Out of the cage

Chapter 633 Chapter 15.12 (1) Construction before the war

After Polunkais finished transmitting the information, he left.

After declaring war, Bolun solemnly said to Wei Keng: War is unscrupulous. As an enemy, you can no longer have the concept of "friend". War is not only a matter of superiority, but also of life and death. The positions are opposite, and no amount of communication is just intrigue.

Wei Keng sighed: But as beings, positions cannot always be opposed to each other.

Since he was awarded a large number of scientific and technological systems, Wei Keng still had the last sliver of luck in his heart. If he developed a certain level of technological development, he could stop this war.

Wei Keng, who has endured too much influence of human super-eye emotions at present, although he despises the rich emotions of the same kind, it is still difficult to jump out of emotions when it comes to making his own decisions.

...War is the strictest test...

In the next forty years, Wei Keng grew rapidly, and in the entire star control system of Vega, "energy bulges" were successfully built one by one.

"Protruding energy region" and "concave energy region" are opposite.

Carbon-based reactions in the depression energy region are high-energy reactions. can be converted into light waves.

The nuclear reaction in the "bulge energy region" is a low-energy reaction, and the nuclear reaction is as controllable as the chemical reaction.

This is an important area of ​​this plane, controlled by the stars.

According to this theory, Wei Keng even speculated that if there is a natural "convex energy region" in the star on this plane, there may be a special evolutionary form of life "that is, nuclear elements will be inserted into the carbon-based genes."

Of course, this kind of life form may be completely different from the "concave energy zone" like "Pandora".

Wei Keng: Oh, what kind of life and civilization is that?

In this way, when discovering the essence of the world, I often fantasize about things that have nothing to do with me.

…The wave wheel comes from the convex energy area, the chemical reaction energy in the concave energy area accumulates in the nucleus, and the nuclear reaction in the convex energy area can link chemical reactions…

It was the 45th year when Wei Keng arrived at Vega, and Wei Keng himself was about 115 years old.

Just like putting the last building block on the top of a tower of building blocks, after six hundred sub-tests, it finally found a stable value in the ending of the annihilation of many substances.

In the last 0.4 femtoseconds, the Weikeng cluster completed all six trillion operations. When the information energy converged at the center of the star, it finally caught the "heart" of Vega.

Since then, Vega's heart has become a direction that can be kneaded at will, or it can collapse into a primordial black hole, or it can complete a quark factory, or it can become a layer-by-layer degenerate network.

...During this process, Wei Keng completed hypertrophy, reaching a scale of 160 billion...

However, normal human beings will have a sign of "individual consciousness" splitting each other if there are more than one million supereye splits. However, war will greatly explore the limits of human will.

Students in schools in the 21st century are prone to depression in closed environments. However, during World War II, sailing for dozens of days in a small submarine cabin greatly broke through this physiological limit.

On Vega, Wei Keng in an energy state is lying in the orbital facility made of quark materials, overlooking the star that he has "coiled like jade".

Human beings use the carbon-based body as the original source to change such a huge physical system as the stars. This is the unrealistic feeling of "ants shaking the celestial body".

And human beings, as such ants, feel "infinitely great will" after completion.

In modern times, when the hundreds of meters of UHV steel towers raised the power lines across the mountains and cliffs, human beings were like ants climbing on the hundreds of meters of towers during construction. This is the feeling of the people on the earth in the ancient times that "the small shakes the big".

And on the star, the feeling of "shaking Pang with a little bit", after the completion of Wei Keng, the related spiritual language, because the information is too huge, the complexity of expression has reached a rare level.

In the end, this carbon-based frequency band used the stars as instruments to play a "star song".

One million years ago, Wei Keng set the spiritual language from 1 to 8 levels. But after a million years of complex evolution, Wei Keng's highest-level spiritual language was also the most common babble. It's as if modern humans listen to the "ah, wow" vocabulary of early Homo sapiens.

…However, language is ultimately an instrument of labor production, …

900,000 years ago, the language of the mind was able to clearly express "the lofty aspirations involved in star activities". However, human beings have continuously evolved various "spiritual languages", and language has not risen in a straight line in terms of social production efficiency.

Narrator: This is similar to the sound language that existed at the beginning of the Homo sapiens era, but after tens of thousands of years of language lingering, after the differentiation of major ethnic groups, not every ethnic language can flourish, many languages ​​​​are separated from production activities, and due to Productivity keeps evolving and becomes a dead language. For example, the two Manchu words "Aqina" and "Seth Black" can express Yongzheng's anger towards his two younger brothers in later generations, but no one knows the specific meaning of the words.

Wei Keng's "emotional development" was originally slow, but after labor, the protein frequency band's ability to describe the world has become very mature.

It's just that this kind of "emotional development" costs too much compared to normal humans.

…In the last ten years, Wei Keng almost completed the project with a warlike attitude. …

In order to cope with the uncertainty of the star core oscillation, Wei Keng mobilized 140 billion fragments, tens of thousands of individuals died every day, and eventually lost 18 million independent wills.

In war, in order to complete tasks with quality and quantity, human beings have a decisive execution attitude. After errors occur, no words such as "possible", "roughly" and "basic" are allowed to modify.

Wei Keng: "Among the goals set in the war, if there is a 10% possibility, we will do whatever it takes."

...In Vega, many structures, placed in the star-sea human super-purpose star controllers, seem to be self-contained...

Wei Keng did not adopt the "optimal empiricism" in the human super-eye. In many steps, sometimes he did not wait, but directly launched some alternative solutions and locked them. These solutions are very dangerous.

For example: During the transformation experiment of "concave-convex energy field", life will be wiped out instantly.

Wei Keng played a "unique skill", maintaining his life in the "Bose-Einstein Condensed State" for a moment and passed through the "Space Vacuum Energy Level Oscillating Alternation".

This science is only a theory, without detailed records. Wei Keng himself has found through a lot of experiments that when his "consciousness" enters a special match, it is easier to enter this physical area and get through this state safely.

Wei Keng sacrificed a million of his own consciousness just by applying this technology.

This item is the key to "controlling stars" and "curvature light-speed ejection", which is equivalent to the technology of "nuclear industry control engineering" in the ancient industrial era.

…In this world, human beings have been invincible for too long, and there is no survival war. …

In the super eyes of human beings, those powerful human consciousnesses are on such a blue and white star controlled.

Even if there is an accidental change in the stars, more than 50,000 stars will not be lost.

They control a star, and the normal time is six or seven hundred years. Wei Keng is not as "fighting".

Forty-five years to complete the star control, Wei Keng created a star sea miracle with his executive power. And this "quickness" is a unique skill compared to other human beings in terms of technical system.

Those unique skills under high-energy transformation are the front line of life and death to control the limit of the physical conditions of the plane, which was considered impossible to achieve in the past.

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