Out of the cage

Chapter 550 Chapter 13.29 (Extra) Small Series of Time and Space Monitoring

Look at the dark plane from the perspective of the main world.

Up to the 29th century, through hundreds of thousands of crossings, Michael Lena, who was the first to lead the detection of this plane, defined the dark plane as "super giant plane".

According to the official definition of the Space-Time Administration: the super-giant unknown plane (darkness), the difficulty of exploration is all aspects. It is still in a preliminary state of exploration.

The system is introduced in the main world task bar: this plane (darkness) is still in a preliminary state of exploration.

Exploration method suggestion: Only the higher you stand, the more comprehensive you can see, so the cultivation of the dark energy system is very important!

Reward threshold for "Effective Exploration": If you can cultivate dark energy to level six or above, you will be rewarded with a grade A.

Bai Linglu complained: A certain guy's unfinished building project, I lack information, can't clearly set the goal of plane exploration, and expect others to work for you.

Bai Linglu turned over, the operation suggestion on the monitor platform: when the time travel touches the core of the plane, the space-time management system temporarily assigns tasks.

Hundreds of years old fritters and bastards, Bai Linglu laughed out loud at this content, and laughed back with anger.

Bai Linglu taunted: "Which Holy Mother bitch made this plan."

...the matter of the past life, the teacher of the future...

The main world's exploration of high-risk large-scale and far-reaching planes reflects the lag of the bureaucratic system. It is now the era of "freedom" after the third plane war, and anyone who can perform exploration tasks in high-risk planes is a high-ability explorer.

Expect that the "task assignment" mechanism in the "stable plane" for junior traversers who still have a unified concept can still work in the high-risk plane?

This is like the ancient industrial era, comparing the thirty years before and after the two thousand year dividing line: when the economy changed from planning to freedom, the bureaucratic system lagged behind, and it was still expected that through propaganda and ideological education, the first group of rich people would have the "fist power". heart” and follow instructions asking for “devotion”. Just kidding.

When a group of people who advocate investment freedom and those who dominate governance power try to make the bottom follow the "correct" command and maintain a stable grassroots market? joke.

Right now, after the third plane war in the main world, the Space-Time Management Bureau is dominated by liberal ideas. For the exploration of far-reaching and high-risk planes, are you still counting on the "task arrangement mechanism"? How grotesque is this.

...Bai Linglu was complaining, but on the other hand, Jing Guyu, one of the important actors, was unwilling to act...

On the Dimensional Membrane of the Dark Plane, in the Overseer Dimension. Jing Guyu saw the Space-Time Administration, and suddenly projected many "exploration plans".

Jing Guyu's expression became colder and colder, and then she clicked on the shielding system, cutting off the insignificant support system of the main world. Wei Keng has been useless until now. Jing Guyu completely gave up on that plan this time. Right, the shielding function of this system is that after the third plane war, after the liberal faction came to power, all inspectors and traversers were given the authority to violate the time and space administration.

No matter in terms of profit or emotion, Jing Guyu couldn't hold on anymore.

Since then, the Dark Plane mission has started the development of the "Freedom" faction.

Just when Jing Guyu terminated the contract. Because of this great interest, the Space-Time Administration has now launched a communication.

…In the era of freedom, when people in key positions start talking about freedom, then those who are free first will talk about the overall situation...

Michaelena appeared on the interface. She didn't preconceive it, but opened up the current situation of the dark plane with "Oriental bureaucratic characteristics", and introduced the past exploration results of the dark plane.

First of all, objectively speaking, Michael Lena is the founder of the exploration of this plane. Wei Keng explored this plane this time, and chose the time to cut in based on the information she provided. Just like in the double millennium, a large amount of technical research on the lunar exploration project in the east did not receive direct support from the west, but the public photos and materials of the west's launch around the moon still provided a general direction basis for the Chang'e project.

For example, when it comes to time, the times create heroes. But the current situation is not enough, even if you have a good ability, you can only go to Liangshan and fall into the grass as a bandit.

Travelers, when projected to the far-reaching plane, are often approaching before a large-scale event occurs.

At the time Wei Keng is now, it is just before a large-scale star sea battle in the entire dark plane is about to take place. The grain iron asteroid where it was located at the beginning was stable in the early stage, and was passively involved in the war process in the middle stage.

Narrator: From this, we can see the road that Jing Guyu planned for Wei Keng at the beginning. Hold Chang Hengxi's thigh tightly, and then walk farther and farther on the empty stage of Star Wars, then let go of Chang Hengxi's thigh, and then hugged Chang Hengxi's small waist.

But ah, Master Wei is not Wei Qiang, he chose to tear off Chang Hengxi's underpants and hang them on the flagpole before slipping away. Master Wei's path is too "straight".

...Wei Keng and Michael Lena also know about it...

In the Overseer's space, Michael Lena was dressed in men's clothing, handsome and cool, and in front of him was Jing Guyu in a white Chinese dowry. At this time, Michael Lena is very interested in the history of the transformation of the dark plane.

