Out of the cage

Chapter 39 Chapter 1.39 The third stage conflict

In summer, when there are cicadas singing, I feel that the environment makes me irritable, but after autumn, everything starts to quiet down, and I feel that there are some things that I can't wait.

Individuals in the Weikeng Group doing strategic planning drew with a ruler and summed up to themselves: "In this world, I am not that special, and I will not focus on certain things and others I won’t come to the door. Similarly, I won’t chase after me to arrange alone just because I gradually start to have experience in one thing.”

Bai Linglu's record: The time travel event is not a movie plot, and the disaster will not be avoided because of the efforts of the time traveler (Wei Keng), nor will it be avoided because many bystanders (natives of this plane) want to continue watching as outsiders. fall on them.

Now, with regard to the contradiction between human urban activities and natural ecological gene groups, several stages can be clearly divided according to the mutual influence in different periods, and the previous history is reviewed:

The first stage: Wei Keng has just landed on the ruins of Zhujiaojiao. In this area of ​​less than 50 square kilometers, Wei Keng, the new head iron baby, directly blooded with various strange gene groups in the world.

The second stage: Wei Keng has established a foothold in Zhujijiao, and his footprints have reached a range of four to five hundred kilometers around. According to the standards of this world, they still think that they are a Wei Keng cluster of ordinary people, trying to link up the human survivors in this area, and "counterattack" the Pandora's genetic community. After receiving the violent counterattack of the nature of this world, after a dozen individuals died, they began to become barbaric. Unilaterally express "shunchang reverse death" to all life in the area.

Because of this stage, Wei Keng had just won again, and the speed of his rise accelerated again, completely breaking the balance of the regional ecology, and the group fighting in a wider area began. More powerful gene community forces began to appear.

It's just that Wei Keng is no longer the one who bears the brunt, but the human city-states who cooperate with Wei Keng in this area?


Many city-states in the north were besieged by creatures going south, and Ji'an City, which had the most dealings with Wei Keng at the end of summer, also encountered a crisis.

Ji'an City was shrouded in the threat of the community of life, and a thick fog appeared around it. The thick fog turned the machine guns and artillery on the city wall into "close-combat firepower" that can only fire effectively within a range of 40 to 50 meters. Because the bullets kill and shatter small species, they will also be dragged away by the vines protruding from behind the fog , Being swallowed by the giant beast behind, the humans in Ji'an City felt as if they were facing an unknown monster with infinite blood.

The details of the siege of these city-states were informed by the messenger of Ji'an City, Zeng Jiakan, to the gathering place of Wei Keng in the Pearl River area after risking his life to break out of the siege.

When Wei Keng saw the warrior who broke out, his whole body was already covered with various grape-like tumors, some of which had hairs like sea anemone tentacles wriggling, while some of the tumors had begun to keratinize.

Faced with such a situation, the natives of other planes in the stronghold avoided it.

Of course, someone trembled and said the solution, that is to perform a blood transfusion! Lose the blood of many, many people.

However, if experienced physicians from traditional city-states judged, Zeng Jiakan's current alienation has exceeded the limit that blood transfusions can save!

After detailed communication within the Wei Keng group, Wei Keng asked a word before Zeng Jiakan's sick bed: "Do you trust me?"

Zeng Jiakan, who was ill in bed, was covered with gelatinous rotten flesh on his cheeks. He said in a breathless voice with difficulty: "I believe, so I came to you, and I beg you to save Ji'an City."

Wei Keng shook his head calmly: "No, you came to me because you wanted to relieve the siege of Ji'an City. Ji'an City is now besieged by weirdness. What you want is to find another weirdness to restrain the weirdness."

There was a trace of stiffness in Zeng Jiakan's eyes.

Wei Keng stared at Zeng Jiakan and said in a low voice, "You don't even want to admit that I'm human!"

Zeng Jiakan did not speak!

However, Wei Keng did not continue to press the question. Instead, the six Wei Keng who were in charge of medical treatment took out medical equipment and drew 200 milliliters of blood from his own blood vessels.

Zeng Jiakan looked at all this and wanted to say something, but thought of his mutated appearance now, so he didn't say anything. Because the way he is now is truly alien, no one wants to touch him.

Wei Keng: "My blood will not make you become like me. You are an adult, you have completed growth and development, your bones and muscles have been fixed, and even your thinking has completed independence. Now the phenomenon of your life organization There has been a mutation caused by the interference of life activities of foreign species, and now, among all the strong external sources of interference you can access, my genes are the closest to yours. Do you understand?"

Zeng Jiakan squeezed out a smile: "Thank you for being willing to save me."

Wei Keng: "You don't need to thank you, as the same kind, it should be so." After speaking, he took a stick and put it near his mouth, letting him bite.

Wei Keng inserted a catheter into his vein, injected blood into his body, and then began to remove the severely mutated tumor on his body. On the other side, after cutting open the web between his fingers with a scalpel, he bandaged it up. During the whole process, Wei Keng didn't give him any anesthesia, but he always had a state of staring at him.

