Out of the cage

Chapter 396 Chapter 9.86 North chasing meat porridge, in line with Busan

On July 16, when the northern territory of Xianbelia was greatly invaded by an unknown black mechanical army.

A few months ago, Eastern China, which was still claiming to have won the public opinion field, was a little embarrassed, but it quickly shifted its attention and began to pay attention to the defensive situation in Northridge.

For these overly savvy people, as long as Western China ushered in its first defeat in the battle of defending the soil in North Ridge, then they can comment as outsiders.


But no matter what, the public opinion in the universe will also focus on Western China.

Edenya posed such a difficult problem, and everyone's eyes wanted to see if Western Shenzhou, which had done nothing wrong so far, would not be able to bear this problem.

For the various ruling groups in the world, they really need Western Shenzhou to make a mistake, so as to prove that it is not them who are wrong, but this world.

On July 16, at 5 pm Xijing time, Western Shenzhou released two reports.

The first report is the investigation report on the Bethlehem Crystal Mine. This kind of meteorite minerals suspected of originating from extraterrestrials was first clearly recorded in 2289 in the Qin Dynasty, and appeared near the Sinai Island area. Because it is rumored that it descended in the Bethlehem area, it is called the Bethlehem Star Mine.

This is the first time humans have discovered a new mineral life that can naturally undergo cold fusion. Buried underground and injected with groundwater, the thermal energy in the ground can be used to extract substances and send them into the core to activate cold fusion.

This kind of mineral deposit has great economic value, but also has a huge unsafe nature. Using the mineral deposit under the condition of insufficient technology is no less than exploiting oil fields in the gulf without safety protection.

A large number of substances will undergo radioactive changes, and at the nanometer level there is a "subactivity" that uses radioactivity to extend and replicate substances, which will cause variability and damage to organic life.

After the Dashi area identified this mineral, it introduced technology to strictly control the mineral mining in the area, effectively mining it, and curbing environmental pollution.

Attached to the report is that the mines in the area have a high standard, comparable to the collection towers of the sealed storage sites of nuclear power plants.

However, at the end of the report, it was pointed out that this kind of mineral was spread by unknown means, was transported to Italy, and the barbaric expansion began in the United States and Canada.

The last picture shows the dynamic map of the spread of Bethlehem crystal mines in the northern part of the United States and Canada.

Although it is not possible to get specific actual images of the Bethlehem mining zone.

However, on the thousands of comparative images of high-altitude satellites, it can be seen that after the mining of the Bethlehem crystal mine, many areas on the northern coast of the Western Hemisphere have changed from a verdant ecological environment to a barren area within a few years.


The subsequent report pointed out that during the Arctic Circle War, the Edenya side widely used the Bethlehem crystal mine in the military field.

Since quantum control can be directly carried out through a variety of information nanostructures, the Bethlehem ore liquid can be condensed into any mechanical structure under the control of high electromagnetic radiation. The price is that this kind of mechanical structure will have excessive pollution. All machines have a certain degree of radioactivity exceeding the standard, which is about twenty times the normal range.


This first Bethlehem crystal mine report is the first time in this time and space to introduce the existence of this dangerous industrial material to the global public in detail.

For the first time, the high pollution and high risk have attracted people's vigilance. In particular, according to the report, the radioactive contamination of water samples collected in Hudson Harbor in the Arctic Circle has exceeded 140 times that of the most serious Sunrise nuclear leak in history.

Of course, why would the Bethlehem crystal mine be greatly expanded and used in Edenia?

The first report did not explain in detail, but everyone knows that it is war.


In the tense atmosphere in Shenzhou at this time, folk interpreters explained this:

First of all, it is affirmed that the generals sent by Shenzhou Dongbin are excellent contemporary commanders.

The period when Bai Huanling launched a series of campaigns to defeat Idenia's superior forces happened to be the period when Idenya greatly increased the processing of Bethlehem crystal ore in the first report.

At that time, Shenzhou Shezhi suggested at that time that peace should be maintained in the Arctic Circle. At that time, the entire Chinese people, under the misleading understanding of the public opinion in the east, had the first impression of this matter that the Western China side was unwilling to win the complete victory of the Eastern Shenzhou court in the Arctic Circle. But combined with today's situation, we can use hindsight to comment that Western China already had the relevant information at that time.

