Out of the cage

Chapter 480 Chapter 11.36 Compensation

Wei Keng attacked the city, and as the Lugia formation in the air projected beam marks, the curved artillery pulled out all the personnel on the city wall in turn. Those soil turtles who have always been used to protecting the city walls from the frenzy of creatures have never seen such a charge under the cover of pure long-range firepower.

The flame spray guns on the city wall transformed from fire trucks completely turned into a sea of ​​burning flames under the first wave of bombing. People hiding in the fort were also taken out by glide bombs.

Under the cover of firepower and the three-dimensional view of the sky and the ground, Wei Keng's first wave of clusters successfully arrived under the city wall, and installed the explosive packs and blasting tubes under the city wall. With a bang, the entire city wall collapsed, and a huge breach appeared.

Under the cover of the charge of the centaur chariot, Wei Keng, who was wearing individual soldier armor, rushed in. Facing the roaring quadruped mechas, the absorbers tried to manipulate the retreating cannons on the city wall, but they were smashed into scrap iron by the vehicle-mounted machine guns before they could be fired twice.

And those blood knights who were holding knight swords and crawling low in the tunnel, preparing to launch a surprise attack, were found by the battle cat. As bunches of grenades smashed in, they all lost their fighting ability.

Within 50 minutes, all three defensive walls were breached, and all the crazily absorbed species were sniped and killed 300 meters away. Different from the granular gunpowder gun in the hand, the gun in Wei Keng's hand is a high-strength steel pipe that fires double-based bullets with a much faster exit speed.

When Wei Keng broke into the central base, he saw a large number of children as "tributes". These little children cried when they saw the stranger barging in. And the "little thing" among these children has hidden a knife, ready to strike back at the intruder (Wei Keng).

Wei Keng was wearing a mecha, and he was very vigilant even in the most common situations. The carbon-based frequency band identification system had already identified the dangerous species among these children, but as if nothing had happened, after each child was given a piece of canned food, , gradually approaching the dangerous species.

In the seemingly peaceful approach, both sides are secretly accumulating strength.

Finally, when passing by a loli squatting in the corner, Wei Keng grabbed her directly. The little girl smiled strangely and turned into countless bloodshot eyes. But the moment she was about to engulf Wei Keng, with a "snap", Wei Keng next to him very skillfully threw the alcohol bottle in the air. The alcohol shattered on the helmet and sprinkled Wei Keng, who was about to be covered in blood, and then, with a "boom", flames rose.

The flames directly scorched the bloodshot ejected by the great lord in the state of a little girl. And at this moment, Wei Keng, who had already been holding a gun beside him, attacked the thing pretending to be a girl.

Even though the girl moves like a ghost for a split second. But the entire hall was radiated by Wei Keng's life field, and her movement had been predicted in all directions. Seven or eight shots in a row, none of which burst into sparks on the wall, all hit, especially when she was jumping in the air. , Wei Keng still hit him with a spray gun.

Finally, in front of a group of silent children, Wei Keng stepped on this "loli" who had lived for dozens of years, and said coldly, "jumping up and down in front of me, are you imitating a monkey?"

This one mutated into a body similar to that of a molting gecko, with only the head of a loli remaining. He coughed and said in Chinese bluntly: "You are from the west, are you from Jianye, or the Five Colors Alliance?"

Wei Keng paused, and said, "It seems that you have been to Middle Earth."

Loli: "I went there fifty years ago. Your corrupt bureaucrats are disgusting. You were driven here too, right?"

Wei Keng smiled: "One day in our place changes every hundred years, and now you can see it again. Of course, the premise is that you have to realize the mistake of cannibalism again."

Papa, at this time there were successive gunshots at the door.

Wei Keng paused, looking at the skinned dog loli, facing her weird smile that succeeded, Wei Keng also smiled.

