Out of the cage

Chapter 451 Chapter 11.07 Devour the light.

Zhang Qiang's surprise attack led to the annihilation of Su Lingshuang's first personality. The remaining consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

In the carbon-based nest of storage element frost, after the burning flame of gasoline disappeared, the life inside was also completely burned out by the strong alkali compound. Puddles of liquid flowed violently from the small holes reserved in the carbon-based nests transformed from water towers.

The disappearance of Su Lingshuang in Tianzhulong's life field made Qiu Mengfei's expression stiff in the military base fifty kilometers away.

Three minutes after the incident, on the hillside, like an owl, Qiu Mengfei's neck suddenly turned to 180 degrees, and he looked behind him, in the direction of Su Lingshuang. Then his expression distorted to a level that is impossible for a human face. Since the bones are cartilage in the gene frequency band of Tianshulong, his eye sockets also became obliquely elongated due to anger.

And Qiu Mengfei let out an inhuman roar from his throat. After the chaotic life radiation was released, the protein decomposed, and the precipitated elemental phosphorus emerged from the surrounding human bodies controlled by nerves. The five individuals who belonged to Qiu Mengfei died immediately, and they rolled to death in the flames without even sending out a message of begging for mercy.


Zhang Qiang's surprise attack also shocked the upper echelons of the Five Colors Alliance.

When Zhao Ruowu got up from the quilt bed, he stood up immediately after learning the news. Of course, he immediately thought that Zhang Qiang was from Bao Lita.

In the past few days, Bao Lita suddenly left without saying goodbye in the west, leaving the system of the five-color alliance, which already made Zhao Ruowu feel physically and mentally exhausted--now the "accident" caused by Zhang Qiang made Zhao Ruowu's brains exhausted long ago, and even more so. No time to think about these details.

The power fighting master of the five-color alliance, the first thing he thinks about is what will happen to Qiu Mengfei!

Of course, Zhao Ruowu will not directly ask Qiu Mengfei, but will learn about Qiu Mengfei's situation from the side of his hidden thread.

But when Zhao Ruowu's cronies contacted Qiu Mengfei's secret line, they got the information that "everything is fine".

Zhao Ruowu's expression didn't relax, but he became serious—and asked his cronies, "When is 'everything is fine'?" Zhao Ruowu obviously sensed that the dark thread he had buried in Qiu Mengfei was over.

In the current situation, how could Qiu Mengfei be all right!

The ruler of the Five Colors Alliance may be an amateur in external fighting, but his keenness in internal fighting is definitely a 'master'.


Therefore, forty-five minutes after Zhang Qiang initiated the incident.

Zhao Ruowu ordered the mobilization of troops from the three areas of "Pojun", "Zuofu" and "Youbi" to enter the "Lianzhen" area where Qiu Mengfei was located, and at the same time let people from the "Wuqu" area enter the "Su Lingshuang" area. Greedy wolf" area, blockade to prevent the situation from expanding.

At this moment, the bureaucratic systems of the Five-color Alliance began to suppress possible internal turmoil with all their strength.

The mechanical beast troop led by three heavenly king trainers arrived at the area where Qiu Mengfei was located.


"Lian Zhenxing", ancient books call it "killing star" and "prisoner star".

After the five-color alliance planned the human survivor base in Hetao, in the past few decades, evil scientific experiments have been arranged in this area.

At this time, it was at the experimental base in Lianzhen District.

The subjects wearing information surveillance helmets were staring at the screen with high nervousness, while their master, Qiu Mengfei, was in a very bad mood right now.

The victims of these tortures may no longer feel pain, but they are very scary in the eyes of bystanders.

Clusters of skeletons became spikes, bloody piercing through the skin, or organs swelled into big bags, bursting open explosively. The entire high-tech monitoring room is filled with the smell of blood. But in this chaos, no one dared to raise their heads. For these controlled persons, hell was at their side, and if they raised their heads, they would inevitably bump into them.

After Qiu Mengfei stopped tormenting, he walked to the small window reserved on the concrete wall. Staring at the five-color alliance team, he said coldly: "Is this the attitude you gave me?"

In Qiu Mengfei's eyes, the entire Five-Color Alliance owed him something, and now they sealed off the experimental area and sent troops. Naturally, he can let him give up any moral bottom line.


The person in charge of the five-color alliance who came to support the troops was Hong Jiashan, who was always regarded in the alliance as "an idiot general" because his favorite thing in life was playing cards.

At this time, he was carrying a telescope, watching the battle ahead, and ordered to send two mechanical beast formations to cross the river first.

