhou. But these nobles seemed unwilling to touch the water under their feet, and only "aggressive" to the obvious waves: At the end of 2291 in the Qin Tongli, the Wei family completely announced that the clan would no longer hold any shares after offering sacrifices to their ancestors. All members were handed over to the Public Economic Union, but those managers who handed over their shares requested to participate in the formulation of the "Regulations on Public Supervision" as representatives of Manmin.

After all, this is handed over to the country, and I don't take a cent, but I want Qingshi to leave a positive image. And it cannot be stolen by a few bureaucrats doing shady things in the name of the public.

The rest of the people don't know it yet. As a person who was well versed in the management of Luoshui, he took a step ahead and revealed the supervisory experience that only a few people understand now, from the curtain for the public to understand. This is a just move in line with the trend of history.

In front of the western media. After Luoshui's co-integration, Luoshui, which has developed over the past two centuries, has been finalized and classified as a national enterprise. In contrast, Fenghou and Pusuan Gong are still "world-wide commercial and private".

These are the two lines of economics, "surrender early" and "continue to resist".

As the head of the clan, Wei Qiong announced: "The clan will only be a link to connect with the hometown. From the expenses voluntarily handed in by the clan, it will be used to maintain the ancestral hall and the annual sacrificial activities. The accounts are open and transparent, and accept social supervision."

People from all walks of life in western China praised such an enlightened behavior, and then turned their attention to other "business and private giants".


As Wei Qiong who insisted on carrying forward the Wei family decades ago, making such a decision is actually following the trend.

When everyone in the world feels injustice, the clan with large assets is like a large clan that hoards a lot of food during a famine. Hoarding at this time is tantamount to inviting disaster.

So voluntarily hand over the shares, oh, and then distribute the remaining dividends to all family members, so that they can get together and leave.


After Wei Qiong finished all this, he naturally received an inquiry from the emperor.

In the communication center on the ground floor of the Wei family mansion.

For a long time, Wei Qiong, who was in a state of surrender, raised his head to face the "Long Yan" in the projection, and said leisurely: "Wei's voluntary, now the way of heaven has changed, your majesty can do it for himself."

The emperor looked at the straight-backed old man, and asked coldly: "It seems that I want to give up the glory in exchange for the collapse of ritual and music. Do you think it is worth doing all this?"

Wei Qiong smiled: "It doesn't matter if I'm old, as long as the young people think it's worth it, then it's worth it."

Social changes in China, from west to east. During the process of the red flag sweeping across China, most of China, except for the economically developed areas of Jiangnan, Guangdong, and Bobin, turned left.

In this confrontation that has not yet shed blood, those areas that are used as spare tires by businesses and private parties are actively starting new lines.

The most profound influence of this social change in eastern China directly reached northern Anhui.

Under the liaison of the Western Economic Union staff, the young civil service forces in the area took the lead in organizing and fired the top bureaucrats. Announced the reconstruction of the basic Yamen. The old bureaucrats of Shenzhou tried to carry out violent suppression, but the armed forces in the area also accepted the concept of 'proletarianization' when training spirit armor in the plateau area.

Commercialism, especially commercialism under the curtain of bureaucrats, has been unpopular in many areas for a long time. ——In an information society, the governance system can obviously accept supervision, but some people want to escape supervision and stand aloof.


Of course, such a left turn can't do its best.

The Pusu Federation of Industry and Commerce Group is entrenched in the Dongbin area. As the last stronghold for business and private funds to gather, the entire area has the advantage of being a business center in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Most people have spiritual commercialism. It is impossible to accept a left turn.

The entire interior of China, the six major cities of Jingjiang, Beidu, Nandu, Guangfu, Pugang, and Qingyu, will become the last stronghold of commercialism.

The concept of "social governance" wants to conquer these areas unless bloody formatting is carried out.

According to the current balance of power, social governance can win if a hot confrontation is started, and in the current situation in the world, external forces are powerless to interfere.

In Wei Wusho's step-by-step excavation-style historical deployment, China's commercialism is exhausted. And there is also distrust within Shenzhou Commercial and Private.

The Silk faction wants to escape to Shengyang, but they still have broken ties with Shenzhou, especially the Plateau faction. The appearance of the two ends of the mouse's head made even the Donglin faction feel unreliable.

