Out of the cage

Chapter 524 Chapter 13.06 Eternal Heart

In Lurem's team, there are 17 people in total, oh, because of the previous conspiracy, one was lost, and the original team was 18. They are all energy systems, and they are all fourth-level dark energy users.

But the energy base used is different, so the grade of dark energy inheritance is different, and the potential is different.

Facing these squads covered in at least three layers of force field armor, Wei Keng understood that they couldn't just "save people" and then pass themselves off as farts.

Especially the girl with blond hair controlling the nuclear reaction storm, radiant and murderous.

Lurem: "Who are you?" The "sound waves" that can vibrate matter in the air make her voice very oppressive, and the fiery energy halo makes it difficult for people to see her clearly. This kind of head start is because after finding that it is difficult for him to deal with Shura Xinghai's sophistication, he uses cold barriers to shield his own weaknesses.

Wei Keng saw circles of nuclear furnaces appearing around him, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Those passing by have nothing to do with this place, just want to collect storm data." Wei Keng quickly pointed to the rising and falling planets around him.

Lu Leimu raised her hand, and the light beam scanned Wei Keng, and saw Wei Keng's face froze.

Under the battle armor, Wei Keng has a standard artificial face, which is the case for all men in Jiulanxing's basic service industry. This is the face of the 21st century anime male lead. It looks good, but if it is too much, it will cause aesthetic fatigue, and it will look fake. Later, when he saw a large number of mechanical assemblies on his body, he frowned, because human body modification was the lowest level.

This kind of mechanical modification can only be used in ordinary people's hand-to-hand combat, and it is impossible to survive in the star sea.

Lu Limu immediately found out that it was tricky. During the scanning process, the assembled items on Wei Keng's body changed, and this change did not affect the smoothness of the body, so she became curious. Of course, after Wei Keng quickly switched to the close-range armed state, she realized that Wei Keng had space equipment on him, and such equipment matched a special physical strengthening route.

When she fixed her eyes on Wei Keng's suspected space equipment, she was about to focus on scanning, but a light shield floated on Wei Keng's body, blocking the undulating strafing shots.

Lurem: "Are you investigating storm data here?" There was suspicion in his tone. She confirmed that Wei Keng's face might also be fake.

Wei Keng spread his hands: "There is no need to explain this clearly. Next, we will not go together."

A blade of light froze around Wei Keng, Lu Limu said coldly, "You have to make it clear." She didn't trust anyone in this chaotic area of ​​the Star Sea, and as for this guy named "Tu Kang" going out, she Suspicion may attract a larger group of raiders.

Wei Keng looked at this dark energy operation method, paused, and confirmed that this was a technique of Wei Qiang's system.

I looked at the girl again, who looked a little like her, and sighed in my heart. Of course, these things that I want to complain about, I can't talk to Jing Guyu at the moment.

Note: According to the traversal rule system of the pastoral period, the supervisor and the traversal have such information taboos that they cannot work together in any case. However, the traverser cannot discuss matters with the supervisor, but has to take care of the supervisor's emotions. This is equivalent to directly bearing the injury on the plane, and still carries a small burden in his heart.

But now, the third plane war is over, everything is waiting to be done, and they are busy distributing the interests of the plane, how can anyone manage this matter?

At this time, the crimson debris of the planetary debris collided noisy and disorderly in the distance.

Wei Keng looked at this relentless girl, and for a moment he missed his brother. Centuries ago, when both of them were young, the younger brother who wanted to be strong was also so persistent. In the end, Wei Keng said, "Let him be strong, and I will lie down and avoid the edge."

Here Wei Keng ended his contemplation.

Wei Keng unfolded his light shield and pushed aside the radiation waves. The rays radiated from three kilometers away collided with the force field within 600 meters of Wei Keng's side, creating a magnetic storm in space.

Wei Keng changed his tone: "Beautiful lady, your light shines everywhere. But we are indeed not the same way. Let me tell you frankly, I am a wanted criminal in the outer area."

Lulem put away the light blade and nodded. This can be regarded as confirming that the hostility can be disarmed for the team, but it still does not eliminate the vigilance.

Another warrior of the energy department in front, wearing a hexagonal energy shield, came to Wei Keng and said, "These are all exiles. Your answer is not a big deal, but it is also an explanation for us. We now Need to hire you."