At the gate is the last guard of the absorbers in the city, they are the elite guard of the prince (that loli). The prince originally wanted to make bait himself to take down Wei Keng's group of people, and then left. But she was caught in Wei Keng's attack in turn, so she could only summon her own retainers, trying to overwhelm Wei Keng with three times the number of people.

At this time, there were 30 Wei Keng who attacked the fortress, a reinforced platoon. This kind of number of people has been proven to be able to kill most of the biomes while walking in the continent of Europe at this time.

Facing the large group of guys wearing black cloaks and white tights outside the window, Master Wei stretched out his fingers in gloves and gestured a gesture language that is universally used in the world, "Come here!"

This is the only battle that can be called hand-to-hand combat in the invasion of the Japanese islands.

The extractors tried to attack from the window glass within 1 to 2 minutes, but as the firepower in each window hit, these jumping extractors seemed to hit a wall of air.

This gothic castle has many windows and many breakthrough points, but it also has many firepower points. As many as they jump up, they will be shot down by bullets. After the head, it wriggled directly on the ground.

After discovering that this was not feasible, the absorber prepared to gather the strength of more than a dozen people and rush in from the main gate.

With the sound of gunfire and the sound of glass slag being smashed, these guards rushed up against the spray fire. But it was Wei Keng who stood in front of him with a bayonet clutched in his face.

With a half-meter-long three-edged bayonet, a two-meter-high figure, and the explosive power of those highly oxidized muscles, this knife will pierce through half a centimeter thick metal plate. And such an attack can tear one's bones into pieces, so it is necessary to use carbon fiber to absorb the force in advance.

There are no martial arts skills to be used in the narrow area, the three Wei Keng alternately pierced, the pace coordinated with the progress, and the guys who rushed up saw one by one. The sound of cracking the skull was like cracking melon seeds. In just a few tens of seconds, blood flowed on the ground like a river.

A absorber shouted loudly when he was dying, and tried to detonate the bomb on his body, but was pushed to the ground by Wei Keng first. With a bang, the guy pressed the bomb himself and was blown to pieces.

Of course, some absorbers popped out flesh thorns and inserted them into Wei Keng's abdomen, finally breaking Wei Keng's defense. But after seeing Wei Keng's pained but indifferent expression on his face under the mask, and the medical technology in the cutting area, this "ghoul" broke the defense on the spot.

The Lolita prince saw that Wei Keng pulled out these fleshy lines, the wound on his body stopped bleeding quickly, and tore open a jelly-like package. After the jelly is covered, the fleshy wound can be seen glued like plasticine in just a few seconds.

Of course, what shocked the prince the most was the sudden explosion of life radiation when Wei Keng punched during the fight. Originally, it was not a strong life radiation, but it shot out like explosives in an instant. As for the tentacles that touched Wei Keng's body, they were like limp jellyfish in just three seconds.

The particles implanted in the muscle tissue can withstand life activities under high oxidation. Every time the release effect is instant, it is very appropriate to call it "explosive seed". And the moment of this eruption made even the alien bloodlines feel fear.

And ordinary absorbers with specialized bodies and three to four times the explosive strength of human beings were weak at the moment when Wei Keng alternately swung out his knives.

So three minutes later, these things that have always enjoyed human fear, now encounter fear themselves. Facing the oppressive force of the guard Keng, they couldn't hold their knives and pistols steadily.

The muscles of Wei Keng's whole body were tense, and the muscles of his cheeks unconsciously turned into flesh! After seeing each other in the cluster, they couldn't help laughing at themselves: "Tsk tsk, the posture of the middle man, the appearance of the middle man, I have never been handsome."

This kind of offensive and defensive battle at the door of the house lasted only four minutes, because the centaur chariot broke through the wall of the garden and surrounded the European-style fortress from all directions. It was accompanied by hundreds of combatants in Wei Keng's colony, as well as the Lugia guided bombs locked in the air.

The scene of these armored troops pouring in from the surroundings is quite similar to the "Red Police and the Second Soviet Army's first attack on the Pentagon".

