Out of the cage

Chapter 572 Chapter 14.11 Long Blue Star War

Here in the arctic ejection area of ​​the Great Black Hole of Creation, with the return of Chu Jinlan, the original arrow on the star sea simulation map of the "Shanhe-class" flagship was cancelled.

Su Jinyan led his car "Silver Blade" to work at the outpost. This is a major threat to Jiulanxing.

Wei Keng took control of the sealed planet and was preparing to obtain the legal rule on the planet. It is impossible not to report the knowledge.

Because the reconnaissance mission of Su Jinyan's trip is not just one way. If the other roads are exposed, and I hide this place, it may be settled by Jiulanxing after autumn.

So, fifteen hours after Chu Jinyan left, Wei Keng reported the situation.

This time, the creation of the northern ejection area of ​​the great black hole is trying to establish observation stations on the seal star, chaotic star, and ammonia star. But it was stopped on Sealing Star.

When Wei Keng from Fengjiexing reported the report, Jiulanxing quickly mobilized outer space to assault these infiltration fleets. In just four months, the other two planets were captured one by one.

At the same time, Jiulanxing sent an elite team to chase after the clues on the turning point according to the escape information described by the local "witnesses" in Fengjiexing, but they couldn't catch up. The master doesn't care.

Of course, Wei Keng also got into trouble. First, during the reporting process, he did not claim to have seized the "Silver Blade" battleship, but only topologically spaced to prove that he had encountered this battleship.

"I met this battleship, where did it go?" Jiulan star investigators insisted on this question, and the eyewitness on Fengjie star faltered and said: "I lost it."

In the end, the answer was that the battleship was useless at all, so the coordinates were sold and bought by the mysterious man who rushed over.

...Wei Keng took a few detours and sold his false information. After all, you can’t do anything, you have to let the lower class carry it on their own...

The "Coordinate Point" of the Silver Blade has been hidden by Wei Keng at the edge of the Star Sea. This is a warship of the same level (specifically weaker) as Le Xiaotian's "Inorganic Fire".

Master Wei also had a good reason for not handing it in: "With my ability, I snatched it, so why should I confess it to you?"

Of course, the further reason is that Wei Keng controls the Silver Blade by relying on "smelting dark energy".

It's not selfish, it's just guessing with the utmost maliciousness that when the upper ruler of Jiulan Star knew about the "cluster", he became coveted and strengthened his control over himself.

…Wei Keng: “As a grassroots innovator, don’t trust the upper echelons of any faction easily.”…

In 6804, the center of the Jiulan star, the orbit of the fifth planet. At present, a ring with a width of 1,000 kilometers and a diameter of 60,000 kilometers in the hollow has been built, which is the characteristic of space transmission facilities at the light-year level.

"Dingming", the planetary suzerain of Jiulan Star, is debugging in this construction site.

In the void, Dingming received a message. After reading it, he looked at Gujiu Lanxing and shook his head slightly.

This information comes from the review team's interrogation of Taxi Qiduo, the Jiulanxing side.

Jiulanxing's intelligence capabilities are relatively reliable, and the Silver Blade that appeared on Fengjiexing was finally investigated. During the investigation, it was found that the warship was moved by space, and Jiulanxing Weikeng was found through the power of space.

Note: The Jiulan Star Center has not been able to pay attention to the Wei Keng cluster on the Sealing Star, and the Wei Keng cluster has also pushed this matter to the "space" power of the center to resist.

Dingming watched the latest video sent by Yunheng.

The result of the interrogation was still the same, Tassie was very stubborn and resolutely refused to hand over the "Silver Blade". The attitude was very bad, and he threatened: "I just need to rely on this battleship to run away."

These days, how could Jiu Lanxing let Wei Keng run away.

As Chengting's companion star and Le Xiaotian's partner, Wei Keng has already been regarded as a member of Jiulanxing.

Dingming: "Since he wants to hide that battleship, let's hide it. If he doesn't take it out, he will never be able to drive that battleship into Jiulan Star."

The matter has since come to a conclusion.

As for Fengjiexing, a small planet that only produced software in the past.

