Out of the cage

Chapter 650 Chapter 15.19 (Extra) Exiled Humans

In the one hundred and forty-fifth year of the countdown to the mass extinction, Wei Keng carried out the first wave of migration of humans from the ancient holy planet.

This group of human beings in the earth region are cursing like hamsters whose food reserves were emptied when they "cleaned the pet box".

All human super-eye groups are questioning Wei Keng about the justice of this "distribution".

Even if Wei Keng told about the future mass extinction, they didn't believe it. They think that even if there is a mass extinction, they can overcome it themselves. They think that Wei Keng has reduced their ability to deal with the mass extinction.

On the matter of "They can't even handle Wei Keng's oppression, but they think they can handle the extermination initiated by people who have nothing to do with them\

,"Wei Keng admits that he does not understand the sensibility of this generation of human beings.

Wei Keng can only be understood as "It's very good to imagine things that you haven't seen before."

Of course, Wei Keng could only understand them in this way. If they are understood in other ways, the reason for "saving" is lost.

Wei Keng: (Human Super Eye) Such an 'innocent romance' that doesn't distinguish reality, if you weren't my cubs, I would f---ing kill you all right away.

When Wei Keng took over and the stellar technology provided by Bolun started, Wei Keng carried the karma of saving mankind.

…Wei Keng: Although I am unwell, I cannot be unworthy. I get opportunities that no one else has. However, when I reach a high point, I will keep my integrity...

Lone lamp star, here is a planet 45 light-years away from the outer periphery of the sun, belonging to the brown dwarf system.

The mass of this star is 1.5 times that of the earth, but the distance from the brown dwarf is as large as the sun to the orbit of Mars, so it is cold here.

Meng Xina and her group were dispatched here. Difficult survival began, and when complaints arose in the public communication of the ethnic group, hope also appeared, and these hopes were all in industrial production.

In the dark snow field, an atmospheric airship took off. This airship has a hard shell, 30% of the outer layer is filled with helium, and 70% of the inner airbag is filled with hydrogen. The interior is an electric heating system. Carrying capacity of eighty-seven tons. The related supply chain contains 167,000 parts systems, all of which need to be operated and assembled by hand, rather than assembled by multifunctional tentacles of biological reproductive equipment.

Since the Pandora field on such a planet is only one percent of the earth, it is no longer possible to control creatures and beasts. As for electronic automation technology, it is also very difficult, so we can only create technology by hand.

An airship lifted off with a radar in the form of a large iron net, and began to detect. Of course, thanks to the lack of a strong magnetic field like the earth on Lone Lantern, the atmospheric activity is only rolling around the hot zone repeatedly, and the charge is very small. After taking off and landing more than 20 times safely, the people who migrated here began mass production.

On the ground, a caterpillar-like long tracked vehicle was also built, with a total of thirty-seven tons. The external structure was an empty shell of a honeycomb. When it was used, it was filled with water and condensed on the outside to complete the hard armor.

After the emotionally "noisy" contemporary human supereyes arrived here, they were more or less uncomfortable, and there was a large-scale depression of thinking. Even started "mentally ill".

...Wei Keng, who is "cool by nature", just has a heart of steel...

The more emotionally complex a creature is, the more severely psychotic it is. In ancient times, human mental illness was already the upper limit of the entire mammal species. In this era, with the forced breakthrough here, the emotional communication in the entire star has been weakened to only one-twentieth.

What contemporary humans encounter with supereyes is similar to the fact that people who used to surf the Internet freely in the 21st century are locked in a small dark room, with only one small window to look at the sky every day.

From a sudden opening of information to a suddenly closed environment, 90% of people will lose hope and then end themselves. Only 10% of people will survive!

Evolution is cruel, and correcting evolution is even crueler.

Wei Keng: Chaos and extinction in a cycle are also cycles.

Life is a creature that devours negentropy, and negentropy is the periodicity of the "system in which it exists".

The larger the "system", the more chaotic and entropy increase, the more difficult it is to organize. Therefore, the "dying struggle" species finds its own planning scale, which is to let the wisdom understand those "systems" that have guaranteed value and those that do not.

Just in the direction of the brown dwarf planet surrounded by this planet, the concave energy field on it is fifty-eight times that of the earth. Such an abundant energy field makes the brown dwarf star appear virus disasters every once in a while.

13,444 earth years ago, this brown dwarf was occupied by a species called cloud silkworm. This is a kind of insect swarm, the only insect swarm left in the star sea today, and now it is the only "livestock species" that humans can domesticate on this planet. ".

On this failed star, the temperature fluctuates between minus 154 degrees and 322 degrees, and every time the fluctuation changes, the female worm of the cloud silkworm appears "mutation" on the brown dwarf planet

For example, before the arrival of human beings, this group of interstellar insects would turn into countless spore raindrops and smash into the "Lonely Lamp Planet" every twenty years. The resulting sea of ​​worms will berserk and attack all creatures that invade their territorial planets.

