Out of the cage

Chapter 568 Chapter 14.07 Successor

When Wei Keng was able to mobilize the "coordination of different types of dark energy" secret technique, the high-level dark energy Cheng Ting seemed to have grasped something, and was very concerned about it. When he was about to ask a further question how to solve the repulsion of different dark energies. Wei Keng laughed loudly and said to Cheng Ting: "That method is quite expensive, it cannot be said that you cannot learn it, but you may not bother to learn it."

Wei Keng plucked a string in space at this time, and the space-time coordinate system on the entire planet vibrated like flowing water. At this moment, Cheng Ting pulled out his attention and returned to the space-time coordinate system on the stars.

Right now, just the "skeleton" constructed by the space-time coordinates is already more complex than what Cheng Ting imagined.

As for Wei Keng's method of synergizing a large amount of ordinary dark energy, what work has been done behind it?

Cheng Ting's eyes froze and sensed that various dark energies in the deep space were connected and interlinked like blood, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he almost lost his way.

Wei Keng continued to pave the way for the future Chengting to accept the truth, and said slowly: "The coordination of multiple types of lower-level dark energy requires mastering the consistency of the cycles of all people and celestial bodies, and at the same time controlling the mentality. Time and space seem transcendent to outsiders, but Taoism In the stars, but also in the rubble, as pathfinders, we cannot be detached from the Tao.”

Wei Keng opened the interstellar map and clicked on some ordinary planets including Fengjie Star. Wei Keng passed on a copy of these materials currently on Jiulan Planet, which is a third-rate fringe planet.

Wei Keng also issued an "investment" invitation to Cheng Ting. Now, when the amount of tracing the origin of the star sea is increasing, it will be transformed from the war years to the construction era, and the smelting of dark energy must be further deepened and actively embrace the world.

As for the progress of social production on these planets, it will take ten years for this course to explain to Cheng Ting the importance of the historical development of civilization.

There is a risk of exposure in this kind of disclosure. Wei Keng noted in the space: This step does not have many visible benefits, but it will output a possibility.

The progress of civilization development is often ignored by those dark energy people who set foot on the space-time system with great ambitions.

As a "space-time observer", ignoring the epic sense of civilization, it is impossible to have a deep understanding of the true meaning of time and space.

When the dark energy of the "time-space system" reaches level seven, the effect may be to randomly mobilize the history of the entire planet region, but the history is unique.

Wei Keng's judgment: Cheng Ting may not be able to achieve the seventh level of dark energy in the space-time system. How far can he go?

Wei Keng: When he was still in the sixth level, he could guide his view of history. Even if he couldn't change his ending, it could give him more possibilities.

The list of planets was played in front of Cheng Ting.

The planets selected by Wei Keng are all typical planets of "from backward to advanced", and the vitality will soon shine in the sea of ​​stars.

The road potential of these planets under the current dark energy smelting and traceability system is completely comparable to the potential of Cheng Ting.

As for the uncertain risks on these planets being investigated by the senior dark energy experts of the Jiulan Planet, Wei Keng left all kinds of margins for the reformers of these planets.

Chengting opened a new door through these materials. He looked at Qiduo, and seemed to have come into contact with the true face of the thick fog, but he was still very confused about Wei Keng's ultimate goal.

It’s as if primitive people thought they wanted to eat meat. Modern people explained how to get more meat, first planting feed, breeding, repairing canals, etc. What are they for? In a short period of time, primitive people cannot understand the cause and effect that is too long chain.

But Wei Keng showed willingness to explain, and Cheng Ting didn't scratch his head and want to spy so much.

His priority now is to focus on the battleship in front of him.

Six months later, the battleship "Spindle of Time and Space" with a total length of 560 kilometers to 150 kilometers was successfully fitted out over Jiulanxing. Due to the design of a large number of space compartments, this battleship has two forms in the state of full combat power and full speed.

In an instant six months ago, those 36 space blocks, like the fusion of hydrogen and helium atoms, collided together on the surface of the star. Space collisions on this scale have no messy fusion, and every atom is not bad. After fusion, the difference of space-time flow in each cabin remains unchanged. The ingenuity of that moment made the seventh-level dark energy users on the sidelines marvel at this engineering miracle.

In the next six months, the initial birth time of all substances on the spaceship was adjusted to the same scale. The entire battleship accommodated hundreds of parallel timelines at the same time, and several positions in the battleship could penetrate the parallel time of the battleship.

