Out of the cage

Chapter 521 Chapter 13.03 Breaking Out of Control

In Jiulan Star's space, Wei Keng changed his face again and entered the inner planetary orbit. Due to the long time of this space voyage, Jing Guyu did not directly follow.

And at this stage when Jing Guyu was away, Wei Keng connected to the dimension system, opened the previous secret letter ip and entered it. In the interface of Wei Keng's personal dimension system, it is marked as "cross-plane communication is being prepared", and the communication is completed after about one breath of "preparation".

[Narrator: The secret letter belongs to Wei Qiang, and it is stored in the public system, ready for Wei Qiang to pick it up. However, someone else sent the secret letter to Wei Keng during the mission, and the public system was stolen. 】

Wei Qiang appeared on the screen, and when he saw Wei Keng, a trace of warmth appeared on his detached face: "Brother, long time no see."

Wei Keng was overjoyed at first, thought of something, suppressed the sadness in his heart, forced a smile and said, "Long time no see."

There is a difference in time and space travel, just like the scene where twin brothers boarded a light-speed spaceship and the other stayed on the planet. Seventy years later, an old man and a young man met each other.

Wei Keng has been separated from Wei Qiang for several centuries without knowing it.

Wei Qiang's current development badges are densely packed, and how many missions has he traveled through these years? In terms of the breadth of his witness to multiple planes, this younger brother is much broader than his elder brother.

Wei Qiang's (brother) saw Wei Keng's nostalgic expression here, and he, who had always been the first to make a splash in the past, was silent now. Brothers and brothers really understand each other best, and they can understand each other without words.

Wei Keng knew clearly that his younger brother pretended to leave a message on the newsletter, and understood what he was going to say at this time.

Keng: "Is your current task difficult?"

Qiang: "It's okay, I'm now in the position of the Vanguard Group (the Third Plane War), and the physical rules here are many different from the common sense of our main world. Oh, you also found a similar situation over there Well, the closer to the frontier, the greater the difference in rules." (This is a thought fragment in the past tense, and now the third plane war is over.)

Keng: "Physical rules are different, um, the universe is not smooth? By the way, have you gone home?" (This sentence asks whether the last process has gradually aged in the hometown, in the main world Extinguished in life form.)

Qiang looked at Wei Keng, but didn't answer directly, and Wei Keng knew that Wei Qiang was like this, so he didn't do it.

In fact, it was true. Wei Qiang projected all his consciousness to the target plane in the last step.

Wei Keng was about to make it clear and said, "Is there anything else I should do?"

Wei Qiang transferred all the information of the dark plane, and these databases are even more complete than the system, and involve some ideas originally planned by the Space-Time Management Bureau in this plane.

After Wei Keng got this database, he didn't need the upper-level information support from the Space-Time Management Bureau at all. (Jing Guyu's supervisor has been a mascot ever since.)

This move is just like when he transferred the information capital accumulated in this area to Wei Keng in the Shenzhou plane.

Wei Qiang: "You should know that the universe will become infinitely complex. As long as infinite time is given, even a speck of dust will evolve into life. The physical area where the dark plane is located is a big universe no less than the 'multiverse'."

After Wei Keng read the appendix of the dark plane universe.

Wei Qiang: "This is a plane where consciousness contrasts and promotes the initial birth of the future universe. When there is no consciousness, the universe is a chaotic singularity. When consciousness begins to observe, the four-dimensional universe (space and time will begin to flow)—" said come here.

Wei Qiang looked at Wei Keng with an expression of approval, and said with infinite emotion: "Possibility!"

This word was repeatedly emphasized by Wei Keng in the past few years. Wei Qiang knew this word, which meant that when Wei Keng opened the secret letter, he was with Wei Keng.

Wei Qiang's expression of approval turned into a ray of admiration at the end. And the younger brother's admiration for his elder brother is just a very young thing in Wei Qiang's place.


The dark plane is definitely a larger physical area than the multiverse.