An hour later, the operation was over. Zeng Jiakan, who was sweating profusely, spat out the wooden stick he was biting in his mouth. A lot of saliva and silk threads dipped in the rolled stick and fell on the quilt beside him. He looked at the slowly healing wound on his body in the mirror, Looking at Wei Keng with difficulty: "Thank you, can I sleep now?" After seeing Wei Keng nodding, he passed out immediately.

Wei Keng looked at Zeng Jiakan who was gradually breathing calmly, and couldn't help sighing: "He's a man."


When the Zeng family magazine was undergoing surgery, the Weikeng Group staff group was analyzing the latest information. Ji'an City was besieged, and there were many details that needed to be clarified.

First of all, Wei Keng is very puzzled: it is the fog that appears around the city now! This is something I haven't encountered before. If there was fog before, he might also suffer serious casualties.

As for this question, Supervisor Bai called up the development file and gave a hint: "You have encountered fog. When you just came, the transpiration effect layer in the forest increased significantly."

Wei Keng couldn't help calling out the summary of the information he had just arrived. He launched the attack in the afternoon, there was no fog under the direct sunlight, and it ended before evening. It used to feel a little wet after the fight. Yes, there was a lot of smoke when that roundabout brigade set fire at the end of the battle! This seems to be the reason for the excessive water content in the woods. But I didn't pay attention. Looking back now, could it be?

Bai Linglu explained: the gene community in a region dominates the flow of ecological energy in the region, and in the process of radiation, it will have an impact on biological plants, so in large-scale battles, the trees will spit out water vapor greatly, forming The water mist shield covers his actions.

As for Wei Keng not meeting him later?

During the second stage of the conflict, Wei Keng's genetic radiation scale! The entire mountain forest, at the level of producers, has been unable to effectively communicate with the genetic community in the area. It can be said that the stomata of the vegetation in the mountains and rivers have been scared to close by Wei Keng. How dare they cooperate with the community to release fog?

Therefore, Bai Linglu speculated for Wei Keng: If Wei Keng's group rushed to the vicinity of Ji'an City, the fog effect in this area would also weaken.

Regardless of Bai Linglu's bold judgment, Wei Keng added as much insurance as he could to prepare for any risk.

Wei Keng group side: "Here, we should prepare some incendiary bombs!"

Wei Keng is actually very cautious in the preparation of dangerous goods. Generally, he saves what he can, especially things like white phosphorus. However, if it is a war, Wei Keng will still prepare them. In Wei Keng's eyes, fighting is the most risky thing.

In the third stage, although he did not bear the brunt, Wei Keng was prepared to take the initiative to deal with it, going out to fight instead of sitting at home and waiting.


In the dimensional space bubble, Bai Linglu: "The goal is accomplished, Oye!"

For her, all the plans on the list have been overfulfilled. When she first arrived at this plane, she once suggested to Wei Keng that "if possible, clean up the threat of 50,000 square kilometers in this area." Wei Keng was thorough and didn't intend to really finish it. Of course, Wei Keng refused without hesitation at that time, but now! In the current third conflict, the goals of all Wei Keng's plans have exceeded the goals of the initial exploration plan at the beginning.

Bai Linglu turned on the Dimension Radio call.

At this time, at my own coordinates, an exploration channel is approaching, and Bai Linglu is also talking to this target: "Our arrival is smooth, everything is unimpeded, unimpeded."


Looking back to the plane of Pandora, the traveler who is dealing with the problem on the front line!

On September 29th, materials were piled up on the pier of the stronghold. Wei Keng in the stronghold handed over the work to the recruiters and began to wait with his personal equipment.

And on all the strongholds, there are also red flags flying, and there are banners hanging "Resisting Disasters and Coexisting, Defending Homeland". In the past, Wei Keng had telepathy inside, so there was no need for such things. But now, with external personnel and oneself forming a community of interests, and to transform it into a community of destiny in this disaster, the propaganda work must be done well.

The Weikeng combat team, two battalions, and a formation of 600 people took a steamboat to the north to reach the upper reaches, and then they spent 30 hours to guarantee the transportation capacity provided by their own crawler tractors. They went north and entered the mountain forest area. Detour on the east side.

Although the number of Wei Keng's operations did not increase compared with the previous one, qualitative changes have taken place in terms of supplies and heavy firepower, and he can fight the "battle of prosperity".

Because unlike last time, a single self fell into the hands of the enemy, and there must be a time limit for the task. Now Wei Keng has more initiative, so the march is also led by the word "steady".

Oh, to be honest, the number of casualties in Ji'an City is several hundred people less than hundreds of people. At present, it has little to do with me. The relationship between the two parties is at most just a commercial and trade relationship. What is the alliance that the Zeng Family Magazine pleaded for now? ? In the final analysis, he still pays unilaterally.

Wei Keng, as an ordinary person, sometimes has a limited ability to accept group orders from an individual point of view.

