Out of the cage

Chapter 655 Chapter 15.22 Face to face

In the third battle for the blue ice star, there was no green on the planet, and even the bacteria on the planet were temporarily extinct under gamma ray cooking. As a result, many papers did not rot under the rain, and were directly rubbed on the stones in the war zone.

Oh, and these papers are leaflets for both sides. The battle between Holy Gun and Wei Keng was all-round, with shell attacks and all kinds of fluffy arguments. On the unwinnable bunker, the two sides projected a piece of paper with "serial stories written by themselves, interspersed with their own ideas and information."

Of course, these battles were provoked by the holy spear, and Wei Keng responded passively. The two sides competed for each other and exchanged information.

...the breadth of war is unlimited...

In the depths of the earth, a thousand kilometers of tunnels are being dug deep, and in the ocean, groups of deep-sea base vehicles are crawling silently.

Hundreds of years ago, the ecology of this planet was like a scene of "Cretaceous heyday". Thousands of artificial large-scale vertebrate ecological herds, surrounding hundreds of thousands of carbon-based energy points of plants (Wei Keng deployed natural carbon-based radiation towers dominated by large plants in nature during the Pandora period.)

At that time, no one could have imagined that the blue ice planet is now blown to nothing.

Whether it is Wei Keng or the Holy Spear, they have delivered more than 40 billion individuals on this planet. Ninety-nine percent of these individuals are purely industrialized population, and the remaining one percent is the military department.

As for entertainment? Uh, Wei Keng occasionally plays military chess here, oh, this set of three-dimensional squares, marked with fleets, artillery, and fighters, is still learned from the holy gun, and Wei Keng will carve the chess pieces very beautiful.

The war between the two sides will not delay mutual cultural exchanges. Wei Keng also learned of Bolun's real name Holy Spear during such a battle.

...The war has been fought so far, and the two sides have fully understood each other...

Star Wars can be a dull volley of guns, and a swarm of pigs. But once there is a collision of wisdom and will, under the same basic technology level, the tactics can be extremely complicated. The industrial production line behind it is also extremely complicated.

Please note that in modern times, standard equipment, as far as possible, logistics standardization can be generalized, which is based on limited industry. If there is no limit to logistics, each tactical requirement will evolve a variety of specialized equipment.

For example, in World War II, Japanese military equipment can also be called standardized equipment, and the total parts scale of their industrial links is much smaller than that of Western powers in the same period. Therefore, they did not have specialized pontoon tanks, and lacked bulldozers to fill up positions.

...the limit of intelligence has been repeatedly refreshed in the war...

The frontline battle between Wei Keng and the holy gun is developing in the direction of complexity.

Not only has the industrial output of the two sides increased, but it has also increased by trillions of tons of steel every year. Railway bridges and canal knife-like water diversion gates are like "vegetative growth" covering the surface of the planet.

And the complexity of both sides has also begun to extend, with hundreds of types of shells ranging from cloud bombs, reconnaissance unmanned warheads, to molecular demining warheads. For each battlefield situation, in order to reduce the consumption of human life, special special tools have been developed in a targeted manner.

In the battlefield, there are situations where life is needed, but life is always precious.

For example, to break through the barbed wire, you must use scissors to cut the barbed wire. At this time, although there is cover from your own firepower, you are not allowed to be collapsed by an evil bullet. But such bravery is "executive power" and does not conflict with using wisdom. In the middle of the 21st century, mechanical dogs were used to bite through barbed wire.

Fighting for one's life is an attitude towards problems, willing to do whatever it takes, but after solving the problem, replacing the heavy price with an affordable one is commanding.

In the battle at Sad Ridge, the enemy's artillery blockade was too severe, and water could not be sent up. As long as a basket of apples was sent up, it would be first-class merit. Because the bleeding was too painful, decades later, he frantically developed various technologies for delivering materials in the field of drones.

...Wei Keng is a middle-aged person, but he is not stupid. If the other party is capable of doing things, he will follow suit...