Commentator: Eastern China is unwilling to retreat in the front. It is very interesting to suddenly declare victory a month ago and retreat.

This comment spread quickly, and it was already too late for Eastern China to ban it.

Bai Huanling was not wrong. Is there no way to withdraw now?

But it's impossible for everyone to be right. Under the ideological contest in contemporary China,

A scumbag on the West China website said: If East China "blames the fate of God, it is difficult to do anything", it is tantamount to admitting that you have lost the "sympathy between heaven and man", and don't say that you are "destined by heaven" in the future.

With the radioactive dust in the north, it can already be monitored by the Mobei Monitoring Station.

Everyone quickly focused on: Do the princes of the court in the entire Eastern China have a clear strategic vision for the use of troops on the northern front?


The people of Shenzhou are used to the plateau area for the past 30 years. The strategy in Tianzhuyang, Lizhou, and Dashi is three steps, one step, the whole strategy is interlocking, and the purpose is clear.

Eastern China is in chaos strategically and is struggling.

The east has national power and first-class generals. ——So what kind of strategic direction is implemented? Could it be that it was just to start a teacher in a fit of anger. In other words, it is a mistake to consume national power by being aggressive.


The mainstream media in eastern China shifted the focus of public opinion in shock and panic, trying to return the public's attention to the current chaos in the northern part of the world island.

Declaration: All the speculations in the past are meaningless. What needs to be paid attention to now is the current situation in the northern part of the World Island.

Shenzhen-Hong Kong News: Leaving aside the various problems in the east, is it true that the west of China is not responsible for the current situation in the slightest, and must wait until now to show foresight?



On July 17, the Shenzhou Plateau area immediately issued a second report! and detailed video

This report is a righteous warning of Edenia's actions in the northern part of Xianbelia.

Edenia is trying to expand the Bethlehem Crystal Mine to a greater extent, and it is not satisfied with expanding the mining area only within the Arctic Circle. Judging from the current situation, they are going to spread minerals throughout Eurasia.

According to the information sent by the front line of the battlefield, after Edenia landed in the northern part of the World Island, its large black mechanical crawler-shaped mining machine penetrated into 600 points in the northern part of the World Island, drilled holes to 6,000 meters underground, and deployed Thai ore crystals.

This is not only a report from a reconnaissance plane, but also a photo scanned by China's latest ground braking system.

Throughout the report, the grim reality emerged—that is, Edenya, with his own will, was recklessly implanting minerals in the northern territory of the World Island.

Even if the northern part of World Island is indeed a place of bitter cold, Shenzhou must fight a decisive battle anyway, and the northern part cannot be turned into radioactive land. Otherwise, the big cold wave from the north would bring more than just cooling and snowfall.


On July 18, Shenzhou Kunlun issued a warning to Edenya through diplomacy.

And at the same time, a general mobilization order was issued. When the literati in eastern China were still emphasizing accountability the day before, the entire western part of China launched a general mobilization. The mobilization involved the adjustment of thousands of industries, and most of the industrial production positions were basically the same as before. All production plans were arranged as early as three years ago.

This time the general mobilization is mainly focused on the minutiae. For example, the consumption of "high-end alcohol" products is completely prohibited, all tobacco products are purchased and sold by the central government, and all entertainment and advertising information is stopped, so as to ensure that the people get the right information with the right attitude.

This information includes possible encounters with air defense alerts, correct evasion, and maintenance of order. If people were still laughing and joking in the entertainment atmosphere a second ago, the execution effect of personnel safety and security orders will be greatly reduced.

It is the wrong atmosphere of the business and private era to discuss serious things, and many absurd things have been derived: for example, the most beautiful place in Western China is Jiuzhaigou. When visitors from all over the world try to come here, business and private companies often make supporting arrangements when they travel with a seven-day group project One day to visit the earthquake site. Don't go here, Xiaomin's subconscious reminds you to come to play, pay for the tour, and stay in the hotel all day, you are losing money.

