Out of the cage

Chapter 473 Chapter 11.29 Heaven's death and dragon's end, medical skills.

In the first half of 1777, the Tianzhulong community in the sub-region of Northeast China was completely wiped out. There may be some remnants of life groups that have entered into the neon area, but in the carbon-based monitoring, the forms of their gene groups no longer exist. The remaining fragments of genes were absorbed and acquired by local life groups. This is like after the dynasty collapsed, some down-and-out royal women married into local families.

In the monitoring of the "organic cycle" by high-altitude satellites, the evil spirit of these marine communities has indeed had an impact on the local "evil spirit" in the lush mountains on the islands, and there is quite a new "raising Gu" in this small space. wheel' trend.

Note: Neon's culture is also due to such a geographical dilemma. Whether it is a series of horror films represented by Sadako, or the theme of school hunting, it is full of helpless horror that cannot be hidden in a small space. At the same time, it is also impossible to find a breakthrough in power in a large space and on a large scale, because once the power is introduced from the outside world, it is often too powerful. At this time, it is the theme of "Attack on Titan", "Godzilla" and "Gottman". .

Master Wei will have to wait for a while before landing on the Neon Islands. Wei Keng: "If you don't give priority to solving the big external issues, you will get into this island, and you will have the mentality of an island barrier if you are not sure."

Another group of Tianmilong in Nanhai Sea is also on the road of rapid extinction.

Compared with leading the standard beast tide in the north and splitting the attack strategically and tactically, the process of expulsion of the Tianshulong alien species in the Nanhai Sea is quite boring.

The most fertile places in this sea area are the several islands around the Nanhai Basin.

As early as 165, when the unified logging area completed the general control of the whole organic matter circulation field in Qiongzhou. The Tianjilong group on the Sasha Islands has fled to the Weisha Islands.

In 173, after Wei Keng opened up the Nanyang Thousand Islands area in order to go south, Tian Milong felt that the commanding area was too close, so he ran to the Chongsha Islands again.

The tide of life in a large number of humanitarian carbon bases is further southward. The remnants of Tianzhulong have nowhere to escape. They mournfully meet the harvest of the big trawler in the last piece of sea water.

January 13, 177.

On the big ship, young people from the unified logging area followed the prompts sent by Gaioka, settled in this turbulent waters, and started the process of chasing big fish.

On the No. 067 ship, the medical life field on the hull was opened to the maximum. With the "big cargo" hooked up by the harpoon, after a whole set of procedures, the fish head was thrown into the sea, and the pieces of fish meat were processed. With the most vigorous processing.

A black iron plate was hung on the top of the turret. It was now covered with cooking oil and smoked under the direct sunlight. Pieces of sea fish were fried thoroughly and then sprinkled by these young people. Served with soy sauce to taste.

If this way of eating is not cooked well, there is a risk of genetic contamination. Oh, the most risky thing here is to cause abnormal intestinal bacteria and cause diarrhea. ——The reason why these boys turned on the medical radiation to the maximum.

Of course, now, the carbon-based radiation tower field on the ship can be strong in the afternoon, and they can let them mess around. If it is at night, you must eat (breadworm powder) protein blocks, high-sugar drinks, and vitamin granules to supplement your body's needs.

On the black iron plate illuminated by the sun, accompanied by the sizzling sound of the barbecue, is the cruise of the Rogia biological bomber hovering in the sky. They are like the anti-submarine patrol aircraft of the ancient times, searching the sea surface for areas with strong life radiation.

As large battleships tow cables and "strong oxidizing ion torches" sweep across the seabed, the life forms of the Tianshilong community cannot hide their life fluctuations when they are drunk with oxygen. After Rogia found the response, he would swish the bomb down.

A 100kg steel-cased bullet does not explode when it enters water, but emits a carbon-based signal.

The standard beasts in the human frequency band that have been patrolling in the deep sea will rush in here to devour them like a shark smelling blood.

On February 24, 177, at eight o'clock in the morning, in the area of ​​Shenhu Ansha in the Chongsha Islands.

The human beings on the ship in the commanding area detected the scene in the last hidden lair of the dragon in the ocean from the perspective of the camera of the leader of the mechanical beast in the herd.

There are complex caves propped up by calcium carbonate shells under the silt. Entering these caves, you can see a large number of young fetuses wrapped in transparent afterbirths, like botrytis, stacked in layers.

However, this sacred place where the Tianzhu dragon finally breeds looks so beautiful. To human beings, it is nothing more than long white strips of eggs laid by mosquitoes from a microscopic perspective, and the mosquito eggs are also digitally stacked.

As the humane frequency band was marked at nine o'clock, a large number of standard beasts surrounded here, and the last hope of Tianzhulong was over.


In this last large-scale spawning zone, within five hours, the satellite detected a rapid reduction of 10% in the radiation of the celestial dragon.

