Out of the cage

Chapter 609 Chapter 14.33 (Part 2) I want to invite my parents.

On Jiulan Star, Qinglian Jianrui has quietly aimed at the Shanhe class, and in the outer orbit, larger and larger space coordinates began to flash out, calibrating the position of the Shanhe ship.

Because Wei Keng didn't expect to talk about anything at all.

So the dialogue between the two sides is like this.

Jumang: "We may have misunderstood."

Wei Keng: "I don't think there is a misunderstanding."

Luo Ya of the mediation committee: "You might as well take a step back."

Wei Keng: "Okay, I will quit Jiulan Star, and the Great Black Hole of Creation will leave these battleships to me."

Jumang: "Can you show your sincerity?"

Wei Keng: "Oh, I'm very sincere."

On this side, the representative of Jiulanxing, one party decided to go offline during the explosion of the No. 5 planet. At this time, some people in the adjudication court felt that they wanted to emphasize their own existence, and Hengrui (a seventh-level dark energy user) threatened: "You You can take a look, the surrounding fleet, you have no retreat."

Wei Keng: "Oh, so I have no escape route." Suddenly, the fierce light appeared, and he slapped the table and said, "Then you are talking nonsense, aren't you just looking for someone to pull sideways?!"

Subtext: Look at everyone, it’s not that I don’t give Neutral face, but that Neutral has already stood in line.

Wei Keng: 'If you can win, you will definitely win, but after I win, I will be a teacher of justice. '

…Wei Keng on the other side broadcasts exclusively to the various planets of Jiulan Star, and at the same time fires up fire on both sides…

Wei Keng exposed Jiu Blue Star's upper echelons on the spot,

In the past six years of war, the average chance of the law enforcement forces mastering military facilities to go to the battlefield is only one-tenth of the front-line fighters, and the training is perfunctory, and no salvo can be completed within the standard time.

After the information is publicly communicated.

Wei Keng spouted cannons and reprimanded all the upper-level suzerains of Jiulan Star: "If you really know something about warfare, you won't let six hundred pigs whimper on the command platform."

As a troll, um, as a 'literary gall', Tu Kang, a troublemaker, still has a combat value of over 10,000!

Wei Keng is the one who is going to leave, and he is not afraid of offending these bastards at all. He has been honest for decades, and now he is low-quality.

Sure enough, with such a strong contrast, the leaders were suddenly not counted, and Jiu Lanxing was furious immediately,

In the existing Eleven-member Council of Jiulan Star, in the absence of a clear decision, they immediately began to vote and decided to initiate punishment.

All the existing fortresses on the periphery of Jiulan Star are aligned with the space-time ring controlled by Wei Keng on the star of Jiulan Star. Now this ring is the body of the sword array.

These fortresses are hoarded with "advanced materials", such as the quark robots produced by Le Xiaotian's Inorganic Fire. Le Xiaotian can only complete 600,000 tons per year. But factions hoard tens of billions of tons.

The suzerains of Jiulan Star nominally claim that these materials are the reserve force for the decisive battle with the big black hole of creation, but in fact they occupy a large amount of resources to manufacture such material hoards, but to balance the law enforcement faction in Jiulan Star and the fighting faction outside Jiulan Star balance.

Wei Keng: "It's like this in any force. People with no real talent and learning are at the top, trying to monopolize materials to ensure the right to speak. It's just—everyone of you hoards like this, and the result is that it completely blocks the rational distribution. "

In the past, the upper echelon of Jiulan Star would rather lose hundreds of dark energy users of the fourth-level and fifth-level physique systems in each battle on the front line, and they were reluctant to use materials.

…Wei Keng: This is a model of an expert in civil war and an outsider in foreign war. …

On planetary body number three. A large protective film opened on the surface of the fortress, and billions of tons of molten material began to quickly print into a huge launch tube. This picture is like the weathered Great Wall of the 29th century. Time went back overnight and it became a newly built one.

These turrets, which are tens of kilometers long and as wide as skyscrapers, are obviously in an energy state, but they are shining with metallic luster.

Wei Keng sent a message to Juguang: "We're fighting inside Jiulanxing, are you happy?"

Jumang on the Shanhe class battleship had a serious expression, because there were a lot of turning points around his battleship. Facing Wei Keng's question, he remained silent.

…At this point in time, just when Qirui emerged from the star, she missed the opening scene, and did not miss the most exciting part...

At this time, the huge space coordinate system is shining with light blue light, displayed on the entire Jiulan Star, from the surface of the innermost star to the orbit of the forty-eighth planet in the outermost layer.

Around one of the large celestial bodies, the density of the coordinate system is higher.

At the same time, the petals of Jiulanxing are blooming!

Superblue giant star ejection is a natural phenomenon that occurs every tens of thousands of years.

But this time the spray was extremely regular and full of artistic magnificence. Under this magnificence, it seemed that time and space were frozen.

It's really solidified,

Many large planets and space fortresses in Jiulan Star just released their firepower, stopped 4,000 kilometers before the target, and then were frozen by space, solidified like amber insects, emitting light and heat in the solidification, and after being extremely bright, Under the influence of countless warping lenses, it cracked.

But it didn't really disappear. Countless flashes of light were emitted like firecrackers from the huge fortress. All the links that had just participated in the emission were searched by the time-space reflection and traced back to the position a few seconds ago. Due to the disruption of the time-space distribution, It wasn't the balanced appearance at the moment when the firepower was activated, so it exploded directly.

The third planet lost all its counterattack power in 0.4 seconds! Doesn't this look like the outer Xinghai, Wei Keng's subordinates are merciful.

For Wei Keng: "If I occupy time and space, I will always have the upper hand. No matter how much power you dare to exert, you will be ready for the collapse of your power.

...Time and space, the only supreme dark energy system in the galaxy, has not been seen by various forces for thousands of years, or in other words, those who have seen it have been thrown into the black hole...

The entire No. 3 planetary body, all the stars in the huge orbit turned into bolides, and fell suddenly. This scene of doomsday disaster is hundreds of times that of the late Cretaceous period.

Because it carried too many celestial bodies in orbit, a large number of large satellites with artificial patterns dragged flames and fell in the atmosphere.

It's not just number three, number four, number five, number six,...

All the hand-to-hand arms on the surface of the stars are completely wiped out. In space, the fleets in the Arctic creation zone on the outer orbit, after being swept through by the space-time fluctuations, are penetrated by the quark flow and a ray of light in the sky.

Battleships are floating in space like iron coffins, not only that.

The stellar ejection started. After the green lotus unfolded, everyone present had a share. Every spaceship and the sky above every planet absorbed one after another "sword lights". Falling behind, sweeping along the gravitational force.

One of the swords went straight to the 'Blazing Gold Stone' with a sense of grievance and hatred, followed by a group of seizing ships and jumping gangs.

... This blow cut off how many people's illusions about the dark energy of time and space at this time. Compared with the ordinary six-level space-time dark energy, it seems that it is only in shape...

At this time, Dingming, who had just escaped, stared at the beautiful and spectacular scene of "lotus petals" scattered in space.

A second later, he whispered: "Could it be, no one cares?"

Once upon a time, when Wei Keng had just fallen into Jiulanxing, he wanted to control Taxi Qiduo, and didn't want Taxi Qiduo to return to the original Zongmen area.

But now in the "Palace of Troubled Heaven", he suddenly wanted Qi Duo's family elders to come over and take this thing away.

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