Out of the cage

Chapter 539 Chapter 13.19 Capturing the

Eighty-seven days after the Battle of Planet Zero, Chang Hengxi performed "surgery" on the mechanical ring outside the sacred paradise of Planet Zero.

This huge ring, formed by the dismantling of satellites, is a rust-red belt of heavy industry. This heavy industry belt has been completely mechanized.

The degree of mechanization here, none of the buildings are designed for the passage of human bodies, all the roads are the roads for heavy tanks, and the height of the gates is at least 40 meters, there is no furniture, and everyone lives in jars .

The public places here are very simple, there are no places like telephone booths or stations where humans can stay.

In these metal areas, there are only power sockets, information sockets, lifting platforms, and gantry cranes, which can be used for the entrance and exit of large machinery.

The mechanical madmen, who claim to be loyal knights in the holy heaven, rejected the expeditionary army's persuasion to surrender, trying to rely on heavy mechanized troops to attack the expeditionary army's strength here.

Judging from the reports sent from the outer aluminum-hulled planets, the individual equipment system of the Expeditionary Force is somewhat troublesome to pry open these armors, but—who said that the Expeditionary Force must use such "corresponding" equipment to fight this planet!

From the perspective of the fighters under Chang Hengxi's command, they really don't understand the self-confidence of the sporadic star!

Why should one's own landing battle be fought in the maximum lethal mode envisioned by the defender?


On the eighty-seventh day, an energy ship with a body length of 100 kilometers and carrying Chang Hengxi's dark energy field approached this stubborn planet.

This energy ship started its energy radiation for eighteen hours at a distance of four light seconds, and warm spears of light swept across every inch of mountains, rivers and land on this planet.

Faced with such an ultra-long-range light strafing, this steel metal ring panicked at first, because in their understanding, there is no fortress armed with non-stellar power that can cause damage at this distance.

This 100-kilometer-class battleship looks huge, but it is unrealistic to damage a star from four light seconds away.

The "religious brains" on the mechanical ring of the holy heaven continued to rejoice after seeing the expeditionary force's attack without any lethality. In the overly solemn hall, music began to play, and the tune echoed in the extremely high roof, as if it had already won.

Fragmentary templars used their silicon-kiev brains to analyze: this was just a crusader's bluff.

But as everyone knows, when they felt that they were still in control, they didn't realize at all that there was already a "sophisticated" monitoring on the microscopic particles in their bodies.

After Chang Hengxi performed a crushing energy scan on the planet, he built a map depicting all energy flows, material differences, and enemy personnel distribution on the planet in his 1203 shipboard combat centers.

When all the information blueprints of the entire industrial belt were unfolded in front of every member of the expeditionary force commando, the positions of the senior officers in the mechanical command headquarters on these belts were clearly visible, and there was no suspense in the battle.

Eighth hours after the scan, the attack suddenly started, and due to the satellite floating cannons on the periphery, it easily fell into the hands of the expeditionary army.

The space-based laser cannon accurately shoots these steel areas, and solves them like a sharp knife peeling the skin, with the stubborn mentality of zero stars.

The previous floating cannon position was lost, and the Zero Stars still didn't have a long memory in the ring defense.

So the three tricks are still effective. First, the magnetic pulse power is cut off, and after the information is invaded, the system of friend and foe is reset.

After the metal rings were occupied, as beams of light penetrated the surface of the planet, Chang Hengxi's offensive team, like injecting medicine into a syringe, entered the star catalog along a landing track that was a needlehead relative to the big planet.

On this day, in this rusty sandstorm, the elders inside the steel shells witnessed the destruction falling from the sky.

Swarms of fighter jets navigating by the Space Fleet are bombing freely. In front of the 10-megaton nuclear bombs, the tribute buildings, which were like glass works of art, were completely destroyed. ——Theoretically, with every drop, millions of human beings will die. But actually!

The nuclear bomb destroyed a large number of warehouses and ammunition, almost covering 40% of the surface territory with firepower, and the entire surface of the planet was covered with red dark spots. But in the gaps between the bombing of the red spot, there are population gathering points and important traffic entrances.

This kind of operation is like a medical student stabbing each other more than a dozen times in a row, avoiding the vital parts.

After the bombing of the Star Legion from the twin black holes destroyed all possibilities of mobile support for the ground troops, golden spherical combat armors with a diameter of 600 meters landed one after another. After the deceleration in the atmosphere and the strange light of gravitational recoil, the four energy feet supported the spherical armor with a height of one thousand meters, and appeared on the ground.

This is a long-legged combat weapon like a spider crab, spraying golden beams of light high in the sky.

In the ruins that had been covered by the scarlet dust of the bombing, the remaining tanks of the defenders poured out from the ground at this time, facing the impact of the empowerment energy from high above, they were like cans being pried.