Wei Keng smiled, and responded frankly: "Employment, there is no employment here, only oppression and deceit." (Subtext: Do you feel relieved when you hire me? It's better to get together and break up.)

The student who sang the light tower obviously couldn't stand the excitement, and immediately revealed his origin: they are disciples in the core area of ​​Jiulan Star, disciples who have the right to freely enter and exit Jiulan Star's leap gate. Xinghai Wanted can eliminate crimes.

Master Wei: Stop, stop, you don’t introduce people like this when you meet here, do you?

Wei Keng felt that this was a bit like a young man who just entered the society. When he was sure of someone to talk to, he began to dig out his heart and soul. ) did not speak, this is likely to be a radical.

Wei Keng thought for a while: "I'll give you two plans. First, you haven't seen each other, so each will go his own way.

Second, ask each other a question to ensure that the other party is willing to answer without revealing each other's answers, and then determine whether they are willing to cooperate based on the other party's answer. "

(If the question asked by one of the parties is too extreme, and one party chooses not to answer, it may not cooperate directly. Asking and answering are both to consider whether you can make the other party trust each other.)

These students looked at Lurem, the leading senior. The fourth-level dark energy user in the golden halo nodded his head in agreement with the plan.

Then the two sides exchanged the first round of questions.

Wei Keng asked the question: "Tell us about your identity."

Lurem's question: "Why are you wanted?"

After the two handed over the question, they looked at each other. Wei Keng: "I can answer, how about you?" Lu Leimu said: "I can too."

Wei Keng: "You first, or me first."

Lurem: "My name is Yuno, the thirteenth star, a disciple of the singing light tower."

Wei Keng paused, and wrote down the name. He was sure that this was his younger brother's seed. Depending on the situation in the future, he might consider it for her in the future.

Wei Keng: "I, heading to Tukang, committed a crime and hijacked the spaceship, causing suzerain-level arrests!"

Lulem's eyes drifted away, and a dimple appeared on her face (this expression was disbelief), and then she asked, "Which suzerain?" Lulem thought: Jiulanxing's current seventh level, one hundred During the year, no arrest warrant was issued at all.

Wei Keng: "That's the next wave of exchange of questions, do you want to continue?"

Lurem: "No, I'm not interested in learning too much. What's next? Are you willing to cooperate?"

For this question and answer program, Lurem's attitude is the same as when downloading the APP in the 21st century, when encountering the check box to allow the legal terms program! They don't care about the procedure. She didn't even answer the first question honestly, which was equivalent to filling in a login name blindly.

Wei Keng: "If you don't mind, let's cooperate. What are you going to do?"

Lurem: "Enter a hundred kilometers into the inner layer of this astral wreckage."

Wei Keng: "Huh?"—but suddenly thought of something, and it became clear.

Wei Qiang has reserved an armory besides the "stellar core engineering equipment" left inside the star body. Thinking that this girl is his descendant, it is only natural to go here and explore the interior of the wreckage. up.

It's just that, Wei Keng suddenly felt a little sentimental, and said silently: "It's fate when we meet."


Wei Keng turned on the cursor projection map, pointed to the wreckage of the Shuttle star in front of him and said, "Entering from the center of this big storm, forty-seven frigate-level energy blocks must be stored. When entering the outer area, an elastic shield is used to mainly resist collisions." .After a further 600 kilometers, a rigid shield will be used to resist the pressure. For specific energy adjustments, follow this curve."

The set of detailed information given by Wei Keng immediately caused the team to look at each other in dismay. Because it's too detailed—it's so detailed, it seems like it's going to enter the stars simultaneously. Moreover, the preparations for crossing the interior of the star are better than their preparations.

[This is like the archaeological team thinking about how to open the tomb. The migrant workers they found provided a professional route map for entering the tomb, as well as the tricks of hypoxia in different areas and anti-organism. Then the identity of this migrant worker is obviously doubtful. Whether to move mountains or unload mountains, it is hard not to let people ponder. 】

After Lulem finished reading all the materials, she asked another student beside her to keep an eye on "Tu Kang".

A group of people went on the road like this.

When everyone gradually descended to the center of the red spot in the maelstrom, the junior said to Wei Keng, "Are you really investigating the storm?"

