Out of the cage

Chapter 422 Chapter 1019 Heirs

Chapter 422 Chapter 10.19 Heirs

After the farewell to the Juxia, Wei Keng was sure that the Yucheng community had almost been defeated in the war of attrition.

Through comparison and observation of other prior historical lines, it can be determined that the gains obtained by the Yucheng community during the trip to the Western Regions have not yet reached the level comparable to the progress of the unified logging area.

In just a few years in Yucheng, how could it be possible to reach the level of another battle with the unified cutting area.

With the practical use of "dead wave" weapons, the large-scale "biological mecha", and the current "carbon-based life direct printing machine", Yucheng has not picked up new alien relics, so it is impossible to smooth out such a large strategic advantage.

But Master Wei's character is so "cowardly", if there is a slight possibility that the other party can kill him as an individual, he must be more cautious.

Pandora has a history of 162 years. The Jingzhou train carried the team to the Yumenguan site. In ancient times, there was a place where the "spring breeze was not too slow". Among the human ruins, among the corpses of some 150 years ago under the ancient strata, some human bones showed traces of sheep mutation. A team of human investigators, clean up the mantle of the old civilization here.

In front of the new superoxide base platform. Wei Keng, the captain of the new research institute here, turned around and gave instructions to the fifteen heirs wearing biochemical mechs behind him: "Never underestimate any opponent, caution and bravery are not incompatible!"

Wei Keng is now "cowardly", because human "empathy" has evolved to a very high level.

From the outside world, Wei Keng's thinking is now highly coordinated, almost spiritually integrated. But not a swarm of true social states. Most of the time, the Wei Keng group is essentially a single entity. Every self has small thoughts and small pursuits of freedom.

Only when the Wei Keng group is faced with something of "huge value", especially when an individual decides to sacrifice his life for righteousness, will he determine that an individual is the spiritual center!

The Wei Keng cluster will leave a huge margin to prevent the recurrence of such incidents as "true, new and authentic", and has always been very concerned about all "our own people" in consciousness. Now, these "own people" include the "heirs" I recognized in Jingzhou.

These people who were originally selected from the unified cutting area were for the normalization of the "Wei Keng group", and they accepted the indoctrination of Wei Keng's thinking and consciousness with a sacrificial attitude of "disappearing consciousness".

But the "heirs" are now sure that their consciousness is still there, and they have realized the reason for the super strong "empathy ability" of the Wei Keng cluster.

In the unified cutting area, in the past, everyone felt that Mr. Wei was very serious and responsible to the comrades, and taught all the work by hand.

But now, as Wei Keng's successors, they know what it means to care "as if they are their own". This is not to create "brainwashers", but to pass on the empowerment.

Based on the human pedestal theory, life changes before the reproductive period (menopause, female menopause) are not allowed. Prevent leaving indestructible flaws in the group.

The successors selected by Master Wei are all human beings over the age of 55 and under the age of 66. You can't get old anymore, and you will lose the strong will of the prime of life.

Many of these selected people in the unified cutting area are from the Jue Ming plane. They have seen the parasitic mode of the "Alien" movie, so they are misled by preconceived ideas. They always feel that after being injected with consciousness, they will be replaced by the new parasitic consciousness.

But in fact, when Wei Keng strengthened his thinking ability every step of the way, he allowed him to think independently before conducting his own thinking.

In more cases, it is even suggested that the successor can do it first. And after these successors completed one by one, they confirmed from Wei Keng more than once: "Well, I may not be able to imagine this."

Everyone gradually discovered that this kind of fusion is not the kind of fusion as imagined, but the subtle influence of learning methods and perspectives on the world.

Wei Keng is not patriarchal, but a master who explores carefully like an apprentice.


Before Yumen Pass, with the completion of Weikeng’s high-energy core, the high-energy carbon-based growth took root thousands of meters underground. After the arc-shaped tunnel domes were manufactured, the internal cavity completed the storage of water and the storage of organic matter transformation reactions. Ability.

