Out of the cage

Chapter 401 Chapter 9.91 Weak damage, unprecedented pain

On August 3rd, Edenia was in a state of neurotic out-of-control.

The Bethlehem mine site in the Arctic Ocean was quickly divided up by the military group that "has not been hit by Tiangang". This kind of division is indispensable for internal struggle.

Facing the Arctic Ocean negotiation proposal put forward by China, forty-five organizations in Edenyan responded.

These responses included extremely provocative words such as "Land of the Free will fight to the end" and "Never give in to Huangpi xx".

The Edenia research experts in China, taking into account these voices, responded to official broadcasts in Los Angeles and Gazhou by some members of the House of Representatives and senators. And no more senior Edenya official officials came forward to deny it. It can be regarded as Edenia's current attitude.

The plateau area has been determined, and another "battle offensive" will be launched against Edenia to promote peace.


At this time in the Edenia region, the situation is far more complicated than the outside world thinks.

The "Savior" was destroyed in the war, but there are still quite a few fanatics who believe in "Easter".

In the upper layer of Edenia, those families who have invested a lot of resources and energy are still in the dream of God's choice, but the crisis has quietly arrived.

These families include: the chairman of the Mobil Energy board of directors who started monopolizing Mexican oil in the last century. General Electric's 12 top antiques. The technology giants who started from Silicon Internet in California, they have mastered the forty-five places with the highest authority in the Transatlantic Metaverse.

In addition, media giants such as Wall Street and Hollywood who complete financial control for them are also in this circle.

These people, in the past, divided up all constitutional government, public control, economy, and power, and called it the final perfect social structure of human civilization.

In this war, these upper-class gentlemen are also safely planning their power in the rear. ——The stable operation of Eden Asia's politics, economy, army, and sect.

But ah, the great breakthrough of China's conventional ballistic missile weapons has completed the destruction of the upper layer thousands of miles away. Just like pulling out a key building block, the structural system is instantly out of balance, and it cannot be repaired in a short time.

Edenia's military and religious power in the Arctic Circle is an important part of the building block.

Religiously, the savior claimed that he would be resurrected in seven days. No one is up for grabs yet.

However, the military beheading operation suddenly destroyed 80% of the officer system under the Bethlehem technology system. This immediately created a huge power vacuum.


The merchant plundering system developed in the Western Hemisphere with the East India Company as its origin has fatal flaws in the "confrontation and evolution of civilizations against each other".

Edenia's constitution has been a balance formed through repeated contests between the bright side and the dark side since its birth, and finally compromised.

To put it mildly, the so-called "United Federation" in the New World will be determined through a formalism of "upper-level democracy" after the power game between all parties is completed. When the balance is lost and the combination of forces cannot be completed at all, there will be a situation of silos in the Hollywood wasteland painting style.

Now that "Tiangang" is in his hands, Edenya can't simply and neatly determine several crucial military powers in the short three days.

The three liberal generals who were originally imprisoned by Jason were broken out of the prison by the officers of the liberal faction, returned to their posts directly, and competed with the conservative officers who had the upper hand in Edenia.

The essence of party struggles and court infighting in the East is the same as the struggle between the two factions in the West. Once the skin is torn apart, there will be no way for one side to give way and maintain the overall situation. It's life and death.

From the Accords of the Great Revolution in the Kingdom of Hair and the sweeping away of the Soviet-Russian opposition, to Sherman's burning of southern cities during the Civil War of the United States of Edenia.

In this cruel mutual struggle, there is no concept of taking a step back from each other, and it is tantamount to suicide for any party to show its intention to withdraw first.

At this time, the parties involved in Edenia's internal struggle include not only the two factions of military forces, but also the political, commercial and private affairs behind the two factions of military forces.

So at this time, even if Edenia's liberal military faction has completed the victory and defeat, they want to make a difference and not expand further. However, the liberal business forces behind it cannot restrain their greed and want to embezzle the conservatives' business rights.

