Out of the cage

Chapter 377 Chapter 9.67

The social governance forces in Lizhou Dalu annihilated the Tang family army, and finally made the laborers in charge of their own affairs here.

Wei Keng: But judging from the overall situation, social and political forces still need to keep in mind that we are still in "danger" because of the large series of commercialism and privateism, and the plundering villains will not die.

At present, the plateau team analyzes the trend of commercialism and determines that they still want to counterattack and reckon. If not tough, they will set off a headwind.


After July 2292, after the Lizhou Continent was dismantled, the Socialist Party remained wary of the direction of the Southern Ocean. This conflict caused the Nanyang faction to start colluding with other external forces.

The economics team in the plateau area was surprised to find that after the Taiyang mercantilism was severely damaged, the mercantilism did not stop the outflow of capital from China, but accelerated it. The main direction of outflow lies in the four provinces of Izumo and the new Shengyang area.

"Does commercialism want to take advantage of the rising sun to retaliate against China's social governance?" Economists think this is absurd.

But no matter how absurd, this report immediately received great attention from the Ministry of Culture and Education. They believe that the battlefield is not limited to the military, but also on various cultural works.

The proletarian Ministry of Culture and Education in Shenzhou is different from the East in the ancient times of the main world, and it is quite effective at present. In games, movies, and various media, active offenses have been launched, rather than lazy passive defenses of "under review, strict release standards".

At this time, the Ministry of Culture and Education of the social governance faction showed the ambition to put things right. The achievement is based on how many works have received feedback from all walks of life each year. It is by no means how much revenue was generated by the so-called entertainment market in modern times.

Since it is a battle, it is natural to determine the target. For example, the "Chongjin" and "Xumu" sung secretly by the commercial and private entertainment are all designated as shells fired by the enemy. Clear evidence is also required to fight back fiercely.

Here, it is to always pay attention to the movements of the opponent's mouthpieces.

The Ministry of Culture and Education in Western China used the number and scale of Shengyang's works imported by the southeast commercialism in recent years to believe that the Donglin School seemed to be learning from the Japanese.

Certain disgusting "cultural manipulations" that cannot be used as evidence of betrayal of Xia appear frequently.

For example, in March of this year, before the major changes in Lizhou, Tang Jiedu envoy was still showing off his power and claiming that he could solve the "social governance" faction in the south within half a year.

Several large film companies controlled by Shenzhou Dongbin have released several films that are said to bring a "different perspective" to the people of China.

"The Last Samurai" tells how Dalang started his business with great hardships.

Director Guan Biao is interviewing one of the so-called combatants, the descendant of Tang Jiedushi, who is the current head of Tang Jiajun.

From the perspective of the Sunshine people, this guy portrayed Xia Lian in the Qionghai Battle as an opponent who had absolute strength but had to be challenged.

Oh, this great director described it from a very "sensible, neutral, and objective" perspective: At that time, although Prince Dalang failed completely, he still achieved some results.

The results of the battle here are not clearly stated in the movie. Director Guan Biaoda's reason is that he does not want to cause "controversy."

But "Dalang's Battle Results" in the movie, obviously, refers to the beheading of the most senior general in China.

This disregard for historical authenticity was immediately met with massive criticism. But the cultural people in Eastern China do not accept criticism, and accuse the socialism netizens in Western China of not having a peaceful perspective.

Guan Biao: "Although we won that battle, is it difficult to accept their strengths and their bravery in the face of powerful forces?"

In this regard, various historians in Western China directly revealed the history of the war:

1. Judging from all aspects before the war, Xialian was the weaker side in terms of heavy armor, relying on the unity of the people of the Central South Subcontinent to fight. So who is "the weak over the strong"?

2. The battle of Qionghai was a complete failure. Dalang's so-called victory is a tragedy caused by the selfish persecution of internal businessmen in China. Moreover, General Wei of Shenzhou at that time had already understood the risks of the Qionghai meeting, and fearlessly transferred the highest command to go into this trap created by the villains. But today, some villains dare to reveal it to be self-satisfied?