In the planetary ocean, in the mud, whether it is lurking or braving artillery fire for reconnaissance, Wei Keng and the Holy Gun will only suffer once in the battle, and then they will develop special tactical targeting equipment. Then quickly invested and began to test each other.

Set each other up.

In the past low-end rounds: the swarm can't last a round in this kind of battle, because the communication node is detected in the first round, and then all the information along the way will be tricked out, and then the ballistic missile will come to kill past.

In Wei Keng's spiritual language, in the flames, severed limbs, and disabilities will all be transmitted to his cluster more sensitively than nerve pain. After the pain, it will be fed back from the battlefield to the center, and then fed back to the factory. It takes only three minutes before and after. In a few hours, hundreds of countermeasures such as "mechanical rescue cabin", "field barrier breaking", and "injury reduction and cover" can be made and implemented.

Therefore, compared with the wars of planetary civilizations in ancient times, the top-down combat response is like the gap between crabs and higher vertebrates.

…The soil has already begun to turn into solid porcelain after continuous burning. …

Wei Keng did not have any pre-war mobilization meetings, and his ideology had been highly unified all the time, which to many extent exceeded the limit that modern troops in modern times could bear. Like superman.

But in this battle of superhuman will against superhuman will.

The two-sided capture policy is one of the few items that follows the rules of ancient warfare.

On the blue ice planet, in the third scramble for the 15th revolution cycle, Wei Keng obtained it through a "calligraphy smooth" artillery bombardment and airborne leapfrog tactics in the battle of the sixth subcontinent theater. This is one of the few cases in which the Holy Lance was successfully won (digged and plotted) in frontal tactics.

Not only successfully won the position, but also got hundreds of prisoners. You must know that it is not easy to capture the Holy Lance.

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, Wei Keng used a crowbar to open the squeeze mechanism among the wreckage of the machinery, and then sniffed and pinched the pulse one by one, and carried out these "holy guns" that were still barely breathing.

The holy guns are very beautiful boys.

Wei Keng's evaluation of the holy gun is: Compared with the so-called super-eyes of human beings, he is more like a descendant of human beings.

...Emperor Wei has only one requirement for his descendants: not being able to fight is the original sin...

On the ancient holy planet, Wei Keng completely mastered the rhythm. For example, in the battle against Meng Xina, before the opponent could react, he completed the basic preparation of ammunition and supplies in only two weeks, and then counted it to the opponent's wartime Urgently wanted to replenish supplies, predicted and controlled the opponent's time, and interspersed one step ahead. Batches of military supplies were intercepted halfway, and finally their 270,000 troops were cut off from the supplies and then returned to the cold weather. was forced to surrender.

Master Wei dealt with the super-eyes of humans on the earth, just like a hunter puts a trap on an animal, one ring followed by another. Don't give each other a breather at all.

But for the Holy Lance, there is basically no step that can be sure.

In various tactics, even if he didn't pay attention to the loopholes, he would rush in and bite him. Wei Keng couldn't take down any established Holy Spear troops.

And if this guy doesn't surrender, he will charge back even if he is at a disadvantage. Wei Keng was lucky enough to catch a few of them when he was wounded and unconscious by the artillery fire.

Of course, with an opponent like the holy gun, Wei Keng also got involved, and he would never be captured as an organization.

...It is impossible for a third party to intervene now that the two major clusters have fought. …

Inside the blue ice planet, in the medical camp, Wei Keng looked at the boy who was being repaired in the medical cabin in front of him, with a surprised expression, because the "holy gun" still behaved like a human being on this planet with a reducing atmosphere.

This time, Wei Keng asked a very puzzled question: "What is the original appearance of your race?"

The holy gun in the medical cabin touched the repaired arm, and after turning his elbow backwards, he heard Wei Keng's question, tilted his head and responded: "I said that I am also a human being, do you believe it?"

Wei Keng was stunned by such an answer.

But then, he silently nodded.

