Out of the cage

Chapter 409 Chapter 16

Chapter 409 Chapter 10.06 Shanghai District Cold Flame

Jianye is arrogant. Because of this characteristic, the unified cutting area respects its special regional characteristics and maintains communication with it.

The method of respect: maintain a strong enough military force on one hand, so that the decision-making class in the Jianye area can understand it, and at the same time find some cooperation aspects to connect with this group of old antiques. Make them feel responsible, oh, mostly make them think they are important.

For example, in the southeast sea, some data on the ethnic group classification of Tianzhulong are given to Jianye every year. In the words of Wang Yongkang, head of the foreign affairs department of the unified logging area: "Strengthen cooperation and work together for the development of mankind."

For the unified cutting area, as long as Jianye is not in trouble, it is always beneficial.

The entire lower reaches of the Yangtze River are densely populated. It is worth working hard in the unified cutting area to absorb new forces through docking.

Now there is a shortage of people in the unified logging area. The restoration of various production projects and the stability of the reconstruction of various areas require population. Only when the population is restored to 5 million can it be regarded as stabilizing the territory of civilization in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

In Wei Keng's strategic report: "People really cannot die on a large scale. In the process of docking with the east, I would rather be slower and more patient than let Jianye and the city-states of the Five Colors Alliance have destructive wars."

Wei Keng: "The robber has a hostage, so you have to be polite to him."


In Jianye City, the conference hall in the Zifeng Building is the place where many Jianye trainer representatives hold a "combat meeting"

Jiang Guou, a master trainer, pointed to the beach on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and said, "This is the fifteenth and seventeenth tribes of Tianzhulong."

On the slide screen, these creatures have multiple sets of bony plates, and the bony plates on the back sandwich some bony tubes like gun barrels, and these tubes have reinforcing ribs like bamboo.

This is the cannon beast that has been evolved under the command of Tianzhulong in recent years for the purpose of fighting humans. The methane flow output in the bone duct is mixed with the outside air to produce a cascade detonation effect, blasting out the creatures in the shell state.

This snail shell is not a parasite, but an internal organ.

This gene comes from sea cucumbers among echinoderms. The gene of echinoderms has evolved for more than one billion years, that is, to vomit internal organs and disgust others. As for Tianzhulong, it belongs to the echinoderm community.

Of course, the sea cucumber is to disgust the enemy. The Tianshulong species is mixed with specialized genes to evolve specialized organs, which is not just disgusting to others.

And the original bacteria in this organ will immediately produce hyperplastic infection after injuring the target individual. Under the energy supply of Pandora field, this kind of infection can be the toxin of muscle-dissolving bacteria, or it can be the toxin with extremely strong damage to the nervous system.

In the southeast direction, 30% of the mechanical beast's damage rate came from this kind of attack. Although the mechanical beast is equipped with gunpowder weapons, as long as the armored skin gets a little bit contaminated, it will quickly rot into an unstoppable state.

There is currently no specific antidote, and the current life frequency band of blood bag technology is only connected to human beings.

There is no research and development of medical frequency bands for heterogeneous organisms in the unified logging area-it is impossible to develop technology at present, because there are too many species of mechanical beasts, and the experimental force is not enough. The production capacity cannot be equipped with a single type of mechanical beast.


The slideshow continued to the next category, and a facehugger-like jumping spider appeared on the picture.

This is the second type of organism that caused 23% of mechanical beast casualties.


The information given to Jianye by the unified cutting area is quite complete.

The military officers in Jianye smoked cigarettes at the venue, puffing and puffing as they watched the invasion of these strange species from the southeast. It seems to be discussing, but in fact it is more like a spectator in the stands of the arena.

This atmosphere seems to be the same as in American movies, when responding to a crisis, they behaved "not surprised". Textbooks are too boring, but movies can pass on culture for hundreds of years.


As long as Jianye is willing to send troops to deal with it, the commanding area is willing to provide resources.

It is precisely because of the "request" attitude of the unified cutting area that these senior trainers in Jianye have a feeling that they are the protagonists.

After the heavy curtains were drawn, the light was very dark, and the light of the slides illuminated the faces of the trainers present.

"Who are we going to send to solve the problem?"

During the discussion in the lobby of Jianye, all the master trainers put on airs.

As "key figures", they did not take the initiative to challenge this. Even if it's just a small contribution, it needs to be a game within Jianye. This involves seniority ranking.

