Out of the cage

Chapter 498 Chapter 12.12 What kind of result?

Twenty-five hours after the "big robbery and smuggling case", Wei Keng contacted the leaders of each team again.

After confirming that several outsiders had been caught, Wei Keng made targeted arrangements again, allowing those at risk of exposure to avoid the limelight immediately, and asked the team in charge of the response to quickly evacuate after preparing funds and water sources at specific locations, and mutually There is no contact between them.

As for those who were arrested - Mr. Wei had to give some gifts to some of the executors who investigated this matter. As a gangster, you can't just be beaten and not fight back.

Wei Keng sent people to throw one or two gold bars and bullets into the cars of these little people under the inspector's office, or in the private houses where they went out!

The meaning of the gangsters is very clear: people, we may not be able to save them, and we will not throw ourselves into the trap (let alone contact these unreliable people). But if the police officers of the asteroid do "too much" and won't be perfunctory, you can guess whether we gangsters will be serious.

[Wei Keng: In a confrontation, the weaker side needs to exert more subjective initiative. To survive under the pressure of the strong. If you hold your head and squat to defend, it is too passive. 】

Therefore, in the first half of 1237, the entire outer layer of the asteroid, and various regions, were very critical to crack down on various illegal forces.

When three inspectors with strict investigations were patrolling, they encountered a smoky package thrown over, and then the police rocket shuttle at their door ignited spontaneously.

Such things, those guys who are suspected to be gangsters, just revealed a little clue. When these asteroid police chiefs wanted to follow the clues, those lawless guys never appeared again.

It was looming, and it was hidden extremely deeply, making the public security detectives in the entire lower area feel inexplicable pressure.

Here, Wei Keng also knew that the local police detectives could not cure him.

Bandit Wei: "If you want to rule me, unless you carry out the iron fist after the bottom-up reform, otherwise, you will eat shit!"

The seventh week of the whole year in 1237, the asteroid's inner division. The Governor of Public Security, dressed in a black gold silk uniform, looked at his incompetent subordinates as if he had eaten gunpowder.

Within three months, except for the search of some broken express car engines.

The detection of the "big robbery and smuggling case" in each block only caught a large number of specious people.

The so-called major clue breakthrough: it is just the rocket shuttles discarded by the perpetrators, which were left at the scene after igniting the vehicles and houses of the police officers in the security station.

The headquarters, organizational structure, and leaders of this group of masked speeding robbers, as well as the forces behind them, do not know anything.

Of course, according to the self-defense of the lower-level public security stations in various regions, they have also done a lot of work and locked people in some regions. And he insisted that the suspect must have been here, but now he has fled, and a multi-party joint investigation is needed.

But if you keep looking down, the magistrates will be made things difficult, and some equipment will be damaged inexplicably.

It would take courage for the sheriff to hand over the results of such an investigation to the higher authorities.

Just two months ago, a regional public security station did just that, and the higher-ups immediately arrested a large number of people. But just a week after the upper-level arrests, the "lawless" guys directly stormed the security station in the area. Within fifteen minutes the armory was robbed, and then the sheriff's office was set on fire.

This is the "Major Case of Falling of Public Security Station No. 9334" after the "Major Robbery and Smuggling Case"!

This behavior of blatantly capturing the entire security station area is already provoking the violent ruling machine of the entire area. Immediately, the military forces of the entire Iron Planet were dispatched, and the network and traffic in the area were blocked for half a year afterwards. And those masked robbers had expected this situation long ago and moved away long ago.

But since then, the entire lower-level regional security forces have never dared to investigate in depth.

Wei Keng: What kind of mobilization force did the Dongfanghong Society in the modern world suppress bandits in the southwest? The cadres who went deep into the grassroots were killed by gangsters, and they continued to grit their teeth until the end. The comrades who survived were not only not afraid, but also resolutely led the way for the militia and paid for their blood. When a strong will goes down to the grassroots, stubborn resistance is tantamount to losing sight of the situation.

Now, in this asteroid, the inner circle is separated from the outer circle. The Public Security Bureau on the inner level and the security personnel on the outer level have their own ideas. Moreover, ordinary people in various regions have all drawn to their side.

The Wei gangsters have spotted the troubled times. Come directly to "Lao Tzu and Tian Wang are firmly building the ground tiger, your pagoda can't suppress the river demon."

On the side of the chief inspector of the Ministry of Public Security, the chief inspector with flowing hair and a handsome face, but he is actually a man, stared at the information on the projection screen with gloomy eyes.

At present, in public, the information about the existence of the "zhekong sword" among the looted smuggled items has not been made public, but the relevant parties are already uneasy.

