Out of the cage

Chapter 417 Chapter 10.14 Northward

162 years. As Hanzhong in the central and western regions was recovered by the unified logging area, another force is advancing furiously in the Bohai Bay area.

This is the Weikeng cluster after landing in Bincheng.

Perhaps Wei Keng did not expect that a year later, the will of the people in the unified logging area would be overwhelming, the rapid development of Yishui, and the enthusiastic participation of young people in the north would make the cleaning of the Huanghuai Plain so smooth.

So ah, now a lot of progress must be advanced.

At present, Wei Keng must prevent the possibility of the whale sea community in the northernmost part of Tianzhulong going southward. After landing in Binbo, he will quickly advance towards the Liaoshui Plain and the Songnen River System further north, to establish an ecological circle belonging to humans, and strategically cut off the It is possible that the dragon in the north may go south.

Now, after breaking away from the constraints and supervision of the main civilization, the Weikeng Group seems to have returned to the way it was when it first came to this world. It only needs to manage its own unity, and it can sweep away without any scruples.

Wei Keng in the chemical factory in Bincheng watched as the latest herbicide was produced. One by one, the labels code-named "shit and urine" were affixed to the taupe bottles of the herbicide, and of course there were three lifelike icons of big cockroaches turning over and dying. The fine hairs on the long legs of the cockroach are clearly drawn. Just to be disgusting.

This production line was also supported by the Destiny Plane. This thing will be discontinued ten years later on that plane, why? It is poisonous to the human body, and it was abruptly discontinued by some desperate people.

By the way, why would anyone drink this thing? It is brown in color, just like industrial waste water, and it has a pungent smell. And the toxicity is slow, as long as the gastric lavage can be revived in time.

In fact, this thing is really not a good thing for suicide. Drinking it will make you feel nothing for the time being, but it will cause necrosis of the alveoli when the nervous system and brain are awake, and finally suffocate alive.

Wei Keng's personal analysis: The name of this thing is too awesome.

It just fits the mentality of a guy who wants to commit suicide and wants to play tricks.

A person, if he can't think about it, he will use self-harm to win the last attention.

He couldn't even think about it, so he wouldn't think about such complicated issues as "the damage of the medicine to the body is slow", "the death is miserable", "the best rescue stage, and if you miss it, you will have endless regrets". (Wei Keng: This is the consequence of not considering the thinking of idiots. I can only be straightforward with idiots, and add a disgusting cockroach icon)

Coincidentally, the end of the 20th century was an era of the rise of martial arts novels and romance novels.

Not to mention martial arts, the villains in it will use the most powerful poisons, such as "Qian Juesan" and "Wan Venom" are all powerful poisons that coax and kill countless people, and they are also the antidote that the protagonists can get at critical moments This "baicao" or "dry" thing sounds like a terrific thing, and it just fits the first choice that the suicide can think of on the spur of the moment.

What is even worse is that literary works mistakenly induce values, romantic dramas, beauties, and protagonists are either exceptions, or the poignant beauty that has disappeared, or they have taken an antidote comparable to reducing agents. There is no objective record that even after taking the poison, even after being rescued, the whole body will be swollen, the appearance will plummet, the immune system will be over, and the mouth will salivate.

Wei Keng said with emotion: For example, what the hell is Joan thinking about Gege, and the concubine Xiang is bored with Hedinghong's mindless plot, so that rural women with insufficient education (maybe still young girls back then), and children who did not get well in school, There is imitationism!

So, Master Wei resolutely dropped the name "Martial Arts Romance Style".

In this plane, Wei Keng took over the production line and renamed it "shit urine dark" after mass production. There is also a slogan under the highly toxic label, which makes the world feel inexplicable in the Pandora plane-"Eat shit and commit suicide, and the stigma will last forever!"

Sometimes the result of a thing is especially affected by the first impression.

So in the plane of Pandora, people's first impression of "shit and urine" is that after eating, the whole body will stink, and even the burial will smell like a street. This false impression is because - no one actually drinks this stuff.


Of course, Wei Keng's method is destined to be impossible to promote in the Jue Ming plane.

At that time, the product had just entered the brand stage, and a resounding name was very important.

Under the trend that you can better attract the market by packing a foreign name such as "Ipulus" and "San Diego", you will not be able to sell it if you actively lower the grade of your name.

A series of skin care products such as "Dabao" are also at this stage, being replaced by more expensive products, but the cost is not necessarily more expensive, but they claim to be more expensive.

[The so-called natural and precious plant and animal extracts are actually sold to Chinese people through chemical synthesis. If you expect the efficacy of plants, it is better to paste cucumbers. 】

Foreign products are tall, that is the fact that they were criticized in the 1920s.

