Out of the cage

Chapter 405 Chapter 12 End of the 28th Century

Chapter 405 Chapter 10.02 The end of the twenty-eighth century

In the summer of 2799, Wei Keng had adapted to this era.

As for why I didn’t have the intermission holiday of “familiarity with the era of the main world” during my time travel, the Space-Time Administration has given me all the investigation papers, and it’s the process of my two space-time supervisors’ rivalry over the past few hundred years. , something went wrong. (You can refer to the teachers in the graduating class, who take turns taking up time, and the connection is just right, and there is no extra-curricular time.)

And compared to most traversers who will deeply cultivate one main plane, Wei Keng's several tasks are all on the main plane, and large-scale consciousness mobilization is very cumbersome, and he has traveled many times, accumulating a large amount of time and space offsets that need to be corrected. Therefore, compared to the main world, the time is greatly extended.

The space-time system asked: whether to pursue responsibility. (The Master World Space-Time Management Bureau is already looking for trouble with Master Wei's cooperation team, and wants to fix some black material about Bai Linglu.)

Wei Keng finally chose no.

Wei Keng, who is already lying in his ancestral house, is skating powder (Sichuan drink), and he is starting to remake old movies and animations from a hundred years ago.

Compared with contemporary people who want to pass the time-traveling qualification certificate,

Master Wei expressed his incomprehension: the main world has been built so well these days, and he can lie down, walk, and then go to space to find a job. Isn't he good?


At this time, space has also entered a period of major construction, and the construction of the four Dyson rings on the sun has been completed.

Among the four rings, there are three sub-rings and one main ring.

The ring in the longitude region of East Asian civilization is codenamed Xihe.

The code name of the longitude region of North American civilization is Yaomian.

European civilization code name, Helios.

And a cooperating main ring, the Human Ring.

Currently, half of the fully adult human population is near Mercury.

Oh, the full adults here are all over the age of one hundred. The earth is currently the real cradle, and those who stay here are young people.

Master Wei, as a returnee who crossed planes, was only 22 years old when he left the earth, and he could still live on the earth for seventy years.


certainly. Master Wei thinks the life is very fragrant, but not everyone thinks it is very good.

For example, Qin Xiaohan also returned to the inspectors. After a year of self-cultivation, he has grown short hair that reaches the ears.

She waited for Master Wei in the Holy Land of Eden in Taiyangyang for a full year, but she never waited. Wei Keng paid attention to the social space that he opened exclusively to him.

On the castle, Qin Xiaohan, who was wearing a wedding dress alone, looked at the beautiful scenery here sadly: "So, are the getting along during time travel all virtual?"

Qin Xiaohan had finished her vacation in the Pacific Ocean, and she was going to continue her monitoring mission. This time, it was no longer with Wei Keng.


And Wei Keng, who was in the ancestral house in the Northwest Ecological Park, couldn't stay any longer! Seeing that this guy is so idle and doesn't look like he's doing business, the Master World Space-Time Administration won't give him a vacation.

At present, it has entered the stage of the third plane war. Any high-level traverser power must be mobilized. If they cannot be deployed on a key plane to prepare for battle, they must be sent to a certain development plane.

Well, Master Wei is on vacation, not getting married and making a man, and he was soon recruited by the main world during the war.


Before being recruited, Wei Keng received a communication from his family.

Wei Qixian, the nephew, also stayed in the main world for forty years after he became a transcendent. After knowing his uncle came back.

In the region of the gravity well in North America, a communication was made.

He sent Wei Keng a very serious message.

"What, blunt decline of consciousness?" Wei Keng asked inconceivably after receiving this message.

Wei Qixian: "Yes, uncle, the first batch of Shangqing-level traversers all encountered such a situation."

After a pause, Wei Keng asked, "Which plane is your father in now?"

Wei Qixian had a helpless expression: "Father didn't disclose any information, I don't have enough authority."

Wei Keng inquired with his own authority, saw the regulation specifically aimed at keeping his secrets secret, patted himself on the head, and sighed: "This is a strong ghost!"


After entering the 28th century, human beings have evolved in essence, but this evolution does not occur in body size, limbs, and digestive organs, but in the brain and a deeper quantum level.

Judging from the individual development of everyone in society, everyone's life course development has a higher upper limit.

The difference in the level of consciousness between people may reach the gap between mice and primates. Just like in ancient times, theoretically, the upper limit of everyone's wealth can be tens of billions, but in fact, the difference between people can be so great that it makes people desperate.

Under the contemporary storage technology of consciousness and thinking, human memory can be extended indefinitely in theory, but in fact human consciousness does not support the unlimited extension of human memory and thinking.

In the process of further extension, there will be a large amount of entropy increase. If you let the entropy increase and enrich, and let the consciousness remember everything, you will go crazy and go to extremes.

In fact, most obsessives selected from multidimensional planes have very serious problems in this area, and they will gradually become extreme in three to four missions. Then the Space-Time Administration had to give up on it.

As for the traversers called from the main world, although they may have lacked in ability progress in the early days.

But at the level of consciousness, the confusion of different planes and worldview switching can be corrected. In Buddhist language: It is not easy to "make a picture" (the monks often say: the donor, you have a picture).

The unburdened travelers in the main world seem a little careless and indifferent, but they are immortals in comparison to obsessives during the time travel. After hundreds of time travels and thousands of years of mission time superimposed, it can still remain normal.

However, most of the main world traversers still cannot say that they can extend the life of consciousness indefinitely.

As the number of crossings increases, reaching thousands of times. In memory, contradictions accumulate faster and faster, and self-forgetfulness, a protective mechanism in consciousness, is activated more and more frequently. Then it develops to the point where there is less and less emotional calmness in response to changes, and the consciousness becomes passivated.


Theoretically, consciousness has not sublimated in time and space, that is, it has not reached the king level. All ministers will face the catastrophe of this passivation.

Wei Qiang was a time traveler in the early stage of the First Plane War and the end of the pastoral era, and he has already faced this problem now.

It's not just him, among the large number of time travelers of the same generation as Wei Keng, in the past fifty years, their places have been sealed up from the time travel system one after another, and they no longer appear.

Because the accumulated memory is too large, the consciousness cannot find the core memory, just like a handful of salt sprinkled into a freshwater lake, it disperses and disappears. As a result, he directly withdrew from the traversal system, and underwent regeneration surgery in the main world to carry out a new life and continue in this world.

Wei Qiang's purpose in traveling is very clear. He just wants to be promoted to the king, and he doesn't bother to be an ordinary king.

And he never contacted Wei Keng from the beginning to the end. How to put it, Master Wei understands that this guy must be strong!

Wei Qixian took a look at the specific blockade on Wei Keng's information, and sighed loudly, as if he had given up.

Wei Qixian smiled at Wei Keng: "Uncle, maybe after dozens of missions, I will return to my hometown time zone and be a garrison."

Wei Keng was stunned. When a familiar person ended his journey, there was an inexplicable parting.

But Wei Keng didn't persuade him, because, judging from the insensitivity of consciousness found in the inquiry, forcibly staying in the time travel is really going to disappear.

Wei Qixian took a deep breath and said to Wei Keng: "Uncle, judging from the current situation in the plane, your path is correct."

Wei Keng: "..."

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