This altitude is the altitude of the ground attack aircraft, which has a good angle of fire. And the firepower radiated from the armored body with a diameter of 500 meters is an ionic fluid three meters thick, like cutting tofu with a water knife, it can be cut in an instant.

The planetary defense thought it was a huge heavy armor cluster, and the ice and snow melted under the firepower of the landers.


The defending army on the holy heavens may really know that their planet is wrong when they face their own destruction at the last moment.

When they were born, they experienced all kinds of delicious food and enjoyment in the midst of abundant resources. In the virtual game, these nobles master the data and are superior to others, and at the same time lead the lower ranks to release their desires.

When the program they hide in the Iron Skull finally perfectly simulates a "utopia".

This sudden external blow also taught them their last lesson.

On Chang Hengxi's side, standing on the "destroyer" standpoint, the commanders commented: "This is all rigid mechanical procedures."

It took four hours to attack, and took down the outer ring of the sacred heaven and the surface (the battle in the core of the earth is a matter between the seventh level).

Chang Hengxi transferred the soldiers to the sixth star, and said that these experiences were used on the new "victims".

Because Zero Stars are too homogeneous, planet No. 6 has no characteristics of its own, and resisted for less than 18 hours under the same circumstances.

Zero Star, the surfaces of the three inner planets were all taken away by Chang Hengxi's military force.

Due to the rapid progress of the expeditionary force, Planet Zero, the fleet that originally came from outside the territory to try to support the frontline war was suddenly isolated in a lonely space.

These guys with chips in their brains brewing mass, after performing a tragic march that they felt themselves, launched a doomsday charge that in the eyes of the expeditionary force was "stubborn".

This Doomsday Assault withered magnificently, but in fact it just gave away the head directly.

The doomsday fleet's death-seeking attack only consumed a little time for the expeditionary force.

In Chang Hengxi's overall battle plan, there is no shortage of wasting hours and moments.


On the ninetieth day of the battle, in the energy halo of the 10,000-kilometer-level planetary warship, Chang Hengxi maintained the blockade of the entire Zero Galaxy, and shrank the blockade into the cores of the occupied planets.

The war quickly advanced to the point where the overall situation was settled. The next step is to force "Anthem" to surrender and accept the trial of the Interstellar Federation.

On the ninety-third day, the flagship of the expeditionary force, the Yusheng.

In the central energy area of ​​this 10,000-kilometer-long battleship, Chang Hengxi completely integrated himself into the "stellar" level of energy. (The so-called stellar score is the total energy released by stars the size of yellow dwarfs in one minute.)

This high-energy state is one hundred and fifty times the total power of the "chant" in the inner circle of the star to maintain the energy state at this time. ——Think about the battle in World War II with the same population and a 150-fold steel gap.

Chang Hengxi's "battle flag" has been raised high in this small center of the star sea. The reflection of the powerful energy made the turning points of the 80,000 stargate small worlds connected to Zero Star tremble.

However, at this moment, in the center of the halo, it froze for a moment, like a big wave rolling in, it paused for a very short time.

In front of Chang Hengxi sat another shadow in an energy state, and Chang Hengxi gave her the main seat.

This person is light and fast. In this war, Chang Hengxi has the strongest backup behind him.

Qingsu is now flipping through the data of the world behind the 30,000 nodes that have been won on Planet Zero. Her expression is very cold.

Qingsu also frowned at Xinghai's current corruption.

"Anthem" created a trash heap! There is more than one such garbage dump in Xinghai.

Qingsu also thought of that "little child"'s violent pulsation. Can't help but sighed.

Qingsu also put down the information, and said to Chang Hengxi: "Do you remember that young man who made you ashamed?" After receiving Chang Hengxi's response, Qingsu also said, "I don't fully approve of him, but that guy It's fighting."

Faced with Qing Suyi's question, Chang Hengxi could not remain silent, and could only give an answer: "If you are facing such a person, no matter how small it is, you need to take it seriously."

Chang Hengxi still has lingering fears about what Wen Tiexing Wei Keng did. Now she has the chance to win, but she is still tense, not daring to make the slightest mistake. This kind of emotional tension was developed after Wen Tiexing.

Qingsu also nodded, and Qingsu also continued to look at the tens of thousands of battle screens on the interface.

At this time, in the underground tunnel on the second planet, in a medium-intensity battle field. One after another, the earth-drilling ships are sneaking in the crustal rock formations, and now they have penetrated into the dungeon of Zero Star, and batch after batch of robots are thrown into the city.

It can be seen from the perspective of God, when this central robot with a height of several people raises its thighs and sprints, with each stretch, the flames are released in the small underground city, and the people hiding in the surrounding tunnels are screaming and hugging. Run away with your own things.

