Out of the cage

Chapter 419 Chapter 10.16 Waiting for the determined Wei Keng

At this time on the plane of Pandora, the number of Wei Keng is very large, a total of 460,000 individuals.

According to the current population ratio of the unified logging area, there is one Wei Keng in eight people. But in fact, in recent years, the proportion of Wei Keng seems to have gradually declined in various parts of the unified logging area.

After 158 years, with the macro-adjustment of the unified cutting area, the technical guidance in various factories, the grassroots non-commissioned officers of the military, and the planning and management of the city, Wei Keng was quickly transferred one by one. These positions were left for the newcomers to grow, grasp.

The only places where Wei Keng can be seen often are schools and research institutes, which require high professionalism. Oh, in the cafeteria here, there is often Wei Keng in the cooking post.


In the unified logging area, the number of Wei Keng has actually increased, but the number of ordinary residents seems to have decreased. It is the same reason that the national income in modern times seems to be increasing, but everyone feels that it is decreasing.

Uneven distribution.

The unified logging area now has a large area and a large space, and there are many places where a large number of Wei Keng can be concentrated.

In Jingzhou, there are almost 180,000 Wei Keng here. Except for the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Scientific Research, a small number of people will come here. Most of the people in the unified logging area do not have contact with this place.

As a field with so many "guardian" contents, the applied science being implemented is also a "super-vanguard" future exploration.

It’s just that compared with Jianye, the project here discloses most of the paper data to all related 60 scientific research departments and hundreds of units in the unified logging area.

The current leadership team in the unified cutting area knows what Wei Keng is doing here, and has also opened up a lot of support to Jingzhou.


What is going on here is the "Super Consciousness Carrier" project, referred to as "Super Body"

Now the unified logging area has used "ion torches" in the recovery operations of various cities to create a super-oxidative environment, causing large swathes of ecology within the area to wither.

Such a blow is like the crepe area occupied by anaerobic organisms in the Archaean period was exposed to the oxidizing atmosphere one day, and suddenly died out.

Excess oxygen is poisonous to species that cannot tolerate it. But once life adapted to oxygen, there was a transformation.

The Peat Period was the period when sea scorpions and nautiluses fell, but at the same time it was the period when vertebrates were in charge.

The swimming revolution set off by vertebrates has eliminated the dregs who followed the exoskeleton mecha route in terms of strength, speed, and agility.

Master Wei's research idea is like this, if human cells can adapt to the strong oxidation of the 'ion torch', and get a strong reducing energy supply. Note: The life radiation emitted in most biogas digesters is a strong reducing fluctuation. So is it possible to think about the opponent's daily amount in one second!

With the help of the current equipment, the classic case is the confrontation between Wang Xiaolong and Qiu Mengfei. The life radiation confrontation only lasted five minutes, but the carbon-based bodies of both sides reached their limit. But what if the level of life energy is completely raised to a higher level?

In the empty twisting plane, Wei Keng understood a truth. In the same mode of involution, his middle-man posture can only be rolled to the middle, and only a breakthrough across the ages can eliminate those "big mountains".

The idea of ​​evolving towards "higher energy" flickered when Wei Keng let Su Lingshuang go. When exactly did it flicker—it was different on each timeline, and the monitoring system directly failed at that time.

When Su Lingshuang explained the apostle, he claimed that the apostle occupied all the traditional carbon-based circulation circles, and the bulk of various organic matter types, which produced the resonance of the frequency band of the corresponding elements.

In short, the apostles occupy all the "sub-mines" of the organic cycle.

The rise of Master Wei has brought about a new change in the circulation system of organic matter in the world, and it is bound to compete with the apostles for the control of the frequency band of organic matter. It will also snatch large areas of land.

At this time, Wei Keng thought: "Is it necessary to occupy all the carbon-based biosphere, and all the ecology of the earth's surface area under the plate, to kill this apostle? This is too troublesome."

Wei Keng: "Like a bug grabbing territory, hey, it feels too troublesome. I revolutionized the efficiency of my organic matter application, and the efficiency is dozens or hundreds of times that of the old biome. Qualitative changes can suppress quantitative changes. Then even if It only occupies one-hundred-thousandth of the star catalog! It’s not enough to choose one of you (the apostle) as a dish.”


The scientific research of "Superoxidation Life Breathing" started in 158 years.

In the first cycle of the study, about the first five months or so, it was about doubling the oxidation with the ion torch, and at the same time increasing the reduction five-fold. Although this design can indeed improve the ability of information processing and output, it made Wei Keng aware of the limitations of the human brain structure.

The take-off of the vertebrate brain is based on the central axis symmetry, which ensures the oxygen supply of the whole body and the most effective nerve layout.

To design a more efficient brain, central symmetry must be adopted.

Probably in the second half of 161, the most elementary carbon-based supercomputing structure was designed.

Therefore, the structure of this big gem is erected on the base, and the reducing radiation towers are symmetrically distributed around it, and an iron tower is erected directly above the structure. The oxy-reflective surface of the tower focuses the zinc oxide of the ion torch on the carbon-based structure of the "big jewel".

