Out of the cage

Chapter 506 Chapter 12.20 Extraterrestrial

In an abandoned aerospace command post on the surface of Iron Star, Wei Keng supported the inflatable space capsule in the metal frame. The same is true for the moon base in the 22nd century, printing bricks and tiles with local materials on the moon, building a hard structure similar to the Inuit igloo, and then supporting the inflatable space capsule inside. (That is, the software space warehouse in the 21st century space station). Of course, this is rudimentary on an asteroid.

In this way, the crude environment, which can be called a cave dwelling, is the command center of the outer reformists.

As a fourth-level dark energy user, Wei Keng now uses the atomic clock, starlight positioning and other facilities installed on the outer layer to make the dark energy of his space system accurately jump on the iron asteroid at a frequency of 400,000 times per microsecond.

In this way, Wei Keng can obtain a message transmission system similar to the satellite network for all group communications and the outer layer of the planet.

Even so, Wei Keng was still powerless when Chang Hengxi's dark energy system surged inside the asteroid with his ingenious technique system. No one understands the gap with Chang Hengxi better than Wei Keng.

In the face of the asteroid's internal diameter of 100 kilometers, the organic matter cycle changes uniformly.

It's like a super powerful life staring out! ——It seems that Gaia can be used to describe it. Of course, it is almost at the level of Pandora's planetary consciousness.

In front of such a behemoth, the fourth-level dark energy is like a tiny bug attached to an elephant. Perhaps the small bug can climb to the back of the elephant, making the elephant unable to perceive it, but as long as the elephant flicks its nose and sprays a tube of mud, it will be Can solve this little bug.

Wei Keng wasn't ignorant, it was just hidden in his heart and he didn't want to say it, so he silently mustered up the courage to face it. Now those first-level and second-level dark energy users have a little more knowledge than ordinary people, and they will gradually claim to have mastered the truth, and then belittle "brave confrontation" as "ignorance and arrogance". Fighting against the strong with the weak has always been not only to fight against the strength of the enemy, but also to guard against the cowardice of one's own side.

[Chang Hengxi's dark energy system is a non-combat system, which belongs to logistics in the star sea. The area where she can fully exert herself is an administrative planet with liquid water, or a planetary warship of thousands of kilometers, which is now being used. Compressed, but the level is enough to crush all gaps. 】

After precise calculations, Wei Keng was active in the outermost layer of the asteroid, which is more than 300 kilometers away from the core, to avoid Chang Hengxi.

At this time, the internal struggle is fierce. Chang Hengxi is not willing to extend too much dark energy to the outside to accelerate the cycle change of the organic matter in the outer layer. Only then did Wei Keng temporarily escape Chang Hengxi's attention.

Of course, this is only temporary, Guoli has already been caught, and it will be a matter of time before the senior leaders of the other transformation groups are exposed under this kind of power, so we have to make more plans.

After the meeting, Wei Keng started his personal preparations.

Now just a few hundred meters away from Wei Keng, there is a rocket launch crater with a depth of 60 meters. This rocket launch crater is a private space port built by a private group in the outer layer to launch shuttles outward a hundred years ago. Then as time passed, it was abandoned.

During these months. Wei Keng pieced together materials, rebuilt a rocket in the tunnel, and filled it with fuel.

Note: According to the standards of the twenty-sixth century, a spacecraft with a tonnage of more than 6,000 tons, which can accommodate ten people for a year and has the ability to sail on the Earth and the Moon is considered a spaceship. As for space travel in the early 21st century, it can only be regarded as a "shuttle".

Wei Keng walked to the edge of the "Intercontinental Missile" launch base and released the space shield. Only Wei Keng knew the cave inside.

A variety of maintenance robots began to debug. Among them, the installation robot at the top pops up dozens of metal water pipes, mechanical tentacles, and inspection robots like flat sweeping robots, and quickly completes a series of constructions of intercontinental missiles under the division of labor and cooperation.