As a result, a lot of people went there, with the mood of the blue water and emerald mountains and their cameras the day before. As a result, there were always some people who couldn't control themselves and couldn't "speak and laugh". In the end, it was seen by people with a serious atmosphere on the Internet, and became a person with "unconscionable", criticized, and suffered all the firepower. Oh, but "revitalizing the post-disaster economy" refers to commercial development, but they can hide behind their backs and quietly count the money, but they are deliberately guided and ignored by the mouthpiece of business and private affairs.

Business and private business have always only looked at the atmosphere of money. Therefore, all natural disasters and man-made disasters are involved. Control business and private affairs, and establish a proper atmosphere!

This is not a question of "freedom or not", but as a leader of all people, you must consider taking all the idiots on your side into the car, teaching them on the right track, and not being used by bad people. ps: Edenya, for such fools, use it as fuel. Their logic is to eliminate the inferior and ensure that the voters are excellent.


Compared with the basic level, the foundation is adjusted, while the top level is mentally accumulated.

Shenzhou Xijing announced all management system changes to "Gonghe".

"Historical Records: The Chronicle of the Five Emperors": "The Yellow Emperor chased meat porridge in the north, which fits Busan."

Today's "combination" comes from this.

In the history and culture of China, the conquests of ritual and music all came from the emperor.

Now bypassing the so-called Son of Heaven in the east, he directly raised Yanhuang as the name and decided to attack the external evils in the north. Although it is still mobilized in the inland areas of China in essence, it is oriented towards China in name.

That is to say, in the past few years, Eastern China’s Arctic Circle has been playing tricks strategically, but Western China has placed its chips on the table to gamble on the rule of law. If this battle is won, Eastern China will lose the blessing of the country's righteousness for hundreds of years.


After this war, "community" will be greater than "monarchy".

Such turbulent waves, only Chinese people understand what it means.

The struggle between Oulian and Edenia against Western China and Eastern China is still limited to the industrial resources and total population at their disposal. Based on these numerical judgments, Western China is currently better than Eastern China and can be integrated with Eastern China.

Their strategists only judged based on numbers. If Eastern China wants to fight against each other, it will bring great damage to the integration of Western China.

But they don't understand the unified culture of China.

In Shenzhou, the side with a strong military has also gained an advantage in the legal system, so the replacement of the old forces is like dominoes, depending on the spread.

The conditions for eradicating the monarchy are becoming more and more mature.


Zixiao, on the floating spaceship.

When Guan Zhuyao flipped through today's news on the screen in front of him, he lost his composure and shouted: "Send troops, you must send troops!"

A few minutes later, Master Sima Fu Yuji appeared on the projection screen and said respectfully, "Your Majesty."

The Son of Heaven suddenly stepped forward, and said with burning eyes: "Go to Beiling, I want you to defeat the enemies of Beiling."

Fu Yuji looked at His Majesty who was insane: "Your Majesty, the situation in the ice ocean war has been corrupted, and our troops are currently not strong enough to project here."

The Son of Heaven: "Then let those people in the west be just like this?"

Fu Yuji: "The plateau faction may not be able to gain an advantage in this battle."

The Son of Heaven would not let Fu Yuji fool the past like this, but stared at him with wide eyes: "If they win once, they will win again and again, and finally they will be chasing meat porridge in the north!"

Fu Yuji and the emperor looked at each other with a somewhat bleak expression.

It is true that the north is very difficult, but there has always been that person in Western China for decades. As for that person in foreign wars, he always moves when he does not move, and when he moves, he moves mountains.

Fu Yuji said dryly after a long time: "Superior, if that's really the case, then it's the destiny."—Translation of this sentence: If it's really the worst result, then please let Tianzi Zen be in Wanmin and work together.


On July 19, with the western part of China, China was fully mobilized.

The whole world felt the stagnation of the atmosphere.

For a long time, on a global scale, Western Shenzhou has a complete industrial system, masters of the latest energy facilities, and firmly occupies the power of research and development in the field of new technologies.

However, all military powers in the world are vague about the military power of Western China.

Especially after June, the entire Shenzhou Plateau area has a shadowing zone that is vague to all satellites. All observations from the outside world are isolated within these shielding zones. Only the occasional oversized freight, um, trains of overweight trains that keep going back and forth day and night.

