Out of the cage

Chapter 542 Chapter 13.22 Hiding and Showing off

On this plane, as a fugitive, Wei Keng has a strong sense of anti-investigation.

When Wei Keng came into contact with Cheng Ting and signed a cooperation agreement, he realized that exposure would happen sooner or later.

When the "Inorganic Tinder" battleship was being scanned, it paused for a few seconds. Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, he was still bumped into the upper system of Jiulanxing.

This is to be expected. It's as if criminals knew that they would be caught sooner or later when they fled.

Jiulanxing, a star sea power with 870,000 transition points, is definitely capable of countering itself in its core area. Therefore, when he came, Wei Keng approached little by little, and his hands became softer as he got inside.

...unbearable to be inspected, waiting to pass the test...

Wei Keng on "Inorganic Fire" made up for each other with Cheng Ting's time lock, and overcame the tough search by the inspector. Wei Keng, who possesses the dark energy of time and space, began to leap away from the "inorganic fire".

But in Haizhixue and other places in Blue Star, Wei Keng got the information and immediately started to leave, avoiding the police's pursuit again.

Wei Keng activated the second wave of split teleportation in his own deployment of the warping facility, sending a large number of himself to the surrounding edge star area. As the center of Jiulanxing, only a small amount of itself is left as "information exchange".

A few hours after Wei Keng left, a wave of information search burst out from Haizhilan Fortress, and immediately searched all the information on the fortress. In less than half an hour, the people who disappeared in Hai Zhixue's time were found.

Of course, since Wei Keng is in the position of the cleaner outside Haizhixue. This radiating searcher didn't notice Wei Keng at first. The focus of the search is the inner area of ​​Haizhixue, who is suspected to be a newcomer of the "space system" dark energy user. But after searching around, I couldn't find it, so I had to search in another way.

When Dingming scanned the trajectory of Chengting, he found that he stayed in an area in the middle layer for a long time, and then a group of people in this area just finished their work period, and one of them happened to be lost, so the "suspect" was confirmed. people".

Half an hour later, the ruler of planet No. 5 dispatched personnel immediately. After rushing to the area of ​​the mobile nuclear power plant, they found that the target had completed the shift task a few days ago, and all records and diaries were in good order, but there was no trace of fingerprints found in the entire submarine energy station. And the broken skins were only kitchen waste, and there was no clue of a single hair.

Stepping on the snow without a trace, escape in the air!

In the core energy facility of planet No. 5, "Dingming", a seventh-level dark energy user, stared at the situation on the other side of Haizhixue's turning point. The dark energy network searched the "mobile nuclear power plant" up and down, and found that In a more in-depth situation, every part of the nuclear power plant was completely replaced within three months. In other words, this suspected dark energy user of the space system has figured out this nuclear power plant.

Even though this nuclear power plant is not an advanced technology, for a Level 5 dark energy user, it still takes enough effort to understand everything. However, everything is done so carefully, and it does appear that there is a "space" of high-level dark energy.

Inside the astral energy hall, Dingming looked at the series of traces left by this existence called "Tasi" in Jiulanxing's archives. Born on a fringe planet, he awakened the dark energy of his physique, and suspected of conducting a fraudulent transaction of a "spiritual doll". Oh, how much of this is true?

Of course, more importantly, where is he (Wei Keng) hiding?

Dare to play hide-and-seek under the seventh-level eyelids. This made the top level of Jiulanxing, who had always been in stable control of the overall situation, notice a different turbulence.


The intelligence entity that Wei Keng stayed on Jiulan Planet has been transferred to the 23rd outer orbit planet,

This is a Jupiter-like planet with five moons. On the smallest planet, in the city of the outer ice mountain, 70% of the people in the city have undergone mechanical transformation in order to adapt to survival, sealing their whole bodies in mechanical armor to reduce losses on the planet .

Wei Keng took the box and found a job here to repair mechs. In a place full of benzene-like toxic gases, Wei Keng took a repair room as his foothold. However, as a space-type dark energy user, as long as there is a foothold, it will be fine.

Wei Keng, who has mastered the skill of folding space, now folds a portable factory and a portable house on the space bubble. Leaning the mech against a corner in a warehouse with no oxygen and no oil.

Wei Keng opened an "arbitrary door". Behind this door is a large room that is very suitable for living. This is decorated in the style of Lurem's private house, but now, the owner of this house has become himself. After get off work every day, Master Wei Keng stepped on Lu Leimu's pillow of the same style and fell headlong into the bed. Release all the unhappiness that I have suffered from being "submissive".

Generally speaking, with this method of folding layers of space bubbles in the work area and residential area, staying on the stars and lurking, if they are on the planets 1 to 13 in the inner circle of the Jiulan Star, they will all be killed. found.

The insight methods of high-ranking dark energy users include, but are not limited to: discovering gravitational changes by scanning matter, a small amount of matter leaking from the boundary of the space gate, and so on.