Wei Keng made this rocket very seriously!

After repairing the machine, Wei Keng came a few hundred meters away, and when he lifted it up in the void, a metal iron cover with a diameter of 20 meters was lifted, and Wei Keng walked into the asteroid along the hole.

Near the surface of the asteroid, there is a large amount of empty space. In addition to the shortcomings of weak gravity, this is a natural playground. Wei Keng jumped down from the 40-meter cave, accelerating and retracting in an instant, as if the space flickered. Compared with Wei Keng's current situation, adjectives like "rabbit rises and falcons fall" are clumsy.

Wei Keng practiced in this open area. During the rapid jump, Wei Keng controlled the surrounding surveyors and emitted lasers at the same time. This is the same as practicing swords in the empty twisted plane back then, adjusting the stability of one's movements thousands of times, in order to "only be familiar with one's hands".

And this laser, in the course of five to six seconds, can always be aimed at a point that is four to eight hundred meters away from Wei Keng, and the error will not exceed one hundredth of a micron.

This is the space combat system on the space twisting plane, and Wei Keng is also doing recovery training. The goal is to precisely control the surrounding complex airspace in a very short period of time in a large space.

Wei Keng self-calculates the possibility of confrontation: the risk of encountering a leapfrog confrontation next time is very high, and there must be a chance to seize the moment when the opponent underestimates the enemy. Ready, ready, ready.


The dark energy system that Wei Keng is currently majoring in is very strange. The features that can be seen are the "eternal heart" life system and the "time-space lock" space-time system, but at least 60% of the dark energy cannot see the characteristics.

How to put it, the more advanced the dark energy system, the wider the possibility of the foundation. If you seek specialized lethality at this level, you will cut your base.

For example, space-time dark energy, every combination of dark energy is the most complicated. If some parts are selected and some of them are replaced with simple combinations, it can be easily transformed into various dark energy systems.

Among the fourth-level dark energy, the "solidified force field" is known as the strongest defense. The weirdest "curse of the same name" and the most violent "stellar torch" can all be replaced with simplified parts from the dark energy of time and space.

But now, Wei Keng has three sets of dark energy. "Space-time system" and "life system" are all very advanced dark energy, and they are now assimilated into one base. This base should also consider the instability of the fusion of "space-time system" and "life system".

This is unprecedented, in Jing Guyu's judgment: this is nonsense, if the two dark energies cannot be unified on one base, the problem will not be solved by giving up one group, but the remaining group will become the remaining one. The unstable system of the group of dark energy comes down.

Because, two dark energies with the same level of intensity, if there is no unified and coordinated interaction, they will interfere with each other, and it will be very difficult to keep the synchronization stable.

Therefore, in Xinghai, the Xinghai Knights above the fourth level major in a fourth-level dark energy, and at most one or two first-level and second-level dark energy, such as system strengthening and keen perception, will never be added without limit. It will not let the auxiliary dark energy grow to the extent that it interferes with the main dark energy.

Level 5 and level 6 dark energy users will only assist in the second level of "Physical Strengthening". It is impossible to cultivate to the same level as your main dark energy structure just because the physical strengthening is a little easier.

[It’s as if it’s already difficult for one person to carry a basin full of water so that it doesn’t spill out, but at this time you have to step on a wheelbarrow to keep it stable. 】

Therefore, in the current dark plane, there are very few people with dual-line dark energy, and there are almost no people with both dark energy in the upper-level direction.


So, Mr. Wei has now increased his brain speed to tens of thousands of times, and the "middle man's posture" multiplied by "tens of thousands" and then multiplied by "one year" still stays at the fourth level and the dark energy has not been upgraded. There are considerable problems here. It's big.

Wei Keng deliberately adopted a very complicated system.

"Life", "Time and Space"~~~Damn, Master Wei also has a dark energy system.

Wei Keng's third dark energy system, its various operations are as twisted as the current "time and space", and this system is very strange because it has no "use".