What milk powder is "foreign experts, specially customized for Chinese babies". Why are foreign businessmen really so kind-hearted, they will think highly of your children when your internal market is not supervised?

And, foreign high-end ice cream finally reported the use of cocoa butter substitute and milk powder.

Decades later, the anger of the Chinese people shows how ruthless the IQ tax was in those days!

Because the intelligentsia at that time was dazzled by foreign advanced technology and could not make correct guidance.

Of course, scholars at that time did not establish a sense of precaution and led the whole country into a pit. This is a historical responsibility.


As for the plane of Pandora. Wei Keng: Now I am the most "intellectual class", and in the entire unified area, I am leading the trend. And now as long as I stay grounded. All the vibes are irrelevant.

Master Wei's requirements for industrial products are "practical", "yield", "cheap", and "functions can be replaced in a variety of ways."

In 162, under the joint operation of 59 centaur mechs with buckets and bulldozing blades, eight airports were built, and then a large aluminum alloy plane tried to take off on this concrete runway.

These large aluminum alloy aircraft are the largest aircraft currently manufactured in the unified cutting area, and the overall level has reached the level of the B-17 at the end of World War II. Oh, this body is also the tool used by Meizai to grill over the sun.

All the parts of these planes are produced by Wei Keng, and the craftsmanship that Wei Keng is responsible for in the Pandora plane is basically twenty years beyond the current level of technology. In the absence of CNC lathes, the manual quality control of the Weikeng Group is excellent.

The good product rate of the engine is more than 90%.

Such a bomber is used to drop life radiation of the chemical formula of "shit and urine".

At the tail of the body will hang a line, and then a cone will be dropped. When it falls to a height of 300 meters, the wire is ignited, and the chemical formulas in the cone will be completely decomposed within one ten-thousandth of a second. The emitted carbon-based radiation will sweep within a radius of one kilometer below.

Of course, in this process, the ground reflection pollution above the aircraft is minimal. I'm afraid that even one part in a million won't affect the organic life in the body.

However, in order to strictly prevent danger, during the delivery process, the bio-cabin will still carry out bio-alkaline radiation defense to provide complete protection for the driver.

Things like "shit and urine" are only active in acidic environments, and they will quickly passivate when they encounter alkaline substances in the soil. This kind of environmentally friendly thing, as long as it is not exposed to the environment of stomach acid, will degrade quickly.

Now in the colony cockpit, after the button is pressed and the green light flashes, it will be under slightly alkaline radiation protection for 0.1 second.

Ever since, there was a flash of dead waves below the plane, and the world was peaceful.


From July to August in 162, the Liaoshui River and the Nen River flooded the plains, which was the most "killing" period in the ecological world.

But as the "Deathwing" flew in the sky.

In the ruined area of ​​​​a large city, the roots of plants are withered. The living organisms in the soil and groundwater have also been severely damaged and their activity has weakened.

Ten hours later, Wei Keng's team, which was ambushing at the side, quickly entered and set up the "ion torch" for a week's long-term disinfecting. Under the continuous scorching of this ion torch, these creatures that survived the first wave of ecological extinction will also be exterminated.

Because the effect of "shit and urine" is too good, in October, Wei Keng expanded its production capacity to 100 tons per month in the Liaohe area.

Start mass spreading near railways and traffic lines, this will also check the growth of the plants.

Groups of biochemical emission towers, single-planned and neat farmland, are tiled on the ground. In the forests between farmlands, the fourth generation of big radishes and giant trees are also taking root on the riverside land.

Three kinds of birds that acquiesce in the human frequency band, code-named Bi Diao, Sparrow, and King Yan. As well as eight kinds of insect-type creatures and three kinds of fish creatures, they were appointed by Wei Keng in the ecological circle of the Northeast Sub-Plain.


In October 162, the old ruins of the city were swept away. Before Wei Keng nodded, there was no grass growing here! Before it was burned, there were many bones here.

The cadres in the unified cutting area began to carry out the work of bringing back the residents of the Heiqiujiang area-this work Wei Keng could not do. Still have to hire someone to do it.

According to the data, after the Great Destruction, the residents of the Third East District had to retreat to a higher latitude, that is, the area north of the Heiqiu River, in order to avoid the very strong genetic radiation in the traditional agricultural area.

Of course, Wei Keng's arrival during this time may have been known to them. Mr. Wei's plane has arrived in the north many times, and it has been determined that these cities have traces of heating. Of course, hovering in the air cannot make contact with the ground. There were even signs of ground fire. That is, some firearms shoot into the air.

It is very intriguing to see the signs of human civilization but show hostility.

Master Wei has the information provided by the system and knows why.