The multiverse is constantly storing information! The main world currently wants to output information and store it stably, forming a drawing paper that can be painted with various colors.

The dark plane is: "Consciousness radiates, everything is allowed!" Here you can find many branches of the film of the plane, which is equivalent to a world that can spell out various world shapes.

The Null Twist plane is just an offshoot of this plane.

The dark plane is indeed suspected to be connected to multiple special physical worlds. The main world has discovered multiple wormholes within the scope of the promised star civilization. Behind the wormholes and the main world is now detecting that some plane universes have the same physical characteristics.

A series of high-level traversers such as Michaelena in the early days came to this plane and discovered that as long as consciousness is projected here, a possible universe can be created. The space-time administration immediately asked: "Can you use this as the source to create and find all possibilities?"

The idea is very full, the reality is very skinny.

The reality of the dark plane has dealt a heavy blow to the time-space management time travellers. The ambitious ambitions of humans on earth are as small as gravel in the face of this cosmic rule.

Those early traversers in the main world wanted to use the dark energy system to open up the plane tunnel. However, it is really so easy, why didn't the dark civilization itself form a dimensional civilization? (Wei Keng, who is a middle-aged man, is more self-aware. He first traces the source, and uses the dark energy structure to lock himself in the process of crossing to this plane.)

The highest level of dark energy reached by Michaelena's earliest traversers on this plane is no more than six levels, and the starting point corresponding to dark energy is not enough to be called a "usable universe" at all.

The universe marked by the dark energy structure of the sixth-level dark energy person may be just a moment of fireworks, and it is impossible to evolve into a "life-existing universe".

Note: In the elementary school science film "The Origin of the Universe", if a grain of dust is given infinite time, it can evolve into life. Oh, there is really infinite time. Whether life can evolve or not is put aside. At least one grain of dust is placed on the earth for an hour, and the bacteria on it may not necessarily be genetically mutated. This is the foundation that does not allow evolution.

And because "creation" is too difficult, in this era, whether the traversers are "liberal" or "unified", they finally gave up the dark plane, and began to compete for the "Multiple Information System Cosmic Territory". Then the guys who ruled the world placed Master Wei on this "extremely difficult to develop" plane.

I want to use dark energy to create a super-large world that can evolve stars, the life of stars is billions of years, and the life of subsequent black holes and protons is still tens of times that of stars! The people on earth compared their own consciousness, which is a desperate gap.

Besides, if you really have such a consciousness, let alone achieve it, even if you touch it, you still can't understand it.

Wei Qiang has now given Wei Keng (Keng) this part of the information. Obviously looking forward to Wei Keng's crazy achievements in this universe! Just like when he was a child, when he saw that his brother could always learn things quickly, he always looked forward to something. Until Wei Keng lay flat and disappointed him.

The dark energy of the dark plane corresponds to the "possibility" attribute of the universe, and the transformation corresponds to the origin of the universe of each plane in the main world.

How can this be said! The original way for the earth to reach various planes is equivalent to opening up commercial routes on the ground to reach all parts of the world, but one day people on earth came to a small celestial body like the moon and found that they could dig underground tunnels and reach all parts of the world in a straight line.

The dimensional tunneling threshold of the Dark Plane is extremely high, but once completed, the potential is huge.

Wei Keng looked at his younger brother and knew that this was his last wish. ——Hidden dissatisfaction with the current plane shuttle system.

Wei Keng: "I will try my best, what else?"

Wei Qiang let out a sigh of relief and nodded his head: "Also, I won't appear again. If I still appear in my form and come to you, it's someone else's making. Don't believe me. If you pretend like I am Something that came to ask you for something, you—kill him."

Wei Keng paused slightly, looked at his younger brother with a heavy expression, but did not respond.

Wei Qiang: "By the way, I have another gossip, you can listen to it, but don't worry about it."

Wei Keng (Keng) nodded.

Wei Qiang explained: "Jing Guyu didn't do it on purpose."