Note: A guy who wants to argue against you often takes your theory to refute it within limitations. For example, the debate over Chinese and foreign automobiles and electronic products in the ancient industrial era, under the domestic manufacturing, there will be "Long live the people, hit the capital", while on the foreign-funded products, it is earnestly taught: "Freedom and openness, rational love x! "

Michael Lena commented on the development of the dark plane at this time: For any force that has entered the star sea and is heading for expansion and development, the old class that inherits the old legal system and the new class that is developing and accumulating will inevitably collide. Such as the development of the new continent of European civilization in history, and the enfeoffment system of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, were replaced by heroes after the Warring States Period.

Jing Guyu quietly looked at this mighty high-sounding man, and nodded from time to time in polite cooperation. Never speak.

Jing Guyu knows: the main world does not yet know the full picture of this star sea war, but according to the previous data, a total of 670,000 crossings to the dark plane have been affected by this large-scale star sea war in various places, and it is only preliminary It is inferred that this war has a profound impact on the entire dark plane.

Michaelena still lacks information on the core contradiction of this sea of ​​stars. Only limited speculation can be made on this plane.

But now, the signs that Wei Keng is gradually developing on this plane are very likely to set off a bigger event no less than the Great War in the Dark Star Sea Plain.

Wei Keng, who Jing Guyu is "managing" now, has explored much deeper than what Michaelie Na had personally explored on this plane.

Even if emotions are excluded, Jing Guyu deduces with a purely utilitarian heart: Wei Keng's dark energy cultivation has already approached the sixth level, but Jing Guyu has not reported it to Michaelena. The reward from the Space-Time Bureau is far less than a hair of value in developing the plane.

After Michael Lena talked to himself for a while, Jing Guyu "just hmmed and didn't answer", which made the atmosphere a little awkward.

Michaelena was silent for a while, and said sadly: "I cooperated with him during the Second Plane War. At that time, we communicated with each other, helped each other and benefited each other..."

Jing Guyu said with a smile: "At that time, at that time, at this time, at this time."

Jing Guyu also came from the pastoral era, and he was clear in his heart: Although the pastoral era shared knowledge, all travelers followed a unified "civilized moral code", which is not the current "diversity", "freedom", and "adventure" (investment adventure ends at the end) It becomes a reasonable allocation of risks, allocation of risks to others, and benefits to oneself).

Michaelena: "Here, the vibe can be maintained."

Michaelina knew that if there was a real cooperation, Wei Keng would agree. But 'he' wants to know now, whether Jing Guyu will agree or not. At this time Michaelie knew that his daughter Li Yishuang had played tricks on Jing Guyu.

After all the temptations were useless, Michael realized that Jing Guyu would still be affected by this "set".

After a small hourglass.

Jing Guyu sent Michael away calmly. Before leaving, Michael took a look at Jing Guyu and said slowly: "Hey, if that's the case, let's part ways. By the way, let me remind you of one thing. Although he (Wei Keng) is not as dazzling as your original partner (Wei Qiang), but after such a long time, people who know his value are still very..." (The subtext is that you can't compete with the others.)

Michaelina now knows that Jing Guyu is no longer held hostage by Li Yishuang. He understood better that this was Wei Keng's reason.

Michaelena understands that Wei Keng's character is actually very gentle, and he is quite tolerant of the supervisors, and he is unwilling to blackmail others by exploiting their flaws.

For example, Wei Keng of the Space Twisting Plane strictly abided by the rules, and when he had the upper hand, he didn't make a move against Mi Jia who didn't participate in the battle. For this alone, Michael Lena believes that Wei Keng is a true "chivalry".

...Alone in the space, Jing Guyu paused for a moment, then moved again...

In the supervisor's space, Jing Guyu called Wei Keng over, and briefly said that someone came from the main world. Of course, she skipped some of them.

When Wei Keng heard that Michaelena wanted to cooperate, he was interested in the first time and was ready to nod.

However, Jing Guyu emphasized the "property rights" of the plane, and now that the liberals will freely intervene after obtaining the "property rights", Wei Keng realized that it was no longer the pastoral era.

Cooperate according to the pastoral era model, but the opposite party will not abide by the "pastoral age" responsibility for the positive evolution of the plane, but will unscrupulously pull a group of moths to gain the benefits of the plane.

Jing Guyu added: "The history line you opened has many vital changes and the property rights are very large. If it is opened, many traversers will squeeze into the plane you are in to grab knowledge."

After Wei Keng heard what Jing Guyu said, he suddenly interjected: If it's just knowledge grabbing, I'm not worried about my development in the dark plane. After all, as long as they do something wrong, they will not be able to escape the "beating" in any timeline where I am. (Master Wei of the traceability system is so confident, who will hit who.) I am worried that in those parallel timelines, it is too easy for them to obtain knowledge and become arrogant. Alas, that would be bad.

