Out of the cage

Chapter 604 Chapter 14.30

At 2:25 a.m. on August 1, 6828, the sidereal time of Jiulanxing, the condensation of time and space began.

At the same time, at Wei Keng's sincere invitation, Qirui stepped into the light field, and the warden who was guarding Wei Keng was disarmed.

Qi Rui bathed in the light field and was engulfed into the blazing stars. As the current flew straight down and fell towards the endless depths of the star, Qirui inadvertently aroused endless panic. But Wei Keng appeared beside her, accompanying her.

Narrator: The bravery of the male is especially pronounced when the female is present, as is the case with most rivalries. Although Jiulanxing is a matriarch, it is the same.

It is very difficult for two dark energy beings to be in a stable field of extremely high energy at the same time.

The reason is: when the energy level is higher, the balance is more difficult to grasp, the dark energy of the two must maintain a symmetrical coupling, and the wills must communicate with each other, which is impossible in most cases!

The level of civilization is the ability to display when facing destruction together.

In terms of species evolution, when the intelligence becomes higher and higher, the probability of one individual taking the risk of destruction for another individual becomes less and less! In this slice of stars. In the sea, even if they are blood descendants, when cultivating the next generation, the seventh-level dark energy users do not have a logical chain of "do not hesitate to destroy".

To a certain extent, the human beings on Jiulan Planet are evolving toward an energy state, but they are still stagnant in terms of the level indicators of civilization continuation.

When the civilization, the individual, no longer devotes determination to the "possibility" of another individual, then the civilization has entered a stage of gradual desolation.

As an individual projected into this universe by the civilization of the earth, Wei Keng acts on the basis of the above-mentioned most basic principles.

Wei Keng: The scale of investment in "Qirui's Conquest" cannot be judged by "worth it or not".

If we want to make civilization blazing, we need to light candles, which will appear as "flame on the torch" candles!

Civilization is a candle, and in the candlestick, some "wax" will melt and become obscene, and some will become light.

...I have feelings, but less than 10% of them, and the rest are based on the principle of psychological warfare...

Qirui felt the surrounding energy level jump step by step, until it became more and more terrifying.

She couldn't help but want to stop, so she said to Wei Keng: "No, start the rudder, no, I'm not sure." The whole energy field is getting higher and higher, like walking a tightrope, anyone who doesn't pay attention will be burned to pieces.

Wei Keng persuaded her as steadily as a mountain: "The essence of dark energy involves: another initial cosmic physical projection of self-consciousness. Most of the physical structure of your dark energy field on this plane has been stabilized. A breakthrough must be made on the basis of the old self. So ~~~ Please face it.”

Wei Keng's last sentence seemed to be talking about an ordinary thing.

Qirui looked at Wei Keng very moved, but shook his head slightly and said: "I will die" - Wei Keng secretly can maintain symmetry with her. This symmetry is a kind of guidance, and it is a kind of life and death together. Destroy the two and burn them together.

Wei Keng stared at her and said, "Consciousness lies between life and death."

I don't know whether it's the increasingly hot environment or the feeling brought by the carbon-based body, Qirui's cheeks are red and hot: "Me? Me? Aren't you afraid?" She didn't dare to shake anymore.

Wei Keng: "I believe in possibility. You should also believe in yourself, determine what you think, then recognize yourself, and work hard in that direction."

Qi Rui: "Then I failed, what do you do?" (The atmosphere of living together and dying together made this woman gradually forget that she is Jiulanxing's standpoint, and that the two sides are enemies.)

Wei Keng: "At this time, you shouldn't think about other things. Also, you and I have failed, which means that in this universe, you and I have not succeeded. There are infinite possibilities in multidimensionality. As a consciousness, you will always grasp the front line possible."

The individual Wei Keng is "walking through this moment" with Qirui. Choosing to trust others is a kind of gamble, but Wei Keng dared to push himself at this moment.

This split Wei Keng: "This moment is meaningful."

During the time when Qirui was guarding Wei Keng, Wei Keng was also observing Qirui's every step, subtly encouraging and hinting. Wei Keng believes in Qirui now, just like he believes in his good brother.

