Out of the cage

Chapter 670 Chapter 16.04 (Part 1) The most ordinary and the most extraordinary

The most precious thing in multiple planes is "information".

Like wealth, wealth requires increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Information also needs to be "throttling" and "open source".

"Throttling" on information means strictly keeping secrets. As a occultist, to keep the "secret", it is necessary to build various information barriers. Theoretically, as long as others are always lacking in understanding and unable to understand, then you can mobilize "mystery" at critical moments to play a greater role.

In other words, as a traveler, even if you have a cheat, if you use it without a limit, sooner or later, the cheat will be targeted by a higher mystery due to overuse.

For example, in the early days, there was such a gold finger that the traversers liked to use. It could summon food, cola, and bows and arrows from a plane similar to the ancient times of the main world in the doomsday famine stage. But then he was targeted by the devil, and this summoned golden finger became the factor of the devil's summoning. When the traverser established his own empire in the steam age, the big devil would summon the future devil's mechanical engine To the early age of steam.

…The more you use things that are not in your grasp, the more hidden dangers will become. "Overdraft" is a serious crime. …

Thirteen-year-old Enma checks his current state against a broken mirror found in a garbage dump

The color of the tea leaves was adjusted to cover the blood on the cheeks due to better nutrition, and the dark circles under the eyes adjusted by the soot at the bottom of the pot, so that my originally divine gaze became a reincarnation of a starving ghost.

Wei Keng looked at himself with satisfaction, and muttered, "I'm poor."

When your blood color becomes stronger and stronger, you become more and more detached from your "middleman" setting. Although you will be taken care of because of your good looks, if you overdraw too much, you are not sure, and your fate will change. into child molestation.

So Wei Keng concealed information about his health.

"Saving" cannot become a rich man, but as ordinary civilians, there is no channel to open source, so we have to work hard on "saving".

Wei Keng: "Small businessmen need to carefully calculate every penny, while mysterious people need to "conserve" every piece of information and pay attention to the maximum value."

Just as businessmen want independent warehousing and channels, mystics want to accurately price "every piece of information they only know".

Bai Linglu nodded in agreement with Wei Keng's knowledge, and then suggested: "It is said that the top mysterious person, the world does not know whether he is a man or a woman, you?"

Wei Keng: "What do you want to say?"

Bai Linglu looked at Wei Keng holding the cigarette ash to make up his face gently, and said, "I have makeup materials here."

Wei Keng: "No need."

The bottom line for a pure man is that it is impossible to retreat. Of course, Bai Linglu is more likely to be reminding that some people (gods) have gone this way and will never return."

...Wei Keng has an open source method...

In the border area of ​​multiple planes, "particle trend observation" can see "different development directions of a plane".

Wei Keng's planes are one by one, and being able to see other planes means that a wisp of "gravel"-like law has been instigated.

Don't underestimate this gritty law of different time and space, this law is worthless in that plane. It is a very common phenomenon, but when projected, as the law of the plane, it is a very valuable "mysterious phenomenon".

For example: ordinary smartphones in the 21st century, placed in the 1960s, this mobile phone can make nuclear weapons researchers who suffer from insufficient computing power happy.

For example, on the current Wanlun Continent, the era is still in a state of interaction between electricity and steam, and hundreds of millions of calculations per second are definitely considered high-value "mysterious" abilities.

And now Wei Keng can steal a sliver of ordinary rules over there to create a "smart phone", and now in this era with smart chips, Wei Keng: I am a middle-aged person, processing forms, and checking calculations In terms of all kinds of economic information, at the same time, he has a vivid memory of daily events, and some key pictures are photographed and archived, which can be regarded as a qualification that spans the ages.

Wei Keng can instigate a ray of law, not only to create auxiliary functions such as "portable smartphones", but also many, many more. The premise is that each plane has its own "exchange law".

...Wei Keng is now across different time and space, and his selves in different time and space are all interacting with each other...