The three-ton speed-type mechanical beast stepped onto the bridge at a click-click pace, and when it reached the middle of the bridge, huge water splashes erupted, and groups of crocodile-like monsters moved their duck-like legs. legs, and began to swim up along the pier, launching a sneak attack on the mechanical beast crossing the river.

At this time on the shore, the metal bulge on the back of the mechanical beast opened, and the cannon under the cover on the turtle's back was lifted up, and clusters of 20mm bullets hit the river surface, splashing water and blood.

There were a lot of meat scraps and water splashes on the river surface, but as the basic template of echinoderms, Tianjinlong is characterized by its strong regeneration ability and super mutation ability.

So even though the firepower network is dense, there are still monsters rushing up one after another, dragging the mechanical beasts into the water.

After a while, the four mechanical beasts on the bridge fell into the water. After twisting and struggling to create a large piece of turbidity, he was completely pressed in the mud, and was rushed up by countless inexplicable undercurrents around him.

The scene of countless tiny creatures gnawing on the bottom of the water, from the shore, looks like a stream of water gathering towards the center, and the water in the entire river channel is like a living thing, chewing on the prey that fell into the water.


Hong Jiashan pinched his nose and blew his nose, then threw it aside, and said to his colleagues: "Report this scene to Lao Zhao, and tell him that it is best to shoot Wang Bo out of this scene today."— —The so-called bombs are nuclear weapons.

The person in charge of the army can quickly contact the rear through the information link helmet.

Zhao Ruowu learned that the fourth mechanical unit had failed to cross the river, cursed "the front is incompetent", and responded at the same time, "There are no nuclear weapons, the task must be completed, even if all the people are filled!" Then he hung up the phone whimpering,

After Hong Jiashan confirmed that there were no nuclear weapons, he asked the correspondent to withdraw before he finished his report. It seemed that he had expected this situation long ago. It's just that when he looked at the laboratory with red light in front of him, his already cloudy eyes became even darker.

This is what it looks like to "be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day".


small theater.

Just when Hong Jiashan was already fighting on the front line, Zhao Ruowu saw Jian Ye's mentor representative coming over.

This mentor Jiang is telling Zhao Ruowu "important information". But Zhao Ruowu sighed, saying that he can't take care of these now. (Actually, after Zhao Ruowu heard this information, he still had a small calculation in his heart. The reason why he didn't use nuclear weapons on Hong Jiashan was to prevent actions in the unified logging area.)

And this Instructor Jiang was shocked when he heard that Qiu Mengfei was now in Baotou Steel City and had a conflict with the five-color alliance troops! Immediately said: Is there any misunderstanding in it?

Zhao Ruowu didn't talk about Qiu Mengfei's current dehumanization information with Mentor Jiang in detail, let alone the link of Su Lingshuang. Zhao Ruowu intends to use Mentor Jiang as a pathfinder. So I followed Teacher Jiang's meaning and said: "There may indeed be some misunderstanding."

The mentor Jiang immediately expressed with great confidence: Qiu Mengfei was once his student, and he was confident in mediating conflicts.

Ever since, Zhao Ruowu was very "surprised" and decided to arrange for Teacher Jiang to go there immediately. ——That's right, high-risk, almost dead environment, of course it is necessary to encourage idiots to "innovate and explore". Anyway, after failure, it's not me who is finished.


The angle of view then comes to the "Lianzhen" biological area of ​​the Five-Color Alliance.

Hong Jiashan waited for five hours for the arrival of the vehicle towed artillery after he failed to obtain the authorization of the backline super weapon.

After 6:17 in the evening, fifty howitzers began firing.

Clusters of warhead charges are white phosphorus, coagulated oil. ——In the five-color alliance's strategy, when encountering an uncontrollable biochemical leak, only flames can purify everything.

If the artillery deployment can be completed within half an hour, this is a very effective means of containment.

If it is the predecessors of the Five Colors Alliance a hundred years ago, they can indeed complete the preparations for firepower within half an hour.

But now, it's too late.

When the raging fire was burning in the Lianzhen biological area, Qiu Mengfei had already completed the organic projection underground, and with the recoil vibration of the shelling on the ground, he provided an accurate orientation.

There was a bulge in the ground around this five-color alliance crusade team, and black tentacles appeared in the cracks in the soil clods. After a few seconds, the ground was ripped apart, and alien nematodes emerged like a tide.

The soldier standing beside the artillery position and leaning against the ammunition warehouse was hit on the spot, and his whole body twitched as countless silk threads penetrated into his body.