A hundred years ago, the pillar of the Shenzhou Kingdom used itself as the sharp edge to face the enemy with a sharp sword, catching the greedy and despicable people to take risks.

From a purely military point of view, the Battle of Qionghai in Shenzhou annihilated the Shengyang Marine Command and completely paralyzed its combat deployment in the entire region. This is a complete victory.

The commander-in-chief of Shenzhou regards death as home, which is in stark contrast to Dalang who hides in the rear in fear of danger.

But with all these undoubted histories, Doujiang film reviews controlled by Southeast commercialism are full of messy film reviews such as "multiple angles", "the other side of history", "a humble perspective", and "worth reflection".

Finally, I also want you not to refute excitedly, otherwise it will be cultural extremes.


Because the controversy was too big, Master Wei, who cast Tiangang on the plateau, couldn't help but read the investigation of the Ministry of Culture and Education, and immediately confirmed: "Tongwo? You said it too implicitly, this is Jingri."

But Wei Keng is very strange. When China was so powerful, it still developed the same trend as the flower-planting sun in ancient times. This shows that maybe it is not a question of whether the country is strong or not.

Wei Keng thinks there are "geo-economic reasons" behind this.

When he was in the main world, Wei Keng's judgment on the phenomenon of "some people licked a small country in Dongying in ancient times" was that the literati in the south of the Yangtze River were too cowardly, and they were not husbands in the face of Japanese troubles.

After watching this movie now, Master Wei has really developed objective thinking from a new perspective.

That is, the Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Shengyang maritime economic circles are naturally combined, forming a circle that is completely different from the inland area.

Business and private tend to flow here. Then an atmosphere that conforms to the "monopoly of business and private interests" is needed to help them escape from the constraints of the Great Governance Law of China.

"Tongwo" is not a mental problem, but a business!

After the great voyage, after the Eastern Economic Unicom, the giant merchants along the east coast will inevitably deal with Japan in order to do business.

In order to normalize this behavior, they will spend money to write books and control the mouthpiece to force you to recognize their various behaviors. It is reasonable and there are complicated reasons.

For example, choose a specific day (memorial day), go to a specific area (cemetery), and wear the clothes of the custom street in the name of advocating that a great country should have an open mind. Use this excessive behavior to cover up their not-so-excessive 'business'.

Even if there is no rising sun, Dongbin merchants will naturally look for other external forces to support themselves. For example, Pu Shougeng in the late Southern Song Dynasty voted for yuan at the last moment.

Just because of its geographical and cultural proximity, Shengyang can naturally become a safe haven for "businesses and privates to escape the land social governance system in the eastern part of the world island".

So give up fantasy!

Sunrise will also inevitably be the last bastion of commercialism in the face of China's universalism.


The mouthpieces in Dongbin began to hype the enthusiasm, and even began to ask the Wei family to "sensibly, impartially, and objectively" comment on "The Last Samurai" as if they were kind. .

Wei Keng wrote to the Ministry of Culture and Education: "During the Zhou Dynasty, Hua and Yi were indistinguishable in lineage and appearance. The only difference was etiquette. If you practice Zhou etiquette, you will be Hua, and vice versa."

What was the ritual at that time?

Ji Bu: So Yidi knew that he had a mother, but he didn't know who his father was?

This sentence is very "contemptuous", and this is not superficial racism, but based on civilization's resistance to barbarism.

[Ji Bu's words are historically speaking, this is a matrilineal society. To put it economically, there is no family unit, and to put it disgustingly, there is no shame in the union of mother and child, brother and sister! 】

Therefore, under the conditions of social development at that time, those who did not respect Zhou etiquette and had no sense of shame were barbarians. Yi Di, animals also.


However, in today's development of human civilization, the concept of "honesty and shame" still exists beyond doubt.

Those who are the mouthpiece of business and private, worship money and vanity, and disrespect those who build roads and bridges. One day's cool money for skin white actors is greater than the people's accumulation over the years, and the stock price of the bank is more important than the war and the people's mourning! Use your mouthpiece to tease the heroes of the border guards, but look good on yourself. So shameless and proud of it, beasts too.