In each block of the space-time spindle battleship, time and space can be adjusted arbitrarily (for example, the damage can be spread to each time), with this one, this is already a very advanced warship among level 6 dark energy users .

Although it is weaker in terms of absolute firepower and destructive power than those military warships with a distance of 1,000 kilometers. However, the precision strike capability and information command capability are several blocks away from these standard warships, and they can conduct tactical shuttles within five light seconds in space.

Cheng Ting entered the central space cabin, switched between various driving states, and finally chose the driving state code-named "Xun"!

After he chooses to embed, the ego state of the entire battleship is "embedded" and "detached". When "embedded", every compartment of the battleship is disturbed by his will, and the ego rippling in the battleship like electromagnetic waves. When "leaving", it is to appear in each cabin with a human mentality.

Therefore, every place on the "Spindle of Time and Space" can be sensed by the driver with various senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell, and even the "emotions, anger, sorrow, joy" on various parts of the battleship.

Master Wei set up the information system according to his eighth-level spiritual language.

In the cockpit, Zheng Ting was very satisfied with the first battleship in his life.

After all the tests were completed, Cheng Ting switched his battleship to the "melting" state.

"Integration" is to let the space of "Spindle of Time and Space" overlap and enter another battleship. The other warship that is now merged happens to be "Inorganic Fire". Le Xiaotian is nervously docking (integrating) the central mass point of his warship with this strange warship.

On the other side, the "Spindle of Time and Space" has carried out a large-scale shuttle in the orbit of the fifth planet of Jiulanxing, and the afterimages left behind are still flickering in each orbit.

After setting sail for six hours from the perspective of the outside world, I tested the ultra-long-distance limit of a single jump, jumping for eight light seconds at once.

Afterwards, the assault mode was performed, jumping 3,000 times in a second, and the jump distance was 23 light seconds.

On the twenty-four planets of the Jiulan Star, the dark energy users above level 4 immediately paid attention to this sudden rush.

One by one, diamond-shaped energy flashes from the surface of the planet to the observation orbit. These are the fifth-level and sixth-level dark energy users who are onlookers. It's like kids looking at a new toy that someone in the compound got.

After confirming that this strange warship exists in space, everyone can't help guessing why it has such a sky-defying performance, and what kind of dark energy is the core of the battleship relying on?

At this time, under everyone's observation, the battleship "Spindle of Time and Space" has even faltered in the scan of the seventh level on the inner planet.

For example, when cutting into the fifth planet, the "spindle of time and space" is locked by the light energy field, and then jumps away with a whoosh.

When the dark energy users below level 7 on various planets in Jiulan Star contacted this battleship, they found that the owner of the battleship had a very high status, second only to the planetary suzerain, and everyone was embarrassed for a while.

...the scenery is infinite...

After the cruise ended, Cheng Ting realized that his test was a little too obvious. The backlog of communication applications on the shipboard system is tens of thousands. As for him, it was like bringing a toy he had never seen before to kindergarten when he was a child, which aroused a lot of comments from people.

After all, no one has seen any time-space warships in Jiulan Star.

...When Cheng Ting took the ship, he also felt a little aggrieved by inhumanity...

In the past few years, the "Space-Time Spindle" has completed the construction process, and some big shots from Jiulanxing have watched everything.

At one point, he even wanted to enter the energy fluctuations for monitoring, but this caused some parts of the space-time spindle to be unqualified, and he was finally ordered not to be disturbed by "Dingsheng".

When the battleship was built, Cheng Ting's senior sister, Yun Heng, a sixth-level dark energy user, came to the shipbuilding platform of Zhanlan Planet once and "borrowed a car" from Cheng Ting. Although Cheng Ting was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything out of face.

Wei Keng felt unreasonable towards such an "unkind woman".

But she still can't control the space-time spindle battleship, there are too many time-space lock operations in it.

The sixth-level "gravity system" can't drive the jumping system at all, even some seventh-level dark energy can't, even if it is forced to drive, it will destroy the structure of these battleships.

This is Cheng Ting's exclusive ship, five hours after cruising. Chengting completed the two-in-one combination of "Spindle of Time and Space" and "Inorganic Fire".

The data links of the two parties have been connected, and the Inorganic Fire and the Spindle of Time and Space have joined forces. The material and information carrying capacity of inorganic fire is equivalent to changing from a steam train in the 19th century to a 10,000-ton container ship in the 21st century.