Due to the direct killing of the living forces, a large amount of genetic evolution could not be completed, and the Tianzhulong community could no longer evolve large carnivorous species of more than one ton, and even the flying species that caused Wei Keng the most headaches in the early days never appeared again.

On March 1st, the radiation of life in the Tianzhulong community dropped to 13% of what it was at the beginning of the year.

Just one week later, on March 8th, the last node creature of Tianzhulong was found.

When Wei Keng saw the form of this large individual, he couldn't help being silent. This individual was the form of the snake-tailed starfish that Zhenxin was driving in Jianye City back then.

When the unified cutting area found this thing, it used six large ships of 7,000 tons to capture it. After the harpoon was inserted, these noodle-like monsters tossed the sea for forty minutes, and then the ship dragged the tentacles like long strips of mops to the base in Luzon Island, and the monster was turned by a mechanical winch dragged ashore.

Wearing anti-radiation armor, Wei Keng and a group of personnel sprayed dry ice on the large monster to freeze it, and then dissected it with a three-meter-long mechanical chainsaw.

Wei Keng cut open the most central part of the starfish, and saw the white human-shaped jelly substance exposed inside. Master Wei didn't speak, and quietly stepped aside.

This jelly mass has human limbs and a raised head, but is completely transparent. There are no eyes, the brain is just one large ganglion, and the heart part is gone, replaced by wriggling blood vessels.

It was confirmed that the person sitting in the cockpit with the same shape as himself was not a person, but a humanoid organ made by Tianzhulong. Wei Keng sighed deeply.

[The reason why Wei Keng dragged the last individual of the Sky Dragon to the shore instead of killing it immediately at sea with frequency-band radiation is because the shape of this monster is too similar to the real colony armor that was sitting on it back then. When Zhenxin, who had suffered genetic contamination, was jumping out of the cockpit, Qiu Mengfei ignored Zhenxin and directly destroyed it with artillery fire. So Wei Keng would never learn from him. 】

Wei Keng turned to the front of Tianzhulong. At this time, the wrinkled skin was distributed in three rows and three rows of nine squares. Eyeballs the size of a cat's head opened, looking at Wei Keng.

At this time, Wei Keng's life radiation scale was unprecedentedly strong. When Wei Keng, who was wearing a mecha, approached, the last core of consciousness of this Tianzhulong was a violent panic.

Wei Keng looked at him and said flatly, "Qiu Mengfei has disappeared, and I can't find Wei Renlu either."

At this time, Tianzhulong tried his best to send out the frequency band: "I am—" Wei Keng gave it a cold look, and stopped its sophistry.

Wei Keng cut off the nerve connection between the human-shaped jelly and Tianzhulong. Tianzhulong's mind is still there, but he can no longer use the language of the mind to send messages.

The human-shaped jelly is the "vocal cord" organ used by Tianzhulong to utter the human spiritual language, and is also used to store human memory. It has happened in recent decades that Tianzhulong has highly mimicked the thinking center in his body into a human being.

Wei Keng mecha dragged the jelly on the stretcher and inserted the blood bag technology, but it didn't help. Five minutes later, all the circulation was necrotic, and it directly turned into a puddle of water, dripping from the glass cover of the medical cabin like saliva. Falling.

During this rescue process, Tianzhu Longsan uncovered the distant memories of the past. This is a long time ago memory.


The original consciousness of Tianzhulong came from eight doomsday cruise ships 150 years ago.

It was a nuclear-powered cruise ship specially built by rich people in the Tosuba region in order to avoid the coming life disaster. The ratio of men to women on the original cruise ship was 1:40. All the waiters are beautiful women, which makes the cruise ship at the beginning of the end of the day, just like the sentence at the end of a fairy tale "the prince and princess lived happily ever after"

These cruise ships have been drifting for fifty years, relying on the pressure of no large-scale life disturbance in the deep ocean, and they have survived for two generations.

But fission reactors have a life limit after all. Two generations later, these cruise ships have seen massive chaos. In the end, those rich people who were drunk and rich before the Great Destruction died in their own rooms with gray hair. After enjoying it for a lifetime, they died without emotion watching the power grabbers take over the mess.

And the power grabbers on the ship are just good at instigating chaos and claiming power in the name of 'freedom'. However, after seizing power, they are incompetent in the face of a series of problems after the energy failure of the fleet and the failure of fishing net equipment.

And to make matters worse, the previous turmoil had destroyed the only sustaining capability on board. Those technicians who were labeled as villains were either forced to jump into the sea, or were tied to the hot water pipes of the boiler and burned to death.

Food shortages arise, people start eating people, they start killing each other. In the end, the ship collided with the ship, and the last crazy thousand people fell on the seabed of the Chidai Islands. At the end of life, the pain of suffocation and the rejection of the cold sea water sent out messages in the carbon base field to usher in The echinoderm community on the seabed formed the first generation of consciousness.

