Out of the cage

Chapter 548 Chapter 13.27 The separation between people

In the year 6778 of Jiulan Star, in the orbit of the twenty-sixth planet, there are 360 ​​warp starports distributed in a circle around the planet.

At the sixty-seventh star port berth, a cargo ship appeared through this star gate with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers. Navigation guidelines with blinking cursors appeared in front of the starship.

After the cargo ship jumped and flickered, all the observers in the starport did not notice that space folds appeared synchronously three light seconds away from it as a circle. Compared with this spaceship, this space fold is just like a synchronized cursor, moving along with the spaceship’s sailing.

As the cargo ship travels into the gravitational region of the large planet, the outer folds of space begin to collapse. And at the same time, part of the central space on the ship froze.

Wei Keng has arrived here.

After Wei Keng's arrival, a point began to expand on a battleship at the big planetary breakthrough point. The time at this point was very fast, and then slowly expanded to the rest of the entire battleship, and the time speed gradually returned to normal.

Cheng Ting also arrived.

...At this time, the two of them are quite in line with the characteristics of twins...

Wei Keng knew why Cheng Ting was looking for him. Sitting on the viewing seat at the port, looking at the dazzling Jiulan star outside the glass window, he thought about the situation slightly.

Facing the new situation of "exposing" himself on Jiulan Star, he can no longer "make a big fuss and leave" as in Wen Tiexing's time.

Wei Keng admitted in the space memo: I am sometimes impulsive, lack of understanding of real information, and make wild guesses about many things. As for now, I have become rational, and a long-term planning line has gradually formed, and it is a big deal to start all over again.

Note: Jing Guyu can see Wei Keng's self-criticism at this time.

"Conjecture" and "Start from scratch", Wei Keng is talking about himself now. But actually, when did Master Wei ever be so humble?

Jing Guyu's "sibling" has always been a matter to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng was just looking for an opportunity to solve this matter.

"Revenge" is not an option, Master Wei's blade is not against his own people, and he is protecting his weaknesses.

Wei Keng was not sure about things like "reprimand" and "education". It's counterproductive for me as a middle-aged person to be condescending. She can only understand it through "self-criticism" and self-correction.

...In the dimensional space, there is silence...

Wei Keng returned to focus on this dark plane, and now this plane is not just "walking alone", but as a pillar, supporting the sky. This kind of "support" is not just the immediate task.

Inside the transport ship, there was still a short time to count down the arrival time of Chengting. Wei Keng inspected his own situation. Since the body named Taxi Qiduo entered the fifth level of the "Eternal Heart", his own body has often been fixed at the age of sixteen, twenty, and twenty-four. state.

Among them, 16-year-olds are mostly in the freeze-frame state, accounting for 58.4%, because the thinking at this age is very daring to think and do. But the disadvantage is that sometimes you rush too fast, lack other thinking dialectics, and it is difficult to brake when you find mistakes. It often changes after touching something. However, when cooperating with others, it is still necessary to change positions to a more mature state.

On the other side of the dimension, Jing Guyu stared at Wei Keng blankly. At this time, Wei Keng had opened up all his thinking states, and she could see all of Wei Keng's thoughts at this time.

Jing Guyu is now getting to know Wei Keng gradually: he doesn't have many high-end ideas in his thinking, and even often has some "wrong" ideas, but every time it's a small mistake in a low position, he can pat his body even if he falls dust rises. Although the disheveled face makes people look down, but they can find a stable cornerstone.

... Jing Guyu whispered in the space: "I don't like this kind of person" This is the stubbornness of the past persuading the present feeling...

Wei Keng is now predicting his next steps, which is to cooperate with Cheng Ting, Le Xiaotian and others in depth, so that the powerful people of Jiulanxing can maintain the judgment of "everything is under control" for him.

Regarding how to get along with these "Heavenly Proud Ones", Wei Keng, who is not good at interpersonal communication, reviewed the cultural heritage of modern times, and the classic episode of "Tom and Jerry" cartoon depicting the alliance.

Rats, cats, and dogs signed a treaty of mutual love and equality, vowing to respect each other's characteristics! But in the end, it evolved into the fact that each of them began to think of their own characteristics, which was taken for granted. Because in the process of understanding the treaty by myself, I feel that other people have recognized my own characteristics.

