Out of the cage

Chapter 453 Chapter 11.09 Space Cannon, Rotten Rebuke

The timeline is back, before the Hetao Incident, on September 1, 169 in the history of Pandora, the land of Jingxiang.

The construction of several super cannons in Jingzhou on the Qinling Mountains was completed. These fifteen turret tracks are built against the Qinling Mountains.

The total length of the barrel is made up of thirty-eight 16-meter pipes. And each section has an airflow injector, so this can't be said to be a cannon. This is a fixed gunpowder launch track, which can send a load of 150 kilograms to low-earth orbit, and a set of equipment is 2,500 tons.

This is another good technique picked up from the Destiny Plane. The advantage is that it can launch a payload into low-earth orbit at a price of 1,000 yuan per kilogram. The disadvantage is that there are few electronic devices that can withstand the recoil of the artillery. As a result, this technology has been eliminated on the Judging Plane.

But for the unified logging area, this is a good technology. In addition to such gunpowder launching pipelines in Jingzhou, there are also carbon-based towers for air-firing.

The technical plan of the unified cutting area is that after the turret is built, the control system will be generated!

That is to say, after the satellite carrier is launched into the sky, the carbon-based cells are under the effect of the carbon-based radiation on the ground, and the channels reserved in the satellite complete the generation of the control system of the "biological model".

The well-developed nervous system in the satellite will be like an organ, and it will share the perspective and perception in space with the observers embedded in special equipment on the ground. The satellite will open and carry the mechanical cabin to perform complex operations.

[Living cells can withstand 400 g. In medicine, centrifugation at 250-500 g is often used for five minutes. Space launch obviously does not have five minutes. 】


Just when the scholars in Jianye were bragging about the Five-Color Alliance and preparing to go north.

On October 25th, the Weikeng cluster launched its first launch at 15:00 am.

In addition to Wei Keng, 1,312 experts from the unified logging area were also present, either at the scene or on the colonization operation platforms of various carbon base towers. This set of equipment will be delivered to all mankind in the future.

At this time, the madness of Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang was beyond the reach of Wei Keng. Wei Keng was already preparing for the next generation. While still maintaining the basic fundamentals of the civilization of the human race, it can still compete with it.

Note: The pure biological technology goes into the space, and the human beings in other branch timelines are often in line with the highly oxidized carbon-based organisms, that is, the artificial nest of insect swarms, and launch spores into the space. After thousands of years like that, the human social model will unknowingly compromise towards the swarm model.

Now Wei Keng is for human beings without turning into a swarm. There is no need to "difficult to choose a tram" like the blackened protagonist in Japanese anime. For the millennium! This is the major difference between the Chinese and the barbarians.

Wei Keng's ideal human future is in line with the modern education system to cultivate a large number of intelligent individuals and industrial cooperation. These foundations have not changed. On these basis, increase the lifespan of human beings and increase the selectivity of mechanical tools. Yes, Wei Keng does not want to give future children more "cages" between the ages of 1 and 60, but to leave more tracks for them.

Jingxiang No. 933 launch site: With a burst of flames emerging from the 230mm gun muzzle, the 800kg warhead flew into the sky.

The 35 carbon-based high towers responsible for the observation confirmed that the warhead successfully entered the high altitude, the carbon-based cells completed the neuron proliferation, and the carbon-based signal appeared, and the rocket range extension facility was launched.

After one and a half hours, a series of telemetry in the central command center was normal, and after the signal induction was normal, the space satellite began the process of internal carbon-based tissue development.

Wei Keng, who was squatting on the mountain, raised his head leisurely and said, "It's done?"

The successors who could read Wei Keng's thoughts paused, and immediately stepped up their space observation.

Two minutes later, the observers in the No. 8 carbon base tower on the ground shouted joyfully: "It has been sensed!", "The space system is good, and I see the earth, blue!"

This excitement reverberated throughout the scientific research departments in the unified logging area. This is the space perspective once again obtained by human beings after the Pandora era.

Although this perspective depends on the black technology of the "Pandora" era, a large number of industrial technologies are still backward, and most of the metal processing is only equivalent to a small factory in the eastern countryside on the Judging Plane.

But on this route, a large number of complex mathematical operation systems are worthy of being the overall knowledge throne system of human beings in this era.

The structure of life in space requires a swarm effect. During the following day, the cannons of each cannon will start firing individual cannons one after another every three hours after completing the telemetry and ground calibration procedures.

In just three days, five cannons completed the first wave of test firing and entered the stage of body inspection, and more than 140 satellites floated in low-earth orbit, which jointly formed a global observation perspective team.


The comrades in the commanding area entered the colony cabin one by one to appreciate the perspective of space on the earth. In the past, mountains, rivers and land were drawn on maps, but now they can be recorded directly on the system.

Wei Keng group said leisurely: "Yes, I saw the earth."

In this space perspective, the once beautiful Blue Star gave Wei Keng a feeling of rotten sores. Even if the "naked eye" system on the satellite is used to observe the earth, the optical refraction frequency bands brought by the Pandora life fields in different places are different. In the process of interlacing these different colors, the so-called "variety" is like various plastics in ancient times. Bags of rubbish, looking like a mess.

