Out of the cage

Chapter 552 Chapter 13.29 (Part 2) Wind Rises


Lu Yuexing, the fifth year of the Apocalypse calendar. The smoke of gunpowder has come from the snowflakes to the scorching summer, and the creatures on the planet have turned into bones and piled up in natural streams and man-made canals, or they have been washed away or covered by silt.

In the mountainous area of ​​the central plateau, countless plane wrecks are scattered among the mountains. These are the air forces that fell during the large-scale air battle that took place in the first year of the Apocalypse Calendar.

With the advent of the Apocalypse, super soldiers loaded with individual rocket vehicles and force field shields appeared. In the face of the existence of these human bodies breaking through the supersonic speed, the mechanical aircraft undoubtedly failed.

At present, the "Tracing Source" army also has the same level of "Iron Man" armed. These mechanical armaments solved the problem of energy compression, and could directly volley into the air thousands of meters in the air, holding energy blades to intercept opponents.

Of course, after the combat system is completed, it still has to rely on the UAV radar to determine the opponent's position.

At this time, on the strange peaks of the mountains, batches of unmanned delta wings with red five-star symbols are patrolling, which shows that the Tracing Origin Legion is firmly in control of this position.

...Where there are people, there are high and low...

Now Wei Keng's resistance, which is fueling the flames, flickers among the resisters of the variable army on multiple planets. Except for Wei Keng, the traceable dark energy of the first stage of "consciousness flickering" is the mainstream.

But there are two tracers, one named Xuan (male) and the other named Xi (female), and the second stage of traceability flickered. Please note that they are not simply tracing the source of dark energy, they have also mastered a low-grade fifth-level dark energy. These low-grade five-level dark energy effectively helped them to observe the high-grade dark energy produced in the "annihilation process".

At this time, the dark energy annihilation technology is still quite immature. For most people, the annihilation phenomenon produced is not enough to bring into the battlefield, but both of them have applied for this latest technology.

For them, even a momentary "dagger" is better than being unarmed when fighting against advanced dark energy.

As for Wei Keng himself, there is no way to compare with them at the level of traceability. Because Wei Keng can mobilize too much high-level dark energy at this time, there is no comparison.

However, Wei Keng thought that Taxi Qiduo, who was doing things in Wentiexing back then, was no different from them.

...Jing Guyu: Don't be half-hearted. You are much more dangerous than them...

Lu Yuexing, on the other side at this time, the god-born camp of the Eastern Continent, they have received more advanced extraterrestrial technology support, and they are bound to push this apocalypse to a more cruel situation.

Delphine, wearing a white combat uniform, stood on the cliff, waiting for the negotiation with the owner of this area. Her dark energy is "neutralization", which means that after being attacked by bullets and shells, her body will be penetrated like gaseous smoke and will not be harmed. Of course, if she is hit by an energy beam weapon, she will be severely injured. However, her combat uniform can deploy a force field and can detect enemy energy strikes in advance, which can make up for her weakness to a certain extent.

This combat uniform is the reserve force of the Jiulan Star Knights. But in the Luyue Planet Apocalypse, because things are rare and expensive, and they look very beautiful, they are the representatives of high technology and high level on this planet.

In the mountains, as she took her place, there were sailing flares in the sky. As the light of flame jets gathered, representatives of the Traceability Army in steel battle armor also came.

As the supreme armed commander, "Xi" made an appearance in person. (Xuan, fighting on another planet.)

The two ladies did not sit down, but directly face-to-face and communicated on core issues.

Delphine: "Which force in the star sea supports you?"

Xi: "No comment, our core purpose is to insist on the feasibility of civilization based on itself, and oppose the interference of foreign civilizations beyond the age."

Delphine: "You are also the party to interfere now."

Xi: "Yes, but it's all because the native civilization on this planet no longer exists, and from the perspective of actively cultivating the future possibilities of all people on this planet, we now belong to the native civilization."

Delphine smiled but said: "Empty talk has no basis. I just want to ask one question. Whether you choose to cooperate. Let Luyue planet enter a new era of super soldiers."

Xie became impolite, stretched out her hand wearing a black mechanical glove, fanned the air, and said, "The smell of arrogance. In human civilization, superpowers and bloodlines should not be associated with humans." She clenched her palms , when the fist is formed, the spherical force field is also formed: "We are variables"

Delphine: "Then, I will put you out. Then let you know how precious it is for me to be here to meet you today."

knock off

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