It was mentioned briefly in the investigator's report sent by Jiulanxing. In Feng Jiexing's own opinion, the death of "more than 300 billion" is a big deal. But from the perspective of the big forces at the core of Xinghai, this kind of small planet that is kept in captivity does not count as many people.

[This is the same as the casualties in the ancient times. Only major casualties that occurred in Wuchang, Europe, America and other regions are international events. In other parts of Africa, hundreds of thousands of people have suffered from disease and war deaths, which are as common as cola and potato chips. 】

...Now Xinghai has a big event. The Arctic Jet Zone, the Jiulan Star Zone, and the Li Star Star Sea are all at war with each other...

The interstellar war of multiple forces has completely started.

Six months later (Jiulanxing time), a fleet of "Arctic Jet Zone" appeared within 150 light-years of Jiulanxing. This is definitely the inner circle of Jiulanxing.

This fleet can suddenly penetrate into the core area of ​​Jiulan Star. It is because the dispatched elite team stepped on the spot in advance.

For example, Biting Jinyan on Fengjie Star is one of this wave of spotting operations. All the other ways were successful, but Su Jinyan, like Li Guang, always stumbled.

Three rich stars, and related 630 dwarf planet-level worlds were taken down by the "Arctic Jet Zone\

,"Jiulanxing lost so many transition points at this distance, which means that the northern jet zone can directly jump the "tens of kilometers long" harassing warship to the Jiulanxing main star area. Although this is of little practical significance, it can disturb the security atmosphere in Jiulanxing's center.

If Jiulanxing's close star sea area is captured with more turning points, then some strategic ships (level of hundreds of kilometers) will be able to approach Jiulanxing's center.

When the hostile warship with thousands of kilometers enters the home planet area, the war will be prolonged.

...Southeast of the Jiulan Star's center, 570 light-years away, a "sharp thorn" inserted into the Jiulan Star's sphere of influence. …

The "Arctic Jet Zone" sent here for an assault were two "10,000-kilometer" class warships.

This type of warship is called the "Ark" class in Jiulan Star, but in the culture of the "Arctic Jet Zone", it is called the "Shanhe" class warship.

"Jumang", the driver of a Shanhe class, is also the teacher of Jinlan. The planetary suzerain of the upper dark energy issued an excessive declaration: the ultimate goal of the war is to take over the entire Jiulan Star, and no negotiation of any kind will be accepted.

The 'Arctic Jet Zone' has made such wild claims, obviously confident in breaking into the core area.

And once a "Shanhe" class giant ship enters Jiulanxing, it may not be able to dispel it in ten or twenty years. Large warships are difficult to sink, and can only be pushed back to orbit outside the stars.

If you want to force back a large battleship, you have to defeat the protective cover, and then let the "Star Knight" jump into a gang battle and carry out large-scale destruction. But how could it be so easy to break through the internal defense system of a battleship tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Jiulanxing 6808.

In order to deal with the war a hundred light-years away, in the orbit of the inner planet No. 4, several cavities with a diameter of 600 kilometers were opened on the fortress transformed by comets like "Snow of the Sea". A large carambola-shaped giant ship with a width of 300 kilometers and a body length of 2,000 kilometers was pulled out from the hollow like a flesh hole on the surface of the star.

After entering space smoothly, it began to expand, and soon the length, width, and height began to proliferate, and immediately expanded to a length of 10,000 kilometers.

Because of the planetary-scale creation, the gravitational effect has to be considered, and the shape is not necessarily circular.

This is the Ark-class battleship that Jiulan Star sealed off on the main planet. The outer layer is like the atmosphere, forming a translucent force field protection layer. This layer of protection is enough to intercept super-heavy warheads with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

Don't look at this is a concave carambola structure, it looks very empty, such a huge body, with an average of three to five kilometers of thick carbon fiber and nickel-titanium steel composite materials for each part, which is stronger than the earth's crust.

As long as the energy warhead with a diameter of 10 meters and an energy warhead of more than 20 billion tons equivalent explodes within a range of 10 kilometers, it is impossible to break through the defense.

After this kind of super space creation is unfolded, the huge gravitational force will cause circles of tidal water waves on the reformed star body filled with layers of oceans.

