Out of the cage

Chapter 662 Chapter 15.28 Times change, enduring

In 3047 of the main world, the 165th orbital space vehicle (space shuttle) on the sun returned to the earth space station this year. After docking, Wei Keng's consciousness returned to the carbon-based body on the space station for backup operation.

Returning to the earth from the sun, Wei Keng, who had recovered the carbon-based state, looked out the window, the super space elevator, and said slowly: "The change is really big."

The earth in the main world is still in a glorious ascending stage. Except for the field of plane tunneling, various scientific and technological fields on the earth can still carry a large number of talents to actively work hard.

In the 31st century, mankind started a comprehensive infrastructure in the solar system.

During this century, the human group planned several industrial plans:

1: To complete the data infrastructure in Yuexin. Instead of natural cratering, the Moon will be completely covered in geometric man-made areas. Of course, the asteroid impacts that caused potholes on the surface of the moon will not exist now. Tens of millions of unmanned space observatories in the inner circle of the solar system will monitor all celestial bodies larger than 30 centimeters approaching the earth, and even if they are close to the earth Laser systems in lunar system, moon and Earth orbit will also push away from these small bodies.

2: Now the immigrants on Io have landed deeply on Jupiter, and it is expected to complete the communication in the metal hydrogen layer of Jupiter within two centuries and establish a complete communication network.

3: In the next fifty years, the sun will test the third "starry sky fine positioning beam". This laboratory is in a large celestial body with a diameter of 600 kilometers, which is like a silk ball, and the interior is the largest high-energy physics experiment center for mankind.


The dividends of human physics breakthroughs have begun to be used on a large scale in the solar system.

Looking at human history, the last wave of breakthroughs in human physics on earth was in the ancient times, when science and technology began to explode, and human society also experienced super changes every twenty years. But that bonus period was too short, it lasted only a hundred years, and technological development stagnated in the middle of the 21st century.

And this wave of physics breakthroughs is a super change every hundred years.

Because of the magnitude of the change, there is a cognitive generation gap every century before and after human culture just as every decade at the end of the twentieth century.

Wei Keng has worked hard to learn science and technology and kept up with the pace, but in terms of thinking, Wei Keng also has cognitive differences from the younger generation.

For example, Wei Keng still retains the concepts of the past country and nation in his thinking, and has the habit of oriental characteristics in self-positioning. But in the contemporary era, the human federation has undergone a series of subtle changes after the twenty-eighth century. The concept of nations on the earth has begun to disappear, and it has been replaced by a distinction based on the framework of the planet.

All kinds of "mountain doctrines" in human society will never disappear, but the old doctrines will be replaced by new ones.

The traditional concept of a single nation in the main world disappeared quietly just like the aristocratic families in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. It was replaced by the powerful school of thought.

In the past few hundred years, humans have immigrated to Mars, and the residents on Venus have quietly integrated according to the region. In the entire solar system, half-breeds accounted for 50%. Localism breeds on every planet.

Each planet has an independent local economic system, and it is relatively closed. This kind of closure is stronger than the previous geographical closure on the earth. The oceans and mountains on the earth can be connected by ships and railways, while the gravitational force between the planets requires a space station.

...Wei Keng reads history, and Wei Keng himself has experienced history...

Wei Keng: Looking back at the history of the ancient industrial era, Western groups used the method of stripping off the independence of local economies and using international financial industry groups to crush Local industry groups, and then the establishment of integration.

The rise of local industrial capital groups will inevitably bring about conflicts between regions. In the 20th century, whether it was Desan, Soviet Russia, or the Emperor of Japan, after the rise of local industrial groups, when they began to pursue interests, friction between regions war happened. The U.S. group defeated Germany, stationed troops in Japan, and conquered Soviet Russia. At the end of the 20th century, it was equivalent to winning all the industrial production areas in the world. International financial capital won a complete victory over local capital.

The victorious global capital began to split up the industrial capital groups in various regions. Let the industry of every traditional industrial country be incomplete. Germany lacks an electronic chip industry, and Japan lacks system design capabilities. Even in the local area, they have split themselves, splitting Boeing's production lines that were originally concentrated in one place in traditional industrial areas into multiple regions.