…the truth may be absurd, but it is the truth. …

In this war, the supereyes of the entire human race are unfamiliar with the "Star Demon", and the information they already know is the light of destruction. Even the star controllers don't know what the original race of the "Star Demon" looks like.

Wei Keng is the one who knows the "Star Demon" best, because Wei Keng is the only one who pulled it from the Star Wars to the star list.

Face-to-face is indispensable in star table wars, and the two sides will inevitably get to know each other in depth.

Wei Keng has long suspected that the race of the holy gun, uh, according to the release of variability, the base state should be the most suitable for releasing "mutability", which is the "natural" state in carbon-based evolution.

Before the battle, Wei Keng saw that the Holy Lance looked like a human being, and thought it was just for the convenience of the other party to chat with him. However, after fighting on various planets to the present situation, he still fights with a human body, Wei Keng is a bit Strange.

sucker Punch! This state is only capable of being achieved by intelligent species that have undergone natural evolution. Artificial humans and biochemical humans can do some perfect movements, but their actions have a designed threshold, and if they break through this threshold, they will collapse, and it is impossible to struggle to the death.

Therefore, it would be too crazy to say that today, the holy gun is still wearing a "state of life that does not belong to oneself" to fight with oneself, and has not been prototyped by oneself.

Wei Keng took a closer look at the Holy Spear. It seems that he is not the same as the current human super eyes, and his metabolism is slightly different. The important thing is that his hair directly metabolizes metals, and there are unknown cell fiber lines on his body. These lines have Fluorescent mechanism, there are strips of fiber optic texture from the neck to the cheeks. It is not known that any human superpurpose state.

It seems that this beautiful human state should be his form?

In the base in the war zone, Wei Keng's research institute collected the hair of the holy gun. From the genetic analysis, the ape he was based on was different from the ancient australopithecus on the earth. About 400,000 generations ago, there were abnormal gene mutations. Of course, the subsequent evolution is also very independent. In short, the Holy Lance is not the origin of the earth, but it is human beings.

Wei Keng couldn't help asking himself: "Then why do I fight? My goal is to protect the human branch, but to protect a bad fruit and fight against a good fruit, am I crazy?"

Wei Keng's biggest reason for fighting now is to protect the branches that have a little bit left. Therefore, no matter how unworthy the descendants of the current super-eyes of human beings are, I have to give them a retreat time of 1,000 years.

However, the ones fighting with me are also human beings, and they are full of vigor, so what is the reason for fighting?

...the holy gun is very leathery. …

Six days later, after those holy guns were completely repaired, Wei Keng put the genetic report in front of him, and began to discuss the "problem of human origin" with him in depth.

Holy Lance blushed but responded with a serious expression: I am a human being, but not a human from Earth. The evolution of human beings is not only the spread of voyages on the plane, but also the influence of information penetration on the dimension.

The theory of "dimensional diffusion of life information" is also acquiesced by the Time and Space Administration of the main world. The information of human evolution is not limited to the space-time film. It can be projected to other planes like pen and ink.

So when Wei Keng heard this sentence, he nodded silently, sighed: "So that's the case," and then tried to conclude: "We belong to different ethnic groups."

The holy gun said indifferently: "The issue of the ethnic division of human beings in time and space has nothing to do with this battle of ideas."

Wei Keng glared at him, and reprimanded: "Poor mouth!"

On the captive front, both sides have faith and will attack each other, but generally speaking, Wei Keng is at a disadvantage.

The holy gun is a super civilization that travels through space and measures time and space on a large scale. In this regard, it is much stronger than the main world. Compared with it, the main world may be a city-state backed by space-time traffic lines, and this is a cosmic civilization.

So from a strategic perspective, the two sides are also different. The goal of the Holy Gun civilization is to make human civilization in the universe, um, maybe all civilizations evolve in multiple ways.

Wei Keng from the main world has yet to find a basis for "executing the will of the main world".