For Wei Keng: the battle is completely dusted,

But for the alienated and mutated prince who can't see the previous loli mentality, this is the last straw. She suddenly struggled from under the guard Wei Keng's feet.

After she yelled "Abaaaba" for some unknown reason, the final mutation began.

Originally, the girl's head began to age rapidly, her blond hair fell off rapidly, and her face changed from pale to speckled with potatoes. At the same time, the body is divided into various independent organs. With such a mutation, there is no need to save it.

In the end, Wei Keng caught fire and she disappeared.

The system prompts: 'A high-level absorber whose lifespan exceeds one hundred years old already has a lot of rejection reactions in his body, and his body can only be cohesive by relying on the nodes of his body as a group. And once its group is defeated, it will be like a node of a biome that loses the support of the group and falls apart. '

The battle at Edo Port is over, but there are still more than 60,000 people in the city. In addition to those teenagers tied up in the castle as high-quality "food", there are also ordinary residents raised in pigeon cages in abandoned industrial areas.

To be honest, the way of ruling Edo Bay is really different. They don't treat people as adults. They directly determine how many people live in the abandoned industrial area according to how many bacteria food blocks they consume and how much "juvenile tax" they can receive. indirect statistics.

Extractors don't even have an overall statistic of the clerks who do things for them.

Rather, each noble class knows how many people it has under its command, and at the same time, knows which of its subordinates are relatively powerful.

Compared with Jianye, although those gentlemen have no statistics on the bottom of the city, they know how many people are in the system, and even manage the uncontrolled crowds in the city. Well, this is mainly because they are afraid of making trouble .

After Wei Keng walked out of the unified cutting area, he suddenly discovered: Thirty years ago, he felt that Jianye and the Five Colors Federation were irrelevant. But after looking around the world, I found that other places belonged to not being human.

Master Wei finally understood, when he first came to this world, why did Bai Linglu's gang of supervisors regard "Qiu Mengfei and Su Lingshuang" as the protagonists, relying solely on their peers to set off!

On November 11, after the fortress of Edo Castle was captured, the youths recruited from the surrounding villages began to maintain order wearing the colonial armor that had barely learned to operate.

Food needs to be distributed, looting, theft needs to be stopped, and even bullying by new small groups needs to be stopped. To be honest, the young people recruited in those villages couldn't meet these requirements themselves.

After different villages entered the city, they also began to form factions with each other. Or they worshiped Wei Keng and this group of foreign forces.

Wei Keng's headache, the Japanese Islands have always lacked a reason that can "become the consensus of all regions" to overcome.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief: "I'm just a middle-aged person, neither Confucius nor Mencius, nor Lao Zhuang."

For "righteousness" alone, Japan has only learned "loyalty to the monarch and small righteousness", and for great righteousness, the historian died to record the truth of history, and the younger brother took the place of his elder brother to go to the disaster to maintain Xiaoyi (Gongzi Shou, Gongzi Ji), all sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

Wei Keng didn't understand this kind of situation when he was a teenager, but when he grew up, he understood that this is a fight for one's breath. In the end, he will suffer a loss and die, and he must live on behalf of his own will.

The cultural atmosphere on the islands makes them always lose control and indulge when they are "surplus", and obey and suppress when they are "distressed". When you indulge, you will abandon all morality, think that you don't need to care about morality when you are strong, and start to hurt others with a smile. When suppressed by a strong enemy, they will give up all morality, because they think that morality cannot take care of a weak self, so they put down the bottom line and start cannibalism.

However, the difference between humans and animals is whether they stick to morality. The difference between civilization and barbarians is whether they firmly think about the world according to a set of philosophical systems. Even if this philosophical system suddenly appears to be incompatible with the contemporary humanistic reality, those with a cultural background are not too busy denying everything, but thinking about how to fill it.

Wei Keng: This nation has no individuality in nature, so there is no way to teach them. They have followed Eastern philosophy for a thousand years, but the roots are crooked and cannot be changed. Throw them to the west.