Humans who have migrated to the Lone Lantern planet have also learned that this kind of swarm species,

The most common cloud silkworm, this species weighs from 200 kg to 500 kg, crawls on the back half of the body, and stands upright in the front half of the body. Like a myriad that walks upright. This kind of evolution shows that their species are not good at running, but they have very strong jumping ability and can change into a gliding posture in the air.

In such a dim daylight, the environment of the planet is gloomy and cold.

Master Wei commented on this: 'It's like a cemetery, oh, the planet of the underworld. '

...Natural selection, survival of the fittest, human beings who are still emotionally capricious and unwilling to change subjectively, will be eliminated on this planet...

In the first year of the human community exiled here, 60% of the individuals could not stand the lonely environment. After they began to isolate themselves, they were banned into the "quantum checking crystal". Sent to the funeral area.

Forty percent of the people are still struggling to survive here, built cities and defenses, and after about fifteen earth years, Mengxina's ethnic group needs to complete three lines of communication across the world.

This train crossing the ice sheet around the world braved the snow and ran along the tunnels protected by sand and ice bricks. In order to prevent the temperature from passing, a lot of targeted designs were made.

Of course, the overall design of this tunnel system is still to prevent nuclear strikes, to ensure the contradictory plans of various human races on this planet, and in the event of a war, these survival facilities can be repaired and constructed.

The train is not supported by the rails, but round ice blades are popped up on the brackets on both sides to touch the side (similar to the small round wheels on the four-corner brackets of a four-wheel drive vehicle)

In this inverted trapezoidal tunnel, after the rolling grinding wheel at the bottom of the train is lowered, it gains the power to move forward.

The ruts drawn by the skates on the ice on the side of the tunnel will be restored as new as long as the water spray system at the rear of the train is sprayed. And the grinding wheel at the bottom rubs the ground and splashes.

When the train is running, the flames can often be seen through the window.

Those are the humans who were exiled here, using "metal hydrogen" bombs to attack the surrounding bug swarms.

The human race here began to use their own spiritual language practically in this decade, some wars, and the actual vocabulary returned here. The description is more about "the temperature of steel" and "hardness of ice", rather than refreshing words.

Wei Keng: "Hey, from the graceful school to the bold school."

Although the swarms have destroyed some cities and killed some people, human beings have finally returned to a trace of "wildness" that adapts to nature.

…After suffering through the ice age, there will be a warm interglacial period to provide human civilization with respite…

Forty-six years later, space became clear and safe as the cloudworm swarms ended their viral madness. Groups of sunglasses are unfolded in space, and the light on the ground is finally brighter, getting rid of the underworld scene,

It's just that the light source magnified by the sunglasses is a group of dark red stripes hanging in space, which is not beautiful at all.

This is where Wei Keng's body and Meng Xina saw each other for the last time, under the light of the dark stars. ,

Facing the urban construction here, Wei Keng showed a "congratulations" smile, but Meng Xina responded with indifference, so Wei Keng sadly put away his smile.

Wei Keng: "Here, you have to live at least for a while before you can explore the universe."

Meng Xina: "Avoid, the so-called enemy?"

Wei Keng said leisurely: "Yes, because your evolution has lost its pragmatism."

Meng Xina still said rebelliously: "Whether it is correct or not is up to you."

Wei Keng: "Yes, I made the decision, but I can't make it right. —— I can't make it right." Wei Keng's decision on the current situation of the entire human race is still too gentle, according to the standard of Bolun. , Humanity will be completely wiped out.

Meng Xina watched Wei Keng turn into a light field and leave, and there was not just a light field flickering on the entire Lone Lantern Planet, because Wei Keng was mixed into it during the 46 earth years. I have been with them to complete the initial production. Just like the parents who followed quietly behind the child who went out for the first time.

...Wei Keng: Poor parents all over the world...

Wei Keng handed over to her the information, the information of a spaceship, the design standard of this spaceship can remain hidden under the strong energy background of the current solar magnetic storm.

In the future Star Wars, if they really have no other self-help and abilities, the set Wei Keng gave them may have a chance to "survive a glimmer of life". As for how to develop after this glimmer of life, Wei Keng didn't care.

Of course, originally, what Wei Keng actually wanted to pass on was his "genetic code of life", but after confirming that this generation of human beings was destined not to want it, after inheriting any relationship with him, Wei Keng no longer insisted.

In the matter of courtship, the development direction of Wei Keng represented by Wei Keng may also have disadvantages, that is, he has a lot of self-esteem in his heart, and as a man of a million years, he is unwilling to completely bow his head to the opposite sex.

So lack of war. A million years after giving the females complete freedom of choice, the Axis were all extinct.

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