This dark energy system will not allow dark energy users to distort various natural phenomena. It won't even cause abnormal energy phenomena in the body, and even Wei Keng himself doesn't know what the dark energy system of this thing is for now!

This third set of dark energy system is purely based on Wei Keng Taixie, and the idea of ​​cutting corners came into being.

Wei Keng: The shuttle node projected by the main world allows me to come to this plane, so can I climb back according to the dark energy system of this plane?

"Can I pry open the door you came from and go back?" This was Wei Keng's thought.

If we say that "time and space system" is not resigned to being mediocre, we will try our best to reach the peak.

The "eternal heart" is a kind of desire to accumulate steadily, to be sure that as long as you work hard, you will not lose money, and you will keep your income in drought and flood, and the path of the mean.

Then the third kind of dark energy is, a kind of twister who says "if others don't leave, I will give it a try".


For this reason, Wei Keng is capturing the anchor of his own consciousness, measuring the anchor point of the plane where the consciousness is linked to and the reaction of the dark matter phenomenon on the plane, and then condensing the corresponding dark energy.

Explore, explore. In the end, this dark energy structure spread all over his body, and he seemed to find the reflection of self-information on the dimensional level (the reflection on the dimension), but of course it was useless.

That's right, this dark energy with four levels of intensity involves all the dark energy with known dark matter, and it appears like ordinary people!

This is placed in the dark world of the dark plane, and I have never heard of it.

Oh, most people are sure that such an ineffective dark structure is a "redundant" system that needs to be avoided. Not only does Wei Keng not avoid this "redundancy", he is also very busy.

It can only be said that Wei Keng is obsessed with the question of "coming from the main world".

Wei Keng's third dark energy structure is not only absent in the current dark plane, but also in all the travelers who come to this plane under the main world system.

The empty twisting plane is "cooking", and the Pandora plane is "fertilizing".

Master Wei Keng always likes to take some paths that seem to be "no technical content", and at the same time "a bit stupid to drill, need a little stupid to persist".

Half an hour later, Wei Keng controlled the high-pressure air to blow off the sweat on his body. Now this body can be considered quite high-precision, Wei Keng sniffed, frowned and said: "I have to take a bath again..."

Jing Guyu: "You have reached puberty."

Two hours later, after flushing every pore, Wei Keng, who was wearing sportswear, frowned, raised his arm and put it on his nose to sniff, and muttered: "Others are just belly buttons, but I have it all over my body?"

On the system side, Jing Guyu secretly smiled.

The clear fragrance of this type of sap is the evolution of the arboreal age. In the early days, it was just to avoid natural enemies, a kind of giant python that distinguishes its prey by smell molecules, so humans keep themselves and the smell of trees consistent.

But as evolution mastered the twig-making tool, that evolution regressed in females, while males evolved for courtship. Of course, it takes a lot of body nutrients to emit odor, which is a sign of a very healthy body and a very strong metabolism.

The belly button is a manifestation of vigorous life in adolescence, and the whole body begins to disperse. In contemporary times, it only appears occasionally for a minute or two in a few per thousand teenagers, which is even rarer than a flash in the pan. This belongs to the extreme exuberance of the body, and the level of nerve response sensitivity reaches the peak. For individuals, this kind of extremely exuberant body is also something that cannot be met (unity of soul and body).

As for now, Wei Keng couldn't stop at all, and kept going. Because at this time, the coordination of the body and the vitality of the cells have really reached a perfect peak.

For this reason, Wei Keng has always put a layer of space film on his whole body, which is tightly wrapped. These space force fields are like a piece of armor attached to the skin.

Now that Wei Keng re-wrapped his armor, he dived into the molten steel furnace, wrapped in flames, and eliminated all the leaks of his organic information. Then I entered the mecha welding room full of engine oil assembly smell, and the whole body was covered with highly sophisticated metal armor like Iron Man.


