Out of the cage

Chapter 512 Chapter 12.26 I have something to say, please listen!

The day of November 10th, 1237 on Wentiexing was extremely frightening for the students on the interstellar cruise ship Holy Light and Brightness. In just 30 seconds, the instructors on the cruise ship were killed one by one. or injured. The shell of the hull was pierced fifteen holes by bullets, hissing outwards. Through the window, one can see the one-meter-thick shell of the hull spraying various white mist of water vapor leaking from the hull.

The people in charge of the spaceship have lost their ability to move. Mo Ya rushed to the captain's room. When he was running, he heard the sound of fragments breaking outside the ship. On the hull of this kilometer, all the sighting systems are Destroyed!

When Mo Ya opened the hatch of the hull, in the control room with three-dimensional distribution of light paths, the captain's body was hanging on the hatch of the floating cockpit, and other personnel were also dead in disorder.

Mo Ya recalled his "ship driving" memory, he passed through this area of ​​gravity failure, and droplets of blood stuck to his body in the air. He held his breath and approached the driver's seat step by step.

Just when Mo Ya was three meters away from the seat, the hazard warning projections in the hall suddenly flickered like hailstones, and the lights in the adjacent corridor also dimmed.

He gasped, but he was still ready to activate the counterattack system. However, when he was stretching out his hand, with a snap, the button in front of him was shattered, and the fragments from the explosion cut his cheek, which was hot.

Mo Ya paused for a moment, then looked up blankly at the harsh environment where corpses were flying all over the place. Suddenly, Can Xing's exclamation came from behind him, and Can Xing was frightened by the situation of the corpse. When Mo Ya turned around, he was also shocked, because he found a "cross cursor" on Can Xing's forehead. This was clearly targeted.

Mo Ya shouted in extreme anxiety and sorrow: "Don't!"

The crosshair disappeared, and a voice flashed in Moya's ear: "Be honest!" - this voice was very familiar to him, but at the same time it was very strange. He was familiar because he had heard it in the same group, but it was very strange. cruel.


In the Space Command, one hundred and forty kilometers away from Iron Star, the alarm bells were ringing. This mechanism was used to deal with space pirates.

However, after the iron asteroid entered the outer orbit of the star, this situation did not occur for thirty years, so that the various teams in the base began to enter the operation module according to the instructions of the program. Of course, every young man's eyes were full of blankness, not knowing what to do at the moment.

That's right, under the current circumstances, there will not be a single "genius" who can do this kind of thing in thousands of years!

In the command cabin, Wangjian, Xinbox, and Liuhui, the three dark energy men under Chang Hengxi's command, had already flickered on the platform of the hall. At this time, they were the only ones standing on the platform, and the rest of the space staff were all sitting in the space cabin of twenty cubic meters.

These space capsules, in this 500-meter space, are like the Journey to the West, where the sky is full of arhats surrounding the Buddha.

At the very center, Wang Jian (the captain at this time) with black hair reaching his waist turned to his two colleagues: "Now, you should know the general idea of ​​this matter!"

Heart Box: "The opponent is a space-type capable person, and he is very young."

Liu Hui: "The identity has been determined. He is the concubine of the local coup d'état family! Twenty-seven standard time ago, he visited his elder who was about to be executed." Then she frowned and said: "If he is willing to come out, the suzerain will forgive her."

Wang Jian read all the information given by Liu Hui with puzzlement—he didn't understand the motive of "Taxi Kairudder" at all at this time, and he was supposed to have a bright future, but he was going in all sorts of crooked directions.

If it is really a space system, and it is still such a young space system, it will also be cultivated emphatically in the sea of ​​stars.

But now, Wang Jian: "We have to go together to solve the problem. Is the springboard system ready?"

Heart Box: "Ready!"


At this time in space, Wei Keng was planning the three waves of power he was about to face.

The first wave is the space guard force. These are mainly shuttle boats, and now they are gradually approaching. Because I had previously wiped out a wave with my own sniper, now I only dare to gather in the outer circle to form a "strong" lineup, "impermeable" to surround myself, and persuaded in my mouth: "You are already surrounded, put down your weapons and stop resisting!" Keep safe."

Master Wei replied out of boredom in space: "Tsk tsk, can I believe you, can you believe your nonsense, come and curse, Chang Hengxi Gan Niniang, tell me to surrender!"