Wei Keng opened up his thinking to the fifteen successors.

Wei Keng unreservedly opened up almost all his thoughts to the successors, except for the traverser!

[This part of the main world, the pioneers of this plane should not touch it. Because once contacted, the main world will take over the influence. Wei Keng: The main world is very chaotic here. Under the condition of similar time flow, the main world may not be able to communicate, and the current thinking of the main world may not be correct for the new civilization of the Pandora plane. 】

With the reconnaissance of the frontier reconnaissance plane, the situation of the entire Yucheng in the valley of the Western Regions was clearly investigated.

Master Wei opened the map and asked the successors: "Look, when Long Ximin will set sail after receiving the guidance of the 'prophet'. By the way, let's guess again, they decided to go north and north. The route is still to take the Nanya route.”

Among the successors who are doing civil engineering work on the base with mechs, Wang Ruoxu: "I think it's better to go to the Nanya Line."

[As for the secondary strategic direction, in this expression of opinions, although Wei Keng will eventually give his own suggestions, he will follow their decisions. ——Because for Wei Keng, it is only a secondary strategy, and it can be determined casually, but for his successors, they must have the initiative to make decisions. 】

After asking around, everyone expressed their desire to drive Yucheng to Nanya.

Because the ecological world of Beibei is withered, there are no waves. Nan Ya is a stranger, so it is better to drive Yucheng to try the water first.

However, Zeng Shuni, who was in charge of cutting and planting the surrounding trees, lowered her head and thought for a while, and asked an additional question here: "Guide, do you want Yucheng to live or die." In this innocent tone , it took people a while to realize what she said represented.

Hearing Zeng Shuni's question, Wei Keng heaved a sigh of relief as he "looked" at Gu Liang, who was undergoing revegetation on the hillside two kilometers away.

Wei Keng took her into the northwest this time, which coincided with the original plan of Luobo Carbon Valley in the unified logging area. Of course, another reason is that this girl has an inner viciousness that is completely different from her beautiful appearance. So you have to treat her well.

Zeng Shuni's "venomous" personality, Wei Keng felt that she was not compatible with him, but Wei Keng would not deliberately suppress her.

In Mr. Wei's philosophy: what he can't understand and can't find fault with may be exactly what human beings need in the future. For example, Bai Linglu doesn't agree with her.

But what should I say? Zeng Shuni's every action has a feeling of 'extinct family'.

For example, in March this year, when she followed her to the plateau. In the case of insufficient energy and limited dead wave range.

She found a sanitary product manufacturer within the Commanding Army, and ordered an excessive quantity, but the standard did not meet the order for feminine hygiene products.

A month later, the products arrived, and she immediately spread these super absorbent things in many rivers on the plateau. Soon the river water became cloudy, um, it turned into jelly. Then the whole river is full of dead fish. All were strangled to death by expanded chemical silica gel.

When Wei Keng found her, the girl stood on the boat and had just finished spreading "Baby of the Sea", stood up and smiled at Wei Keng and said, "The task is completed".

She killed all the fish in fifteen rivers, and the ecology of the area was quickly replaced by crustaceans. Then, four weeks later, the fish implanted in the unified logging area were sent in, and the ecological replacement was quickly completed.

From every point of view, this girl did a good job. But—— Wei Keng: "The more beautiful this girl is in this matter, the more I always feel a little weird."


Now Wei Keng is facing Zeng Shuni's questioning.

Wei Keng hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth: "I hope this human community can return to the species route on this journey. I don't want them to disappear."

Zeng Shuni retreated back to the queue: "Oh, I have no objection."

Wei Keng: "Huh?" Asked what her original plan was.

Zeng Shuni smiled: "If you don't care about this group, guide, I will arrange it well." Her smile was like waiting for Wei Keng to allow her to play with a toy.

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