Out of the cage

Chapter 665 Chapter 1602 (Part 1) The Lost Mystic

Chapter 665 Chapter 16.02 (Part 1) The Lost Mystic

Whether the mystery is powerful or not depends on the scale of the "recognized".

For example, the characters in Fengshenbang novels were the most powerful when they first appeared, Nezha, Huang Tianhua, all kinds of magic weapons and supernatural powers at their own hands suddenly appeared to save the scene.

After the initial stage of appearance, the combat power plummeted. Because in the world where "all information will leave traces", the more exposed, the traces will be left in the natural archives similar to the "Tianji" checking calculation.

Wei Keng: "According to the history of military development in the 21st century, J20 and F35 are the strongest before they participate in large-scale combat. Progress, although its reflective features are small, will be keenly captured by artificial intelligence, and it will become a relatively common piece of equipment on the battlefield. Just like the tank that just appeared one hundred and forty years ago, after decades Rapid cheapening."

So "unsure" is the best strategy.

One of the best ways to mysteriously maintain one's own combat power is to "dog" not move. Don't try to open a "mystery firm" to make money, because when the mystery is exposed more, the ability will be exposed to the analysis of others.

Show up at critical times in exchange for a good future, narrator: For example, Kong Xuan.

...Master Wei worshiped many gods in this world, even though many of them were his juniors in the time travel system...

But if the "dog" does not move, facing the changes of the times, the strategy will shrink.

In today's era, the multiple planes are deeply influenced by the earth, and a large number of civilizations have generally entered the era of primary industry.

Wei Keng knows that in ancient times, forests, oceans, and wildernesses had a large number of untouchable areas, accumulating long-lasting and undisturbed quantum information. At that time, the mysteries were druids, ancient mages of the eight factions, etc. It can become a dragon, and it can directly mobilize elements to cleanse and burn negative pollution.

Back then, when superpowers were out of reach for the vast majority of people, traditional mysticism had traditional advantages.

They can manage their power to a terrifying state at will. Whether it is a ghost puppet or a cursed assassination, it can directly deter the power of the supreme lord.

...Nowadays, the mystery of nature has been broken, and there are no monsters in the blank space on the nautical chart...

However, in the contemporary era, as the phantom of industry condenses in the ether world, occupying almost all the space, there are fewer and fewer "untouchable areas" for the mysterious to communicate alone.

1: The sea chart of the steel naval gun plows through every inch of fog. The mermaid has also become one of the mixed and thin blood of humans today.

Some legendary creatures sea monsters lack the "mysterious" barrier and cannot burst out.

Oh, of course, human voyage ships can also encounter some monsters such as man-eating sharks and deep-sea mantis shrimps from deep-sea exploration every year. Because the mysterious conditions are okay there.

2: After the tanks penetrated the forest many times, the head of the mountain monster was already crushed.

The "zombies" and "vampires" who once entrenched here also lost the conditions to become the dark lords. Only a few inaccessible caves still have these inhuman monsters.

3: In the sky, air battles are interspersed by planes again and again. The former wind spirits are extinct like small fish after chemical pollution of rivers. Only meteors falling from the sky occasionally leave "natural spirits" behind.


In the new era, beliefs under the industrial system, and the concept of destruction condensed by iron and fire after several wars have become the mainstream on all major civilized planets.

The traditional mysterious power has turned into a gray border area and no flow.

So when Wei Keng, the "Wangcai", was eight years old, when he saw the magicians juggling on unicycles in the caravan circus that came to the village to perform, suddenly he was not ready to be a "mysterious person".

On the fence outside the circus, Wei Keng and other fart kids in the village were lying on the tree, looking at the nodding and bowing magicians inside the caravan, asking for rewards.

On the one hand, Wei Keng was laughing happily with his peers and watching the excitement, while on the other hand, his adult personality was whispering.

Wei Keng muttered, "No future."

When Wei Keng's mature self was educating his childish preferences, he was like a mother pointing at "street singers begging for food" and saying: "Look, if you don't study hard, you will end up like this." '

...Of course, teenagers are making rapid progress, and the cognition of four or five years old is completely different from the worldview of fifteen or sixteen years old...

When Wei Keng was ten years old, he began to collect a large number of newspapers, while reading classics and ancient books, and began to establish a world view of this place.

"You can despise the mystic strategically, but tactically, you must pay attention to the mysterious events around you." Wei Keng, who works part-time in a bookstore, closed a thick book, wrapped the book cover, and said quietly.

After Wei Keng read the newspaper after he was ten years old, he learned that the threshold for "mystics" is very low, but the "professionals" who are the mainstay of the country are all mystics.

Rivers and lakes and temples are two different concepts.

Nowadays, basically the vast majority of people have the aptitude of a mystic.

From some divination witches in the village, you can check your own blood on the golden compass device for three copper coins.

This compass can check the "traditional ancient bloodlines" of each person hundreds of generations ago, and these ancient bloodlines are not unusual, just like China after the industrial age, whose ancestors were not princes and generals.

Contemporary traditional mystics (marketers) operate some small businesses relying on the information records left in their blood.

For example, folks deal with some supernatural things in cities by themselves.

Oh, these supernatural things are generally not public events. When it comes to public incidents, it is handled by the Empire's evil-fighting team.