At this time, 0.5 astronomical units away, the new generation who had finished the exam, led by the awakened seniors this year, started the holiday training in a spaceship.

Everything that happened in Wentie Star next was calculated according to the plan of the two parties in the inner battle: they are all bystanders.

In ancient times, the price of a cruise ship was ten times that of an ordinary cargo ship. In the space age, the price gap was hundreds of times.

There are swimming cubes on the cruise ship spaceship. Compared to a traditional swimming pool, the spaceship's swimming water is wrapped around a column, and the youngsters tumble in the water column.

Due to the extremely high-energy organic matter circulation system, the food and water in the entire area are not in the slightest distress.

The carbon cycle of the entire spacecraft is not a biosphere, but an energy ball. When carbon dioxide enters it, it is instantly decomposed into oxygen and basic carbon molecular organic matter, and this pure energy ecological cycle system accounts for one-twentieth of the price of the entire battleship.

There are also forty-five large transport ships around the cruise ship.

These spaceships do not have the dotted bright porthole roads like space cruise ships, and the whole is pitch-black, like a closed iron coffin. Two of the ships, which were also transporting people, carried five million people. The residents there lay in hibernation pods, and they were loaded in a sleepy state. After a few months, they arrived at their destinations and then entered the mining asteroid for operation.

Iron star is a large asteroid, which is actually a "dwarf planet" in astronomical theorem, which can form an interstellar space station. This kind of interstellar space station will capture a large number of celestial bodies with a mass smaller than itself during space travel.

In front of it is a large group of giant meteorites with a distance of only 1,000 to 500 meters. These meteorites are very close together, and each meteorite is only seven or eight kilometers apart, which is the distance from one mountain top to another. These asteroids are all resource belts collected during the voyage of the Iron Star, and are now traveling in synchronous orbit with the Iron Star.

If the outer layer of Iron Star is a slum, the meteorite belt composed of hundreds of thousands of meteorites is the burial ground that swallowed up a large number of lives. The main job of the people sent here is to crush the asteroid, then separate the elemental substances, and then throw them towards the rear, forming strips of elemental substances that are captured by the Iron Star Industrial Ship behind the orbit.

Mines are developed by ordinary people in the outer layer, but the ownership of industrial ships belongs to the oligarchs.

The two hibernating transport ships with 5 million people are dispatched laborers. Five cubic meters of working and living cabins for each person are prepared on the meteorite, and they will enjoy quantitative supply control every day.

A total of 1,800 new dark energy players on the two cruise ships are going to interstellar investigations, and a supply station has been established on a certain large planet fifteen astronomical distances away.

Whether it is a cruise ship or an industrial transport ship, the same ceremony is carried out under the leadership of the captain: ah (praise, singing~), everyone is fighting for the future of Iron Star.


On the cruise ship, Can Xing sat in an igloo in the ice and snow area, looking at the two veteran seniors.

The atmosphere on the two sides was quiet, and suddenly the projection in the center flickered. This was news of the exchange of fire from the inner layer. Can Xing leaned on the frost-carved chair, put his hands on his chest, looked at Qingyun Shouhang (female): "It's started."

Qingyun·Shouhang was as calm as the eve of the opening of the cards before the gambling table: "Yes, Can Xing, it has begun. The power of our (old school) has been activated."——As a series of almost the entire inner layer of the asteroid On the side of the big power, Qingyun Shouhang felt that her side would not lose, but Can Xing's expression with a hole card made her feel uneasy.

Can Xing picked up a transparent ice cube, which melted quickly, and an ice rose bloomed from the water inside, crystal clear, but with a cold light, because the edges of the petals were very sharp. And such a flower, with dozens of petals, is just like the forces that are now connected in the inner layer.

Can Xing stared at the flower, then crushed it with a click. She pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "This graduation internship, we have all gained something." From the look of her expression, she has a bit of Chang Hengxi.

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