But on this large gaseous planet, there is no planetary suzerain who resides for a long time. The dark energy system of the planetary suzerain here is a bit rough (the dark energy level is lower than Chang Hengxi), she probably comes out of the space transition gate every other year, and scans the gas giant planet with rough energy scanning. Wei Keng was sure that he could be wild here.


The point of view is here, on the rust planet. That is the location of Le Xiaotian's expedition.

Surrounded by a mass of iron planets, this is the remains of a neutron star that was torn apart 60 million years ago!

But what the Jiulan people can't know is what tore the neutron star apart. There are no black holes around, and if a black hole tears apart, it should be scattered in space, not gathered into a cloud.

The debris here seems to be caused by the impact of a sub-light-speed white dwarf-level celestial body. But white dwarfs with this level of energy level speed can only explode in the depths of the Milky Way. So it's a mystery.

Around this neutron star, there are five stars with iron shells. There is no water and oxygen, but there are many lava oceans composed of mercury and lead.

Carbon-based life cannot stand on this star with a gravity at least forty times that of the earth.

However, human beings have completed unmanned remote control arming on these planets for the sake of minerals. ——Of course, due to the gravity of the planet, these armed forces are a bit like model airplanes, but they are not model airplanes.

Groups of puppy-sized, sodium-powered tanks fired alternately as they marched.

The large armament is a combat spider about the size of a jeep. Such a "large unit" is a nuclear power unit with a molten lead core.

Because the atmosphere is as thick as water.

The gunpowder-powered projectiles of these units, which are equivalent to the barrels of small-caliber pistols, are difficult to penetrate the opponent's target after 40 meters, so the lethal armament of both sides is still through chemical energy! That is, the emission of metallic sodium completes the corrosion of the casing and ignites the chlorine fuel tank.

This kind of mode is similar to the battle of toy soldiers, but the entire planet is filled with flames of war.

With the expansion of the geometric aperture, the landing module of the Promise Fire appears in the aperture. After Le Xiaotian came to Planet No. 1, he first searched for other space units around him.

After confirming that his side was not interfered by the "anti-boarding" weapon, Le Xiaotian's team scanned the first iron star and confirmed the current distribution of battle lines and the scope of influence on the iron star.

On the projection of this dark blue planet, it was immediately colored, and marked with red circles, blue triangles, and green crosses. These represent important targets such as cities, ports, and airports, respectively. And, of course, there's the area shield that's being deployed.

The entire planet is now fought by mechanical puppets, but the specifics are still controlled by human forces!

Although normal human beings cannot survive on this large rusty star, people with dark energy above level 4 can still move on the planet.

The important reason why these five rust planets are out of control right now is that multiple medium-sized forces (stargate forces similar to Zero Star's size) intervene here. But Jiulanxing sent Le Xiaotian's team to "rectify people's hearts and calm down rumors" and announce who is the boss.

The arrival of Le Xiaotian and others was obviously known to those "first comers". Of course, the dark energy players who act here are also geniuses of their medium-sized forces, and they will not be convinced if they have not done a test with the dark energy men sent by Jiulanxing.

Now on the surface of the planet, the silos that can only accommodate one person are starting to store energy. The light particles that can be maneuvered inside gather energy within a radius of one kilometer and are ready to be launched into space.

Le Xiaotian noticed that the planetary defense weapon was activated on the surface, and said to Cheng Ting: "Please deploy the time shield system."

Cheng Ting asked rhetorically, "Is it necessary to let their energy explode in the silo?"

Le Xiaotian: "Can you do this?"

Cheng Ting: "I can suppress a wave, but I can occupy you, okay?"

Le Xiaotian: "Of course."

Cheng Ting mobilized the energy of the Promise Fire for 20 minutes, got out of the battleship, and deployed a layer of information barrier. Of course, at this time, Wei Keng also jumped out.

Relying on "time" alone can only be used for absolute defense. When the beam weapon below hits the fleet, Cheng Ting can freeze the energy by adjusting the time. .

"Space" can be used to attack. As early as the fourth-order dark energy, Wei Keng was robbing the spaceship on Wentie Star, and carried out ultra-long-range precision strikes within a range of 400 kilometers.

As a result, the accompanying dark energy practitioners on the "Inorganic Tinder" saw that the solidified energy cluster of Cheng Ting flickered directly to the low-earth orbit at an altitude of 400 kilometers on the No. 1 planet, and then began to unfold a huge coordinate net.

This coordinate network spreads at a rate of 50 kilometers per second, and it takes 200 seconds to expand to a plane with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. Then, along the arc of the planet, it begins to form a net that wraps the planet like dumplings wrapped in dough.

If you observe more finely, this coordinate network, oh, is actually already a coordinate plane, and has topographically all the topography on the surface!

The dark energy user Weiyu (level five dark energy user, good at magnetism) who is in charge of the space detection field on the Promise Flame learned the whole picture of the space network through the magnetic field, and couldn't help but move closer to the front. As a field-type dark energy user, he knew how terrifying this scene was. The efficiency of information collection in Chengting is far better than that of all fields.