The first wave so far has turned into a mutual "mouth attack". The outer besiegers will not rush to claim credit when they cannot see a decisive victory. So from Wei Keng's perspective, it can be "put aside" for the time being, so don't worry too much.

And the second wave is the space warships that are being mobilized from afar, these space weapons with heavy firepower.

Now the captains of these interstellar warships are dispatching, presumably calculating their speed. According to the movement speed of Wei Keng's shuttle boat they observed now, their battleship can strike back and block Wei Keng's channel after more than ten hours.

But they obviously miscalculated a key "time amount".

Wei Keng's bullets can be accelerated by warping. At this time, Wei Keng's shuttle boat can also reach the target location ahead of time. (That is: on the spaceship that Wei Keng is aiming at remotely.)

After the long-range sniping, Master Wei threatened the "Bright" and asked all its crew members to transfer to the "Holy Light" within an hour and a half.

Wei Keng's threat of "one and a half hours" here can be said and done. Wei Keng's self-plan was to rush there within an hour. The balance is three hours.

As for the third wave: those high-level dark energy users under Chang Hengxi's command! There is no news about these, but Wei Keng's final preparation is to fight them.

As a native of Earth, Wei Keng knows very well when and where to start a war is the key to determining the outcome.

Two troops on the earth receive an order to compete for a certain area at the same time. Party A's troops march without falling behind, and the marching speed is 30 kilometers per hour. Party B's troops march 40 kilometers per hour, 30% behind, and arrive one hour earlier. Reserve the high ground and set up machine guns, so that the party A who came later can be wiped out when they storm the hill.

Wei Keng pre-arranged the battlefield (Chang Hengxi’s party must be rescued after threatening the space cruise ship), and pre-arranged the time (the return distance of the spaceship is impossible for Chang Hengxi to mobilize enough forces, so he can only send the elite forces on the asteroid to attack.)

The whole battle was full of the "dominance" of earth-style thinking. No matter how complicated and incomprehensible the "complexity" of Xu Xing's thinking was, Wei Keng jumped out directly.

At this time, Wei Keng looked back at Wen Tie Xing, and pointed to Qing Shu: "There (Wen Tie Xing) I will never have any chance to jump, but here (soon to be close to two space cruise ships), I Have the opportunity."

Qingsu did not speak, Jing Guyu did not speak. At this time, the "steering wheel" of the development of the matter was held by Wei Keng and began to go downhill. The two of them followed the roller coaster, unable to move physically and mentally, allowing this crazy boy to do whatever he wanted.


When the shuttle boat approached the Holy Light for two-fifths of a light second.

After calmly suppressing the space cruise ship, Wei Keng retracted the spear into the space cabin.

At this time, within ten minutes of the "Holy Light" and "Brightness", all 400 targets on the outer layer of the spacecraft, including sights and communicators, were destroyed. And as the glass windows of the observation platform were cracked, a large amount of gas leaked, and the spaceship had to close the gate to connect with the observation platform. Even though some dark energy users didn't need to breathe, they couldn't pass through the platform freely.

The two spaceships have become blind, deaf, and dumb.

Facing the behavior of the personnel of the Brightness so far still unwilling to transfer to the Holy Light. Wei Keng whispered: "If you're not serious, if you don't count, then you can't blame me."

Qingsu also: "You don't really think about it?"

Wei Keng: "Why can't you think that way?" Then Wei Keng explained his motivation: "If all the dark energy awakeners from the upper class are wiped out, then those youths who awakened in the outer layer can get the most Good resource, right?"

The lightness and speed can't help but make the hair stand on end. This kind of cuckoo's thinking and the method of cutting grass and roots make it extremely difficult for the Xu Xu star to agree with the thinking.

At this moment, Wei Keng, who was in a desperate situation, chatted in a very calm tone: "Do I need to think about rules and regulations now?"

In all periods of human civilization, falsehoods that have been emphasized a thousand times are truths! Many unreasonable things become reasonable after being emphasized countless times.

People in a strong position teach weak people in their words to be patient and make the world a better place. Follow your own way. When the indoctrination takes a long time, or when enough people agree with it at a time, they become reasonable.

The phrase "why" in many people's throats was forcibly stuffed back.

And Taxi Qiduo is a teenager, and Wei Keng has only been in this world for a few years, and he has not succumbed to the information control here, so no matter how "reasonable", he doesn't understand.