The "Looting and Smuggling Case" is the famous work of this masked gang, but before this, this criminal gang has been arrogant for a year, running around in various regions to commit crimes. In the face of many security armed forces, he was still able to retreat unscathed.

It is particularly worth noting that this criminal gang is well-organized and looks like an interstellar mercenary.

The people who have been caught now, and some of the undercover agents who have infiltrated this organization are just local informants.

According to the confessions of these criminals who were caught: During each meeting, there was a single-line contact at each level, and the guy in the center was very mysterious. Meeting each other and giving orders are all through special projection equipment.

After the people from the public security station destroyed these scenes, they couldn't find any valuable information.

The inspector speculated: This gangster leader is obviously specialized in the "information department" ability. And at this point, it may be more important than the batch of lost Zhekong swords.

Now is indeed a critical time for all parties in Wentie Province.

Governor Chang Hengxi, as the representative of the Xinghai Council here, forcibly pushed the entire Wentie Province into Area A of the Nikan Nebula. All parties are unwilling to sit still and wait for death. This is the reason why the Zhekong sword was brought in so carefully.

Now everyone is strictly guarding against Chang Hengxi, a tiger who pounces wildly, but is caught by a cat. The survey said it was a coincidence, who would believe it? Is this cat not related to a tiger?

No one believed that it was a group of half-sized gangsters who snatched this batch of arms halfway.

At the moment, the atmosphere in the Public Security Bureau is becoming more and more stagnant.

The Attorney General turned around and issued an ultimatum to his subordinates: "Within fifteen days, give me—"

However, before he finished speaking, the gate of the Governor's Mansion opened, and someone interrupted him: "You don't need to think about fifteen days later!"

The chief inspector saw the visitor with a livid expression. Prosecutor Tang Xuan (an airborne official brought by Chang Hengxi from the area outside the star gate) now walked in with two groups of military teams.

Madam Prosecutor looked sarcastically at the old-school Superintendent of Peace and announced he was 'temporarily' relieved of all duties.

Two minutes later, the suspended governor of public security came out of the rear hatch of the public security center with a look of haste. He, carrying a briefcase, activated the neutrino communicator in a place he thought was secret, and quickly communicated with Greet your local allies.

The internal power struggle of Iron Star, and the abnormal handover of novices and veterans, made all the old case processing in the public security station be forcibly suspended at this moment! And as the center struggle is about to begin, all factions on the Iron Planet will turn their attention to the center, thus putting aside a large number of secondary issues in the outer region and starting to mess around.

In Wen Tiexing's school rental room, Wei Keng, who is rarely at peace, is cultivating himself.

Steamed vegetable juices and rice are tanned using a low-gravity environment. Then suddenly cooled to 20 degrees to lock the water, slightly air-dried, then smeared with vegetable oil, started to stir-fry in zero gravity, mixed with egg liquid, and then stir-fried. Add mushrooms and crushed dried fruit particles in the middle, so that the fried egg fried rice has the fragrance and umami taste of vegetables.

Jing Guyu: "What is this?"

Wei Keng: "Bodhi Yuzhai in space environment."

Wei Keng pulled it into his mouth.

Jing Guyu moved the interface to the front of Wei Keng's perspective, opened his eyes wide and asked, "Is it delicious?"

Wei Keng: "So-so."

Jing Guyu: "Are you skilled in cooking?"

Wei Keng: "Let me finish eating."

Jing Guyu: "Out of politeness, you should ask me 'have you eaten'.".

Holding a bowl of rice, Wei Keng asked, "Can you still eat the rice I cooked on the plane?"

Jing Guyu: "It's improved now, this~ you can open up the information system."

Two seconds later, a ray appeared in Wei Keng's dark energy system, and this ray scanned the entire bowl of rice.

After the scan, Jing Guyu held the bowl and took a taste with chopsticks, then chewed carefully.

Wei Keng asked in surprise: "Can your supervisors obtain information about the plane in this way?"

Jing Guyu's eyes turned into crescents, and said, "Yes, but when I'm eating, how about talking after I finish tasting?"

[Inspectors' information perception of plane items is the technological advancement of the third plane war. It helps inspectors to simultaneously know the situation encountered by traversers. Of course - it can also be used to taste plane delicacies. 】

Wei Keng finished his meal, while washing the dishes, he looked at the communication channel of the entire inner layer of the asteroid.

On the communication channel, the newly appointed Governor of Public Security is giving a speech, indicating that she will "severely crack down on illegal crimes and hope that the residents of the asteroid will cooperate."

Wei Keng nodded after watching the speech, and clapped his hands a little after placing the plates. Then he continued to wash the dishes. Anyone who saw this scene would not think that this person had anything to do with the big robbery on the outer floor.

