Out of the cage

Chapter 56 Chapter 2.13 Being dragged to the gambling table, raise your stake!

Protectorate of the Western Regions. Due to the investment in technology and management after 2195 in the Qin Dynasty, and the large-scale update of the logistics system, the animal husbandry and agriculture here began to grow explosively, and a large number of inland civilian industrial products also flowed here.

The most intuitive thing is that there are many barbecue restaurants on Xinloulan Street, and every night, the street always smells of cumin.

In the past, everyone used charcoal grills, and entertaining a dozen guests was the upper limit at the busiest time. But now there are two floors up and down, and pure metal cooking utensils are used.

In the large oven with a glass window in front of the store, a whole sheep is slowly turning, and the meat oil slides off the crispy skin.

The chefs with shiny bald heads sliced ​​all the grilled meat out of the oven, covered it with a metal insulation cover, and served it to the diners' table. While enjoying the air-conditioning, the guests used chopsticks to break open the golden and crispy grilled meat skin. Hey, that is a treat.

In the past, the people here were poor and could only raise sheep, or pick some local jade and send it to the Central Plains.

Now, when this logistics is opened, the large "sunset industries" in the Guanzhong area suddenly "resurrected". Sheep and cotton began to be produced on a large scale. Potassium salt and electricity were imported to the east by thousands of times compared to the past. With a whole piece of solar panels, simple houses that can be combined and assembled are constantly coming out.


Due to the abundance of supplies, the warriors stationed here are no longer suffering from hardships in recent years.

In the newly opened restaurant in Xinloulan, a group of non-commissioned officers who had just finished training were greedy, took off their military uniforms, and ran here to book a table to eat. Beef bones, mutton, etc. are indispensable, and in the center of the table is a large plate of chicken fried with spicy sauce.

The person in the main seat is Zhao Luochi, the general manager (major) here, and Bai Yiyun who just rushed over to the side is the guest. Judging from the relationship between the two, it is very iron.

Because five years ago, in the Kyoto area, Zhao Luochi, who was headed by a young military officer at the time, participated in the vicious incident of a brawl between the military officers of the foreign missions, so he was directly transferred to the Western Regions to eat sand and soil.

Zhao Luochi was born in a famous military family, and Bai Yiyun, who is a low-ranking man, was at the outermost level of his circle of friends at first. But when Zhao Luo was exiled, Bai would have a chance to make friends with him.

Over the years, Bai has been providing funds for Zhao Luochi.

And Zhao Luochi also has some skills. In the Western Regions, the extravagance in the past few years has not been wasted. He has won over a large number of bloody warriors in the army. Now, riding the westward wind of Luoshui, he also invests backhand In the past two years, there has been no shortage of funds.

Zhao is indeed a capable person, and now he is the leader of the army!

In the timeline of Wei Qiang's Nabo, the conflict between China and Soviet Russia in Asia and China has a lot to do with these factions.

And this kind of thing is also inevitable, the operation of Shenzhou has stagnated, and there are many low-level losers.

The bigwigs at the top of China are strictly guarding against the red ideas of Soviet Russia, especially in the Western Regions. Due to the geographical proximity, red troubles are most likely to appear. Therefore, the description of that route is demonized in the composition.

But contradictions still exist. Since they cannot think in that direction, those who are dissatisfied with the status quo can only vent in the direction of "stupid, crazy".


In fact, according to Shenzhou's current strict judgment, almost all the red troubled rioters are in the economic organization established by Luoshui Group and Wei Keng.

And according to Wei Keng's own standards, he is not polite to judge those scholars who have a little brain under his command: "Just you? Chi? Hehe, tsk tsk. The real bare man should think about how to bring me a A noose, one end of the noose fell into the hands of the people, and the other end was connected to the street lamp, not now, after seeing the possibility of improvement, I was lucky.”

The reality is so funny, when the meat-eaters in China have made a mess, they dare not let people think about it, they want to pry open the brains of all people who have read the book, and then lock them all.

Wei Keng kept going against common sense to clean up the mess in Shenzhou. After gathering this group of intelligent people, he wanted to enlighten them, but these guys gave up after half a century, and entrusted the final possible problems to the "superior sages".

Never fundamentally doubt the model, what a "road confidence" it is, and it is an inherent defect of oriental civilization that can only be "ritually formatted".


Zhao Luochi and Bai Yiyun then met alone and exchanged some things that "they think are very important to boost the country's power".

When Bai Yiyun left,

Zhao Luochi returned to the army, and a few days later, he started a meeting with members of the army's secret party: "Colleagues, we have funds."

At this time, the deputy Huang Qi asked: "Where did the funds come from?" Obviously, he was puzzled by the sudden extra money.

Zhao Luochi: "In the south, it was provided by the martyrs who supported our work."

Someone asked again: "In the south, um, is there any conspiracy?"

Zhao Luochi: "We act in an aboveboard manner, and the plots against us will not succeed in all directions in China."


several months later,

The perspective turned to Mobei thousands of miles away. In this military exercise, Wei Keng was beginning to simulate a wolf army for the Shenzhou Group.