The scenes of war and killing, if viewed clearly in front of you, will make people feel heavy. But Qingsu obviously does not soften her heart for these "destroyed" tragedies, she is looking forward to seeing some "specially crazy" people come out. But now she has searched all over this galaxy, but she can't taste the fruity taste back then.

Qingsu also let go of his thoughts, and issued a final order to Chang Hengxi: "Humans should not be lazy for hundreds of years, and reflect on it after reaching a desperate situation-send another warning to the people here, and by the way, also warn the hymn, This expedition will not wait for everyone to die, if he is stubborn, he will be beheaded directly."

Chang Hengxi nodded and said, "I received the order."


Six thousand light-years away, Wei Keng was looking at Xinghaizhong News, and the headlines on it made Master Wei, who was waiting for the second wave of split teleportation in space, to rub his eyes.

At this time in the star sea, the twin black holes have directly entered a medium-sized star sea force, which has attracted the attention of all human forces.

This kind of attention is equivalent to the long truce period in ancient times, when a medium-sized country was suddenly beaten by the Wuchang. Boring fun people suddenly have something to watch.

Chang Hengxi, the "village girl" who was originally forgotten by the Xinghai Council, has shown the combat effectiveness of destroying stars and destroying ships, which has already made the entire Xinghai tremble.

At the same time, Xu Xinghuo reminded those second-rate forces who had been jumping repeatedly in the current star sea. That is, the super star sea forces can still raise their swords!

After the collapse of the interstellar empire that year, after three thousand years of technological development, the power gap between the large powers and the middle class has once again widened.

What will happen to the "song" that is still holding on at this time, and all parties in Xinghai are also paying attention. Is it in custody, or is it exiled to a farther star field?

Master Wei aimed at the original "Zero Xingxingmen range", and an idea popped up in his mind: "The top-level rule over there has been destroyed, and the power is vacuumed. There should be chaos down there, right?"

Master Wei's fingers involuntarily began to draw circles on his legs, thinking about something.


Unlike Wei Keng who was thinking about the bottom, now the major forces in Xinghai are staring at the top, especially how the victors will punish the losers.

Chang Hengxi has no family power and has a shallow foundation in the star sea. Before the war, no one was optimistic about her.

But after Chang Hengxi gradually took down the third asteroid in the inner circle, the tone of the upper echelons of the other big forces in the entire Star Sea suddenly changed, that is, "I hope that Anthem can recognize the situation that has already failed! If you insist on denying the failure, the consequences will be unimaginable .”

It seems to be oppressing the hymn, but in fact, it is hoped that Chang Hengxi will restrain himself, so that Chang Hengxi can understand that there are many parties in the sea of ​​stars paying attention at this time.

But after Chang Hengxi got Qingsuyi's support, he gave a direct warning to all the surrounding small and medium forces.

If you choose neutral, you will be completely neutral.

If you don't want to be neutral, then take responsibility.

Either return to neutrality, or join the fight! As for whether to join Chang Hengxi's side or the Anthem's side, it doesn't matter.

If it is clear to join the Anthem side, then Chang Hengxi's fleet will continue to start the second war.

Under such an obvious threat, all the surrounding medium forces expressed their neutral attitude towards Zero Point Planet. Of course, this also means that those big forces that are inconvenient to speak will not intervene.

Chang Hengxi made sure that there were no worries around her, that she would not have an "accident" like Iron Star, and she finally launched an attack on the "Holy Paradise" where the hymn was located.

As a one-kilometer-long warhead smashed into the crust of the "Holy Paradise", all quantum consciousness storage systems on the entire planet failed. Here, the "Underworld" world of 60 billion human beings, like a failed pixel, was destroyed with a click.

And "life energy" swells with a diameter of 80 kilometers appeared on this metal star! This swollen looks like a blister in outer space, surrounded by a force field, and the inside is like a flow of red and turbid "blood". Drilling from the surface to drill.

Chang Hengxi's seven-level dark energy structure "information re-recording".

This ability, 10,000 years ago, when the early technology was not as advanced as it is today, was necessary in space navigation, and it could ensure that the natural ecology of a spaceship would not collapse for a long time. Of course, the powerful coordination of life is almost immortal.

Eight thousand years ago, when the people of the Promise Star found large planets with suitable gravity and mild light, they used this kind of dark energy to quickly build ecological circles one by one, and then make the entire planet habitable.

Presently, under the blessing of high-energy, this ability can record all information import, copy, and proliferation phenomena on the entire planet.

Within one-tenth of a second, all the computing and storage systems on the planet have been connected to light quantum information by Chang Hengxi.

The main body of the hymn in the center of the earth, the ring-shaped quantum ring with a diameter of 300 kilometers, was captured by Chang Hengxi.

Chang Hengxi didn't kill Anthem, just captured her completely.

Oh, the "she" here is because Chang Hengxi forcibly created a female carbon-based body for her. Pull her back from the god position of 80,000 worlds and become a mortal.

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