In the inner layer, Wei Keng, as an ordinary student, will fully demonstrate in every word and deed that he is a good boy who loves the leadership of Governor Wen Tiexing.

Wei Keng has always expressed this superficial attitude very professionally and entered into the play.

No, when Chang Hengxi appeared on the screen, Wei Keng was sitting and staring.

And Jing Guyu noticed that Wei Keng was looking at Chang Hengxi, she was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but think of something.

After a long time, Jing Guyu's eyebrows dimmed slightly, and she seemed to have made a small decision to store the unfinished fried rice.


In most time-space partnerships, the supervisor can help the traveler to do many things, check for omissions and fill in the gaps. But in Wei Keng's place, especially on the dark plane, Jing Guyu found that he couldn't get a hand in at all! All guidance also fell through.

Wei Keng is currently in the process of accelerating his thinking, and he has prepared everything. Even if there is a thinking pulse and a relatively independent personality, it is highly collaborative. Any slightly independent Wei Keng personality is also better than Jing Guyu's assistance in the process of collaboration.

Jing Guyu couldn't help but wonder what happened to Wei Keng when he traveled in the past, how did Bai Linglu and Qin Xiaohan get along with him?

Jing Guyu asked Wei Keng: "Have you ever met a confidante in the plane? I mean the girl in the plane mission."

Wei Keng paused for a moment, then looked at the sky: "I am a middle-aged man!"

Jing Guyu: "What do you mean?" Wei Keng: "If you are distracted, you will not be able to do a good job, and you will easily lose your inspiration. Besides~~" Wei Keng said quietly: "The coolness on the plane cannot be brought to the main world. .So, why start something that has no end?"

Jing Guyu, who was holding "Chang Hengxi's materials more than three hundred years ago", was dumbfounded, with an unnatural smile on his expression, and asked in a murmur, "Yes, is that so?"

Wei Keng paused, "What's the matter?"

Jing Guyu paused: "I thought, what would you think of when you look at her (Chang Hengxi)?"

Wei Keng asked suspiciously: "Has Taxi Qiduo ever met Chang Hengxi before?"

Jing Guyu changed the topic: "Oh, it's nothing. Taxi Qiduo ran away from home because he was afraid of the punishment from Wen Tiexing's core."

Wei Keng looked at Chang Hengxi on the screen and nodded in agreement: "Well, you are right, she (Chang Hengxi) gives me the feeling that she is a great threat. We must treat it with caution."

Jing Guyu's eyes were a little erratic, but he still nodded.

Narrator: Chang Hengxi was actually born in Wentiexing, a small place. Now she is a seventh-level dark energy user, and she is in this small pool. It seems to be a coincidence, but it is full of opportunities.

Chang Hengxi's dark energy system is still relatively high-end in the seventh level of Xinghai. This is equivalent to the emergence of a national level in a small village in ancient times. Is she a genius? There is no doubt "yes", but no matter how talented you are, you will be trapped by opportunities at such a low platform. The only thing that can be explained is that you met a noble person.

And everything stems from the fate three hundred years ago. Before Wei Keng arrived, there were other traversers.

The same is true of the Shenzhou plane, Wei Keng is not the first to cross.


At this time in the outside world, the third plane war is in full swing.

Most people in the Space-Time Management Bureau focused their attention on hot spots, and many things were ignored, such as things in the dark plane.

However, someone is always paying attention.

After completing the battle in the "Vortex Time and Space" territory, Michaelie turned around and inspected the surrounding airspace. When he saw his daughter Li Yishuang spying on the dark plane. With a serious mood, he adjusted the information and sent it over.

Michael Lena asked Li Yishuang, "What are you doing?"

Then she took a look, Li Yishuang was reading Jing Guyu's materials, and became serious. This king, who was always moody and angry in the battle between the planes, raised his head again, with silver hair fluttering and golden pupils shining. anger.

"Do you think this is fun?" asked Michaelena to her terrified daughter.

Li Yishuang opened her mouth, and then realized that what she had done violated the rules, she lowered her head and said, "My lord father, in that battle, although my lord mother (became a king), there were still enemies left! —— In order to eliminate potential threats."

[Narrator: The relationship between Michaelina and Li Ximeng parted ways with the division of camps in the Third Plane War. The two sides are actually arguing about ideas, but Li Yishuang thinks this is an "emotional crisis", so she starts to act on the "fuse" that she thinks triggers the crisis. The trigger was Li Ximeng and Wei Qiang's competition for the throne, and Michaelina interfered. 】

Michaelena interrupted her and scolded: "What happened before the 28th era (century), this is the grievance of our generation, you, you are not even qualified to touch, get out!"

When Li Yishuang left aggrieved, Michaelena's sternness and anger withdrew, and anxiety flickered on the brows.

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