If it is not far enough away, the gravitational effect of this super battleship will cause the shell structure of the comet to collapse, and a large amount of water layer will leak into space and flow into the surface of the "Ark Fortress", forming an "atmosphere composed of water vapor".

In the azure area of ​​Jiulan Star, Wei Keng, who was building a ship on the energy ring, looked at this Ark-class battleship reflecting the remarkable light of the stars. Wei Keng mobilized various data in the space-time ring to calculate something.

Four hours later, Jiulanxing conducted a large conscription. All personnel with the true identity of the sixth-level dark energy user must all arrive in this ark level and receive training.

This naturally included Le Xiaotian and Cheng Ting. As for Wei Keng, it is not a true biography, so he does not need to participate, and he is not eligible to participate in this meeting.

However, Wei Keng's communication interface will be bombarded with information. "The great blue star, will deal with the invasion" "Standing and bleeding, or kneeling and crying" and other such news.

The veteran seventh-level dark energy user of Jiulanxing, Yuandian, dressed in military uniform, is speaking to the people of Jiulanxing.

To the effect, we must resolutely resist the invasion of the lamp star cluster by the black hole forces of creation.

Among them, a long list is listed at the end. All teams with sixth-level dark energy users are all on the list, and a general mobilization has begun.

...Zheng Ting and Le Xiaotian here...

In the newly opened "Ark class", the central area is the energy ocean where the seventh-level suzerains of Jiulan star talk, while the other areas are the waiting places for the disciples of the seventh-level suzerain faction.

Le Xiaotian and Zheng Ting appeared at the transition point in the front hall of the fortress. After waiting for three hours, they were received by Dingming, the controller of the 'Ark'. As Dingming's direct disciple, it's not polite.

Dingming opened the interstellar map, and prepared to let his disciples take the space-time spindle to station two hundred light-years away from Jiulan Star, away from the current right and wrong place.

At the core of the ark, Dingming, whose body is integrated with the huge energy halo, looks down at the Cheng court located in the small energy circle. Said: "You are still very young, you should listen to Senior Brother Le Xiaotian's advice."

Then he sent a message to Le Xiaotian: "Your collaborator in Zhanlanxing, if possible, bring him along."

Le Xiaotian didn't know why, he had always regarded Wei Keng as Cheng Ting's personal team.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Dingming motioned him to read the message that just arrived, which read: Wei Keng's series of actions after he infiltrated Jiulanxing.

This information, except that Wei Keng's "large number of split bodies" is located in the star sea outside Jiulan Star, can't be found, the rest is on it, including the absurd thing about "spiritual dolls".

Le Xiaotian saw the scene where Wei Keng stepped aside from the confrontation between Yuno and Lulem, and Yuanyuan left, the corners of his mouth twitched.

...some black history, once leaked, it is tantamount to making public...

After Le Xiaotian and Cheng Ting left the 'Ark' class battleship.

The two of them did not return to Inorganic Fire immediately, but stopped for a while in space to talk about the current situation.

In front of the perspective of the two, it is like a star map with burning stars and bright smoke clouds unfolding.

Jiulan star is the brightest one on the star map, and now there is a red block representing the enemy near Jiulan star. And the block is still spreading the occupied area like an ulcer.

Le Xiaotian frowned and said, "This war seems to be going on for a long time."

On the space rhombus interface to his left, Cheng Ting, who was working, heard his words and said, "Now the higher authorities seem to want to use the establishment of fortress areas on the surrounding planets to delay the attack on the creation zone."

In the communication space, he opened the information on the edge of the occupied area, and the video clips of the bombardment between the fleet and the planetary fortress that occurred in the past three days, all of which can be displayed wherever you can click.

Cheng Ting clicked on the large number of military buildings that proliferated like life on the planet, and said with interest: "The dark energy model in the creation area is similar to your dark energy system."

Le Xiaotian: "The ancestors of my family came from the black hole of creation."

Cheng Ting paused slightly.

Le Xiaotian: "So now some people in Jiulanxing suspect me, and the teacher dismisses me to avoid suspicion." 13.14 Han Feiheng (Mr. Le Xiaotian, dark energy system "field change")

Although Jiulanxing's decision-making circle knows sensibly that the dark energy of the creation department does not mean it is "feijiulanxing". But after a war breaks out, it will be emotional.