Now the "Yangzhou Faction", which has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to counterattack and reckon, will not be high-spirited in any case in the face of the fruit that is at your fingertips. Now, it will force its military and political allies to cooperate with it to completely clean up the "Five Great Lakes Faction".

Because this is far more than 300% profit!


The 54-hour ultimatum given by Shenzhou was too gentle and elegant. Especially that "reserve the right to act". No one even read the seriousness of this sentence.

At this time, all of Edenya's great power was used internally. Liberal and conservative militaries fought fiercely over the Bethlehem mines, and an exchange of fire broke out.

In such a chaotic process, the conservative military forces, now fanatical supporters of the Bethlehem Crystal Mine, and the group of people who were waiting for the hope of "Easter", chose to drop bombs on the Bethlehem Crystal Mine when facing the loss of the mine, resulting in Huge spill pollution.


Edenia Great Lakes time, at 23:00 on August 2.

As a 100,000-ton level large-scale thermal fusion bomb was thrown into the blue Bethlehem Mine, horrible things happened.

The earth first bulged and then collapsed, and there were earth waves that oscillated for tens of kilometers. In the following hours, continuous cracks appeared on the ground, and highly poisonous gas was emitted from the cracks.

Sixty kilometers away, on the large Aegis floating spaceship, General Thors stared at the cracked ground below and the bursting radiation value on the screen, and remained silent.

His expression is full of guilt, and he draws the cross on his chest, which is an attempt to express an attitude of cutting off from Edenia's conservatives.

As for how to prevent the spread of Bethlehem's pollution in the New World at this time, the liberals will only express their apologies and will not take serious steps to solve it.


Even at this time, Tiberium pollution is accepted by the liberals by default.

The previously planned extraterritorial spread has increased development resources for Edenia. Still works! Because for business and private, "As long as I am not in the disaster area, as long as I move out of the disaster area with my property, then I am outside the disaster area." Edenia's Liberals are poised to jump back into the Europa League.

How can there be any anti-war in a group under the control of business and private interests? They all packaged "anti-war defeat" quietly.


According to Wei Keng's probability cloud prediction, this group of liberals in Edenia will verbally oppose all Bethlehem crystal mineral technology in the future. Focus on the Dashi area that has absolute control over the "Bethlehem Minerals".

Because of this, when they face the mistakes they made in the Indian continent in the future, they can find someone to condemn and gain a sense of atonement.


This may be the eternal malady of religious civilization. Only when one's own side obtains a correct moral high ground can it organize and mobilize. If there is no existing "correct" concept at the beginning, everything you do will be questioned. Because they are surrounded by people who are also influenced by monotheistic culture, they are good critics.

Bethlehem minerals are spreading unscrupulously on the other side of the Arctic Ocean, and a large group of politicians in Idenia are still talking about it. Occasionally, two "hardliners" will appear to defend the values ​​of the Western world to the death. (Actually controlling the leadership of those minorities and making them controllable.)

At present, due to cultural barriers, the strategic analysts in the Ziweiyuan base in Kunlun cannot understand the opponent's thinking mode with an extremely low limit. It seems that Edenya seems to be completely determined to fight to the end.


At 23:59 on August 3rd.

Tang Tianyou announced the start of the underground base at the leading part of the Ziweiyuan Mountain Range, on the platform of Concentric Concordance.

12 large rockets set off again, along with 9,834 ballistic missiles "rising wind".

Since then, ballistic missile launches have been in the northeast direction,

In the Honshu district of the four Izumo provinces, Bai Huanling was in the command hall of the sea-based fleet in the North Ocean, looking at the Wanxingzong launched from the plateau on the global map. He raised his glass to the sky and chanted "Grape Wine Luminous Glass".


This time the ballistic missile swarm attack, Edenya got a warning in advance. The air defense sirens of the entire Rocky Mountains sounded sharply, and all radar systems on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, as well as on land and in space, directly exposed and opened fire without any scruples, trying to intercept this wave.

This time the starry sky is extremely bright, and the largest actual combat confrontation of impact and counter-impact in the history of human beings in outer space has begun.

As they charged into the central states of Edenia, about six hundred ballistic missiles in space turned into molten light.