On the plateau, the Shenzhou Industrial Department photographed a scene that is enough to make future historians feel that the outcome is decided:

On the plateau, on a flat piece of land, 400 factory buildings were erected immediately, each factory room was separated by one kilometer, and a large number of pipelines were erected in the middle. In each factory building, a Qinglong battleship was under construction.

For a standard airship of 50,000 tons, 400 construction sequences have been started! ——Shenzhou's 100-year airship construction plan is here. This is no longer the scene of the era of star table technology. When tens of thousands of tons of creations take off in batches from the starports with a diameter of a thousand meters and a circular mark, this is the scientific level of the starship era.

This is the fantasy of people in Western China twenty years ago about scientific progress in a hundred years. It was carefully planned ten years ago, and the construction of all airships with a unified template can reduce the cost to one-third, and the labor cost of advanced engineering can be reduced to one-fourth.

So at this time, the Shenzhou social governance faction was cruel and sent him four hundred warships.

The possibility of war is completely curbed, and it will be convenient to transform in the future and enter the moon for development.


With the current industrial scale in Western Shenzhou, only floating airships can make dumplings that can make Western Shenzhou ruthless.

As for other armaments, even if it is a 600-ton Fluctuating Sky Survey Cannon or something, the cold fusion engine, electronic system and titanium alloy materials prepared by the rear production line are welded, and they are assembled in the aerospace factory in half an hour.

In terms of land vehicles, except for the Pojun Golden Armor, other large-scale operational vehicles are all about adjusting the nano-printing sequence in the construction factory.

With endless underground lead heat outputting energy in power stations, Shenzhou represents the pinnacle of industry, science, and technology in the Fourth World War.

The output of equipment is no longer important, what is important is the equipment for the treatment of polluted areas after consolidation. The current field railway engineering vehicles in Western Shenzhou can lay 100 kilometers of steel rails a day, just like sewing clothes and patching, pushing four rails towards the front The Battlefield Railway.

Eastern China can only maintain five to ten brigades dispatched in the northern part of World Island.

Western Shenzhou can double that, and can transport a hundred "Kuafu" combat robots like "Gustav Cannon" into the front at one time.

All of the above is unknown to the world at present, and everything will not be declassified within fifteen years, and the outside world will not know the specific military advantages of China in the Fourth World War in this generation.


August 2nd Mediterranean, Europa League.

At this time, the European Union also developed independently for several years after picking up Bethlehem technology. Twitchingly, he carried out scientific and technological breakthroughs in the Italian peninsula.

When Shenzhou violently attacked the Bethlehem Star Mine, the residents here suddenly discovered that there was such a dangerous technology around them.

After Jason got off the plane, he saw residents protesting on the peninsula.

Jason was disdainful in his heart: "They are all pushed to the door by the crisis, and they are still pretending Romans."

Before the Bethlehem technology was discovered, Jason in the original space-time had an aversion to this technology. But as Shenzhou announced its opposition to this technology.

Jason decided to firmly support the development of Bethlehem technology.

half an hour later.

At the military meeting of the Eighteen Stars of the Europa League.

Jason: "Shenzhou has already joined the war. When facing their technology and industry, Bethlehem technology is our only chance." ——Jason not only wants to develop Bethlehem technology, but also wants to stand with Edenia's future self together.

Because in the eyes of the Anza people, the world should be balanced now! Only by maintaining a balance of power can they achieve the greatest benefit. China is now a force that disrupts the balance of power.

So even if you want to help Edenya, you can't help Shenzhou.

In the current intelligence analysis of the European Union: Shenzhou may win, but Edenia will pollute the northern part of the world island. So we must seize the opportunity to weaken the overly strong Shenzhou.

I have been to Jiuzhaigou, my parents have been to Jiuzhaigou, and my seniors and classmates have also been to Jiuzhaigou. You only need one day to play Jiuzhaigou, and one day to climb the mountain is very tiring. The project will arrange half a day for you.

The posture of a middle-aged man should be able to control his emotions, but-after all, some people have little education and cannot adjust.

So I don't want to call a fool a bad person, I just think that people who earn money from fools and let fools get scolded at the front desk are really too "smart".

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