The memories of these people are now intermittent and can no longer be complete.

After Tianzhulong's memory organ finished describing all this, it quickly went out.


In the 177th year of Pandora's calendar, the global significance of the Heavenly Death Dragon has come to an end. The frequency band it represented suddenly disappeared, sounding the death knell for other apostles around the world.

In space satellite detection, in some barren areas, the competition for organic matter among the apostle communities slowed down rapidly. The competition for some fertile areas has become more and more fierce. Every apostle knows the countdown - the mass extinction caused by the 'fourth natural disaster' is coming.

The disappearance of Tianyulong does not mean that Wei Keng stopped. Wei Keng directly inserted into the southernmost tip of Nanhai on Thousand Islands of Nanyang, and landed in Kuala Lumpur and Brunei respectively.

The communities in these two places, of course, would not welcome Master Wang to Wei Keng. In 170, when Wei Keng was approaching south from the Central South Subcontinent and Luzon Island, the two communities of Yusha and Jingfeng dispatched The biome is rapidly invading northwards.

Of course, Wei Keng established the life frequency band of the "immune system" in the Indochina Peninsula, and the pattering dispatch of these two apostles did not have any effect.

After the Tianjulong was wiped out in 177, after the central space-based frequency band man-made nodes and biological auxiliary nodes were established on many islands in Nanhai, the biological tide flooded many islands in the south.

On August 7, 177, at the dock base in Kuala Lumpur, with the arrival of the youths from the unified logging area, various tasks such as operating mechs or building biological frequency band radiation towers went deep into the alien life radiation area. These young people finally understood what is called biological radiation sickness.

Because there are too many cases, the medical cabin is not enough, and the blood bag technology is easily polluted by different types of radiation, so the amount is seriously insufficient. Some local methods of treatment had to be launched, and the biological tissues of some standard beasts were taken out, subjected to special chemical treatment, and began to be used for the treatment of some team members who suffered from genetic pollution and felt unwell.

As for this, some of the physiological reactions of humans and standard beasts are the same, and they will quickly transform human life tissues, but there are still some differences in life tissues. This kind of use is risky if you are not careful.

Human beings are the most neutral existence in the entire field of human life. If there is an imbalance in human beings, it can be supplemented by looking for the corresponding standard animal biological tissue protein.

So after Wei Keng's personal experimentation, the system matched the hands, feet, heart and kidneys, and various creatures in the human life field according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Master Wei had a very weird feeling about this matter—the originally good Pokémon had become a Chinese herbal medicine.

Of course, animal life is nothing compared to "human life is at stake."

The modern medical blood bag commonly used in the unified logging area is a medical technology with a high technical threshold.

The medical department in the unified logging area needs a complete set of sterile stainless steel production equipment, as well as strict control of temperature and production process, and finally uses human cells to determine whether the frequency band is completely compatible.

Such conditions are completely insufficient for most of the settlements around the world that are still in the stage of enlightenment.

When the level of science and technology cannot be reached, it is necessary to preserve a low-tech threshold and use existing "biological resources" to effectively prevent most common diseases.

The advantage of traditional medicine does not lie in the "wisdom of the ancients" or "unique theories" to confuse the masses, but in the fact that traditional medicine can provide effective medical protection for the masses by crossing the threshold of industrial production under conditions of weak productivity. .

This medical system, from ancient times to the present, has met the needs of the people for a long time.

Only by maintaining the spirit of "serving the people" can the medical system develop for a long time.

So after the modern times, there were only two routes for traditional medicine to survive.

The best policy: Either fully embrace science, keep pace with the times, take the route of more complete clinical verification and more accurate data statistics, and dare to accept flaws and admit mistakes in the proof process.

Medium strategy: Either learn from the ancient times, where gas tanks are rejuvenated in areas where fuel delivery facilities are scarce, such as Africa and the Middle East, and continue to be passed on in places where the medical system is underdeveloped and "traditional medicine" is really needed.

However, the oriental traditional medicine in the main world chose the wrong strategy: it was packaged as an advanced medical treatment with a unique theory and no need for verification.

As a result, in the twenty-sixth century of the main world, there was no traditional medicine in the East.

There are only a few soups and medicines that prove the existence of this discipline, and most of the treatments use more scientific and effective modern drugs and equipment scanning.

In the plane of Pandora, in 177, a large number of young men came to Wei Keng to accept torture after being injured.

From straightening the bone after the fracture to puncturing the stomach, Mr. Wei arranged the intestines along the position, and then taught himself a series of techniques such as acupuncture, plaster, and decoction according to the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. Unknowingly, Master Wei's middle-of-the-road appearance can also rejuvenate his hands unknowingly.

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