Out of the cage

Chapter 447 Chapter 11.03 Children of Yucheng

Sociology, as a science, needs to put aside "emotion" and judge the future development and the trend of mutual relationship from the perspective of "need" and "mutual maintenance".

When Wei Keng first arrived, the community in Yucheng was dominated by maternal reproduction. After Wei Keng arrived, purely male group organizations appeared in Yucheng. Obviously, it is to turn the life of Yucheng back to the reproduction of the sexes.

But now, the Yucheng community is still sending women continuously. After these women fell in love with men in the current war zone, a strange situation appeared.

That is in two sexual births, only males are born. In other words, these Yucheng women had a female fetus during pregnancy, their immune system was activated, and after three months, they merged with their mother's life, and the pregnancy gas disappeared!

Of course, Wei Keng investigated and questioned the girls from Yucheng headquarters. They didn't know why, and they also expressed concern about this situation.

These women in Yucheng have now unilaterally solidified their reproductive genes. This is accomplished when the Tree of Life deploys them.

In Wei Keng's view, this is the scheming of the mistress Long Ximin in the post-Yucheng era. Wei Keng cursed: "You (Long Ximin) are really planning to raise the bride price, aren't you?"

All females are born in the tree of life. This means that males cannot reproduce independently. This means that the productivity accumulation of men in other areas is built on a castle in the air, and must rely on the women sent by Yucheng to accumulate the next generation.

At the same time, in terms of technological development, after the female mechanics sent by Yucheng completed the copying of technology, in that biological mechanical city, Long Ximin dominated the industrial technology of the brood area, which has been absorbing progress. .

Before the era of Pandora, the evolution of women was quite scheming. Due to the long pregnancy period, human beings need to cultivate better offspring. It is impossible to cultivate the next generation independently (basically independent) from the mother line like tigers, leopards and other species. Human females will have a fixed estrous period and extend it to a whole year. In order to ensure that their offspring belong to them, men have to guard their own women.

On the other hand, tigers and leopards only come to fight during the fixed estrous period of females. After the female's estrous period is over, it is impossible to combine with other males (don't worry about being green), so she will be dumped to the female to nurse.


Reproduction is selfish! In terms of strategy, it is an interactive game.

Long Ximin, the mistress of Yucheng, implemented such a strategy after Wei Keng arrived. Fundamentally monopolized reproductive resources.

Don't look at Yucheng now, it's a lot of women chasing a man. That's because men outside Yucheng haven't lost their power to make decisions about productivity. Wei Keng is still maintaining the accumulation of technology outside the Yucheng brood system.

Physical advantage is not an advantage, but the advantage of wealth distribution rights is an advantage.

Once taking the initiative in terms of productivity and wealth distribution, men have an advantage even in terms of physical strength. However, due to this distribution, a lot of fighting and internal fighting had to be carried out.

In the history of the main world, the party with an advantage in distribution rights can completely rely on social dominance to force the other party to contribute. In the patriarchal society of the feudal era, men oppressed women, which was unfair discrimination.

However, since women bear important reproductive responsibilities, it is impossible to squeeze them without limit. Otherwise, the race will perish.

But what about a matrilineal society? With the establishment of economic and power advantages, men do not have the gold medal guarantee of childbirth. In theory, only a small number of men are enough.

If the innate physiological conditions change, God knows what changes will happen to the moral system.

What the community in Yucheng has accumulated over a hundred years of evolution is no longer the same as it used to be.

Facing Yucheng Long Ximin's strategy. Wei Keng can only say: "If you really want to evolve like this, then don't blame us for targeted changes!"——If these contradictions are not picked out now, it will be difficult to form abscesses in the future.


In September 169, Wei Keng found the girl sent here by Yucheng in the Xinghan District on the Renhe Highland.

As a strong leader, Wei Keng negotiated with them and gave them two options: stay here, marry here and don't leave. - Don't bring technology back to the brood world. For this reason, Wei Keng made information helmets for them to block the remote interference of these Long Ximin.

For these requirements of Wei Keng.

These girls with independent thinking are all nodding and obedient.

Xu Haofeng (the fourth-generation woman of Yucheng), this one has the characteristics of the standard Long Ximin in terms of facial features.

The girl is already in love with a boy, and the problem of reproduction is also thought about. And it shows the attribute of "female college students are not allowed to stay".

She proposed to Wei Keng, "Senior, you migrated here in the old Yucheng. Are there any other branches of the life system left by our mistress?" What she meant was to directly reintroduce the other female branches of Yucheng back then. , Lifting Long Ximin's genetic blockade.