The only technology that can be imposed may be that the human beings here have the same genetic origin as the main world, but today's human super-eyes reject Wei Keng's will from the main world a million years ago as much as they can.

After the wreckage of the mind field, the human civilization and the universe have developed to this day, and morality is uncoordinated.

The holy gun shook his finger and said: Higher intelligence needs resources to grow, but it is not allowed to waste resources in the wrong way.

Wei Keng looked at this occasionally childish behavior, but he was full of wisdom when it came to key issues, and nodded helplessly.

...Wei Keng faced all the worthless guys in this plane, so let's see if the Holy Lance is a taste. …

For example, in modern times, raising a child with a broad vision cost a lot in traveling, visiting the zoo, and buying various extracurricular books. There is no obvious return on all these investments at the initial stage, but this kind of "richness" is related to juveniles. When thinking is formed, it becomes 'hands-on adaptability' in youth.

As for cultivating "aristocratic temperament", at the same time requiring "speech and conversation must be conquered", to deal with increasingly complex social interactions, and to win the appreciation of valuable classes, it is a waste of resources. Servants, who have revolved around their only centers since childhood, have been cultivated as waste. There is an old saying to describe "born in the deep palace, grown in the hands of women". It consumes a lot of resources, but raises unusable weak goods.

For adults in the 21st century, being an emperor is a good thing, but being an emperor since childhood is a sad thing. You must have great courage, great perseverance, and great talent in order to break the game, and you don't need to think about the appearance of a middleman.

...Wei Keng was in a daze to counteract the sharpness of the holy spear to persuade...

Prisoner of War Holy Lance to Wei Keng: "The human super-eye you protect occupies space and time resources, and inhibits new life. Of course, if I arrogantly declare that the continued existence of human super-eye is a crime, that may It's offensive. But you should feel their restraint on you. So they deserve it."

The holy gun sets Wei Keng as a variable, and even in the space-time observation, the holy gun specially liberates Wei Keng from the suppression of the human super-eye, and this is the last flashback of the human super-eye.

Wei Keng didn't want him to continue to be so complacent, and responded: "You have your victory standard, I have mine, you will break through here in the end, but I want to fulfill the promise, after the promise is fulfilled, leave the last line Possibly, even this one may end up being wasted."

Holy Lance nodded: "For this, I respect your willpower."

...Wei Keng couldn't hold back the skin, but the Holy Spear couldn't hold back either...

Another five revolution periods passed.

The fourth battle for Sky Blue Star was over, and Wei Keng successfully held on until the moment when the Holy Lance's star beam hit. Of course, the surrender took place when the final bombardment came.

This is Wei Keng's victory. After achieving the goal of tactical blocking, he retreated under the attack of the star beam. Of course, this is because enough effort has been made in surface warfare to be able to do this.

Of course, this is also the victory of the holy spear, and he also forced Wei Keng, the "axe", to be precise about his bottom line.

For the first time, Wei Keng confirmed through the "successful use of peaceful dialogue" that there is a lack of possibility for human beings to have super-eyes.

The outcome of the battle between Holy Lance and Wei Keng has been determined in advance, and the battle situation will be changeable.

After Wei Keng completed the promise of the blocking war, the human super-eye no longer has the guardian power of the starry sky. The holy gun's sweep of the human remains in the mind field was also a little bit late.

...the battle lines continue to move towards Earth, but more defensive technologies are activated...

On the blue ice planet, the Holy Lance began to be resident, and a reactive energy film was built on the star, which was a tactical preparation to prevent Wei Keng from crossing back.

Against the background of circles of Dyson rings, with the holy gun stuck in his waist, he said to Wei Keng who was waiting for the exchange of prisoners: "If you want to stay, I welcome you to come with me. If you want to leave, there will be a period later, and you will have a long time in Japan, and then you will be determined." Down."

In the halo, Wei Keng, who put on his military uniform and adjusted the information output area on the palm of his mechanical glove, waved his hand at the holy gun: "Hey, there will be a period later." (Euphemism: keep fighting)

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