Out of the cage

Chapter 626 Chapter 15.08 (Part 1) Named

On the dams with the same coordinate system as Nanhai, there are flower beds at every intersection point of the vertical and horizontal dams. These places nourished by specific debugging biological frequency bands are as beautiful as fairy tales.

Wei Keng is now lying on a small tile in the flower bed, holding a blade and writing his name here, "Lingxun".

Oh, the characters in ancient times have been gradually abandoned because of the perfection of spiritual language, just like the Chinese men after the 21st century do not take "characters" after their names. (Zhuge Liang, word: Kong Ming.)

In this era, when human beings reach the age of forty-eight, they develop for the second time, and at that time, split clusters will appear.

At that time, you can set your own "information identification" similar to the name.

This is a protein frequency band that describes the spirit of the self.

From the perspective of the ancient human race, Wei Keng believes that such a protein frequency band is the "spiritual totem" for the individual to transform into a group. But contemporary humans, in fact, use more "lower class".

For example, in the current season of looking for a spouse, the protein between each other will become the taste of the interaction between the two parties. In the future, the match between groups will feel that the "opposite protein frequency band" will become more and more charming and more interesting. (Because the frequency bands of boyhood attract and complement each other, there is no derailment. The "coolness" of the two groups cannot be replaced by others.)

[Wei Keng didn't understand the lower-level usage of the "protein frequency band". This is like when humans in the early 20th century looked up to the future of large-capacity hard drives, they thought that future people would definitely use this hard drive to store important information. 】

...How brilliant the beginning is, how absurd the ending is...

Wei Keng is now twenty-four years old in this body. I already know that I don't fit in with this world, so that other new generations of the same age look at me with strange eyes.

Wei Keng: I may have made mistakes in many places. For example, I "speak" (radiate the spiritual frequency band) and do not understand the hearts of others, and sometimes it is easy to hurt others by being too selfish. When human beings entered the era of clusters, they continued to evolve in order to strengthen the clusters within one million years.

If we look back a million years ago, the Weikeng cluster only relied on the logic of "fairness" to keep each individual trusting each other. Now, however, "mutual trust" can be forcibly preached.

[Narrator: This is like the ancient industrial age, everyone was very busy and tired, and many, many rewards were not paid, but the team building party still started with "enthusiasm struggle" and ended with "bright future". Spiritual language is also a tool used by human beings to "depict". When "depicting is used to cover up the essence", it is a hundred times stronger than sound language. 】

Today, one million years later, the sky, sea water, and reefs are all exuding the carbon-based frequency band of the "Ambient Group". Everything is very beautiful, just like the Spring Festival Gala in the 1910s and 20s. Education, education, education.

Among all the ethnic groups in the human super eyes, they don't need to maintain an acquired "consensus" of cooperation, they are inherently able to maintain "emotional coordination and unity" at all times, and then inherently maintain trust within the group. In the words of a certain thug: "Even if the individual is sold, he can ignore his thinking and honorably declare that he will stick to the leadership of xx."

Wei Keng, who just returned from the dark plane, is a "trickster" (accustomed to struggle). When everything is going well, he will always be suspicious, so in the process of communicating with other peers, he suddenly stopped.

So from this point of view, Wei Keng's "incompleteness" is not physical, but psychological.

...Of course, Wei Keng won't say that's all. As a Tukang, he will not fight against the atmosphere group when he is weak. …

On the mental plane, every dominant human family in the human superorder, all people will have rich emotions during their development. This emotion will be released in the communication.

Ancient humans like Wei Keng were quite uncomfortable. Wei Keng is always prone to say wrong words and express wrong emotions in this era, which brings great confusion to Wei Keng.

It's as if in the 21st century, chimpanzees have to accept domestication as they easily break things in the human world.

The way of domestication is often not how to "express freely and correctly", but "don't do it".

Wei Keng is increasingly marginalized among his peers. Of course, being withdrawn is not allowed, and you will be constantly asked. Wei Keng: "Under this kind of inquiry, I can't find an effective response. By definition, I seem to be born with a disability." So Wei Keng chose to agree. And the more you go along with it, the more you lose your "leadership".

…Don’t talk, it doesn’t mean you don’t think, soil is restrained. …

In modern times, a common sense of social informatics.

The speed of communication often does not bring equality, but increases the gap between "voice volume".

Take the big Vs in the early 21st century as an example. Although they were completely refuted by the back waves twenty years later, they were able to gain fame and fortune in that era because they were able to control the main body of social communication at that time.

In the society of peers, the concept of "leadership" also exists. If more people can be united, then her (his) "leadership" will be stronger.

Even in ancient times, Wei Keng was not a person with strong communication skills, and he is even more primitive and clumsy in today's era.

During these twenty earth years of growth, Wei Keng has always been the most "lying down" among everyone.

...the "middle-man pose" is not suitable for communication...

For example, when playing music in the ocean, when everyone raises the sound whale (a kind of sea pet that can sing) together to make music, Wei Keng tries hard to learn this new thing, but he still can't keep up.

For example, tattooing with fluorescent cells on the skin, Wei Keng could not accept it at the first time due to traditional reasons, and fell behind (the activity of tattooing, with the cell repair technology, can restore the skin to whiteness within two days).

It can be said that Wei Keng lags behind in all kinds of youth cultures.

In the small nest made of pebbles made of agate made of sparkling sea water, Wei Keng watched the splendid conversation of others, and Wei Keng mocked himself clumsily: SpongeBob SquarePants. (Sponges are the most primitive animals.)

"Leadership" is linked to the number of groups that can proliferate after adulthood. The human groups on the earth are descendants of the most suitable communicators in these hundreds of thousands of years.

As for Wei Keng, the decision in the future is to leave the earth.

There is still a lot of space for human beings outside the earth, of course, there are more cruel and fewer opportunities for reproduction. More likely, it will be the survival of the fittest by other enemies of nature under the human eye.

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