Master Wei looked at this bright-eyed girl, and was taken aback, with a strange expression on his face. Her thorn dragon Ximin is so slippery?

The other branches that Xu Haofeng mentioned! It refers to those branches of Long Ximin's other sisters.

And those branches are all female gene chains. Now it happens to be in the logging area.

After thinking about it, Wei Keng gave them a promise, that is, the tree of life system in Yucheng, and they have a chance to get it! Pregnant children, they should have the right to choose.


From the other side, Xinghan’s reproductive struggle is an internal political issue. Now the girls who stay in Xinghan start to dominate the internal struggle, while the males in Xinghan can still focus on the outside world! They were not slowed down.

At the end of 169, on the Deccan Plateau, the envoys of the old human city-states had rushed to the north.

After arriving at the site of the Xinghan area, the beast chariot, which was originally a rusty mechanical chassis, was changed into a train. Amidst the rumbling mechanical noises, they came to the Xinghan District, a site full of military fortresses.

The huge iron tower, supported by wires, are threatening to supply energy to the surrounding bastions.

Is this Victorian? Or the rigid industrial style of Prussia? No, it is a very Chinese style of industrial machinery.

It's all cold steel. The British industry has the style of the British aristocracy, and the mechanical details can always reflect the artistic style, such as the metal handrails, and the cabins of the captain are all tasteful.

German industry has very rigid rules, and even people seem to be industrial components that use potatoes as energy. ——A large number of hard-core parts movements in the industry replace manual work. Of course, the other side of this stability is the lack of flexibility.

China's industrial style is a style of social organization mobilization. Fully consider the lower limit of ordinary people, and frequently emphasize the most basic requirements with slogans. At the same time, in order to ensure the general nature of handicrafts, all kinds of handicrafts have nothing to do with aristocratic temperament.

For example, there are always danger signs on these tall iron towers, which are all kinds of slogans in the style of loudspeakers in villages, "The iron tower digs out the bird's nest, and my parents will break their legs when they see it", "Industrial salt, eat mental retardation", "Thunder, don't be here. Hide under the tree"...

As for "versatility", taking snakeskin cloth as an example, whether it is an important locomotive or an earthworm breeding center that supplies protein to farms, they all use the same material of plastic cloth.

The rainproof cover of the muzzle of a military artillery, what the hell is a small spittoon, repainted. These are all made in the same workshop.


Like a product with little demand and unable to maintain the production line for a long time. Germany's idea is to buy enough at one time, and then make backups in special oiled paper bags.

Master Wei’s idea is that the maintenance process should be considered in the design, and some parts with a large amount of consumption should be unified with some commonly used parts on the market as much as possible. Best of all, as long as the civilian products are matched with a circle of cushions, it can be perfectly done. Promote "military, civilian, integration".

The Chinese industrial style is simple, and the power of steel is widely hidden in every corner. The current strategy of the unified logging area is "industry serves the people."

Whether it is Yucheng or the five-color alliance that is expanding its territory in the north, the shape and structure of industrial products are the same-easy to maintain and easy to get parts. Even if girls like Long Ximin wanted something special, Master Wei would at most use green beer bottles to grind some emeralds for them as jewelry.


Bakas, the representative of the city-state of Avalon, after entering the Xinghan area, carefully looked at this new human force formed by the interaction of steam, electricity, and biotechnology. Now after sorting out and recording what he saw and heard in the guest house, he couldn't help tapping his fingers on the table irritably.

In terms of industry, economy, and even culture, this is definitely a super emerging force. It has walked out of the haze of human beings trapped in ecological development after the Great Destruction, and has begun to actively expand outwards again.

The large biological breeding armor, as well as the multi-legged vehicle that can be controlled by the mind, can also be directly driven, hovering click-click.

When he was writing this sentence, a group of Rogia led by a suspended biplane fighter jet patrolled the sky, reminding him that there are no other aerial creatures in this sky hunting humans from top to bottom, and humans confidently , full of entrenched in the sky.

The military power of any single fortress here is enough to put pressure on a single city force on the Deccan Plateau.

The representative of Avalon did not regard Wei Keng as a non-human being! I didn't feel unacceptable to "Yucheng women" asexual hyperplasia! ——This is because they themselves regard the entire group of pagans in Yucheng as aliens, so it is normal for them to be different from themselves culturally and physically.

This is the multiculturalism of the West, which recognizes your differences, but is unwilling to integrate anyway. Of course, due to such a layer of "difference" protection, it is impossible for you to accuse them of being wrong.

On the contrary, it is the East, where Xuanzang learns from Buddhist scriptures and tries to reach an axiom recognized by all in the exchange. Then expand the two sides to have more points that can be discussed.