The cooperation provided by the unified cutting area has already allowed the trainers to not have to worry about most of the problems, such as logistics supplies, and personal life medical treatment. If it is within the unified logging area, it is individual personnel who stand up and take risks on their own initiative to strive for "advanced nature".

But here in Jianye, this debate is quite hypocritical.

It's like: In the period of economic prosperity in modern times, a group of third-tier stars were arguing endlessly about the order of the red carpet.

The overly polite treatment of actors during the economic prosperity will make them have unreal introductions. The courteous treatment given to Jian Ye by the commanding area also created the situation of the trainers in Jian Ye.


In fact, the cleaning of the coastal biome in the southeast does not require the participation of the protagonists of Jianye.

On July 23, comrades in the southeast of the former ruins group in Puhai and the unified logging area, the Yishui organization has established an action branch here.

In the building that used to be a school cafeteria, a red five-pointed star hangs high.

Soldiers in exoskeleton-style armor stand guard at the gate. In the hall, the rostrum has been set up, and all personnel are discussing the current situation.

The Yishui organization has grown very fast in the past two years. As the front line of the struggle, the number has reached 30,000. At present, as an advanced force in the southeast, it has begun to reconstruct the "grassroots civilization structure" proposed by the unified logging area, which is strategically connected with Hengyang.

The unified cutting area gave Jianye a cooperation plan, and also gave Yishui a similar strategic task.

According to the implementation situation, Yishui discussed the needed ammunition supplies, blood bag medical technology, and transportation vehicles with the contacts in the unified logging area.

The materials that the unified cutting area gave to Jianye were only aid, probably in the amount of a few ships. ——As for the materials for Yishui, it has increased from 3,000 tons to 40,000 tons in the past two years.

The unified logging area was not bothered by Yishui's demands.

This is because the system of Yishui is connected with the unified logging area.

The system of the unified logging area is that every material use corresponds to the work list and the person in charge.

After the task is completed, there are reports and feedback on the execution status of the task, and it can be investigated.

In short, after the unified logging area provided supplies to Yishui, thousands of people in charge could be found and accurate information could be returned.

This is much more effective than the so-called personality guarantee of the old compradors of the city-state.

[Historically, Western technology has been introduced since the end of the Qing Dynasty, but the industrial output has never been comparable to that of the great powers. The reasons for this are all recorded in history textbooks. However, the city-state rulers headed by Jian Ye broke away from the grassroots generation after generation, and did not read these textbooks, and turned into a feudal society in which online literature in the 21st century centered on individuals and relied on bloodlines. 】


Chu Cang, the person in charge of Yishui, opened up the map and said: "In the east, our side (the unified cutting area) has guarded the meeting points of the northern and southern communities of Tianzhulong through strongholds, life broadcasting towers, and the competition of attached standard species. Now on the entire southeast third step, the commotion in the community is because they are afraid and struggling to death.

Instead of being intimidated by them, we should rejoice that now is the time to give them the final blow. "

In the hall, there was applause.

Afterwards, the public appointment of relevant personnel began! - This is transparent.

In terms of the distribution of personnel responsibilities, unlike Jianye, the upper-level group secretly decided. If there is a problem in the field of work that the appointed person is responsible for, they can all be held accountable.

After the general meeting, the newly appointed personnel of these departments will stay and start assigning tasks. — This is confidentiality.

The tasks performed are only taken by them, and if there are leaks and dissemination, they are all looking for these people.

Compared with the old power-crawling forces in the city-state, this place is full of "ambitious" young people.


In the second half of July, when Jianye was still slowly arguing.

The entire Yishui organization, which is strict from top to bottom, and united in action, has begun to deal with the issue of the Tianshilong community.

On the coastline of Songhu, in the port of Yishui, the 037s that have just been painted with bristle brushes are escorting the arrival of the landing ship with their gun barrels high.

A group of four-legged centaur mecha vehicles with steel hooves. Quickly arrived at the former ruins.

These colonial armors that can carry 20mm rapid-fire cannons and move on uneven terrain, the chassis was designed and finalized by Pandora in 155 years, and mass-produced in the arsenal in Hengyang area in 159, so it is code-named 59 mechas.

[Wei Keng: "This is a coincidence in time. It's too coincidental, so it's named like this. This period of time happened to be in the stage of technological blowout, um, so even if there is a new model of aircraft, it will be named 59.\

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