Of course, behind all these splits is the increased weight of "financial allocation". In the monetary system, the value of "financial allocation" is much greater than the value of the actual manufacturing industry.

In this process, the Internet is the most important monopoly system. For a long time, in Europe, Japan, and other emerging regions of the world, the American Internet giants were tax-free. And Google, Facebook, and Amazon have become the main channels of business and economic information, dominating economies around the world, and thus determining politics.

What happened a thousand years ago is happening today a thousand years later.

Wei Keng: Now the Human Federation is relying on the World Wide Web and the outward expansion of the plane system to maintain the internal unity of the main world.

On Earth, Wei Keng looked up and looked at the latest newspaper network: An old traveler from the main world called for the great unity of mankind, and brothers everywhere.

Wei Keng glanced at the giants of the Space-Time Administration in the news, and he knew them all: Micah, his "Fate Group", and Monat's "Knowledge Bookstore Group".

Master Wei yawned.

Wei Guangzheng's propaganda system, after being heard by the old man Wei, he commented harshly: Oh, don't talk about ethnicity anymore? Is it really a family? ?

Wei Keng waved his hands leisurely, what's more, not only did the nation not disappear, but it was even more unitary than it was a thousand years ago.

From the 25th century to the 30th century in the main world, there are harsh facts behind this kind of mixed blood fusion: the so-called fusion of various races is still dominated by the nation-states that entered the industrial age in modern times.

Those hybrids on Earth, Venus, and Mars are all the genes of developed countries in the 21st century.

One-third of the world's population, black races, are now extinct.

Before the emergence of artificial birth chambers, young women were an important reproductive resource for a country. By propagating and tampering with values ​​and keeping women in the same category, it is a struggle for racial continuation.

"Fusion"? it's a rhetoric

Only in the past in history, those victors who have won the numbness have an absolute advantage in the discourse system, in order to cover up the "injustice caused by the past advantage", the word "fusion" is used.

In the past thousand years, although no large-scale war has been fought, all kinds of battles are going on quietly.

...Master Wei checked the heirs of his old Wei family, and they seemed to be pretty good, Wei Keng: "Me? I'm fine, I can proliferate"...

In Puhai in 3047, Wei Keng walked into the Space-Time Coordination Committee of the Earth Federation.

This time, I actively summoned myself to carry out a directional exploration action.

In the mission hall of the mantle, the monitor is projected in the white corridor and has been accompanying him to explain: there are very few Shangqing shuttlers who have returned to the earth on their own initiative in the past hundred years, and there are very few who can be contacted.

In the hall, Wei Keng met the director general of the Earth Federation in the affairs of time and space planes. His name was Milesu, and his word was Yun Xun.

This is the naming convention of the upper layers of the contemporary Earth. And the current language mechanism is almost dual, Neo-Latin (Spanish branch) and Chinese.

Wei Keng looked at his face, then at his name, and after checking the information, he suddenly understood: this is the effect of the "Sinicization Group".

...The historical development of language makes Wei Keng infinitely sigh...

The current New Latin is actually a branch of Latin just like English. It has tenacious vitality in the cabin system of the solar system spacecraft.

English used to be just like Latin in modern times. Due to too many special nouns, it was gradually neglected in civilian circulation, limited to scientific papers and magazines, and finally completely replaced.

This is the fate of the Latin family! phonetic language. The amount of information it contains is limited. In order to prevent homonyms from appearing in old-age vocabulary, new words have to be combined to form.

Once the ideographic characters are combined, it is difficult to repeat. Four-character idioms have been passed down for thousands of years without repetition.

For example, "Listen to me", the syllables are homonymous, "You stand up for me", "You talk about me", if this is spelled out, the ambiguity will be fatal. Every era adds more and more roots, so the "Latin script" that was easy to popularize becomes more and more bloated.

Chinese is stable enough and accurate enough, so in this millennium language offensive and defensive battle, we must fight steadily.