Master Wei only understands simple things: when the pressure reaches a certain level and there is no way out for him, what should he do? What not to do? No one is qualified to persuade myself anymore. The big deal is death, the end of which is only a short life.


Half an hour later, Wei Keng's shuttle suddenly accelerated.

Under the sight of the entire Iron Star, amidst countless terrified exclamations, the airship quickly approached the two spaceships through 18 jumps.

The fleet, which had been planning to gather for five hours, stared abruptly at Taxi's rudder-turned shuttle boat drifting past, getting closer and closer to the space cruise ship, and finally froze at that moment! The shuttle boat was attached.

From the perspective of the attacking party, when the "Brightness" was visible to the naked eye and getting bigger and bigger, Qingsu couldn't help saying: "Are you really going to do this!"

Obviously, she once again had a serious disagreement with Wei Keng's thinking! In fact, if the two parties have so many differences in the daily open social environment, they would have drifted apart. And now the two are in the same boat and have to understand each other.

Wei Keng: "Because no one pays attention to my appeal! ——When I say I don't want to, I always get ridiculed. I feel like I am worthy of saying 'no'?"

Light speed also wants to refute.

Wei Keng interrupted: "If there are no serious consequences, no one will pay attention to people like me in the next ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, and even in the future, no one will even pay attention to the lives of people like me! Now! , I still have the ability to make them shout 'no'!"

Wei Keng's tone gradually became firm: "Yes, a scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. When a man encounters injustice, even if the opponent is a king, he must draw his sword to pierce his heart! The reason why the king acts the wrath of the emperor is because he sits on the throne of the king. bit.

As for the man, the blood splattered five steps, and the world is full, that is my will to be equal!

People live to breathe. Be submissive for a while, don't bow your knees forever! "

When the "Brightness" was already like a full moon.

Wei Keng: "Your Excellency exists like a star. You have your order of existence. I may be like a shooting star, but I have my path of rebellion."

Narrator: In fact, Wei Keng was a little gentle in his madness at the end, that is, Mo Ya was locked in the space node, so that he could find the next host lightly after he was prepared for an accident.


When the relative speed was fifteen kilometers per second, the impact began. The entire Brightness was really bright. Wei Keng fired a sniper rifle continuously at the same position, making a one-meter-diameter dent in the front of the "Brightness", and then the shuttle boat hit the crater just like that. On it, drilled right in without ricocheting.

Fiery flames run from head to tail, and light bursts from all internal structures. It is doomed that the people inside cannot survive, even if the air reaches such a speed, it is enough to blow people away like white smoke.

This blow wiped out half of the talent reserve of Wen Tiexing in the past five years. Far more fearful to those higher-ups than the changes in the inner layer of the Iron Star that just happened!

No! ——There has never been such a vicious incident in the entire Wentie planet!

Inside Wen Tiexing, Chang Hengxi suddenly stood up.

It is nothing to say that it is nothing to lose more than 800 young dark energy users at once. In some high-intensity starry space battlefields, hundreds of teams are swallowed up every year, but——when she thinks she has controlled the entire asteroid, There was something that challenged her authority like this, something she had never seen since she became aware of it.

Before the impact was determined, the person on the shuttle boat quickly flashed to the vicinity of the "Holy Light".

After facing the tragedy of the halo interface, Chang Hengxi looked like iron, she said to Wang Jian and others who were accelerating in space: "There is no need to capture alive."

Wang Jian nodded: "I will bring this disaster under control."


Wei Keng had disembarked before hitting the Bright.

When Wei Keng approached the Holy Light, more than a thousand carbon fibers were emitted. Since the observation windows of the Holy Light were damaged and sunken, these sunken frames happened to be very good grab points, and the ejected hooks were easily buckled on the outer layer of the battleship. .

Some ropes were stretched to the limit and eventually snapped. But most of the new ropes took the buffering force well, and Wei Keng jumped up to help him alone.

Under the acceleration scale of more than one hundred g, the whole body of the mechanical suit, including the eyeballs, was pressurized and constricted to prevent blood and internal organs from seeping out of the weak parts of the human body. Of course, Wei Keng was perfectly covered by the dark force field all over his body.

This extremely dangerous action was completed just like that. Wei Keng followed the rope like a sky-drilling monkey, and jumped onto the shell of the spaceship that was comparable to a small city.