Wei Keng glanced at Lu Leimu, and then said to the junior in a pretty way: "I'll tell you something, don't tell others."

The disciple who sang the lighthouse nodded. Wei Keng said mysteriously: "I am a relative of your senior sister, and I came to help her quietly."

This young acquaintance was stunned for a while, his eyes were suspicious, and his expression was "Really, fake?"

Two minutes later, Wei Keng pulled out a one-kilometer-long light wing from his back to communicate with the symmetrical point below the maelstrom, and began to project and fall into the core of this dying planet.

At this time, Lu Limu asked the young student, "How did he answer?"

The junior looked at his senior sister, and said awkwardly: "He didn't answer, he just said that senior sister, you are very beautiful."

Wei Keng determined the trajectory of the storm through the few facilities that Wei Qiang left in the star.

Waiting for the storm to run for a full cycle, confirming that the time has come, and beckoning them to jump down with him.

As Wei Keng entered the center of the vortex first, the others confirmed it, and quickly approached the big funnel that looked like a hole in the sky and the earth.

When jumping into this vortex, the center of the circle below is getting bigger and bigger, and the starry sky above is like being swallowed by the earth, leaving only a circular star area.

Wei Keng also wanted to do something on this big star body, and he did drop in with Lu Leimu.

The main purpose of Wei Keng's research on the wreckage asteroid: this is the path that the Eternal Heart must take, trying to find the law of life growth under the law of stars. ——The combat weapon system left by the younger brother, Wei Keng felt that the older brother would not need it for the time being.


What does life need? A steady-state anti-entropy process is required.

In the main-sequence star stage where star energy is emitted in an orderly manner, if the emitted energy enters a steady-state system, it will gradually form a sufficiently deep resonance! It can provide conditions for the initial prying of life in the world.

Water is one of the steady state conditions! Oceans can store enough of the star's heat. But it's just the most basic, if the three-phase state of water on this planet is unstable, and it will be exposed to extreme cold, there will be no conditions for the birth of life.

When the heat changes periodically, the growth of life finds an optimal adjustment process in this cycle of ups and downs. There are too many periodic resonances on the earth, the day and night cycle, the four seasons cycle, the tidal cycle, the geomagnetic field and the alternating cycle of the solar particle flow

In the universe, but precisely at such a natural and coincidental point as the earth, the complex resonance is completed! In the orderly oscillation, on the microscopic structure, things that were originally chaotic began to line up in an orderly manner.

This kind of resonance, during the Hadean period, the chemical reaction also reacted orderly back and forth on this basic disk, and finally back and forth, the stacking of macromolecules appeared. This kind of stacking is orderly, and with the generation of the earth cycle, the remainder came down bit by bit, and "tartar" was formed on the rock wall of the gully in a primitive ocean on the earth for tens of millions of years in the Hadean era same accumulation. Such a little bit of accumulation may have been left over for thousands of years.

This kind of resonance has lasted for hundreds of millions of years, these organic reactions that rise and fall with the ebb and flow, among these accumulated organic matter, some macromolecules that are becoming more and more regular in the process of oscillation suddenly decide to go further, suddenly decide to become a Make better use of the existence of "Earth Cycle Effect Rise and Fall".

In this way, in the corners of organic matter, "the way of human beings loses enough and makes up for it" begins.

In the final organic scale layer of the primitive earth, some large molecules suddenly changed from the most primitive retail investors to a structure that professionally absorbed other small molecules.

Surrounding the stable area of ​​the thermal fountain, in the carbon-containing mud, the original protein assembly structure appeared and began to proliferate. Then a double helix was formed, replication began, and life was born.

The most primitive life can be born under the resonance of a large number of natural cycles.

However, advanced life is still able to use cycles with higher thresholds—for example, all animals mate in spring, and then accumulate energy in autumn.

As for civilization, it has a longer utilization cycle at the level of wisdom! And use the accumulation of these larger cycles to fight against changes in small cycles.

For example, the most iconic symbol of civilization is the birth of the astronomical calendar, which indicates the best time to grasp the hunting and gathering. Then develop farming and storage to reduce the uncertainty of hunting and gathering in small cycles

And when it comes to the state of interstellar civilization, more cycles must be grasped at the micro and macro levels. For example, the sun's outburst period and the nebula cantilever rotation effect are used to adjust the navigation route of the star sea.