On this artillery position, due to the fall of the warhead, a few seconds later, a martyrdom explosion occurred.


The blast blast sent the mechanical beast trainers hundreds of meters away into the air. Of course, the more important thing is that the rain of fire that fell from the sky penetrated into the skin of many mechanical beasts and humans, and it couldn't be removed no matter what, there was a burst of mourning.

To make matters worse, just when the crusading army was lying on the ground and spitting out the dirt and grass clippings in their mouths,

A large number of brown mutant beasts emerged from the river and began to attack the human positions in the form of skirmishers.

The human backline, which was originally a safe position, was now covered by black worms, and the human beings who had been drilled into the stomach by a large number of lampreys couldn't bear the pain, and chose to ignite fuel before dying.


Twenty hours later, Hong Jiashan retreated to the bus, watching his earliest mechanical beast alloy shield dragon fall down with blood dripping from his head. His ferocious face suddenly calmed down, and he began to light a cigarette, waiting for the last moment.

Sure enough, four seconds later, surrounded by biochemical beasts, Qiu Mengfei came out,

The two were speechless, and Qiu Mengfei inserted his tentacles into the general of the five-color alliance. And this heavenly king, at this time, rang the grenade behind him, and the blood and tissues exploded and splashed Qiu Mengfei all over. Of course, the fragments also penetrated Qiu Mengfei's forehead.

Qiu Mengfei, whose forehead was pierced by grenade fragments, was like a Terminator T1000 liquid robot, repairing the terrible trauma to his head within a few minutes.

Next, he would seek advice from the upper echelons of the Five Colors Alliance.


Three hours later, Qiu Mengfei had already attacked the "Wenqu" area in the Hetao area.

More than 400 high-level members of the Five-Color Alliance here were taken over at once, and Qiu Mengfei implanted brain nerves to control bugs in front of them one by one.

In the parliament hall illuminated by the sacred pentagram dome, Qiu Mengfei stepped on the rostrum, staring at Zhao Ruowu whose shoulder blades were pierced by spiked insects.

Zhao Ruowu didn't have the usual bearing at this time, but looked like he wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy. When he saw Mentor Jiang who was also controlled by Qiu Mengfei, he grabbed hold of a life-saving straw and shouted to him, "Mr. Jiang, tell me, all this is a misunderstanding. We just want to make sure Take a look at the progress of General Qiu's experiment."

At this time, Teacher Jiang's thinking has been greatly stimulated. He came to the five-color alliance for only one day, and the old upper echelon of the entire five-color alliance has been wiped out.

Most of the bureaucrats of the Five Colors Alliance begged for mercy like Zhao Ruowu. However, the skull was forcibly pried open and implanted worms were inserted. Now Zhao Ruowu's begging voice woke him up, and this tutor Jiang raised his head and looked at the student who was once familiar but now completely unfamiliar. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But when he opened his mouth, he coughed up blood, and a large number of worms crawled out of his mouth. Qiu Mengfei's biological radiation also caused him to encounter genetic pollution.

Qiu Mengfei ignored the teacher from more than 20 years ago, but continued to stare at Zhao Ruowu, stretched out his hand, patted his face lightly, and said, "You bum, I really don't know how you are in the five-color alliance. I sat in my seat for so long. Is it purely by cheating?"

Zhao Ruowu: "That's right, I was just joking, no—"

With a click, a spike pierced Zhao Ruowu's sky cap, Zhao Ruowu's eyes turned white, and he collapsed.


A few minutes later, Qiu Mengfei grabbed Zhao Ruowu's memory.

He understood that the team that killed Su Lingshuang was led by a man named Zhang Qiang, and this man was related to another human team that had fled westward.

Qiu Mengfei laughed back in anger. He has always felt that he is the protagonist, and finally realized what it feels like to be accidentally injured by others' struggle. ——The feeling of using you as a tool without thinking about you can stir up unknown fires.

It's just that Qiu Mengfei was too "forgetful". He and Su Lingshuang were not accidentally injured. The two of them have also disregarded other people's actions in the past few decades, and this "retribution" is in line with heaven.

The nervous Qiu Mengfei controlled the viewing angle of the biome, swept to the west, and said frantically: "Since you want to mess with me, you must be prepared to be swallowed by hell!"

Ha, ha, clam, je, ~

Rampant laughter echoed in the hall, countless tentacles were climbing on the walls, and the lights on the top of the hall, under the erosion of this biological disaster, all the lights were extinguished one by one, completely falling into darkness.

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