In the end, a large steak was sent (a major benefit), and each guy thought it was his own specialty to eat the biggest piece. It is protected by the previous sacred "Friendship Treaty", and others must abide by it, otherwise they will not respect the sanctity of the "Friendship Treaty".

Of course, the cartoon did not tell the worst consequences.

The worst result is not the "steak" lost, but after the steak is forcibly allocated. Separating each party's "selfishness", each party has more reasons to stand on its own stand and defend the sanctity of "the treaty of mutual assistance and friendship that it interprets".

What is more terrifying than the enemy is some "family members". This family member takes your things as his for granted and helps you decide.

The "Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Friendship" can completely become a "just and correct" way, allowing you to cut flesh and blood for everyone.

This is far worse than not having a steak.

In the ancient times of the East, there was a so-called "eat the absolute household". That is, for the benefit of the "big family and big family", all the things of the widow's house without descendants will be taken away. This is not a 'barbaric' thing in the mountains. Liu Rushi from Qian Qianyi in the south of the Yangtze River has encountered it. The property he brought was taken away by the Qian family casually.

And in the age of ancient industry, the same is true among the countries that are allies of the Europa League. Under the banner of correctness, the "own family" is vying for the right to interpret the "alliance" from environmental protection, surrounding human rights, to anti-Russian resistance.

Now, in the absence of a "great consensus", to form an alliance due to formalities, we must "worry first".

Wei Keng paced in the space bubble, muttering: "Objective, objective, why not be objective. There are a lot of ambiguities in the communication process, so we have to think about the outbreak of conflict points."

...In the dimensional space, Jing Guyu's face turned pale: He actually understands everything. …

Tianquan Star, the inner core area, Chaoyang Street, District 18.

Cheng Ting was sitting in the private seat above the building, in front of him was a time crystal that was counting down.

Wei Keng met Cheng Ting at the nearby space star gang transfer station, and Cheng Ting met here.

Two people have one space, one time, and can completely appear in two scenes at the same time.

Both parties warp at each other's position at the same time.

As the countdown approached, Cheng Ting sensed the approach of the space system dark energy user. With a bang, Cheng Ting sensed flickering in the surrounding space. But five minutes later, Wei Keng did not come up. He looked puzzled, but then it dawned on him.

Wei Keng appeared 200 meters away from Chengting, about to enter the building ahead, but was stopped by that damn robot.

Wei Keng stared at the bionic robot: that damn intelligent system intercepted him with irregular clothes.

After a while, Wei Keng took a deep breath. He didn't call Chengting, but waited a few minutes later when the staff walked to the mechanical gate, and unfolded the space-time topology.

The moment the internal electronic system of this access control passed through was copied on the spot.

After the staff left, Wei Keng directly reversed the time and space of the access control system to the moment of "allowing to pass" and walked in.

Due to the backflow of the access control, two people were allowed in, which would be inconsistent with the building system and would trigger the security system.

However, as long as he walks in, the rest is none of his business.

...Wei Keng showed his "independence", so that his collaborators would not report too much hope...

Bang Dang, Wei Keng sat down on the opposite side of the court, picked up his chopsticks, like a beggar knocking on a bowl in a cafeteria, and clanged a few times on the tableware, signaling this guy to serve the food quickly.

In a high-class restaurant, this untimely phenomenon made the waiter on the side look at Wei Keng suspiciously, and began to inquire why this guy in a mechanical suit with peeling paint came here.

Cheng Ting stared at Wei Keng. He had been staring at Wei Keng since the moment Wei Keng entered the gate.

"Space" really doesn't want to obey the rules of redundancy.

Whether it's Jiulanxing's upper-level sect system, or this small restaurant etiquette, it's even obvious that Wei Keng can comply with it to save trouble. It can be seen that Wei Keng is only making the most basic compliance.

Cheng Ting understood this key point, and felt that he and "Kong Twist" should get to know each other and understand the control over "cooperation" between the two parties.

Cheng Ting raised his hand, and a long "space" appeared in front of his palm. Wei Keng paused, and after understanding the meaning, he also raised his hand to hold this "space".

A little "arm wrestling" began.

"Time" began to flow backwards, and dozens of hours have changed on this dining table. "Space" is to reproduce all the moments of the past pictures and superimpose them all. Countless knives and forks, as well as the actions of skipping the dishes, are all in it.