The traversing environment and atmosphere of the main world is deteriorating, and one generation is not as good as the next. Under the monitor system dominated by the liberals, too many illusory things are shared with junior time travelers, which seems to stimulate the passion for time travel, but actually increases the resistance to growth.

...the topic is skipped here...

Jing Guyu looked at Wei Keng and said, "At present, the whole surveillance has too many tasks. I want to find a new team to work with."

Wei Keng: "Huh?"

Although it is said that the traversers and the monitors are separated in power and responsibility. But in this task, Wei Keng has now done everything that the supervisor should do. Jing Guyu didn't get tired.

For example: Now that there are major uprisings on various planets, Wei Keng has set up a logistics system to provide spiritual encouragement to the rebels in the traceability system. At the same time, Wei Keng has arranged for a series of tasks such as field medical treatment, knowledge education, military command, commanders, and logistics. well done.

It can be said that if this is a team of traversers, Wei Keng's team building, no matter the ideal prospect or the actual material rewards and punishments, all arrangements are better than the supervisors!

Wei Keng is doing the whole task alone, and Jing Guyu only needs to be named. But what now?

Seeing Jing Guyu's calm expression, Wei Keng suddenly understood that she had already stepped out and was now preparing to maintain normal team operations. So Wei Keng nodded happily and said, "Okay."

Jing Guyu nodded, then asked: "Do you have any suggestions for the Overseer team? This task is based on you."

So, Wei Keng, the straight man, thought for a while and carefully examined his own shortcomings, that is, he was lagging behind in dealing with the space-time organization, and he had to have a shrewd supervisor to protect his own interests.

After Wei Keng thought for a long time, he felt that "Bai Linglu seems to be fine~~" But just now when he mentioned a word of white, Jing Guyu denied it on the spot with the reason: "Bai Linglu is too busy."

Jing Guyu squinted at Wei Keng, as if to mean "with me but without her".

About Bai Linglu, Jing Guyu is clear. If it is dragged into the space, it will be aimed at yourself immediately, and which pot will not be opened and which pot will be lifted.

...remove one wrong option and there is only one...

On the space platform, Jing Guyu found Qin Xiaohan.

After hearing the situation, Qin Xiaohan said, "I don't think I'm suitable?" Seeing Wei Keng again, she was inexplicably worried, because something happened to her during the separation.

Jing Guyu: "Then you know who is qualified. Except Bai Linglu. Give me a reliable candidate."

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Xiaohan said with a wry smile, "That's right. There are very few other candidates who suit his style."

Jing Guyu looked at the unspeakable Qin Xiaohan: "I know, you have some concerns, but! Now you don't have any other suitable time traveler to choose from."

Qin Xiaohan paused, and said distressedly: "You know, Wei Keng is actually an old-fashioned guy."

Jing Guyu looked at Qin Xiaohan with wide eyes, then paused and said, "You don't know how... the one you already have?"

There have been direct contact between the supervisor and the traverser for "communication" on the plane. This happened to Jing Guyu and Wei Qiang.

Qin Xiaohan immediately denied: "No, Meng Xiyun Shangqing has always kept an absolute distance. I am in the monitoring space, and he is on the plane."

Qin Xiaohan didn't have any partner to contact on the plane, let alone in the main world, and now this partner fell in a certain grudge after the third plane war.

Jing Guyu: "Then what are you worried about?"

Qin Xiaohan shook his head, and just proposed: After Wei Keng's summary of the dark plane this time, she will return to the main world, and she will invite the mission alone.

Jing Guyu was immediately stunned, compared to Qin Xiaohan, she was a fan of the authorities.

...Jing Guyu left, Qin Xiaohan looked at the back of leaving and whispered: You are afraid of Bai Linglu, so am I...

There is nothing wrong with doing normal things in the normal way. If you do it with abnormal operations, you will be attacked.

When he heard that Wei Keng still needed a supervisor here, Qin Xiaohan's heart was moved, but his rationality stabilized his emotions, and he refused in restraint:

During the third plane war, Qin Xiaohan carried out sixteen inspections and two crossing missions under the arrangement of Qin Tianfang. During the course of these missions, Wei Keng's "Pandora Finishing Mission" and "Dark Plane Mission" have not yet ended.

If Qin Xiaohan waited until Wei Keng's normal mission was over before discussing the next mission cooperation, the two parties could be ready normally. But what if Qin Xiaohan suddenly finds Wei Keng who is still on mission after losing his partner. What will happen then?

There was nothing wrong with it, but something would be broken by a certain Bai's mouth.

As an old opponent who has faced off several times, Qin Xiaohan fully believes in Bai Linglu's ability.

...The plane of Pandora is coming to an end...

Bai Linglu "inadvertently" observed that there were several series in Jingguyu's space a year, including the time-space administration Michael Lienjin, and Jingguyu sent to Qin Xiaohan.

Bai Linglu picked the seeds from the strawberries and said softly, "What are you doing?"

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