...At this time in the old blue star, the third-order origin tracing consciousness of other Wei Keng began to give way to the space. …

A few minutes later, when Qirui entered the interior of Jiulan Star, he suddenly found that the entire star suddenly became transparent. The entire star is like a snowball suddenly turning into a block of pure ice, and this "pure ice" is radiated from the inside out. Stripes of texture, like lychee pulp, radiate from the core.

The internal turbulence of the star, which was originally a large number of turbulent eddies, is now released vertically outward. The rioting star is stabilized,

That's a whole star! From chaotic turbulent flow to laminar flow! Such a spectacular scene shocked her heart violently. She felt as if she saw the cooperation of countless people in the ancient promise star era, because at this time a large number of irrelevant dark energies were organically cooperating.

Those dark energies sometimes just reduce the frictional force, very simple dark energies find their best position in a very orderly way, delicately participate in the energy negative entropy operation in this huge star

Qirui suddenly realized, Wei Keng's hidden energy of clustering! Sincerely!

That is: in order to complete the infinitely small possible miracle, every part of myself, no matter the high-level dark energy or the low-level dark energy, believes in myself, believes that I can work hard together, and can decide "whether to grasp the possibility at that moment. "

Yinkeng, and Qiduo are the same person.

…Wei Keng: Well, it’s not stupid. …

Qirui is still sliding towards the interior of the star, but it is as if it has entered an extremely stable orbit. Although the surrounding energy is huge, even a small trace can destroy itself, but these are outside the calculation system.

The carbon-hydrogen bond strengthens 93332, the hydrogen-oxygen bond angle shrinks by 0.4 degrees,...

Groups of microphysics, numbers are pouring into the mind.

Following Wei Keng's prompts, Qi Rui gradually turned his pure carbon body into high-energy, and all foreign objects were melted away by the surging field energy. Wei Keng, who accompanied her, also performed a demonstration operation.

At the very beginning, Qirui was dragged forward by the big brother like a child who followed suit.

When the two were 300 kilometers apart, they activated the dark energy synchronously, and then the dark energy formed a spiral with each other like twin stars. The whole structure gradually becomes the pattern of 'Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish'.

When Qirui's dark energy is constantly changing its own dark energy, Wei Keng is also changing accordingly. All data models, like a balance, ebb and flow.

… Qirui broke the balance, and Wei Keng helped her restore it. This is the key to the existence of this twin balance. Wei Qiang also did the same thing back then, helping a girl from an asteroid to be promoted to a high-level life system, dark energy...

Qirui (female. Dark energy level 6, dark energy system electromagnetic wave diffraction control (light utilization, light path), the so-called middle and lower dark energy, her dark energy structure is very stable, physical phenomena can hardly find any direction to break through .

Recalling the ancient industrial era, when steam engines, diesel engines, and missiles were unable to break through the working medium, the development of the engine reached its limit, and it was almost stuck at this step. Without the stimulation of war, human beings will not pull themselves out of entertainment and invest in physics on a large scale.

Entering the dark matter induction, Qirui observed the dark energy phenomenon that he had observed long ago. This time, as before, there was nothing.

Qirui was at a loss in front of this "dead end" road of dark energy that he had encountered countless times.

It's just that she felt that Wei Keng was still helping her, so she didn't give up. She also patiently observed.

After going through an unknown number of laps, Qi Rui felt that Wei Keng suddenly shrank the focus of observation, like a roller coaster suddenly, leading her to suddenly enter a more "destructive" energy level. She jumped in shock, the hairs all over her body stood up, and the carelessness that had been waiting for "returning without success" was startled away.

She was dragged into a state where she had to face the "meaning of life\

,"When she took Wei Keng's meal and the carbon-based body circulation became active again, Wei Keng was already thinking about dragging her into the source tracing. Only a good physique can make progress.

Wei Keng: Otherwise? What am I doing cooking for her, am I really going to make her feel full and warm?

…Breakthrough requires a life attitude. …

Qirui's side was dragged into a thrilling energy zone. She wanted to tremblingly propose to Wei Keng the "end" time. Suddenly I heard Wei Keng's excited voice, "I found it. Look, Ari."