...Only by having a meal with a partner can we resist the bullying of a first-class person like Neiyunheng Jiulanxing...

When Le Xiaotian walked into the "Spindle of Time and Space", he saw Cheng Ting operating the core code of the battleship. Le Xiaotian slapped haha, and said, "Should I avoid this?"

Cheng Ting Youzai did not treat Le Xiaotian as an outsider, and said: "We are long-term partners, and we can't hide things in the operating room, and you didn't hide it from me in the past, did you?"

The core of the battleship operations of both sides is based on the dark energy system of both sides.

In the "melting" state, Chengting is now the core that can operate the Inorganic Fire with the "Spindle of Time and Space". Le Xiaotian could control 30% of the "Space-Time Spindle" if he wanted to.

The 30% is because Wei Keng took care of his nephew and great-grandson to set up the quark editor to facilitate him to induce space-time fluctuations.

Master Wei switched the "Spindle of Time and Space" to a manual gear, and the "gravity system" that is closest to the "Space-Time System" cannot be operated.

In Jiulanxing's energy dock, the "Spindle of Time and Space" and "Inorganic Fire" were together, and it was only seen by outsiders half an hour later

When this brand new battleship appeared, Jiulanxing thought deeply about such a "combination of two ships".

The seventh-level suzerains of various major planets are thinking about what kind of impact the "two sixth-level high-ranking dark energies" will have on the power situation after they advance to the seventh level in the future.

…When the sky is brighter and the fireworks are brighter, no one will pay attention to the ants on the lawn…

Such as "Lu Yuexing"'s "increasing the productivity of quark intelligence groups with inorganic fire\

,"In this way, in the classification of Le Xiaotian's data files by Jiulanxing Center, it is not so worthy of attention.

Wei Keng: "Human society is full of snobbery, and it is different to be tolerant to different people. For example, in modern times, if you were an ordinary person who was accidentally tricked by a bank, you had to admit that you were unlucky and lose money, otherwise you would lose your trust completely. Excluded from society. But if you are a star, if you are a white wolf in the market, it will at most disrupt the market. If you catch the current one, you will be fined and warned. "

Cheng Ting and Le Xiaotian are without a doubt the most tolerant kind of people in Jiulanxing.

Wei Keng made his "cluster work" the glue for their cooperation. He was already in the center of the two umbrellas of protection. As long as many small actions were not large, they would not be investigated.

On the space-time monitoring platform, when Bai Linglu sorted out the logic uploaded by Wei Keng,

She is leaning on the chair in Versailles, holding her forehead~

She has long seen that Wei Keng is good at all kinds of illegal activities in the dark plane. But when it comes to the logic of "bribery" to build a network of relationships, I still feel that it is really such a worldly way that people don't feel old.

Jing Guyu looked embarrassed when he saw Wei Keng's behavior like this. This made the small supervisors in the team feel strange.

Liao Yangxiu asked Jing Guyu, "Is there something wrong with Wei Keng?"

Liao Yangxiu and others are considered veteran monitors today, and they can feel something abnormal when observing the words and deeds of seniors like Jing Guyu.

Jing Guyu felt that he had missed some basic information, so he thought about it for a while, and covered it up with the topic: "At present, there are very few traversers. Think about your situation from this kind of 'weak point of view'."

Jing Guyu paused: "But in fact, he is not weak, he has always faced the most difficult situation."

Jing Guyu smiled complicatedly: "Under the 400-year mainstream development direction of the entire Space-Time Administration, a big fish has been missed." Jing Guyu: "It would be nice to meet earlier, even if we don't have a chance to be together, but even if we met in the early days , and won’t be so divided today.”

Liao Yangxiu's gaze paused slightly. Seems to be thinking about something.

... can never touch the distance, but can get closer...

On this sunny day, Jing Guyu abruptly chatted with the groups in Wei Keng's group who were in good mood on the interface: "Wei Keng, there are tunnel points in this time and space."

When Jing Guyu told this sentence, Wei Keng was thinking about the internal configuration of the Jiulan Star (star), and he didn't react for a while when he heard the interface communication, until Jing Guyu took out the "proven dimensional tunnel network".

One of the dimensional network tunnels appeared on Wentie Star! And it was at that time that Wei Keng traveled to this plane.

Within 6,000 kilometers below the chromosphere of the Jiulan star, Wei Keng, who measured the space-time scale inside the star with the photon energy state, paused slightly.