The wolf army = foreign army, and the mighty own army in the territory of Shenzhou is the tiger army.

It's just that now, in the past few years, the mode that should have been acquiescing to the victory of the Tiger Army has become more and more difficult.

It seemed that there was a lack of water in the desert, so Wei Keng didn't release any water.

Master Wei's wolf army marched extremely fast, and when the equipment was deployed, the failure rate was obviously lower than that of other corps in China. Obviously, the whole army's understanding of the equipment and the level of maintenance are much more profound.

During the march, all the routes were fully informationized and investigated, and the erection speed of the pontoon bridge was top-notch.

After entering the front line, the artillery was broken into pieces, approaching the front line and retreating immediately after a round of firing. Even though the chief officers of all parties raised their defense systems and armor HP on the exercise template, they still It was a disheveled face from being beaten.

And, the last few times, the wolf army played by Wei Keng has become more cunning.

After finding the characteristics of the decision-making team of each corps, there was a situation where they went straight to the beheading in the early stage of the exercise.

Wei Keng has information on the decision-making of various armies in various timelines in China. When only a small number of people make decisions at the decision-making level of a corps for a long time, the variability is extremely weak, and fatal loopholes are easily calculated.

No, no drills, Wei Keng is very popular among his fellow military officers in the Shenzhou Army.

But after a dozen exercises, Wei Keng became a "rat, weasel, jay..."

Of course, during the exercise, Wei Keng didn't look at people during the exercise, and everyone got stuck, and he didn't get promoted, so there was no such thing as stepping on his colleagues to climb up, so some grievances gradually turned into self-deprecating.

However, there are subtle changes in the details of interpersonal relationships.

Although Wei Keng was not praised by everyone, when these military officers were discussing things, they also began to discuss the situation of the "exercise", that is, to use Wei Keng's corps as a combat unit to discuss their own combat effectiveness.

After confirming the gold content of the exercise, the regular generals of the Ministry of War were also happy to see the results.

Not asking for promotion, not greedy for credit, doing more and asking less, and at the same time, his own foundation can overwhelm the subordinates, it is really perfect.

Just this perfect subordinate? They are doing statistical work on the combat data of various legions in Shenzhou, and these generals may not be so clear about the consequences of this incident.

Wei Keng: "What bad intentions do I have? I just want to use big data and research data to integrate the 'adjutant' intelligent system. Then let the military officers who have just completed their command studies be able to immediately start commanding."

The so-called thousand armies are easy to get and a general is hard to find. For things like war, you can't be too prepared.


After the exercise, the commander-in-chief stopped Wei Keng: "Renheng (Wei Keng's word), come on, today you have once again tricked your colleagues. Although you can't drink alcohol, you still have to fill up the tea. Lose all grudges."

Wei Keng can't drink alcohol.

This is Taoist Quanzhen's endorsement for Wei Keng: wine and sex will cut off Wei Keng's "cultivation". Therefore, Lord Chief Soldier would not force Wei Keng, but this man's sophistication still pulled Wei Keng on. And Wei Keng could only offer tea instead of wine. At the same time, he matched the names of this military officer's colleagues with the information recorded in the system, and began to open the chatter box according to their preferences.

Wei Keng felt that it was necessary to get acquainted with them, especially the lieutenants from the Protectorate of the Western Regions, these senior military officers in charge of a mech division or an armored brigade, Wei Keng wanted to know about these pig brains, um, these What kind of "strategy" are the "Wizards"?


In the main world, there was a joke about the Imperial Japanese Army. When Chang Shenkai wondered who was in charge of the Imperial Japanese Army! Someone told him that it doesn't matter what anyone in the base camp says, and that the Japanese Imperial Army's decision-making is led by three types of people: 'Senior Commander, Second Commander, and Major', that is, the rank of school officer.

Behind this joke is a social science. When the upper class and the lower class are out of touch, the upper class does not want the middle class and the lower class to think, and will only follow orders.

When the middle class was executing it, it actually gained the power to guide the ideas of the bottom class. Following the upper class outside the restricted thinking zone, it began to use the simple characteristics of the bottom class to passively obey orders, to initiate independent walks, and thus to be promoted.

Shenzhou is very large. After the civil system of the Song Dynasty, the civil servants in Shenjing were not coerced by warriors like the Japanese emperor.

But in the Western Regions, Shenzhou is quite a Tang style, and the ideas of the middle and lower classes are also "expelled by bad money" by the middle-class military officers who are aggressive.

It's a huge bomb. Even though Wei Keng is already defusing bombs now! For example, in Luoshui's layout of the Western Regions, various industries give priority to expanding the recruitment of retired military guards from China! Alleviate the anxiety of the low-level sergeants about their age passing away and nowhere to go.

However, these lives are still at the grassroots level, pursuing middle-level martial arts schools who yearn for the center of the stage of power, there is still a possibility of outbreaks! From Wei Keng's point of view, the madness of these people must be sealed.


After the banquet, Wei Keng exercised for an hour, and then entered the entanglement warehouse of Jie Hongzi, and highly linked himself with the electronic chip group in the entire western region. Observe big data to give yourself the latest information.