Of course, as all the large radars on the ground are burned through by the energy beams of the ballistic missiles, "falling from the sky" and "earning thousands of flowers from the ground" will be tit-for-tat.

Three space-based particle cannon systems were smashed into pieces in space.

Nearly 100,000 rounds of "Standard 9" anti-aircraft missiles fired by the military defense department on the west coast of Eden, as well as countless lasers, all turned into fireworks.

Shenzhou has worked hard for more than 20 years, and the truth that "space-based confrontation must have a space-based integrated platform" is definitely not the plot of Edenia's Hollywood movie. When facing a powerful and irresistible opponent, there is a protagonist who shoots The brain can handle it. (Of course, there is no lack of such a movie plot, so that Edenya really appeared at this time such a smart fool, and died faster in the end.)

In Hollywood-style movies, the heroes of the Yankees are facing powerful alien opponents. The super-technical intentional cover of the alien enemies does not exist in the mainstream application of technology in reality. It will not be used because of its fatal flaw.

The Tiangang system is not a doomsday technology developed by the scientific research department of China when it was dying. It is a mass-produced technology that has been improved after a lot of premise discussions, mid-term experiments, and later confrontation demonstrations.


In space, Wei Keng overlooked the curved earth. A layer of tulle above the atmosphere rubbed the lower half of other man-made flying objects into red.

In the surrounding outer space, the super weapons launched by Edenya flashed tens of kilometers away. These are two to three thousand tons of anti-aircraft "proton fusion bombs", the damage range is small, and it is impossible to have a guiding function. They are just barriers that are finally used to strengthen courage.


This night, the sky over the Rocky Mountains was brilliant. The electromagnetic pulse generated by the "proton fusion bomb" launched by Zhangzhou himself destroyed all of Edenya's own information defense systems.

Although this protects a small number of areas such as Luoshanji to a certain extent, the wave-riding group crossed the City of Angels and directly completed the erasure of other targets in the central and eastern parts of Edenia. "Fusion magnetoelectric pulse" has made everyone blind, and the standard dead friends will not die.

The twenty-seven local base headquarters in the depth of Eden Yaxi's oblique side were all penetrated into the deep layer and imploded. The extremely precise inertial guidance system completed the acupuncture point with the final eccentricity of no more than five meters. This Eden sub-central fortress target has a large number of laser anti-missile towers, system guards, and thick electromagnetic protection shields.

Three seconds before the fiery supersonic body in the "Tiangang Group" poured into the ground, the auxiliary warhead suppressed the lidar lock, and at the same time, the top-down high-energy suppression rays of the "Xihe" system burned through Edenia's shield,

The warhead submerged in the mountain finally detonated, causing an earthquake of hundreds of meters, which seemed to be weaker than any previous super weapon. But this is very effective in "clearing the blood bars" of various military targets in Edenia.

(At the end of the modern era, large-scale conventional precision-guided ballistic missiles replaced the first-generation strategic "nuclear" deterrence in this way!)

Fifteen Aegis cruisers cruising in the air, after being pierced by the seemingly faint starlight in the sky, fell towards the earth as if their souls had been sucked out.

The energy shields of the two presidential-class floating warships failed to have any effect. The missile pierced into the waist of the floating battleship with a "swish" from the small hole where the auxiliary warhead melted.

Seven lieutenant generals and one general in Edenia fell in this second wave of attack.

In addition to the military being hit, important power and financial centers were also destroyed.

In the city of Avalon in the middle of the Great Lakes, the most central room in the middle of the city known as the white square was filled with black smoke as the scourge fell.

The largest underground vault under New York's Wall Street Building was penetrated. Fragmented gold was strewn across the streets of the rich, along with fragments of toilet bowls.

After Wei Keng passed Manhattan Island in low-earth orbit, he unexpectedly sensed the huge fluctuation of spiritual energy below him, and then started the fluctuation of spiritual energy. Like the flicking tail seal", he gave the last Mai Tai to Jason who was in the process of "resurrecting and seizing the house".