At the mouth of the Heiqiu River, there are sixteen Type 037 warships, which are the maritime military force of the commanding army entering the Jinghai area. But this force is not the only sea power in the Northeast.

When the fleet passed through the Tsushima Strait, the observers on the ship faintly found signs of ship activity in the sea fog in the East Ying area.

It's just that these sea ships of unknown forces quickly evacuated after seeing the fleet composed of sixteen warships.

According to the intelligence of the unified logging area, there is still no clear understanding of the situation in the Northeast Sub-Islands.

For such a situation, the results of the analysis of the unified logging area: "There may be some human pre-war forces remaining in the Northeast Sub-Islands - but there should be no restoration of industrial production capacity, only the maintenance of marine equipment, otherwise the East China Sea line There will definitely be contact.”

Of course, even if the opponent has the strength to launch large ships of several thousand tons before the war, the fleet in the commanding area can still fight.

Now there is also an "undercurrent" in the unified logging area underwater.

In 157, the unified logging area manufactured a new type of submarine, which was driven by the electric energy generated by the decomposition of nitrifying plastics by nitrifying bacteria. Like annelids such as pippi shrimp, there are seven links, each of which is about two hundred tons of water tanks. The total underwater displacement is 1,400 tons.

Except for the metal shell, everything inside is biological tissue. This belongs to the mechanical beast, and the people on the 037 submarine hunter control it remotely through the helmet.

This equipment is even easier to build than a submarine hunter. Because, it only needs to weld the iron shell, or even directly ceramic tiles. As for biological tissues and the like, just stuff them in.

It can even transport troops, and the internal cabin can curl up a dormant battle cat, and then deliver it when it arrives at the location.

Now under the waves, punk-like mechanical giant shrimps are sailing together with 037 propellers.

The characteristics of the Pandora plane, due to the low threshold of biological equipment technology, unmanned equipment is easy to build, the difficulty lies in the human platform.

Without manned warships, no amount of unmanned equipment is useless.

Ji Hechenhao and Song Zhengyu are the captains of No. 4 and No. 3 ships. These two are traversers from the main world.

During the journey to the north, the communication never stopped.

"Report, the waves in the eastern sea area are three meters high, the underwater terrain is underwater, and there are large schools of fish appearing on the west side."

"Received, No. 3, sideboard, the water wave is too high, and there is water on the deck."


This series of conversations is full of momentum. These are just two 370-ton warships. If others didn't know, they would think they were driving a 3.7 million-ton space battleship.

The two of them were born on the ship during the journey between Io and Mars in the main world. Before they were three years old, they grew up in the same cabin.

When exploring a different plane, there are no other requirements, just to enter the plane together.

After seeing the information of the two of them, Master Wei couldn't help thinking why his brother and himself didn't kiss each other? So I compiled them into a timeline task and brought them to the Pandora plane.

The entire Pandora plane just suits their taste. ——After a wave of ecological baptism, the earth at this time is as magical as an alien planet.

And at this time on the rough ocean, these two live treasures were also very excited.


Master Wei turned on the system: "Give me some peace, you two, and I'll explain the situation in the north to you."

Ji Hechenhao, Song Zhengyu: "Yes, Commander."

Wei Keng paused, and decided not to dampen their enthusiasm.

Wei Keng: "So far, we have explored only a part of the earth's region. Compared with the whole world, the environment of Dongya is special. The city-state environment and mechanical beast culture have developed independently here after the Great Destruction.

In other regions, cultural customs are different. Especially in the north, the choice of human beings is to avoid the ecologically prosperous areas, and to stay on the edge of the cold again, relying on the advantage of constant temperature to maintain the continuation of the human race.

The organic matter in the frigid zone is limited, so there will be no mechanical beasts, and even the siege of human city-states by the thriving groups that we always encounter in the south will probably not exist. "

Wei Keng stared at the two of them, and said solemnly: "After you enter this area, you will find that you have no opponents in terms of mechanical war beasts or industrial technology. But - please note that in order to survive in an area, you have no opponents. Definitely develop unique threats. When you think you're invincible, you can lose big."

Ji Hechenhao: "What is the specific threat to the northern area?"

Wei Keng said in a low voice: "The cold, and people who are more adapted to the cold than us. And - it looks like a human, but it is very likely that there will be a physiological difference between the human group. (Wei Keng is very careful in his words, never Say the word "subhuman".)

The phenomenon of heterogeneous evolution within the human race has already appeared in the sub-northeast and on the islands in the sea.

Your mission is the humans in the Northeast, and if there is any landing on the Northeast Islands, please let me know. "

Song Zhengyu: "Commander, the Wei Keng group you are in should not be afraid of any humanoids when they go out to fight."

Wei Keng looked at this guy and said, "Do your job well."

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