Wei Keng nodded and confirmed: "Very good little Guliang. Do you have any more?" (Even without Wei Qiang's guarantee, Wei Keng defined Jing Guyu in the whole incident as being a knife for others.)

Wei Qiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "No, just take care of yourself."


After finishing the dimensional communication conversation, Jing Guyu quickly flashed on the supervisor's screen. Jing Guyu seemingly casually asked, "Who were you talking to just now?"

Wei Keng looked at this delicate monitor who was hiding a heavy load, and smiled at her, "It's nothing, an old friend."

At this moment, Wei Keng felt as if a "strong medicine" had been slowly drawn away from his mind, and some things that had been entangled in the past became brighter, - that's right, the entanglement of Wei Qiang in his consciousness left.

When Wei Keng's eyes gradually brightened, Jing Guyu became anxious,

Jing Guyu: "You need to archive the state, memory is memory, feeling is feeling."

Wei Keng operated the memory backup at hand, and said silently in his heart: "No need, he flies his, and I climb mine. As for joining hands forever? There is no such thing as perfect in the world. But now that he gave me, I can rest assured .Also, I feel relieved for you, too."

On the monitor interface, Jing Guyu silently watched the replay of the moment when the quantum information of consciousness suddenly separated.

The phenomenon of the resurgence of consciousness has completely disappeared without a trace, and it has not been able to pass through the "pit" in front of it in the end.

The "tough" person that Jing Guyu once thought should be able to overwhelm the subconsciousness that came from Pandora. After all, it was the resurgence of the consciousness of the quasi-king, and the little consciousness of Pandora was just a branch.

In the monitor space, Jing Guyu quietly shielded Wei Keng for a while, she looked at the empty platform, after a while, she closed all the dialogue platforms, and burst into tears with a wow.


And Wei Keng continued to fly towards Jiulanxing. Unswervingly fly towards the blue sun.

The closer to the star, the stronger the internal ruling power. Theoretically speaking, Wei Keng's previously lawless and troublesome personality in the periphery has become a smoldering "secret poking" here.

Just like the system's definition of this plane - the world of "Youxian". The power of the top individual comes from oneself, and one person can hold the sky with only his own sword! Then, under the sky, the ants on the mortal level can only consume excess life energy as pawns on the divisions of each level.

The shit stick is stirred from top to bottom, towards the dark place.

Poke the pole, stand below, and poke at those high-sounding skins.

The target is the thirteenth orbit of the Jiulan star, a double star planet. These are two rocky giant planets, the smaller one is four times the mass of the Earth, and the larger one is six times the mass of the Earth. This place belongs to the Jiulanxing administrative star.

On these two large planets, there are two high-ranking interstellar masters (level seven dark energy) respectively.

In the face of this kind of existence that can identify global substances, it is very challenging to mix into planets.

Narrator: Wei Keng was able to hide from Chang Hengxi back then, but it doesn’t mean he can do it here. The level of technology here is much, much higher than that of Wen Tiexing.

Wei Keng, who has just mixed in from other planets, will be recognized immediately, just like a "monster" in mythology who has entered the "spiritual world", the breath on his body will be different.

Wei Keng learned from the information that if he wants to mix in, he must continuously collect the loose raw material of the two planets, and then tune himself into it.

And Wei Keng stayed in the periphery for six months, and collected enough information from people to exchange information back and forth, so that he could almost mix himself into it. At least, staying on these two planets as an ordinary member will not be discovered.

Wei Keng just wants to escape the rules now.


The "free spirit" of Mediterranean civilization in modern times is to escape from top-down control and pursue freedom.

Negative examples, such as the rejection of mandatory masks and higher-end network facilities.

In the end, European and American people in that era were like sheep. They seemed to have escaped the shepherd’s whip, but the shepherds in sheep’s clothing who were mixed in with them diverted their attention by barking, focusing on the freedom of markings and lice on their bodies. Unknowingly, they were squeezed into the fences set up for them.