What would happen if we lost the orderly cycle of the environment? In the early days of human voyages in the star sea, they thought it was all right, and only considered hibernation and boil time, and the recycling of organic matter in spaceships can supplement metabolism, but they did not consider human beings as a life adapted to stars. After losing the natural cycle adjustment of stars, a series of entropy from psychology to physiology increase things.

When traveling in deep space, it is not uncommon for humans to go crazy!


Back to the topic, now, the universe follows a big cycle of rise and fall. Under this big cycle, there are countless chaotic small cycles. If you straighten them out, you will be able to detach yourself and grasp the vitality.

Wei Keng's eternal heart is to find a big cycle that can be used on this dying star! Smooth it out! The small cycle is redirected to carry out the basic promotion of life.

Although most of it is chaos here, at least for the current dozens of cycles, this star has to go through dozens of cycles of life and death, such as tearing and reunion.

Thousands of years later, this star may completely fall apart without adjustment and fall into a white dwarf, but—if life can be built on it, some matter will be ejected in an orderly manner during the next big rip to protect the core of the planet If it is not fragmented, and at the same time adjusts the orbit, then this star may prolong its existence instead of ending in chaos!

The early life will is projected on the basis of the most initial protein, and the possibility of the interference degree that can be provided is too small. It takes one billion years to get out of the basic evolution. Even if the basis is bacteria, it takes millions of years to complete an ecological coordination.

Wei Keng is the foundation of higher life. If this foundation endures in this chaotic environment and does nothing, it will die like a fire being extinguished by "damp and dry wood". But Wei Keng obviously wanted to do something.

"Cycle of chaos" - before Wei Keng created chaos in the sea of ​​stars, it belonged to a cycle when Wei Keng was in a bad mood, but now Wei Keng wants to accumulate, and it is a new cycle. Wei Keng is now also working hard to accumulate some results before the next cycle when he is in a bad mood. Let the orderly mood cycle of "wanting to accumulate" get longer and longer.

Wei Qiang left behind a series of expensive energy facilities, which may be used to create combat power or increase the level of dark energy. But Wei Keng's path is different from Wei Qiang's.


For example, the current Wei Keng has investigated this astral environment, and found that there is a high-temperature zone here, and there is a narrow area where silicon-based accumulation can take place!

Wei Keng planning is utilized within four cycles:

The first cycle completes silicon-based growth;

The second cycle, the life backup to deal with the destruction of the big tear;

The third cycle is to build a circulation facility where the material flow between the core and the mantle meets. And it can start to eject part of the stellar matter for orbit regulation. (Similar to the circulation of blood, the pumping of the heart.)

Eventually, after the fifth perihelion, the orbit will be stabilized, at which point two-thirds of the mass may be lost, but stars will be born!

If all of the above are successful, Wei Keng has found a complex enough to survive the tidal destruction cycle of white dwarf stars, and has a "steady-state system for mantle breathing".

If a planet is adjusted to a stable system with negative entropy from the white dwarf. (The Earth-Moon system is the negative entropy procured from the sun, providing the basis for life on Earth.)

Then all this will be fed back along Wei Keng's dark energy structure. Provide orderly for Wei Keng! This is the life effect at the root level! The level is comparable to any supreme inheritance on this plane.

Chang Hengxi's life system is already an extremely high-level life system, and Wei Keng's is not the same as hers. As for Chang Hengxi, the life department was instructed by Wei Qiang.

In the Earth Age, when Wei Keng and Wei Qiang were both in school, Wei Keng made up lessons every summer vacation. But Wei Keng is making up homework, not copying homework. Master Wei has his own way of doing homework.


Back to the moment, with Wei Keng opened up the Wei Qiang tool library.

Lulem's eyes lit up, and she let out a long sigh of relief, confirming that she was qualified to arouse the recognition of her ancestors' inheritance.

And Wei Keng confirmed that Lu Leimu was allowed to enter Wei Qiang's heritage library, and stopped operating for a while.

Wei Keng cursed at Star Core's authority system: "What's the lack of threshold? I'm making a guarantee. What's not enough? Give it to me. How much is missing? I'll make up for it in the future. You're still going to let the inheritance last for thousands of years. after?"

Wei Keng has no moral burden to steal his brother's grave. Because after a hundred years, I will backfill my things back.

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