Wei Keng looked at the northern part of Oujia Continent, which was being eliminated, but there was a "pox spot" area at the corner of the Yellow River, with a resolute expression.


The last auxiliary satellite in the first group of satellites of the space satellite network was tested in the unified logging area on the morning of November 24, 169. Obviously, Mr. Wei was rushing to catch up with the year-end tasks, and in the final stage, he really didn't have time to pay attention to the little weird changes in the north.

Hetao area, Wenqu area of ​​the Five Colors Alliance area, it is already the seventh day after the incident, at the edge of the smoking ruins, Qiu Mengfei, who is riding a mechanical dragon, is staring at the wrecked Bao In the defensive barrier area of ​​Steel City, the five-color alliance's defense is very firm here.

At this time, "Qiu Mengfei" was already a concept. After taking revenge in the Wenqu District of the Five Colors Alliance, his human body in the Lianzhen District disintegrated directly, and two minutes later gathered in the biome one kilometer away. This concentration and collapse of consciousness has occurred many times.

After doing all these things, Qiu Mengfei has become the enemy of mankind. When this "personality" confronts what it has done, it considers itself the last representative of humanity. Will lead mankind to a new light.

With a large number of parasitic humans and a large number of biological frenzy, he began to sweep towards the remaining human strongholds in the north.

At 4 o'clock in the morning on the 25th, Baotou Steel Industrial City experienced a tragic attack. There are scorched black rubble and wriggling worms everywhere, and people's roars seep from the periphery. Personnel in chemical protective suits are resolutely defending the last position of mankind with weapons.

Just four hours ago, all eight organic towers were out of control.

These out-of-control organic towers decomposed into a large number of tiny creatures as if melting, instantly drowning the guards who were originally on duty. However, an unnamed hero among the watchmen sent out the signal that the biochemistry was out of control, and gave Baotou Steel Industrial City the last protection.

At this time, the starry sky at night is still bright.

In the city security building dozens of kilometers away, the remaining officials of the Five-color Alliance who watched the scene through the screen were also awe-inspiring.

A hoarse voice reported the situation: "Compared to the biochemical disaster that occurred in Jianye in 146, the level of this biochemical test is level 9! According to the intelligence on the battlefield outside, the people caught in the biochemical disaster did not disappear. Blended into that organic frenzy."

Everyone's face turned cold. It's not scary to be dead, it's scary to be alive in a weird way.

In the past few days, some people who had fled immediately panicked: "We have to break out, where is the plane, where is the plane?"

Some teams from Jianye rushed over in a hurry and crashed into this biohazard. Before they figured out what was going on, those who were forced to flee also collapsed: "We're going back to the south!"

In the past few days, the unified cutting area has been intercepted several times, but these scholars from Jianye regard the unified cutting area as a bandit. More than 50 scholars threw off their burdens and went directly to the north, and then entered the five-color alliance before filing a lawsuit. Request these supplies from the unified logging area. But now they are remorseful.

The upper-level bureaucrats of the Five-Color Alliance are so out of style, which makes the young and middle-aged cadres who were originally planning to go west with Baolita, but are now left behind, stare at these people with cold eyes.

Zhang Qiang, who came here, whispered: "What a bunch of trash. Following you all these years is blind." If you say this sentence in normal times, you will be reprimanded by these bureaucrats on the spot, but at the moment, no one Come to refute.

At this time, Zhang Qiang cursed everyone, because no one came to refute, and the other young cadres of the Five Colors Alliance also started to scan these cowards with such eyes.

Zhang Qiang, who was in the crowd, felt that the time was ripe, and began to think about the steps to take the lead in getting rid of the upper class, and then led the entire Five Colors Alliance to change the flag and go to the unified cutting area.

But at this moment, the door opened, and a close aide of the mayor hurried in and whispered a few words in the mayor's ear. The mayor's originally bewildered expression suddenly seemed to have been given a shot in the arm.

The head of the city stood up and regained his dignified expression: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet, there is good news, General Su (Su Lingshuang) who is in the stronghold of Yancheng has just arrived by plane. She has a close relationship with Qiu Mengfei. She came this time to help me out."

Just when the city chief said these words.

Zhang Qiang looked shocked. Su Lingshuang, who was exposed over there, had already been beaten to death by him. Now, what exactly is this one here?

He immediately retorted: "At this critical moment, you don't believe the advice brought by the continuous death of frontier soldiers, but you believe a person whose target is unknown! Su Lingshuang, she has a very good relationship with Qiu Mengfei, but Is she saving us, or is she here to spy on us?!"

The mayor turned his head and reprimanded coldly: "What is spying, what evidence do you have! We will not wrong a good person, nor will we let a bad person go. It's a spy."

This bureaucrat has little ability in handling affairs, but he is "sharp" in internal pressure.