Moreover, some "incompetent" people are not allowed to make indiscriminate connections and attacks indiscriminately in order to show that they are "capable" in the war. To use this to declare that he has contributed to the "foreign resistance" operation.

"Being jealous of talent and attacking virtue" has existed since ancient times.

Because the war is too cruel, some cowards don't have the courage to come forward and stand against those who can kill them. You can only pass slander from the rear, those who can't attack them and can only justify.

One interface opened up in front of Le Xiaotian. Begin to summarize the current battle situation in terms of creating a big black hole.

Video 1: Inside the interstellar fortress, the high-energy light beam is like a high-pressure water gun piercing through the earth wall, piercing through five metal defensive walls, and directly 300 meters away, causing the personnel in the bunker to die in the hot metal flow smoldering. ——According to the post-seizure analysis, this is a weapon called Raging Flame Sword, which is a relatively common "energy weapon".

Video 2, on the street of a certain planet in the Lantern Cluster, a guzheng tune reverberates on both sides of the open space, traveling back and forth for several kilometers. However, the attack system is to control the material vibration in the area through the nano cloud, and the center is an instrument similar to a zither, which is in the hands of a female warrior.

Video 3: Armor-piercing bombs fly across the battlefield, shocking waves. On the battlefield round after round, every time in the Arctic creation area, there are always several huge mirrors suspended in the sky, providing information lock for the soldiers in the creation area. These mirrors are often three to forty meters wide when suspended in the sky, but their shape is like a mirror held by a person. It was later determined that the energy item was completely shrunk, and it was similar to a mirror held in a human hand. When enough information was input, it became a function similar to a car radar, but it could move freely in the air like a helicopter, detect and warn.


Le Xiaotian: "Most of the true inheritance of dark energy in the great black hole of creation is the transmutation system."

A cube flashed in Le Xiaotian's hand, which was the top-level dark energy of the transmutation system of "Inorganic Tinder".

Cheng Ting looked at Le Xiaotian, and he found that this friend seemed to want to compare with the big black hole of creation.

Le Xiaotian swipe down on the star map and point to the distant sea of ​​stars. Instead of fighting in the inner circle, he wants to fight in the outer circle at 1,500 light-years away.

Le Xiaotian now wants to avoid the place of right and wrong, and change the mission point farther away. But this point requires Zheng Ting to agree, so that the task can be adjusted from "Ding Ming".

Cheng Ting heard that Le Xiaotian was determined, and after thinking about it for a while.

. Cheng Ting: "For me, there is no problem, but outside operations are dangerous, and your team is still lacking."

Both of them have just advanced to level 6 dark energy, and a large number of teammates are also level 5 dark energy users, such as Yuno, Lurem and a series of dark energy users. Although the future potential is great, the big war is not enough.

Just when Le Xiaotian was about to explain, "choosing a suitable marginal planet". Spatial fluctuations appeared around Cheng Ting.

At this time Wei Keng flashed out, facing the ambition of the "good nephew", he encouraged him: "There are not enough soldiers, I can help."

Faced with the appearance of the "third person", the atmosphere of the conversation became more relaxed.

Le Xiaotian: "It may be a bit risky just to go on an expedition with us."

Wei Keng: "I won't go there myself, but there are a group of teams around me who just need to do collection work in remote areas. If you need cooperation, I can provide limited help. However, I have a lot of requirements."

Le Xiaotian: "Let's talk."

Wei Keng: "As for the conquered planet, you establish a ruling structure. As for me, I want to establish a resistance organization on the planet to resist the ruling structure of the region. When the time comes, you will turn a blind eye."

Le Xiaotian squinted his eyes, which made Wei Keng feel as if Wei Qiang was negotiating terms with him in front of him.

Le Xiaotian: "Can you make it clearer?"

Wei Keng: "External Planet, I sing red, you sing white."


On the other side of the space-time system, the monitors laughed: the entire edge of Jiulan Star is going to be in chaos, and the local forces in the various Star Seas have no help from the upper echelon.

At this time, Wei Keng has already established a transfer base on the marginal planet where the major forces are handed over. Once the central resistance grows to a certain level, he will be able to implement the "transfer of ten thousand light years".

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