The market for its traditional mystics often lies in some "grey areas".

People in these gray areas are involved in tax evasion, casinos, and other shady things, but they meet the conditions of "information closure" and allow mystery to breed.

Wei Keng's comment: Once filth is hidden, maggots and rats will inevitably breed.

The bosses in these places encountered supernatural revenge, so it is naturally impossible for the empire's evil-fighting team to end it.

In terms of the empire, the exorcism will certainly be dealt with cleanly, but the backhand will thoroughly check your taxes!

In recent years, the empire's war consumption has been increasing, and there is an urgent need to check the fat pigs.

In the eyes of these "fat pigs", oh, "folk businessmen", tyranny is worse than ghosts.

Those bosses who are engaged in smuggling in the city, Fengyuechang, and "magic medicine" and other illegal businesses, which one has no blood on their hands?

Basically, they are frequent visitors of these "mysterious firms". Oh, it can even be said that all chambers of commerce have private "mysterious channels".

...big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps...

In the afternoon, Wei Keng left the bookstore. After taking off his gloves, he began to walk briskly with the typical youthful steps.

There is nothing to visit in the small town. The pork on the street, the dung trucks passing by, and the flies welcoming us explain what is called "turbid times". As for Wei Keng himself, he quickly jumped over one puddle after another.

As Grandpa Wei Keng walked, he kept evaluating himself: "Go, move. Jump.".

Wei Keng's figure is brisk and slender. Because he pays attention to physical exercise, he looks very good. Pay attention to rinsing your teeth every day when you eat, do morning exercises and run and climb trees at night, your body is also very upright, so it is becoming more and more "smart". grade.

Of course, the shabby clothes and unsoaped unwashed hair belied the splendor.

Wei Keng: Young people feel just right.

Because young people have plenty of energy to think about all kinds of things.

...social data of the ancient industrial age...

The cruel college entrance examination in East Asia in the 21st century has calculated the upper limit of thinking energy of the entire East Asian race between the ages of twelve and twenty. Mathematics, Chinese, physics, chemistry, and basic thinking proliferate rapidly.

At the same time, if young people do not have such a "college entrance examination" pressure, their energy will still exist! will move on to other areas. After de-industrialization in other parts of the world, and areas that are not ready for industrialization at all, the development of young people in these areas also gives the answer.

Sex, games, ignoring physical safety, unscrupulous adventures, and vanity-chasing hippies will become the outlet for energy release at this stage.

It is easy to miss the prime of life. But after wasting time, a thousand pieces of gold will not be exchanged.

When Wei Keng himself read this speech in the 27th century, he was saddened to see the opposite of "becoming famous at a young age and becoming an idol star, but he lacked self-control. teaching materials.

...young people must have the correct way of life...

In the middle of the fire in the evening, Wei Keng brought salt and gathered with the little brothers from the village. These little boys who had been digging in the field for a day showed off their spoils to Wei Keng excitedly, and there were white flowers and insects on the trees. As for Wei Keng, he took out the bacon seasoning brought from the kitchen in the town, and started the worm feast.

When the grilled worms on the bamboo sticks were coated with salt and baked until golden on both sides, Wei Keng began to distribute.

Of course, what was left in the end all went into Wei Keng's bamboo tube.

While eating the worms he roasted, Wei Keng began to diverge from his juvenile thinking.

Wei Keng in the small town is just a country bumpkin to the world's big money-making figures at this time, but this does not prevent Wei Keng from thinking about the interpersonal transactions above.

Wei Keng: "Half of The Analects of Confucius governing the world is Zhao Pu's summary of all the complicated human affairs phenomena he has seen. And when all human affairs can be summarized, all "human struggles" don't need to shoot various TV dramas to set off the splendor. It's all like that"

Now there are frequent wars on the entire continent, but the various chambers of commerce seem inconspicuous, but they are indeed extremely important.

What is a chamber of commerce? This is a group that joins together to make the most money and minimize risk. If there is no law, this is a rogue group.

Just like Wei Keng, the king of children, now gathers the children at the entrance of the village, and when he knows that bugs can be eaten, he forms the "Association of Light" (similar to Ultraman's childish naming of saving the world, of course everyone thinks this name, It's a loud buff) contracted all the bushes at the entrance of the village.

Behind the history of business, there is a very real phenomenon. That is, "money" is earned by well-connected people. If you want to make money, you have to pay a price. Don't expect others to make money and bring you to join.

The accumulation of the first bucket of gold is often bloody! Even after the golden basin washes its hands and goes about normal business, there are always one or two black things on hand.

The so-called small merchants in Yiwu at the end of the 20th century in the main world really started bit by bit, and it was possible to appear only when Chiqi maintained an absolute order.

If there is no absolute management order, the Yiwu merchant model will soon be tricked by larger capital oligarchs as soon as it accumulates a wave of funds. There is a word called bullying and dominating the market. Hire a ruffian to pour feces on your storefront, or block your car when you are buying goods, so that you will default on the delivery time.

Driven by interests and under the absence of order, those who get rich first will inevitably force the latecomers to join the chamber of commerce and accept the unification of "price standards" and "import and export channels".

The core of capital has never been the "spirit of contract", but to make profits by any means and expand its own unique advantages.

There will inevitably be "loss of human life and extreme negative emotions" in this process.

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