And entrenched in the south of the Yangtze River, as well as the commercialism of eastern China in Bobin, the basic market overseas has also shown signs of fire.

Since the Battle of Lizhou, there have been large areas of redness in Oceania, making Nanyang businessmen feel like they are sitting on pins and needles. Once the fight starts, they have to settle the enemy who is close to the couch first.

The Restoration Alliance in those days shows signs of reunification today.

But Wei Keng is not Bai Kun, it is impossible to be reckless. In short, Master Wei felt that the pits he dug were not enough, and he hadn't dug under the walls of the "Business and Private Fortress".

Wei Keng: To be responsible for history, to win must be undisputed, and all possible reactionary forces must be united to win the battle.


In the plateau No. 3 combat readiness hall, Xu He and his generals are conducting a global strategic simulation.

Although Wei Keng left the staff, the generals of the plateau faction continued to think vigilantly in the tide, discussing the "new consensus" of the Chinese warriors.

Who is this consensus not loyal to? But what to fight for! And when all the enemies come to suppress our side, we can still insist on fighting for that goal!

The warriors of Western Shenzhou realized the private business and feudalism, and after instigating the disputes in the world, they naturally had the ambition to pacify the world.


Xu He looked at the world map: "In recent years, (Shenzhou) Dongbin interest groups have begun to increase their overseas investment. In Dongying and the Nanyang region, they have begun to accelerate their armament. In the past two years, at least forty brigades have been formed. combat power of the regiment."

Speaking of this, Xu He looked at Xi Bafang.

While the eyes of the two were intertwined, Xi Bafang, who was in charge of contacting other martial artists in Shenzhou, shook his head.

There are only more than 600 people in the circle of innate warriors, so in this dispute of ideas, each side starts to take sides.

Xi Bafang's acquaintances are resolutely loyal to the dynasty. So much so that the two sides broke off diplomatic relations peacefully, and made preparations for encounters on the battlefield.

Xi Bafang looked at the map and said: "Under the reality that the global anti-missile system and anti-air system are powerful, the only way to quickly annihilate the opponent's land-based and sea-based forces is the kingly way. Land warfare, can you tell us about our rotation training? .”

Xi Bafang mentioned the battles in Xianyan and Lihai. Xu He could only take over the topic again and host the conversation.

In the past two years, Western China, after reorganizing and retraining the troops, sent them to the Asian center in turn to gain experience. The running-in of the fire strike command system must reach the level of large army operations.

Xu He: "All legions have trained once, and 30% of the brigades have trained twice. However, the Orthodox Federation is estimated to be unable to hold on, and Kazan has already begun to retreat and deploy."

At this time, Chief of Staff Shen Zongyun said: "This retreat deployment is not normal."

Xu He looked up at him, motioning for him to speak.

Shen Zongyun opened up the situation in the coastal area of ​​the Arctic Sea and the waterways of the two continents; he opened up the monitoring of the earth evil, and determined the entire northern part of Xianbeilia. The scale of communication has increased significantly in the past six months.

Xi Bafang stared at the picture, and the newly appointed commander of the Tianzhuyang Navy, Wei Zaozao, asked, "Could it be that Idenya is going to intervene in this war?"

The territory of China is vast, and when encountering an invasion from the outside world, the opponent will inevitably cause the conflict to be linked. (The worst-case scenario is often the most likely scenario.)

Xi Bafang moved the globe to the Southwest Pacific Ocean, and opened the connection between Nanyang and Latin America in recent years.

Xi Bafang: "The rising sun clan on the west coast of Latin America may also suddenly intervene in the war." ——As for the defeated generals on the west coast of rising sun, what dare they fight?

Xi Bafang drew a circle in the area occupied by the popular faction in Lizhou.

Xi Bafang: "It is also possible that Nanyang's commercial and private collusion with Shengyang will rekindle the war in the South Pacific Ocean." (That being said, Xi Bafang prefers that Shengyang has no guts.)


At the general military meeting on the plateau, under the atmosphere of "serious situation", the deduction was carried out.

As Wei Keng said: "Since we want to be a thorough forwarder, we must make the possibility of a joint counterattack against the current of the world."

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