Now Wei Keng does not have the subjectivity of imitating Xuanzang, but he is also trying to establish a communication channel between the unified cutting area and the Yucheng system. Culturally, it's a matter of course.


Feng Wuyou was in charge of the exchanges on the Deccan Plateau.

On the first day of the exchange, in Wei Keng's eyes, Xiao Feng was more determined to work. On the second day, he was a little bit over his head.

Then a week later, the young traverser came to Wei Keng in a daze and asked, "Captain, they (the old humans) have the attitude of not doing anything in this world at all. We really want to deal with them." Do you want technical support?"

Yucheng's technical support includes the production of various diesel engines and the transformation of armored armor technology. There is also the construction of biological power stations.

Avalon was interested in these constructions, but the two sides could not agree on some details.

For example, in terms of the personal freedom of technical exchange personnel——all the personnel that Avalon wants to communicate with are implanted in the carbon-based control system.

In the system information, this brain control chip of Avalon can be said to be a kind of neural parasite. Calling this thing "Brain Gu" is almost the same.

Avalon wants to communicate with the outside world to take advantage of it on the premise of maintaining absolute rule.

If there are biological traces left over from the evolution of the mother nest in Yucheng, it is very troublesome when reconstructing human society. Avalon, the upper layer of the human cluster, yearns for the swarm in his heart, and begins to trouble the independence and autonomy of human thinking.

Wei Keng: "Continue to talk with them, and if the negotiation fails, put aside the dispute!"

In Feng Wuyou's confusion, Wei Keng explained: "Our strategy is to share a common destiny for mankind. This is an inevitable trend in the communication process on Blue Star - we can't go against the general trend, but what we can decide is, Whether it can take the lead in this integration."

Wei Keng pointed to the Deccan Plateau, an ancient granite plateau that surfaced since the Cambrian period, that is, Avalon: "The condition we negotiated with him is the premise of mutual respect. As for their unwillingness to respect each other , There will definitely be collisions in the future. This future may be a few years away, so be prepared to use fighting to solve the problem.”


December 1, 169.

On the upper reaches of the Tianzhu River, in the life base of the Yucheng community, Wei Keng's aircraft landed.

After the flying-wing aircraft landed smoothly at the airport, Wei Keng, who was lying dormant in the breeding cabin, came down and brought the latest set of "immune system life forms" samples from the Siam subcontinent. A number of Wei Keng walked away wearing restraint uniforms and escorted these things to the carbon-based biological tower for "frequency band update".

On the other transport spaceship, there are "Eagle Summoners" and the existences of the same generation as Long Ximin.

After more than ten years, these people from the previous generation in Yucheng merged, and few of them got married. Because the logging area is still very concerned about their genes.

Now, with the security provided by Wei Keng, let them return to the current Yucheng community dominated by Long Ximin, so that the good sisters have reached a "reconciliation", oh - there must be some intrigue.

Long Ximin in the tree of life, looking at this was transported back from the east by Wei Keng, a ferocious light like rose thorns appeared in his always soft eyes, and his temperament suddenly changed to another level.

Wei Keng walked alone to the territory of the tree of life, and the priests who led the way used very excessive etiquette to Wei Keng. However, Master Wei quickened his pace and got rid of them, directly entering the place where he was talking with Long Ximin.

When he came to the venue, Long Ximin was still so peaceful, just like a "girl" more than twenty years ago. Nothing seems to have changed.

But Wei Keng knew that her core had definitely changed. Because the daughters beside her were as docile as when she mentioned the head spirit.

Wei Keng: "I have already come into contact with the human beings from the old era of the Great Annihilation."

Master Wei decided to start with simple topics.

Long Ximin also listened patiently, and, like the unified logging area, delivered the amount of parts for steel production and machinery supply here.

It seems that as long as Wei Keng is around, she will always be so gentle, as the female adjutant of this clan, she will achieve the "King's career" for Wei Keng.

With such an attitude, even fine steel will become soft around your fingers.

Long Ximin can live forever, and Wei Keng can't see signs of aging yet. For Long Ximin, she has enough time to pester Wei Keng.

But Wei Keng knew that it was impossible for him to stay with her forever!

Wei Keng: The ecological war has already begun. I have a lot to do and time is running out. For the future of mankind. I don't allow this group of children in Yucheng to be restrained.

When the topic came up, Xing Seoul, Wei Keng asked Long Ximin: "Have you read the history of mankind, do you know Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Mrs. Gouyi?"

Wei didn't go to see the dragon, and added on his own: "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has gone too far, there are some things that can be said well."

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