On behalf of the Wei clan, Wei Keng's public opinion on the movie "The Last Samurai" is: Huayi is still arguing today!


The mouthpieces of the entire eastern media originally wanted to give a little color to the "fake and noble" Wei Shi (because he took the lead in making Luoshui public).

What the people at Dongbin Entertainment think is: "Wei's criticism of that movie means that he can't tolerate that movie, and that's not enough tolerance." Feather, you can claim that you dare not answer"...

But these well-dressed Confucian businessmen who went in and out of elegant places never imagined that what they were waiting for was such a thunderbolt from the blue sky. "

What is the debate between Hua and Yi? It is the core "Confucianism" of the cohesion of the Zhuxia civilization circle.

It can be said that after China became powerful, the residents of the entire Eastern Hemisphere could not tolerate the so-called "barbarians" when they were proud of the descendants of Yan and Huang.

The group of Wenxuan people in Western China is like a magic sword in their hands. Compared with Wei Keng's poor literary talents, they have tens of thousands of times more literary skills to put into action.

Neo-Confucianism arose during the Song Dynasty in Shenzhou because the weak Song Dynasty won the country at that time, and it stood side by side with Daliao, Khitan, Nanzhao, and Tubo, and it was not as powerful as the Han and Tang Dynasties! There is an urgent need to find the source of legal order, which is to find a stable principle to maintain people's hearts, and to confirm that it is orthodox. Its root comes from the lack of self-confidence of cultural people.

Using "Wen Spear" to attack his "heart disease", the effect is outstanding.

If they scold Dongbin for being private and shameless, then they are used to "no business without evil". But if you criticize them shamelessly in depth, barbarians and beasts, then you will really break your defenses.


And this divine sword can cut business and private interests, as well as other things. Western Shenzhou now has a huge goal that has not existed in two thousand years, and that is to abolish the emperor system! For what reason?

Good guy, the debate between Hua and Barbarians?

This is thousands of years, the era of hundreds of schools of thought, and the actions of all saints.

It is orthodox for China to be courteous, but it is not acceptable for barbarians to be incompetent.

Today's shameless business versus the country versus the Dao is just a kind of "barbarian thinking that lacks shame", so when Wei Keng raised this banner, most of the Chinese literati can be said to have won Liang Jingcong (bring your own dry food to fight this game) Culture Wars), don’t ask for things that will be passed on for thousands of years, but for those “prosperous literary style, top-ranked families” in Dongbin, who will leave a bad reputation for thousands of years.

(Qin Xiaohan: Literati look down on each other. When it comes to cyberbullying, you are absolutely dead.)

Standing on the high ground of Confucianism, hold high that "it is not as good as the death of the Xias to have a monarch in Yidi".

Furthermore, "Junfu" is defined as "a leader who has paid historical responsibility in the history of Zhuxia. In the five thousand years of China, there are very few who can be honored as emperor by later generations." This is separated from the false emperor of the Guan family.

The cultural formatting that Western Shenzhou scholars want to do now is much more ruthless than Master Wei's original route of boiling frogs in warm water and subtly erasing the glory of the emperor. They really want to drag the idol down and step on it ten thousand feet!


The literati do the work of the literati, and the warrior prepares for the warrior.

West Shenzhou was confirmed, and Dongbin Shangsi tried to get closer to Shengyang. The reform forces on the Shenzhou side are also prepared to deal with the rising sun militarily.

Construction resumed in Lizhou in July, and an additional technical team was sent to the Plateau District. Hundreds of thousands of industrial workers were sent to outlying states.

Lizhou also signed an agreement to jointly carry out submarine construction in the South Pacific Ocean with Western Shenzhou. In short, push the boundary line to the door of Shengyang's house.

The battle in Lizhou is not over yet, and the destruction of Tang's army is just the beginning. The entire social governance power in Shenzhou must be pointed at by the sword, all the restoration groups back then.

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