Compared with those scenes where the city is burned by the cold flames, the organic life is weakened.

What this big gemstone structure exudes is the pulse of life like breathing. The surrounding air emits colorful optical refractions that undulate like water waves. (All this seems to be back to the scene where the Pandora field came in the early days, and the optics and electromagnetism were refracted))

When a large number of carbon-based frequency bands are sent to expand, all the surrounding trees collapse at once (polysaccharide fibers are instantly hydrolyzed). The energy of organic matter is evacuated. The sugar bowls distributed in the surrounding glass cylinders, in these containers with a diameter of 30 to 40 meters, the syrup is tumbling and bubbling with carbon dioxide.

A few minutes later, the central carbon-based computing system stabilized, and this existence designed as a "super brain" was now shining with white light, shining like a torch.

On the observation platform aside, Luo Hongxing asked Wei Keng, "It's done?"

Wei Keng didn't answer directly: "Currently, it can only transmit some fixed thinking, but it can't be coherent. It's like flashing and flashing."

At this time, Wei Keng is docking with this memory carrier, which is a very strange feeling: when thinking about the input of fixed thinking——

For example, mathematical memory, the schematic diagram of adding countless small chess pieces representing quantity, is Wei Keng's unique mathematical thinking.

This screen concept, which takes two to three minutes to complete, can be constructed in an instant. However, it takes half an hour to switch to the process of switching to color stitching pixel composition.

Entering the state, the brain power is like lightning, but it is difficult to enter the state.

It's like doing an exam paper. If you can do it, you can do it in no time. If you can't do it, you get stuck for a long time.

This is because this thinking is still not coherent, so according to Wei Keng's self-assessment: the current device is just an experimental device.


Luo Hongxing looked at the information explained by Wei Keng and recorded it silently.

Wei Keng was a little strange, as if he suddenly thought of something, he asked, "Do you still keep the other timelines of the world?"

Luo Hongxing paused slightly, then nodded.

Wei Keng was stunned: "Oh, no wonder you are recording my things now..." But then Wei Keng thought about it again, the other Pandora timelines flow very fast, and some technologies should be higher than his own now! Then he turned his doubts to Luo Hongxing again.

Luo Hongxing stared at Wei Keng: "There is no projection of you on other timelines, so it's very difficult."

Luo Hongxing's recording hands trembled a little, because Wei Keng's successful push now made him excited. It made him rekindle hope for some time and space that he had given up on.


For example, Luo Hongxing now recalls the timelines based on Wei Keng's early Pandora time travel.

On those timelines, even though human civilization was restored at the beginning, human beings finally reached the end of production after a thousand years of resurgence.

On those timelines, dozens of human families on the earth have monopolized the genetic data of human beings and their ecology.

Once the final production is completed, these timelines are finally completely destroyed in the subsequent thousands of years of war. So far, in the records of the Space-Time Administration, only a very small number of timelines of human civilization still exist in the observation of the main world.

Luo Hongxing hopes that the current steps of the "Original Human" (Wei Keng) can give those human beings in the doomsday timeline the enlightenment to come out of the light again.

What Wei Keng is studying now, the "ionized respiration" of human carbon-based high-energy, has actually been found and applied in other timelines thousands of years later.

It's just a "phenomenon" that opened up understanding with "technology" in the early civilization era, and it was "applied" during the period of racial decline, which are two different things.

It was also Wei Keng who opened up some weak historical lines at the beginning of the human emperor's historical line. The "application" of human beings at the end of the race was the path that led human beings directly to the interstellar swarm.

On other historical lines where Luo Hongxing is located, several future human families have evolved worm-level super-oxidized organic fleets.

However, the few human beings cultivated in these final family forces, the carbon-based will in the Pandora field is not brilliant enough, and under the evolution of superoxidizing their own cells, they will be trapped in various piles, difficult to survive, and not firm enough to be themselves." consciousness". In the end, it will merge with these organic fleets and become a real star sea bug swarm.

In the end, these families embarked on the path of devouring the "organic matter" of the planets.

There is no physical quantity to directly judge the strength of something like "consciousness", and even humans cannot directly perceive it. But what is certain is that “consciousness” exists, which determines the scale of “ordered information” in space and time. That is, "civilization, wisdom" effective trial and error, accumulation of complex information.

Some people say that if 100 million monkeys keep tapping on the keyboard, it is possible to type out a complete book of Shakespeare. But in fact, most monkeys will only hit a single button, because it takes a lot more effort to tap a button with diverse information than to tap a button.

So that is, the threshold of "how to tap different combinations of buttons" is difficult to break through. Not to mention that monkeys can type out Shakespeare, it is very difficult to type out a paragraph of one hundred ordered letters.

The lack of awareness of "effective trial and error" in this group of monkeys cannot be compensated by macroscopic numbers.


On the plane of Pandora, those downstream history lines lacking Wei Keng, those historical madmen who claim to be extraordinary, are actually mortals.

These lunatics only mastered the earth's carbon-based network after taking control of a large number of inherited technological creations, but these superficial descendants of the earth have not experienced Wei Keng's kind of starting from the beginning, constantly innovating, constantly exploring the unknown, and summing up right and wrong. process.