Orientals in recent times laughed at Europe and the United States for being unruly and anti-intellectual, but in the longer history, such a "spirit of freedom" needs to be affirmed.

After the twenty-sixth century, textbooks commented that this was a failed movement by the Western people on the road to liberation.

This is a kind of courage to dare to trample on the ethical order that "has nothing to do with one's actual interests".

The biggest drawback of Confucian civilization is that it forces unreasonable people to be humble to rules that have nothing to do with them. You have to admit your mistakes, give in, and reflect before you encounter problems. Even if the concept of new culture was introduced to the West in the 21st century, it eventually turned into Confucianism in foreign skin.

For example: These celebrities often own private jets, holiday cruises, these rich and powerful playthings with tens of tons of carbon emissions every day. Such inequality does not allow criticism, but they have to drag the common people to save firewood to atone for their sins. (Public opinion: If you criticize the plane, you are hating the rich and have a problem mentality, but if you don’t save a little bit of life, you are guilty)

On Jiulanxing, Wei Keng, with the mentality of "Go to the fuck", penetrated the rules all the way and approached the core.

Among them, there is breaking free from below, and there is also ignoring the above.

Bottom: Those who have obtained the "Armed Evolution" of the lower level of dark energy want righteousness and force Wei Keng to "resist" together. ——When those people with dark energy in the physique strengthening department took things that Wei Keng thought could resonate, but because of the selfishness of this group of people, they tried to reverse control and drive the original comrades, Master Wei broke free.

Above: Now is the time to penetrate the identification of the inner planets on Jiulan Star by cheating, pretending and deceiving! ——Master Wei: "It's not called smuggling here."


Wei Keng fluttered like dust, and someone had already returned to the throne.

In the distance of 4,000 light-years away from Jiulan Star, near the black hole of Xuxu Star, circles of man-made light trails are shining today.

Light speed also returned, and the Star Sea Council held the highest standard welcoming ceremony.

The gravitational intake system surrounding the two large black holes was activated, opening a space shuttle corridor. This corridor that runs through space, on the windows on both sides, you can see rows of interstellar fleets.

These interstellar fleets are very far apart outside the corridor, almost tens of light seconds apart, and the fleets can only see themselves floating in space alone.

However, in this corridor, every docking point window is very close. When walking through the promenade, you can see rows of warships tens of kilometers long lined up on both sides.

Light speed is also here, two light belts spread out on her back, and after six kilometers, an absolutely circular halo is linked. This halo is so bright, but there is an even bigger halo on the outer periphery, with a radius of 14,000 meters. And at 38,000 meters, there is another one. On the periphery—another one. This halo is getting bigger and dimmer, but it doesn't lose its perfect circular distribution until it reaches the size of the Earth-Moon system.

These concentric circles are the reflection of the eighth-level dark energy in the universe.

Just like the existence of stars with a certain mass, gravitational lens will appear. After the dark energy scale of the eighth-level dark energy person is expanded, celestial-level phenomena will appear from the macroscopic perspective of the universe.

Light speed is also at this time the identity of the eighth-level dark energy user cannot be denied.

On a luminous road with no end in sight, ordinary people can't get close to the end even if they run as hard as they can. She walked towards the end of the light belt, the Xinghai Council Hall, with a resolute pace. On both sides of the road, rows of space battleships were quickly skipped.

And Chang Hengxi, who was also wearing a sacred energy field costume, followed behind. Chang Hengxi's planet-level dark energy field is already at the same frequency as light speed, just like a planet captured by the sun.

Chang Hengxi's whole body is now composed of atoms that have been fiddled with lightly.

The strong control the weak is a social law that has solidified at the top.

However, in addition to the magnificent background of this starry sky conference, the larger background is the twin black holes.

Bursts of rays erupt at the poles of the black hole. Under the action of gravity, the two black hole jets are entangled with each other like a double helix structure, extending towards the universe.

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