He didn't give Zhang Qiang a chance to refute, and immediately ordered: "Come here, for the safety and stability of the overall situation, please Captain Zhang Qiang go down to rest and keep an eye on him!"

Twenty minutes later, in the reception hall of the military fortress in the eastern part of the city, the mayor met Su Lingshuang who had arrived this time.

At this time, Su Lingshuang's individual is just like twenty years ago! The proud daughter of heaven. This is a different personality from the Su Lingshuang that Zhang Qiang destroyed. Zhang Qiang's destruction only destroyed Su Lingshuang's memories of the past fifteen years, and now this personality is quiet on the surface, but eccentric in his heart.

After Su Lingshuang arrived, the city chief immediately complained: "General Su, you really are a tiger girl. If you are one step late, my villain here will jump."

Su Lingshuang smiled and said, "Uncle Shi, you and my father are old friends. If you have difficulties here, I am naturally obliged to do so."

The mayor nodded.

Then Su Lingshuang cheated "sincerely": "I have friendship with Qiu Mengfei, but this time the situation is really special. In fact, I don't have the confidence to win this time. The plane I brought can carry sixty people." Evacuate."

Hearing that there was a plane to evacuate, the mayor was determined in his heart, but on the surface he turned pale with shock, and quickly said: "There is really no room for reconciliation? I, Baotou Steel City, have no enmity with Qiu Mengfei. The people of our whole city are dying...General Su, you can’t understand it and talk to Qiu Mengfei with reason, let him find the person he is looking for. direction), we will never obstruct it.”

This passage is actually a political performance. This is a biological frenzy. Humans and biological communities have been at odds for a hundred years. At this time, ask "why" and pretend to be confused.

Su Lingshuang, who wanted to catch her hard, had a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, the mayor felt that there was something to be done, and accelerated his persuasion.

Under the repeated urging of the elder, Su Lingshuang finally "relaxed" and told the "truth".

Su Lingshuang: "The three carbon base towers that originally belonged to Qiu Mengfei were infiltrated and destroyed by spies sent by the southern control area, and Zhao Ruowu refused to hand over the murderer, so this made his personality out of control."

When the city chief heard the news, he seemed to be in deep thought! Immediately agreed: Because the unified logging area is jealous of their development achievements, so they always want to destroy it.

After a while, the city chief opened a set of lists, and said to Su Lingshuang, "Is the spy you mentioned among them?"

When Su Lingshuang saw Zhang Qiang in the photo, she couldn't help but startled. There was a complicated look in his eyes. But the look was gone in a flash. Then he pointed at Zhang Qiang with firm eyes, and said, "According to the information I have, this person is seriously suspected."

The mayor's expression changed, and then he said sadly: "Hey, it looks like it is."


November 26, 169, at eight o'clock in the morning.

Baogangcheng from the Northern Five-Color Alliance published a letter of rebuke to the unified logging area, accusing the unified logging area of ​​destroying and causing serious biological loss of control! must be held accountable for it.

This is a petition drawn by the city chief of Baotou Steel City in order to have peace talks with Qiu Mengfei.

Su Lingshuang's method, which is comparable to that of the female Zhang Yi, allowed Baotou Steel City to use these five-color alliance leeks to their final use value before it was destroyed.

Just like back then, Jianye City Zhenxin was encountering Su Lingshuang's "name kidnapping", and now it started again. (At that time, Su Lingshuang forced Zhen Xinzheng to implement justice. She emphasized that if Zhen Xinzheng did not dare to implement it, the repression would be hypocritical.)

In this regard, the lungs of the decision-making circle of the unified logging area, which had been active in action, were blown up. For example, in Xijing, Zeng Shuni's fingers were always fiddled with on the keyboard. Some raw materials are being prepared in the chemical warehouse. Apparently planning to respond to Su Lingshuang with a "funeral song"

But Wei Keng, who should be most angry, was extremely calm. The emotion has long passed, and now Wei Keng is analyzing Su Lingshuang's character.

Wei Keng is looking through the information again from the system: other plot lines, these two are a passionate couple. In other timelines, Su Lingshuang was very painful after learning that Qiu Mengfei had fallen into the evil way, and finally rescued Qiu Mengfei.

But on the current timeline, Wei Keng couldn't help but doubt Su Lingshuang's true intentions. Now she is also in the magic way.

Wei Keng: "So, in other timelines, is she trying to save Qiu Mengfei and return to the right path, or is she trying to test whether Qiu Mengfei has not bound herself?"

But no matter which one it is, the ignorance and trampling of all other things in the world by these two "lovers" should not be popular in the future.

This is the worst poison of human beings in the era of great destruction of city-states. They regard the best circles as their own private territory! ——They have to perform all kinds of "beauties" in this circle that they are only worthy of entering. And those who take competition and break into these circles are villains who destroy their beautiful atmosphere!

At the Qinling Space Launch Base, Wei Keng looked to the north like a sword: "The posture of a middle-aged man, to enter the circle, you have to study hard and accumulate hard, and you don't have time to understand the wind, flowers, snow and moon... But aren't we worthy to speak out in the temple?"

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