On November 20, 178, at the mouth of the Heihe River, ships carrying local cadres began to sail eastward.

After five years of construction in the unified logging area, the people in the Heihe area have kept up with the development of other areas in the unified logging area. Although there is still a shortage of drivers in various agricultural equipment, advanced technical personnel have also begun to appear.

On board the ship were young cadres from the Heihe region. Over the past century, the Heihe region has suffered a great deal of damage and casualties. After a hundred years of resurgence, the unified logging region requires them to stand on the basis of international morality and help It was restored after the war. Such a task made the cadres in the Heihe area quite resistant.

In this regard, the unified logging area carried out repeated mobilization work: "The cadres of Heihe are required to have a holistic view, and the priority is to attack a small group of 'anti-humanity' elements on the islands. This is a blood debt that must be liquidated first. As for the grievances and grievances of plundering in the past two hundred years, it is recorded in another book."

On January 3, 179, it was snowing heavily, and all ecological communities were killed. Except for the few standard beasts nourished by the humane frequency band, they were still active, hunting for the last remnants of the absorbers.

Thousands of remnants of extractors, headed by Yujian, have now come to the western naval base, trying to activate the last sealed ship, and still trying to counterattack Middle-earth, and carry out the absorption and replenishment by fighting to support war.

But this is a naive idea, not to mention the perfect humane carbon-based communication system, the sea is full of defensive fleets, even if they can drive there, they will devour each other along the way.

In this case, if it is a group on the side of the Dahe civilization, the individuals in the middle and lower classes will not be so brainless and blindly follow, but will think about whether there is a future, if a road obviously has no future. If you are not sure, you will sneak away halfway, even if you are killed, you will sneak away.

But under the neon culture, after Yu Jian ate several individuals, he restrained everyone abruptly, and started the final samurai self-destruction.

But Wei Keng would not give them any chance. When they arrived at the naval base, Wei Keng had already surrounded the sea base from all directions before heating up the marine boiler.

When gunshots sounded from the top of the hill, the 500-ton combat boat also advanced into the harbor.

In the heavy snow, Rogia flying in the air uttered a long cry, like a dragon's cry, echoing in the ice and snow.

Looking at the siege on the sea and sky like a net, Yu Jian standing on the last battleship showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

After Wei Keng failed to persuade him to surrender, the battle still started. Facing the absorber jumping and gliding from the water, Wei Keng on the battleship raised his double-barreled protective rapid-fire naval gun.

This kind of anti-aircraft gun is used to fight fighter jets. As for the membrane controlled by the tentacles, it is of course not a problem. Following a burst of shooting, the three hundred rounds of large-caliber bullets made this charge very "hot-blooded"—hot blood in the physical sense, which suddenly turned into a white mist of blood in the icy and snowy weather.

In the synchronous link of Wei Keng's thoughts, the speed that the absorber is proud of is all in the ballistic blockade of Wei Keng's spiritual language communication plan.

The aerial bomber, after a wave of machine guns wiped out the absorbers on the boat, just sent the incendiary bombs up, sending warmth to the absorbers who were forced to be in a small position by the strafing.

With the fireman jumping into the icy water and being scooped up, the battle was over, and there was no more "man-eating fish slipping through the net" on this Japanese island. As for whether a new "cannibal form" will be born in the future, it depends on the awakening of later generations.

In February 179, Wei Keng completely withdrew from the Ridge Islands because he was going to fight in other areas. After the food was delivered to Edo Port, the survivors of the last days saw Wei Keng lined up on the boat and left here.

At the port, when parting, Wei Keng, who first landed, patted Tuoren's little head and said, "I am a human being. In order to cope with the crisis of this era, I have made some changes. I may not be the only answer, but The way I am determined to solve the problem must meet three conditions.

One is not to persecute the lives of others for personal gain;

Second, you can't force others to do things you don't want to do;

Three, respect the hopes of fellow citizens with whom you communicate. "

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