This is like some photos depicting take-off and landing at airports in ancient times. The takeoff status of hundreds of sorties is superimposed on one photo.

One tries to retroactively change, one is a fixed state. This is "time" and "space" wrestling.

This storefront does not allow dark energy contests. But compared to the destructive and unstable confrontation of the "energy system", the contest of "time and space" is magnificent.

Just when the waiter felt that it was called to stop, the winner and loser had already been separated.

The long strip of time and space began to collapse and become invisible, which was the closure of time and space by Chengting. In this contest, it seemed that he was slightly superior in the end.

"Bang Dang".

This is the sound of Wei Keng backing his chair.

Note: Wei Keng, who has received a certain amount of tutoring since he was a child, knows that his butt can't make the chair make a sound, which is an unqualified voice. However, now is the narrative, even if Cheng Ting wins, he still has the strength not to abide by the redundant rules.

Wei Keng said: "We understand each other, let's talk about cooperation."

Cheng Ting has judged that the "Space Element" of the guy opposite is the pinnacle of level five. Moreover, he felt that Wei Keng's space ability seemed to be weak, but in fact he seemed to be following some rules and did not break through in some obvious directions.

In Jiulanxing, he has never seen other space-time dark energy users of the same age. In the entire Eternal Blue Star, within the recorded five thousand years, there are only twenty people who can major in space-time structure dark energy to break through the sixth-level threshold.

When most people are marching towards time and space, they give up before reaching the third level. A small number of people, after reaching the fourth level, switch to majoring in other main structures.

Cheng Ting had witnessed the planetary nirvana of Shura Star, so he didn't think that Wei Keng had done his best just now.

At this time, the security department of the building came up, and after seeing Wei Keng, they very politely suggested: "Sir, there is an error in our review system, you have not been allowed to enter here, in order to express our apologies, we would like to provide you In the future, there will be three free access to consumption opportunities, as well as certain compensation. (60,000 consumption coins have been transferred to Wei Keng’s identity card.) But now, can you wait in the waiting room. Our seats here are arranged according to the number of people of."

There is a reason for being so polite.

Cheng Ting stood up and said, "This gentleman was invited by me. Can you bear with me a little bit?"

After all, he took out his identity energy bar.

The identity of a fifth-level dark energy user is enough, and the golden identity bar that represents a very high level...

The waiter paused for a moment, then looked at Wei Keng again, and found that the boy in inappropriate clothes didn't seem to have any special reaction to the identity of the person facing the table. Has an unknown identity. After all, there are many people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers these days.

The 'manager' nodded and said, "The two guests are bothering you, please slow down."

As soon as he retreated, the space of the dining table was sealed off by the two of them.

Cheng Ting: "You are not from this planet."

Wei Keng: "No, um, I have no comment on related issues."

Cheng Ting: "Our college has a training system for the Department of Space. Are you interested?"

Wei Keng: "How much?"

Cheng Ting: "For our rank, all of this is free."

Wei Keng: "No, all free things are marked with a sufficiently expensive price in Destiny, for example~"

After all, Wei Keng pointed out the nodes on Cheng Ting's body that were marked by high-level dark energy users.

Wei Keng has no plan to get ahead in Jiulanxing. As a weirdo who would rather be "egg-filled pancakes for ten years than go to the kendo arena", he will never show up until he reaches the "sword formation".

In particular, Wei Keng is still in a substantial accumulation period, which is more holdable than the empty twisting plane back then.

Cheng Ting wanted to continue introducing internal benefits to Wei Keng. Wei Keng, on the other hand, began to control the discourse.

Wei Keng handed him the contrast correction of "space" and "time" that was surveyed and mapped on Shura's planet.

This is actually what Cheng Ting is most concerned about personally.

Wei Keng said: "Your space-time backtracking algorithm is not accurate enough in terms of structure, this is for you, it's your reward for letting me go. By the way, you can also help me make up for the money I cheated on that little girl (Lu Leimu)." gone."

Cheng Ting paused, and took over the sealed space.

When he injected 'time', the space began to collapse after being stable for three seconds, and then the space recovered. He immediately determined that the destabilization process of the time-space crystal happened to be a loophole in his time-lock ability when he opened up space.