At this time, the two agreed that the dark energy field was crumbling, and Qi Rui was terrified and unable to think about anything else, but Wei Keng marked the shock cycle when the stability of dark energy was on the verge of collapse under critical conditions during this "crumbling".

In panic and fear, Qirui suddenly noticed the dark energy of himself that he was very familiar with, and a new rule that he had never discovered before.

The dying struggle of life is not "recklessness", but to break through the observation and thinking that were blocked by "fear" in the past.

Qi Rui realized the possibility in an instant, and immersed himself in it. Entered the state of "enlightenment" like no one else.

At this moment, Wei Keng let go, and Qirui stopped holding Wei Keng's hand, and she began to move step by step by herself.

...here it is quiet, other vigorously...

Qirui didn't know at this time that on the outer Jiulan Star, there had been a huge impact that had not been seen in thousands of years. A huge sword lotus was unfolding, and Jiulan Star was just the stamen of such a sword lotus! The real sword light directly crossed the planets, and the super warships evaded it.

This kind of sword light is accompanied by the "multi-red with super-blue" leap system, penetrating and striking multiple targets within a range of 300 light-years. This deterrent range is not a star field, but the entire star area.

The entire star sea was judged by the sword.

At this moment, Qirui didn't whine like the hundreds of millions of onlookers outside, but was busy being himself.

The core of Jiulan Star is blooming like a billowing sea tide, and Qirui, as a pearl, is being conceived in the inner orbit.

After an unknown amount of time, a small "mystery" in her old dark energy system was blown away.

The continuous verification made her whole old, perfect, dark energy system building collapse, and a new world unfolded.

Qirui doesn't have any more imaginations about the future at this time, because seeing the road ahead, she won't think about other things. The "light" in her dark energy control has become more flexible. wear.

At this time, her dark energy level has changed.

...the foundation is not "lower"...

This kind of dark energy level promotion mode is already a common mode in Wei Keng's tracing state.

"Physical enhancement", "electronic control", "magnetic field flow" and other common low-grade dark energy, a set of standard models produced by Wei Keng, may be upgraded in the traceable state.

There is no low grade here in Wei Keng, only the most basic.

Only when you can't be promoted, you will be divided into high grades and low grades, and you should get through the "bottom-up" ~ only those who have achieved it will come first.

...Wei Keng is also a "battle" here at Qirui...

After a long time, Qirui pulled out from her own world, and she got a set of sets suitable for the new dark energy mathematical model

Looking at this mathematical model, she thought she would be extremely happy. But when she really came to this moment, there was a feeling of "sour, bitter, sweet" in her heart.

If she has had a perfect carbon-based life course, she will know that this is the joy of success, the song of breaking the shackles that bind herself, a series of "not allowed" and "not allowed" have been left behind, and after hard work, she finally Achieved "self-definition."

Qirui rubbed her eyes, then spread her perception, looking for that person, but at this moment she was the only one left in the energy field, and she looked outside the energy field, that "Qi Ruo" seemed to be speeding away from here.

However, she came back to her senses and was shocked to sense the interior of the Jiulan star. At this time, the Jiulan star has become completely transparent. Looking down, there is no depth, but the nuclear reaction core in the star can be seen!

Before Qirui could immerse himself in this static and spectacular scene, the entire Jiulan Star fluctuated.

This kind of fluctuation is like a lotus flower blooming. From the inside of the star, regular petals are emitted. After the petals are scattered outside and dissipated, new petals are formed inside.

The energy of complex rules conceived in these petals! There is a gravitational system on the body of the petal, and various low-grade dark energy constraints in the light field system, and when it reaches the tip of the petal, it condenses into space-time dark energy.

"In the end what happened?"

Qirui recovered from the sluggishness after the opening and closing process of the "star petals", and then immediately turned and swam towards the stars.

Sixty minutes later, Qi Rui came to the surface of Jiulan Star, staring into space without blinking.

Beams of beams of light crisscrossed the entire Jiulan star space.

In the once empty space, there are big planets, individual warships, and individual human spacecraft, occupying dominant positions.