It's worth mentioning: Wei Keng's current state of photons is that there was another person (Mi Jia) who was bathing in the stars in the space twisting plane back then.

Jing Guyu didn't know that Wei Keng and Michael Lena had met. But the key to what she said to Wei Keng now is related to Michael Lena.

Wei Keng's entry into this plane was arranged by Michael Lena, Jing Guyu carried out the implementation, and Jing Guyu gradually began to showdown. However, Jing Guyu is also known by Michael now, because Michael has penetrating eyeliner, such as Liao Yangxiu)

Jing Guyu: "I now have 1,874 tunnels connected to this plane! And you came to this plane dimension channel, which was given to me by 'Michaelena', this person you Should know."

Wei Keng was surprised: "Michaelina?"——Wei Keng thought of the angel-like girl on the empty twisting plane, and he had a pretty good impression of her at the beginning.

Jing Guyu looked at Wei Keng, and casually pinched Michaelena, who looked like a female angel with "protruding front and back, blond hair and charming eyes". He gritted his teeth immediately and said, "He is neutral now and has a baby."

Wei Keng paused slightly, and put away the Mi Jia model with big breasts and long legs in embarrassment: "Um, who is the child's father?"

Jing Guyu found that the focus of this guy was a bit biased, but he still replied: "He is the father, and what he provided is the X-chromosome artificial sperm cells."

Wei Keng: "She??? (After three seconds of shock, she added a sentence), that's amazing!"

Jing Guyu gave Master Wei a brief introduction to today's human technology: "Sperm cells are no longer exclusive to men. Women can reverse their own body cells into sperm cells. Of course, they still don't have a Y chromosome."

Wei Keng paused, then murmured, "Mediterranean civilization is more fun."

Earth civilization has undergone major changes! When a large number of male transmigrators are passing through the planes, and the space-time management bureau is in decline, the time-space department of the main world begins to develop in the direction of "angel-type" civilization.

In the long history of mankind, men have consumed more than women most of the time. Because for thousands of years wars were fought by men.

The root of the conflict is not men's physical agitation, but socioeconomic inequality, but men's personalities are more likely to burn this contradiction with an "open flame". Priority is consumed in conflicts.

Therefore, many male traversers have actually become extinct, and female traversers are increasingly occupying the leading role in the reproduction of time and space.

Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt relieved: those sons of his family were all reliable in passing on the family line.

Wei Qixian on the plane of Shenzhou and now Le Xiaotian have inherited Wei Qiang's good genes.

…Wei Keng: I, Brother Wei, obey the law and never have any conflicts with others,…

Jing Guyu passed the tunnel data system to Wei Keng. (That is: open up the dimension information of the dark plane through the empty twisting plane.)

And even if she doesn't give it, Wei Keng will gradually investigate the connection between the cosmic depression in the dark plane and how his consciousness tunneled to this plane in the process of dark energy smelting and mapping the universe through the traceability system.

There are a large number of nodes in Wei Keng's traceable dark energy. In theory, as long as the facilities of this plane are established, it can directly traverse thousands of planes! These plane tunnels link the space-time physical area territory, covering almost all the popular physical areas of the plane today.

So, as Wei Qiang said, the "creation" area of ​​the dark plane is a large physical area.

After reading the data, Wei Keng nodded to Jing Guyu. From now on, she was on his side.

Wei Keng: "From a technical point of view, sending information to these planes still needs technical verification. I can only build facilities to allow consciousness to pass through dimensions when I reach level seven, which is still far away."

The center of the main world earth, suitable for plane travel.

In the dark plane, human beings can jump through superluminal space through various massive celestial bodies. But if you want to break through the dimensional membrane of the dark plane and travel between feasible planes, the accumulation of related technologies is not much less difficult than the main world's desire to open up the Milky Way.

Wei Keng: "It needs to start the theory and verification from the beginning. This workload is no bigger than the scientific and industrial development workload from the ancient times of the earth to the era of crossing the original plane."

Jing Guyu, who opened his heart, encouraged with a smile: "Yes, but you are not from the ancient times, you are now a collection of wills from the 30th century."

Wei Keng nodded when he heard this, and said silently in his heart: "I am the successor of the dream chaser relay race among countless middle-aged people in the past thousand years from the 20th century to the 30th century."

The reason why there are no comments is that there is a conference now, and all book reviews are screened. In addition, there was a problem with the proofreading document yesterday, many people went online, and the number of words was misplaced. I saw it and mentioned it

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