As an individual, when one's society exchanges and communicates with another society, if one's own side is essentially paying unilaterally, then! ——Whatever "family" and "blood is thicker than water" are just the goals that the general will of the group expects to achieve, and they are by no means the reality that ordinary people like me can rely on. Often, the upper echelon of the group he belongs to can tolerate this kind of collective contribution, but ordinary people don't have the capital to believe "unrealistic propaganda". Hang yourself. The dialogue window where I represent the collective dealings should be for the "big picture" and will be for the big picture, and I will not help myself claim compensation at all.

So, when the other party can deal with common disasters together for the sake of principle, such as fighting against floods together, facing foreign enemies together, in short, when they have fulfilled the obligations related to the "rules of common survival and development" together, then the blood of this family is thick The concept of water is the reality that can be relied on, and only ordinary individuals can "should pay their obligations".

The current Wei Keng individuals are all the above-mentioned small people, and they uphold the above-mentioned interests and viewpoints, which directly affects the decision-making of Wei Keng's group.

Therefore, Wei Keng is now saving Ji'an City. In terms of action interests, it is for the sake of the entire human beings in the region, uniting the human beings in the region, which is to help his own development and survival in the region, so he will not hesitate to fight.

Therefore, Ji'an City will be kept strategically, and it is impossible to take the initiative to bear too many losses in order to reduce casualties in Ji'an City at the tactical level.

So in terms of all planning arrangements, as long as Ji'an City is not dead, everything is fine

When more than 30% of the people in Ji'an City died, Wei Keng would adjust his tactics slightly.


After marching to thirty hours,

The Wei Keng Corps conducted a front-line investigation, and soon on the east side of Ji'an City, they found the footprints of a large number of creatures gathering in an area. This is a sign that there are a lot of herbivores as well as carnivores.

According to the stride span of the herbivore, Wei Keng determined that this was not the span when it was being chased by a carnivore. The hoof of the antelope can jump several meters. And the herbivores migrate in a leisurely manner, while the footprints of the carnivores are on the periphery of the herbivores, much like shepherd dogs guarding the periphery.

After the Wei Keng group discovered this situation, the frontier reconnaissance troops further judged the number and ratio of these biological communities based on the freshness and humidity of the feces.

In terms of firepower and perception, it has improved a lot compared to the second stage, but Wei Keng's tactics and strategies are still cautious and serious.


When the Wei Keng cluster crossed into the battlefield very quickly, the life groups that went south this time also felt it, and what Wei Keng brought to them was: Although the total amount of life radiation is not strong, the concentration is extremely high . The threat is extremely high.

Wei Keng's marching speed was as fast as a flying swallow chasing a swarm of flies.

Although Wei Keng did not pursue extreme forced marches, and even Wei Keng himself deliberately controlled the speed, the gas generator tractors and special boxes for packing materials that the troops are now equipped with make the march very efficient. In comparison, the gathering of replenishing herbivores in these communities is a bit like running a farmhouse!

The life community going south is only a threat to Ji'an City, a human city-state stronghold without large-scale mobile operations!

[The development of contemporary city-states is all about the team battles of beast masters. Because the city-state does not have a group that can resist the life radiation of the outside world, unless it can not care about mutation like Yucheng in the north. 】

Facing a field group like Wei Keng who also radiated life, they seemed too immature.

These genetic groups from the Dongting Lake community showed aggressiveness immediately after discovering the Wei Keng Group. It was just these aggressiveness, but because there was no cluster charge, Wei Keng didn't even record it as a battle, just Recorded as a contact. Wei Keng did not devote his main attention to it.

For example, within five hours, a total of sixteen beasts whose main form was Tyrannosaurus rex but whose forearms were as long as reaching the ground appeared in the perspective of Wei Keng's group. This biological form may be a top-level biological form that takes into account both speed and quality, as well as bite force.

However, just after approaching the Wei Keng group, they fell to the ground with a bang of gunshots!

What killed these arm-armed Tyrannosaurus Rex was a 13mm anti-tank gun with a two-meter-long barrel and a gun frame.

Set it up on the top of the mountain, load the K-type bullet into the chamber, and shoot the Tyrannosaurus rex through the eight-fold mirror. The force passing through the spring system also made Wei Keng feel a strong push on his shoulder.

This kind of gun can penetrate 15mm steel plate, so it can also knock on the heads of these giants.

Well, the most important thing is that this thing is processed by Wei Keng himself. The system delivers high-precision sniper Wei Keng calculates the life of the barrel every time he fires a shot. Sometimes when facing a large target within 300 meters, Wei Keng's frugal temperament always feels that he has not brought out the best value for money.

After the gunshot, the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex was like a chocolate shell ice cream crushed by fingers.

Touching the somewhat hot steel sleeve, Wei Keng, who was in charge of clearing obstacles, hugged the smoking muzzle and licked it (this action was very silly). After being burned with his tongue, he tugged and said: "This is what a man should do. Hit the gun."

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