Wei Keng: "A language will become the mainstream as long as the main users of the language adapt to the times. The dilemma of Chinese in the 20th century is that China was not yet industrialized at that time. There were a large number of scientific research vocabulary and industrial codes. vocabulary, so papers need to use foreign ones, and codes also need to use foreign ones. However, after the full industrialization was completed in the middle of the twentieth century, the vocabulary reserves have fully kept up with the times,"

A thousand years later, the abundant information carrying capacity has killed all other languages ​​in most parts of the world.

In the ancient industrial era, the Vietnamese language and the so-called Korean language in the tide of phoneticization, just like popular culture, disappeared in two hundred years. (Refer to Manchu and finish with the Qing Dynasty.)

As for Japanese, this is originally a branch of the Chinese family. In the Japanese area, even taking advantage of its own prosperity, it failed to win the culture. In the end, it could only leave some words such as "spalasi" and "sushi" to the Chinese language.

Of course, the Latin family is not extinct. Because the basis of Chinese is more complicated than that of Latin. In areas where the vocabulary is not so high, Latin is still needed to communicate quickly.

"Area with a small vocabulary" refers to spaceships.

All spaceships are limited in relation to the objects to be identified on the planet. And there is no new vocabulary when the objects are limited. Just mark "pronunciation".

In the era of interstellar construction, a considerable number of populations are on spaceships, so the population working on these spaceships uses relatively clear spoken Latin. .

Oh, human beings also first confirm the cognition of common sense things through Chinese pinyin in their childhood.

This language on the spaceship is very simple, for example: all red fruit leaves are called apples, this is true for apples, the same is true for dragon fruit, and even for low-gravity seedless lychees.

After learning thousands of common vocabulary and mathematical vocabulary descriptions, you can read and write. Of course, after leaving the spaceship, such a language appears to be poor in vocabulary.

Therefore, in the current situation, in the context of the integration of the entire human race, regardless of the East and the West, it is a family that pursues a little bit of cultural literacy. Basically bilingual. One set is New Latin for spaceships, and the other is Chinese.

Although Chinese is difficult to learn, for human beings who break through the limit of their lifespan through continuous regeneration, once they learn it, they can basically learn it once and for all. Basically, even if they don’t update the most popular vocabulary, they can communicate without any problem.

And only the core class of civilization can grasp the advantages of the records of the knowledge inheritance system.

Even in the current Mediterranean civilized region, most of the knowledge system is recorded in Chinese as a backup classic. It is planned to translate the original Chinese backup after one or two hundred years later when the Latin characters in a region are full of holes and new words are taken up. Popularize contemporary people with Latinized text.

…Wei Keng: It’s just that as a person from the old industrial age, seeing the relationship between foreigners and myself, I feel weird…

So when Wei Keng said: "Hi Yunxun, Chief Purser," when he was about to start the translation software.

Yunxun also said in fluent Mandarin: "Mr. Wei Keng, the work on the sun makes you shine."

Wei Keng was a little surprised. After confirming that the vocabulary he used was more slippery than his own, he responded: "Yunxun, let's get down to business. I came to Earth to prepare for a seven or eight year vacation."

Faced with this most modest bargain.

Yunxun, who had prepared a lot of rhetoric, took retreat as an advance, and said with a wry smile: "Oh, your Excellency, you are more than capable now, but we really can't get rid of the problem there (target plane). If you don't go, things will happen. It will be irreparable.”

Yunxun sent the festering situation of the Mechanicus, asexually reproduced orcs, and ugly demons in the reflection space in the era of the "multiple planes" universe.

Wei Keng glanced at it. These are the results of the corruption of the plane, but he did not say the cause. Back then, he defined the industrial godhead at the end of the era of swords and magic. This era is still a long way from the era of the universe. This process is the key to the exacerbation of severe illness.

So, Wei Keng simply pointed it out directly.

Wei Keng: "You didn't tell me the actual situation of the plane you mentioned! So, I can only plan to use seven or eight years to find out through my network, and then make a decision after the situation there. "

Yun Xun stared at Wei Keng for a while, and was sure it was an old fritter. It's not a stunned young man who was randomly assigned with words

Wei Keng also stared at Yunxun, with a half-smile, cursing in his heart: "When I was pioneering in the pastoral era, you were not born yet, so you painted cakes for me? You really don't know, I'm a spring and autumn student. "

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