Cheng Ting suddenly felt that the 'empty twist' was quite cute. He ignored the previous reverse actions.

...for bilateral talks, another point...

In the medium hospitality hall of the space station.

Different from Wei Keng's casualness in that building, on the home field of this "space", Wei Keng behaved like a diplomat in the agreed conversation site. It is completely impossible to see that in the high-end restaurant of Zheng Tingyue, that person has an indecent background.

When giving Zhengting space correction points, Wei Keng put forward his own request: "I want to rent a space ship in his name, and send people to take risks in the outer area."

Narrator: A large number of fragments are going to enter the outer area of ​​Jiulan Star. Start the beacon fires in the middle and lower layers of the Jiulanxing area. At the same time, it is also necessary to fully evolve the low-level dark energy collision and fusion situation. Wei Keng needs a vast space, which is related to his own core interests, so he is very serious.

On Wei Keng's side, Cheng Ting, who jumped over, thought carefully. He hopes that "time" and "space" will form a team together. I have no objection to Wei Keng's additional actions, but Wei Keng clearly wants to act alone in the outer area for a long time on the planning table of the leased space fleet.

Cheng Ting: "When you come to the Blue Star area for a long time, you should have the right of free passage. Why don't you apply in your own name?"

However, Wei Keng stopped him before he finished speaking.

Wei Keng: "There is no right of free passage. I have seven or eight levels of dark energy enemies. For me, freedom is limited, and it is true only if I leave the tunnel without anyone knowing."

Hearing Wei Keng's words, Zheng Ting couldn't help but feel like: "Seventh and eighth-level dark energy enemies? Eighth-level dark energy enemies are legends. You ran away from your elders and don't want to go home."

This seems to be a reasonable explanation why the second "space-time system" dark energy suddenly appeared on Jiulanxing. And, living in such a "poor haha" state, but don't care.

Cheng Ting glanced at Wei Keng's paint-peeled space mechanical suit, and muttered, "I won't mend it either."

...perspective, come to the distance of the star sea...

In the newly included sphere of influence of the Gemini black hole forces, after the zero star war ended, the aftermath work was also completed.

The warship driven by Chang Hengxi came to the inner circle of Zero Star, and the light of the stars was gathered into beams, shining on the planet in the inner circle, to appease the war-torn life on the planet. .

In the halo, Chang Hengxi announced that he represented the "Central Star Sea Council" to govern this new city area, and the announcement signal was sent to the 80,000 space gates connected to the Zero Point star gravitational area.

That super battleship, like laying an egg, sent the 500-kilometer energy area in the center to the inner circle of Zero Star, the No. 1 planet.

The 'village girl' who once could only occupy the iron asteroid now occupies the core of this large celestial body.

The space jump gate is docked with the grain iron planet.

Wen Tiexing can be said to have experienced ups and downs and hardships. Some young people, because of Chang Hengxi's "one person attains the Tao", began to "ascension to heaven", and arrived on this planet that is many times more prosperous than the iron planet.

On the platform of the space station, Moya looked up at the 10,000-kilometer super battleship. With his closed eyes, he was stunned for a few seconds when he saw this magnificent creation, and then suddenly woke up. He seemed to remember something, but it was far away .

...Chang Hengxi, it's over here...

At this time, the axis of the super battleship Battle Zero Star is re-energized, and it is ready to jump back. Chang Hengxi, I want to return this warship.

In this battleship, Chang Hengxi met with the seventh-level dark energy user "Yangzhi" who represented Light Speed ​​Yi for handover.

A special member of Gemini Black Hole, Yan Zhi (female): "The superior is very satisfied with your mission, but I hope you are not limited to the current star, and your dark energy system can go a step further."

After all, Tannin sent a warp coordinate. After this coordinate was integrated into Chang Hengxi, Chang Hengxi was slightly taken aback, because at this moment, her bondage was released.

Chang Hengxi silently looked down at the 'energy' on her body, knowing that this was Qingsuyi's investment in herself.

Injecting high material energy is a labor-intensive task for level eight dark energy users. The effect is to allow the seventh-level dark energy users to better deduce physics.

Chang Hengxi took a deep breath, as if going through a cycle. Facing Qing Suyi's direction, she narrated in a low voice: "Please give me five hundred years to live up to your expectations."

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