Out of the cage

Chapter 588 Chapter 14.20 (Part 2) The back road is in hand, do whatever you want

Jiulanxing 6822 is also the 18th year of the war. The scale of the star sea war is getting bigger and bigger, and with the rise of a new generation of dark energy players on both sides, and the cultivation of new forces in the star sea below, this war will last for a long time.

Even the entire era is stained with the color of war, corresponding to the previous peaceful era. In the past, most of the spacewalks were large merchant ships, but now they have become warships. In the past, the "ranger" dark energy walkers at various turning points have now become a large army of energy.

The star sea is in chaos, and Wei Keng, who keeps pace with the times, has undergone the fifth wave of growth.

In the fifth wave, the total number of dark energy of various energy systems and rule systems in the Wei Keng cluster has reached 3.47 million, which is the main body of the industrial system!

Wei Keng has tried all kinds of dark energy under the restriction of level six, and he has filled all the steps in the primary stage of dark energy smelting.

The seventh level of dark energy is a large-scale threshold for dark energy smelting at this time. It requires high-energy star conditions and Wei Keng's earth-shattering fight to obtain it.

It's just that there are more followers behind me, so I have to take some care of it.

Wei Keng can't be unscrupulous and earth-shattering now, he must arrange other people well.

Master Wei's self-creed on the plane of Pandora: Never expand without limit, and rob other civilizations of other people's space.

On the dark plane, Wei Keng has not expanded. The largest dark energy system is the physique enhancement series, with a scale of around 6.5 billion and an average promotion time of "three years".

This promotion is astonishingly fast. If normal geniuses in the galaxy can awaken dark energy so quickly, they will never take such an ordinary dark energy route.

Wei Keng is not a genius, but in the high-precision physique strengthening route, Wei Keng has gone too much in groups.

For this seemingly ordinary path of physical fitness calibration, the Weikeng public system has prepared the most scientific courses and the most conducive facilities for auxiliary progress. Putting aside the vanity perspective of the outside world, the learning path of millions and tens of millions is more effective than the "cheat book" practice of a few people.

Bai Linglu commented: "Tsk tsk, you are a mediocre person. You are in the middle of the crowd and take the road that is rolled out. You don't want to be the strongest, but to make the fewest mistakes on the useful road. Stepping on the most stable cornerstone of experience. "

A full-time military system supported by the industrial system. Under the traceability, dark energy smelting weapons can be accepted in a standardized manner.

Wei Keng, who is bent on rebellion: And if there is a serious injury, the team can be replenished in an orderly manner. Death is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is that there is no successor.

These initial physique strengthening departments are responsible for conducting grassroots investigations and grassroots organizations on various marginal planets.

Now Jiulanxing, the Arctic Jet Zone, and other big forces in the star sea, the resistance on the planet over there is all pulled away by Wei Keng.

After being promoted successfully, after ten years of work, hand over the class to the next self, and then enter the regeneration system, the dark energy will be reset to zero and start again, becoming the original youth, delving into other dark energies.

...firewood and gasoline, already filling the entire dark jungle...

As for the star area where Jiulan Star is located (Master Wei is no longer limited to activities within the scope of Jiulan Star), on the first and second-level planets on the edge, as long as Wei Keng exists, there is no "hard work" in this area As soon as I said it, it was all troublemakers who were making trouble (spreading advanced culture).

Mr. Wei, who has experienced the ancient times, scoffed at the so-called "hard work" of the "superior structure".

In the ancient industrial era, the value of mental workers was before the age of thirty-five, and the value of manual workers was before the age of fifty-five.

For these indifferent rulers, the real "enduring hardships and standing hard work" is not to resist before the value is exhausted, and to leave the society quietly after exhausting the value, not to cause trouble to the society, and even release the negative to the marginal area. . Don't affect the mood of the new batch of "parts".

Now, Wei Keng, who has found the development direction of "advanced society", hates such an "unadvanced society".

Wei Keng's memorandum: "If you are used to injustice, it is cultural backwardness.

In the feudal era, high-ranking officials and dignitaries took women as foot warmers and served as maids for young masters. When these are considered normal, it is feudal cultural backwardness.

In the era of capitalism, there is no upper limit for luxury car collision compensation, which can reach hundreds of thousands of millions of losses. It is considered to be "damage to property, compensation is a matter of course", while traffic accidents and human life compensation are only based on "local per capita income, multiplied by xx years" This is the backwardness of capital culture. "

From a historical point of view, advanced culture is not Yilin's "Western society, humanistic care", nor is it the reader's "Neon ingenuity and firm will".