After Le Xiaotian asked Wei Yu, he nodded and said, "Oh, he's from the dark energy space-time department."

Wei Yu: "Space? No wonder, only space topology can do this."

Le Xiaotian explained habitually to his own people: "He is the time system~~~" He paused in the middle of speaking. He also stared at this scene. He knew that the Cheng Court had a "time lock", but the current scene was not like a "time lock", but rather a "space lock" that released a space.

At the same time, the coordinate network covering the No. 1 planet began to generate beams of light. These beams of light are twisted spatial ripples, but they are all precisely locked below.

Now at the center of the coordinate system, Zheng Ting stared at the unfolding process of this space (this is the sword array).

As "time", he can see more. This is not the dark energy that is very similar to "space" like the "gravitational field" that we have encountered before. This is quite a perfect "empty twist".

The "empty twist" is instantly isolated, forming a system independent of the normal space. The same goes for "Time Twist". The "time amount" increase is done in a closed system. What Wei Keng is doing now is what he must master in the future.

Wei Keng: "Ready, you go."

Cheng Ting activated the time warping ability. At this time, time twisted, and along the projected space thread, it quickly came to the bottom as if the fuse was lit. With the unfolding of time ability, on Rust Planet No. 1, all operations have come to a standstill—not completely stagnation, but can go to any possible, pause.

This is what Wei Keng and Cheng Ting cooperated to achieve. If it is a sixth-level "space-time ability", then there will be no gaps in the middle, and it will be seamless, much stronger than it is now.


Ten minutes later, Cheng Ting reported a set of data to the command hall of Inorganic Fire. In this set of data, on planet No. 1, 22% of the forces that are currently under attack have decided to surrender, 45% decided to wait and see, and the rest are dying to fight back.

Le Xiaotian read this set of data and understood what Cheng Ting meant. That is, the thirty-three diehards will deal with it, while the remaining twenty-two percent of the capitulators will hold it in and help search for the next forty-five percent of the wait-and-sees.

Because they don't know the situation below at all, it can't be ruled out that some people are fake surrenders, and they are really die-hards.

Therefore, in order to control the planet most effectively and in a short period of time, the strike must be struck.

Le Xiaotian made the plan that Cheng Ting wanted, and sent a group of quark robots to Cheng Ting as ammunition, and then quietly looked down.

A few seconds later, the planetary firepower on the surface was activated. But these firepower froze after they were launched into the air and passed through several nodes. Then the frozen space began to rotate, the direction vector changed, and it began to attack the forces on the ground in reverse.

As the destructive beams were released towards the ground, pieces of the metal city port area melted in the blazing flames, falling into destruction. And lost all signal.

Le Xiaotian confirmed in this space that this is a high-precision sighting system that he has never experienced before. After thinking about it, he made arrangements for the team members on the side.

Le Xiaotian ordered to the left: "Ri Yi (Lurem), the fourth area of ​​the northern hemisphere is assigned to you, and I will give you enough "arms" (the mechanical units created by the infinite fire), you have to make good use of your nuclear power Ability, in the early and mid-term of the confrontation, pay attention to the enemy's destroyer leader (a mechanical unit about the length of a bicycle)."

On the track of "Mechanization", Le Xiaotian was far stronger than those guys below. After his inorganic fire is deployed on the ground, it only takes ten minutes to expand a mechanical formation, so it only needs to send the energy system to land.

Then Le Xiaotian arranged a few more people. Yuno has already prepared the photon fighter, and she is ready to wait for Le Xiaotian's order. But Le Xiaotian seemed to have some considerations and didn't arrange for her to go down and land.

When the energy delivery pod flew downward, the smile on Yuno's face faded away. Although he was still pure on the surface, his heart was gloomy.

Yuno's solidification of light, and Lurem's nuclear reaction control, in the current level 4, the abilities of both sides are too repetitive. In Yuno's eyes, Lurem not only wants to squeeze himself out of the combat position, but also wants to squeeze himself out of the captain's heart.

In fact, Le Xiaotian just wanted to encourage Lu Limu, a newcomer. This is also one of his tricks to show the charisma of a leader. He also has arrangements for Yuno.

But Le Xiaotian himself may not know that the girl who usually bows her head shyly when she sees her is her fan girl, and she has such a sick and delicate mentality in private.

Now Le Xiaotian's attention has been fixed on Cheng Ting.

Cheng Ting just used the "space-time ability" in the attack, and some energy structures are unnecessary.

Those spatial deployments are more like accomplished shadowing. Le Xiaotian confirmed: "Zheng Ting should be hiding something. To be more precise, he should bring another companion this time."

As a high-level dark energy system, it is normal to have companions. Le Xiaotian's team is to select companions with matching abilities to form a group. But in the current cooperation, Cheng Ting hides his companions, which is more or less "unreal", unless it is unspeakable.

Le Xiaotian remembered what Cheng Ting said before he came here, paused and said to himself: "Space?!"

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