What runs through and fills the entire Jiulan Starfield now is a handful of "sword glows" that span thousands of kilometers, or even several light seconds! Those warships and planets mentioned above are now being photographed by a big net.

And Qirui can see that just now, all the warships tried to besiege the "big formation" on the blue star for a long time

But the result is that all the warships are now unable to move due to the volleying sword glow.

The environment that used to be full of man-made clutter in Blue Star's communication was completely silent at this time.

Occasionally, there are panic sounds (electromagnetic wave communication) from some main battleships.

"The energy furnace cannot be controlled" "The energy of the shield is 100%, but the hull is penetrated"

"It was cut, the main structure of the hull was cut, uh, he welded our ship again, there is a space-time bomb on the crack of my hull, and there is no way to check it"

In this newsletter, it seems to be a "tsunami has passed" disaster movie.

Qirui carefully looked at Jiu Lanxing under his feet, those sword glows that avoided him were really "beautiful".

...Of course, being pointed at by the sword, you can't appreciate this kind of beauty...

Although no cracks can be seen on those battleships, there is a section of light and energy lines cut off in the middle. These battleships have been penetrated just now.

Two minutes later, she realized "space anomaly".

She raised her head and looked at the direction of the North Pole. She was stunned. There was a huge space warp funnel there, from the North Pole of Jiulan Star to the interior transition point. Countless immigrant fleets were passing through here.

These warships are all from various parts of Jiulan Star, and now they are carrying out large-scale strategic transfers through the most important center of Jiulan Star,

Qi Rui quickly checked the time. It took fifteen hours for her to realize the epiphany, and during this time, she obviously missed the most exciting drama!

Qirui drifted towards the out-of-service outer-stellar orbital fortress alone. She stood at a point with a wide perspective, trying to find Wei Keng.

Where is Wei Keng now?

After observing for a long time, she finally determined that there are groups of spatial twists in the planetary orbit of the star, and the force of these groups of empty twists is here, which is on par with the entire Jiulan star, the local dark energy, and the mediator.

Wei Keng "seemed" to have discovered Qi Rui, and a spatial fluctuation appeared in front of her.

…It was a little awkward to meet again, because Wei Keng just beat Qirui's bosses violently...

When the two met, Qirui was very frank.

Wei Keng carefully transferred the materials and began to wrap around Qirui's naked body to complete the welded space suit.

Qi Rui silently watched Wei Keng help him put on his clothes. He asked, "You?" But after thinking about it, he could only choke out one sentence: "Do you need help?"

Wei Keng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and smiled: "Study hard, and we will meet each other if we are destined."

Qi Rui looked at the space gate above, and then at the high-level dark energy users in the Xinghai surrounding him: "What are they going to do to you?"

Wei Keng raised his head and looked at Xinghai: "They? They have formed a tribunal to judge me, and now they accept my generous statement.

Qi Rui didn't know what Wei Keng's so-called "speech is?"

But seeing Wei Keng's proud appearance like a teenager, the entire Xinghai will be amazed by him today.

...A new round of confrontation begins, the stars bloom again, and Wei Keng invigorates the atmosphere...

At this moment, on the Jiulan star behind him, the spectral frequency bands are fluctuating in an orderly manner, and the super blue giant star is using up light and playing music. Jiulanxing, a planet with first-class bright stars a thousand light-years away, is currently playing "The Great East Wind".

When it was like a "street scene" under the twinkling lights under the night sky, the projection of Wei Keng turned around as a beautiful woman (promised star standard), and said to Qirui: "Oh, I am convincing people with virtue!"

When the armed force crowning the starry sky erupted, it was accompanied by the radiation of cultural thoughts.

Wei Keng, who represents "tracing the origin", now writes scriptures to argue: this is not the suppression of civilization by barbarism, but the declaration of the will of a more advanced civilization. Therefore, "strength" is not only in the sword, but also in "ritual and music".

At this time, the majestic melody spread in space, like a sword array, straddling the conservative and stubborn thoughts of all bystanders.

One hundred and forty astronomical units away, Chang Hengxi stared at the shining star. After hearing the melody in space, she couldn't help but take two steps back. However, it will not be forgotten for decades.

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