In the sky above Manhadun, this psionic bulge with a diameter of five kilometers was slapped by Wei Kengtian with psionic energy. (It's like patting a fat belly.)

The future Jason, who was in a state of freak growth, climbed out of the repair pool, wrapped his left arm in the state of tentacles around the time machine that was the size of the trunk of a truck, and roared unwillingly: "Impossible, I, I have mastered it." future!"

Wei Keng aimed at the coordinates, and while guiding the penetrator, he shook his head and said: "No, the future belongs to human beings. The dynasties in the East, as well as your Western independent sects, should be swept into the garbage dump! Go against the trend of history. Okay, even if you want to go back and tamper with it through the space-time vortex, you won't be beaten too much."

After saying this, the scarlet warhead broke through the atmosphere, precisely ending the possibility of attempting to "resurrect" and go back in time.


August 4th at 0:45 am.

Wei Keng led the Shenzhou spacecraft that completed the star-piercing attack on Edenia, and passed harmlessly over the southern part of the non-continent.

Sun Yang got the news an hour earlier and chose to let it go.

The rising sun is also unable to intercept, and the divided empire is still unable to establish an integrated space defense network on the huge African land.

And Shengyang has much fewer large vehicles sailing over this continent than Edenia Aegis-class air battleships. These calculation guys in Shengyang don't want their floating fortress to be shot down. So the Shenzhou spear can only be worn once.


In the middle of the Gango River, in the lush lakeside forest, a building that was scrapped from the Snort Fortress of the God of the Rising Sun and turned into a space observation center, with a radar in the shape of a metal plate rotating in the middle trying to capture the "ambilight" above the sky .

Sheng Yang greeted the Shenzhou waverider flying across the sky with his unique respect and courtesy, saying "Mountains and rivers are different, wind and moon are in the same sky".

That's all. Large tractors are working in the fertile soil here, and the loudspeakers play the requirements of "be careful of schistosomiasis" and "put out garbage at designated places". What was once a samurai is now a farmer wearing crotch pants.

The rusty fortress fell to the ground, and hundreds of cloud trails streaked across the sky. In a different way, the warships of Azhou Heavy Industries colonize the alien world and are far away from the artistic conception of the main civilization.


On August 3, the second wave of air raids in Shenzhou killed 4,934 people in Edenia.

Such a number of casualties is insignificant in any major battle in the past. In the seven-year war, the casualties in any battle were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

In the wars that Edenya participated in over the past century, nearly two million iron canned soldiers died. Even in a large number of autonomous regions without government, the number of shooting deaths reached 30,000 in a quarter.

But only this time, 5,000 people died, but Edenia's "kindness" was suddenly touched, and he felt that the war was extremely cruel.

After Edenia was injured, he immediately sent out such news: "Using space to engage in combat is immoral."


For this kind of person to be cowardly, Shenzhou also understands. Continue to give a carefully worded notice.

This time, Edenia's bureaucratic system finally responded very efficiently: on the premise of not admitting their mistakes, they agreed to a truce in the Arctic Ocean. At the same time, I hope that other aspects of the world will come to listen.

Shenzhou Gonghe gave a response: "At present, we are willing to stop the conflict, but we reserve the right to prosecute Edenya's behavior of spreading Bethlehem crystals in the Arctic Circle and leaving a large number of polluted wrecks."

Shenzhou once again reiterated: "Bethlehem minerals must be properly regulated, and pollution in the United States and Canada needs to be effectively controlled." This time, substantive negotiations were obtained. No more religious barking.


On August 25, the Arctic Ocean War ended.

The environmental investigation team composed of Shenzhou-based, Dongzheng, Sunrise, and the European Union began to deal with the pollution of the Arctic Ocean.

The control of post-war pollution was funded by China to provide facilities and establish standards to restore the ecology.

Wei Keng: The history of Yanxia is very long. For Shenzhou, which has achieved victory and is now rich, it is necessary to do everything right now. As for the mistakes made in this war, they can be counted slowly in the next fifty years. This is the initiative left to future generations.

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