They docked their consciousness in the high-energy organic matter, and unknowingly bypassed a large number of "too difficult" project journeys during each step forward.

In other words, have they experienced real setbacks? Have they ever felt the feeling of some individuals conveying their last hope to others after facing despair?

Wei Keng has this feeling, and when dealing with setbacks, he will clearly feel that he is in the process of moving forward, but will eventually explore the whole picture! ——This is the indescribable feeling brought about by strong consciousness.


On the many timelines that Luo Hongxing saw, the high-carbon-based organic organisms that the last descendants of human beings can complete are all "bugs" in the end.

These "insects of high-energy carbon-based organic matter" are very powerful and can become the core of insect swarms, but they cannot fully carry the "humanity" left by human development.

When the last human being was alone in the universe, he chose to integrate his consciousness into such a carbon-based creation, but he could not integrate his complex emotions as a human into it, and finally became a swarm of insects in the star sea.


Luo Hongxing originally thought that when human beings came into contact with the physical rules of Pandora's field, this might be the end of civilization's peak. But when he saw that Wei Keng, at least fifteen centuries ahead, began to explore the carbon-based high-energy state, he was stunned.

What made him even more stunned was that the scale of Wei Keng's trial and error was different. When you come up, you will directly challenge the most complex protein molecule to make and fold.

There are hundreds of thousands of proteins in the human body. Such quantities represent human complexity.

The other historical lines of Pandora observed by Luo Hongxing, any time line, the end of human civilization is the screening of possible proteins.

Because the protein is too complex, it is the most difficult to maintain stability under superoxidation. The difficulties we face are too difficult, so we have to give up part of them. Therefore, it is also a "highly oxidized life", which abandons the complex structure and pursues "easy to replicate" and "easy to recover", and becomes a swarm system.

And what Wei Keng is starting with now? All the proteins in the human body are being tackled, and the human body cannot produce them on their own, but those that are used as medicines in the human body are also being tackled. (Master Wei: How those proteins that do not exist in the body respond to activities, this is to leave room for the future.)

Now the system can determine Wei Keng's timeline, a total of more than 6,000.

On average, more than 100,000 Wei Keng on each timeline are doing complex thinking in a state of parallel thinking. According to the reliable records of the system, Wei Keng is still conducting complicated exchanges on various timelines.


Luo Hongxing, who is also a king, realized what it was!

Those civilization remnants on other historical lines may not be able to do it, but Wei Keng's great consciousness, which has been highly integrated with this plane, is different.

The amount of information a worm can erode in a rock can never be compared to what a human can carve.

The same accumulation of scientific and technological knowledge, the same equipment, the same thinking and understanding. It seems to define the standard of civilization, but it cannot define the prosperity and decline of civilization.

Human beings in the Pandora era are the most sunny era. And the human civilization at the end of Luo Hongxing's history is very old, unable to invest patiently and devote energy for a long time.

The "king" level consciousness is a god of a plane phenomenon.

Even in the short term, this seems to be the simplest form in action bit by bit. What it does is a miracle walk that other "weak people" cannot complete.


Master Wei doesn't know how Luo Hongxing evaluates himself now.

Master Wei's current research was initially just to create "the spiritual power of this plane". But this technology, the more research it has, the more different it is from the original purpose.

Wei Keng stared at this "ionized breathing" life device, and murmured: "Even if all the data on the changes of proteins under strong oxidation are collected, there is still a lack of information on the 'coordinated operation of life as a whole' in order to obtain coherent information." Thinking ability, so that one's own consciousness enters the restricted area.

And the high-energy life body wants to obtain the "information about the overall operation", this is to create a human starry sky form? "

Master Wei frowned. The price to be paid for this technological development has been expected.

I was in a daze for seven or eight minutes.

After taking a deep breath.

Wei Keng discovered the "target" that he could see without knowing it, and felt that this was a great mission from heaven, so he couldn't help laughing at himself: "A strongman with extremely firm willpower can endure being smashed to pieces, um, he will not hesitate. The goal of implementation, I am a middle-aged person, so I will naturally hesitate, unless there are prerequisites to stimulate awakening."

For example, a person like Master Wei would not dare to jump off a two-meter-wide cliff, but Wei Keng knew that if someone chased him with a knife behind him, he would try his best to jump.

As for people, whether to live a lifetime or to fight hard is related to determination.

Wei Keng understands himself that ordinary people can't lie in their comfort zone, and they will never have the determination to push mankind forward. He is a rice bug himself.

Master Wei's sense of crisis often does not choose to be a noble rice bug, but often spreads among ordinary people. So there will always be some, some things that make me feel aggrieved from Anle Township and jump up to the axis.

Master Wei: "Prepare the basic skills now, and there will be a chance to jump up sooner or later in the future."

"Buzzing buzzing", the plane landed in the distance. This is Zeng Shuni's team, who came to confirm the team of the "Strong Oxygen Lifeform" technology chain.

Wei Keng, who originally said "I'm lazy and can't afford it", stared at them, his eyes changed from hesitant to firm "humane".

Wei Keng: "If you can't afford it, you have to!"

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