The core of advanced culture, if you don't have a good time, you can't tolerate injustice!

Advanced culture, in the process of development, will be reprimanded by various mouthpieces as "distorted thinking", "one-sided views", and "not following the overall situation", and will be hunted down like a defense virus.

But advanced culture has strong vitality.

Wei Keng, who was covered in flames and turned into torches, stared at the many black holes in the dark plane, his eyes seemed to penetrate the dimension, "In the main world, everything is based on the struggle with xx, which is a sentence that is hundreds or thousands of years ahead. It is not outdated oriental philosophy."

...the people cannot achieve great things if they are not cunning enough to let something ride on their heads...

Since Wei Keng's attacks were all in the fringe areas, large troops from all walks of life in Xinghai, fewer troops came to suppress them, and Wei Keng took them down.

There were more suppressing troops, so they immediately turned in and retreated to the more remote Xinghai area. For example, the roads to the "Beast Nebula" have been opened up, and Wei Keng holds the back road, which is not in vain.

As the war on Jiulan Star became more and more intense, most of the time, all parties were unwilling to waste force on such marginal planet riots.

However, according to statistics from Jiulanxing, those planets that have overturned the sky can basically increase their productivity efficiency by dozens of times after self-government, and the awakening of dark energy players has also increased by dozens of times.

Especially in the area where Chengting and Le Xiaotian were on an expedition. In some marginal stars, these red dwarfs don't even have planets, just floating "industrial land plates".

It was impossible to have the conditions for the development of high-end production.

Now these stars directly complete the Dyson lens.

Wei Keng: That is, the huge material reflecting mirror collects the energy of stars. And the collected energy is transmitted to those asteroid celestial bodies that lack energy with an efficiency of four to ten percent.

This kind of behavior that seems to be extremely energy-intensive and time-consuming is actually done by the star poor haha ​​in these remote areas.

…The support from the grassroots has been able to influence some battles in the Star Sea…

During the expedition, even if Le Xiaotian's fleet was driven from the main sequence star body to the barren area in the face of several times the enemy dispatched from the Arctic jet zone, it could still get the "weapon-grade nano cloud" supplies, and Various energy blocks.

Le Xiaotian's inorganic sparks are also maintained inside some asteroids whose mass is less than one-third of that of Ceres. So much so that the scale of his battles is endless.

As for Cheng Ting, he stepped forward instead of Wei Keng, and passed batches of "rough technology, but large enough" supplies to other teams when they needed supplies.

There are actually no more than a thousand dark energy users of the sixth level of the entire Jiulan Star (Le Xiaotian is at the same level). Now put into the battle in the direction of the "Arctic Jet Zone", there are only 120 Tier 6 fleets.

Cheng Ting can always deliver "high-energy nano-manufacturing workshops" and "high-energy detectors" to the door at the turning point in the center of their space-time spindle.

High-energy nano-manufacturing workshop: The operating temperature is 30,000 degrees, and it can quickly print hundreds of thousands of tons of aircraft carriers, battleships, and mobile fortresses in one minute. This is the necessary logistics for arming the ground defenders.

High-energy detectors: Lurem's "square piece" and Jinling's "silver needle".


...If you can supply goods in the battlefield, you don't have to worry about buyers...

After placing an order, Jiulanxing's outer-area combat defenders remitted all the money to Wei Keng.

Wei Keng exchanged for what he wanted on Jiulanxing.

In the blue zone of the Jiulan Star, Wei Keng has become less and less shy about the planetary suzerain who has determined these things, and continues to show extraordinary organization and various genius designs.

Wei Keng designed sixty-seven types of detectors for measuring the multi-billion-degree area of ​​Jiulan Star's core.

Based on the existing star control of Jiulanxing, it is applicable to the conditions of various meteorological regions on the surface of the star, and the automated mass production steps have been optimized. As for the higher-end nano-clouds of light-concentrating films on the surface of stars, dozens of optimizations have been carried out from the initial rough design.

As for how to spread the film faster, Jiulanxing's scientific research department used it for the stellar energy fortress, which is the first generation of research. After Wei Keng got the database permission, he perfected the second-generation technology here, and has launched the third-generation technology.

Wei Keng's hands are getting faster and faster now, which is not what the planetary suzerains of Jiulan Star expected to "break through the sixth level of dark energy and reach the planetary suzerain".

Many dark energy users including Dingming felt that this Kairudder seemed to be preparing for something. ——But I don't understand any threats at the moment, so I will wait and see what happens.

Among the big planets, Dingming saw the latest small report from Yunheng: "Now the war is raging, and when the front line retreats, I will free up my hands to solve it properly."

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