In the information column that Wei Keng paid attention to, the color of the organization "Hetian Blood Soldiers" was bright red.

This organization is precisely the group that Zhao Luochi's middle and lower warriors secretly formed. Their actions were relatively secretive, but they were reflected abruptly under the monitoring of big data. The crude actions planned by these people made Wei Keng very speechless.

Wei Keng: "Described by arrogance? It will miss their hidden shrewdness, and say they are shrewd, only clinging to their own momentary, single-point grasp, and completely ignoring the consequences, that is stupid, and stupid and blindly believe in what they can activate Strength can achieve the goal, but it can only be called arrogance.”

Zhao Luochi's actions: preparing to save the country and cut off the threat of the Raksha people to the south, so he thinks that Shenzhou should take more proactive actions in Asia. But he thinks that the upper echelons of China have considered too much and are not determined to do it, so he made this determination for China.

This is the point. He doesn't know where the information came from. He knows all the industries invested by the Luoshui Group in the Protectorate of the Western Regions. He feels that once the war breaks out, he must first control these civilian industries. Serve the war. Wait until the victory after the war before compensating for this civilian business.

Note: This is the purpose of Bai Yiyun, the black glove, who came here this time, and the thread behind Bai Yiyun is the cabinet member surnamed Xu. It can be said that white gloves can't solve it, so he will not hesitate to use this method.


The "Hetian Blood Soldiers" think that they are noble, they can ignore some rules, and they don't reflect on how selfish they are, which directly drives the economic reformers of the Luoshui Big Data Information Center crazy, so they are sorting out the data. At that time, he directly marked it in red and gave it to Wei Keng.

The backbones responsible for the general construction of the Western Regions in Luoshui, when they were Qingxiu in the past, always hated the black hands from the top screen, but when they sat at the center of the data advantage, they wished to directly form a spy group and directly assassinate Get rid of these lunatics.


At nine o'clock in the evening, in the virtual conference hall, 127 members of the core group of the Economic Federation appeared on the stage, and with Wei Keng taking a seat in the main seat, the meeting began.

Obviously, the first topic is the current situation in the Western Regions. If this problem is not solved, these backbones have no intention to do other things, because no matter how much they do, they will be snatched away by others.

Wei Keng looked at the pop-up windows that kept popping up in front of him, all of which were suggestions expressed by these young and energetic people.

After scanning it all over, Wei Keng shook his head, knocked on the table and said, "True things, not people. The focus of the discussion should be on 'why, a warrior would have such an idea' instead of telling me 'They're that crazy'. If they're that crazy, you have to think, 'Am I going to be that crazy'?"

These words made the venue less excited.

Wei Keng rubbed his head, and said with a bit of a bad heart: "The potential conflict between China and Soviet Russia in Asia and China is not a day or two - this will not change with the disappearance of a radical group like 'Hetian Blood Soldiers', Even though the actions of the 'Hetian Blood Soldiers' are definitely wrong, don't let your thinking get biased because of these two points.

What we have to solve is the overall problem, and the first priority now is to deal with the worst possible possibility. That is when war breaks out.

Seeing those 'brainless guys' run amok, we should imagine ourselves: How would we solve the same problem?

If, we are also ‘Take ten thousand bones, one will win! ’ There is no difference between us and them. "

Wei Keng raised his head to look at everyone, and under the gaze of a pair of contradictory and confused eyes, he said something: "I have decided to increase investment in the Western Regions, and now I am starting to hoard a large amount of strategic resources in this region and prepare roads. system."

The middle-aged Wei Yue on the lower left quickly stood up and was about to pull Wei Keng's sleeve: "You, the first seat?"

Wei Keng stared at him, the cousin who had assisted Wei Qiang and Wei Keng stopped talking immediately.

In this scene, one should not say "no", that would challenge the authority of the clan. But just now he couldn't bear it anymore.

Wei Keng turned to the venue, speaking in a correct manner (to prove that he is not crazy): "You want to say that we will lose money, right?"

A few seconds later, when no one was able to respond, Wei Keng smiled: "It's not a big deal, nothing more, I can't wear silk clothes, I can't live in a big house, and the maids are gone. , Let’s have a great meal with everyone! But~ I~ can’t~ I can’t let some idiots and the careerists behind them feel that they can make money!”

Wei Keng opened the strategic map: "In the next few months, I will apply for a rehearsal on the long-distance journey to the Western Regions! I hope that everyone's work centers will be centered on transportation, inventory and other aspects, and there will be no problems with heavy-haul railways during wartime. , Once things happen! Instead of waiting for those fools to take over, why don’t we take the initiative, at least we can die and understand, can’t we?”

Wei Keng looked at everyone with a smile. The people present were dumbfounded.

These young talents wondered if Wei Keng was stupid: "Why did others come to snatch it, and if I didn't fight back, why did I send it over?"

A few people reacted in their hearts, and they couldn't believe it, but they repeated the judgment that they didn't want to confirm: "He (Wei Keng) wants Stud!"

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