As soon as Wei Keng landed on the airship, the spaceship sensed the vibration that the hull was being pinned by a similar landing individual, and then the automatic defense system appeared combat robots, but these combat robots just leaned out, and their batteries were cut by Wei Keng's Zhakong sword exploded.

Wei Keng pulled out the light blade and walked in front of the "Holy Light", while beside him were the orange-red wreckage of the "Bright".

Fragments from the explosion swarmed, centered at Wei Keng's feet, and as the space gates unfolded piece by piece, layers of pure black mechanical structures covered the entire surface of the Holy Light. The fragments of the Brightness were inexplicably blocked.

Narrator: After the army arrives at the position on time, it is natural to build a position and set up firepower points.

The array system has been deployed on the Holy Light, and layers of granular nets are being intensively spread outwards with the "Holy Light" as the center. In less than ten seconds, it spreads out to a distance of one kilometer , and then continue to accelerate tiling.

Spread out at a speed of one kilometer per minute, endlessly unfolding into a control field.

The space system is a field that is least known to other dark energy users in this world, and it has high usability! ——However, Wei Keng's experience from rolling in the empty twisting plane is: all availability must be used.

When the array ambush system takes the Holy Light as the base point, the spatial measurement is carried out for each coordinate point in the surrounding airspace.

Now, the more unwrap time you give, the more control you have over that coordinate point. Wei Keng wants to maximize the "terrain convenience" in this space. The deployment coordinates are auxiliary positioning. When you can be accurate to nanometers over thousands of kilometers, you can offset the dark energy level on the opposite side. (There is no time to crack this advantage if the opposite side rushes in.)


At the same time, the fleets and sheriffs on the periphery of the entire universe are still in the unacceptable reality that the "Mingyue" was destroyed. The space attack, once in a millennium, is in chaos.

The captain of the space fleet and the descendants of the Iron Star family are all on board the Bright.

This is a group that Xingchang will not treat harshly in this power struggle, and now it is completely wiped out. Now they are very angry at this person who hijacked the star, but they are also very hesitant!

And at this moment, the young man on the "Holy Light" in space, to be precise, sent a message: "Everyone, listen to me now! I don't want such a thing to happen either! Now please listen to my request, all of them, I will only say once! Keep your ears on!"

ten minutes later.

Wei Keng's sixteen requirements, including the release of the "Dream Mark to Turn the Rudder", were finished, and the entire outer layer of the Iron Star was silent. To be precise, it is "unheard of".

? ? ?

The entire Wen Tiexing, including Chang Hengxi, is digesting this content: If the perpetrator (Tasi Kairudder)'s request is not met, then it is not only necessary to kill the Holy Light! Instead, it is to carry the Holy Light to hit the Iron Star propulsion engine,

A one-kilometer cruise ship hitting the multiple sets of thrusters within a range of 100 kilometers on the back of the Iron Star will not only cause a violent earthquake on the entire Iron Star, but the repair of the thrusters will take at least fifty years to repair the Iron Star.

If you really want to stay, the best orbital orientation of Wen Tie star is wrong. Originally, it was going to turn to the apogee, but after turning over, it had to wait for the next cycle. Then don’t mention choosing “point a and point b of the Likan nebula”, but the entire asteroid will stay here for a thousand years.

Chang Hengxi may be able to ruthlessly give up Can Xing, but! Her 50 years of residency work on this planet was completely destroyed, which made her inexplicably feel sad. In her opinion, this inexplicable conspiracy is by no means an accident! It was someone in the Star Sea Federation who wanted to kill him.

She has already hid in such a small place as Wentiexing. The seventh level in this small place is due to the emergence of dragons in the pond. At this time, something that bites the dragons appeared in the pond. She couldn't believe that no one was operating it.

[Actually, it is not a coincidence that Wei Keng and Chang Hengxi met together. This is Jing Guyu's "thigh" specially arranged for Wei Qiang at the beginning of the journey. And this is still white silk, which can be hugged and licked. As for the light speed, it is not a coincidence that the space node she sent is not only this asteroid point, Wen Tiexing just happened to be caught in the hook of her wide net, and finally caught Wei Keng, a big shark. 】

Closer to home.

When Chang Hengxi gave Wang Jian an order, she used all her dark energy attention to stick to the central turning point of Wen Tiexing. At this moment, what she is guarding against is not the space, but the center.

bgm: crystar removal

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