For example, there is a steam plane next door. According to the law there, in order to maximize the power of the Stirling engine, the "viscosity" of the hot steam here can be switched between "superfluid" and "asphalt state".

If this normal phenomenon in the plane is projected to that electronic plane. Then it is possible to manufacture carbon-based puppet robots with graphite as the nerve and asphalt as the material,

This kind of robot can be smashed like the t1000 in the terminator and can be reunited.

...Wei Keng can now be a bad guy in a world dominated by different gods...

In this regard, Wei Keng said to Bai Linglu: "I never do takeaway, if I can cook by myself, I try to do it myself."

The takeaway (prepared meals delivered to your door) that Wei Keng refers to is those perfect golden fingers.

Those who buy these takeaways are often the contemporary young people (this generation of time travelers), they do not know how to "cook" themselves, in the view of the "chef" Master Wei, the main world is now the era of free time travel, and those who dig the first The power of a pot of gold is now turning into black-hearted merchants, processing some ordinary cheap things into high prices, selling them to young people, prompting young people to work hard, and blocking the further passage of young people.

The core mystery of all cheats is a very common law in another plane.

["Zhuxi Ji" Jiangnan people even laughed and said: "The people of the capital are the salary of Baowu." Woohoo! Strange flower stones are truly valued by the capital and people in the south of the Yangtze River. However, if the place where it was born is poor, it will never be seen by people overseas. I think it is not very different from bamboo in the south of the river. 】

...Just when Wei Keng cursed profiteers, Bai Linglu was dissatisfied...

Bai Linglu: "The research and development of technology requires money. It is not difficult for those who meet, and it is not difficult for those who are difficult. Your technology is because you have paid enough. If you pay a price for something, if you let people go for nothing, you will not get it." Respect is contempt."

Wei Keng fell silent, Bai Linglu had a point.

However, objectively speaking, Bai Linglu is now the one who "does takeout". Now in the multi-dimensional plane Wei Keng is responsible for providing a bunch of rules, Bai Linglu is processed into "golden fingers" in batches, and then the upper limit of each operation is designed on the indicators to prevent the traversers from overdrawing.

In the end, Bai Linglu provided it at a 'reasonable' price to those who were deceived, um, recruited to traverse the interstellar multidimensional planes.

...and now back on topic...

When Enma was 12 years old, he abandoned the old methods and began to fully switch to more independent new technologies.

Despite the old methods, Wei Keng actually didn't use them very well. This makes it seem that the previous hard "investment" has no return at all, but this is the characteristic of Wei Keng's "surplus".

You must know that in China, Wei Keng: "Military technology that costs a lot of money can be used, but it must not be used."

Now Wei Keng has started to make his own "Gold Finger" in an all-round way, and has almost mercilessly updated his past "Sun Runes" and other mysterious methods.

Sending information through a certain "light-brain plane" and storing "light crystals" is much more affordable than finding the old master!

The amount of ancient mysterious information of the old rulers is limited. But now through the tidal trend to find the plane, the information of that plane is endless.

In addition, it is more environmentally friendly than some golden fingers in the main world: such as "Summoning Arms Base" and "Plane Merchant".

The "pollution" corresponding to the environmental protection here refers to the diffusion of information pollution on heteroplanetary planes.

Because there is no need to open a regular plane channel, just drill a small hole to leak a little rule. Wei Keng only needs to use the little bit of rules that he missed as a starting point, and then he can use technology to superimpose something that best suits his needs.

Let's put it this way, the golden finger given by the main world to "summon bases, summon heroes" needs to summon a large number of military industries and character templates from another target plane. These summons will reveal a lot of information on that plane! And in the multiverse, if you can pass so easily, then the other side can pass easily.

But Wei Keng self-created the "Golden Finger" with a ray of law. For observers in this world, it is like only seeing "gravel", and it is impossible to judge which planet it comes from from this "gravel".

... Wei Keng's current means are to defend against the interference of other gods, but as far as the moment is concerned! Wei Keng has not yet returned to the "industrial" godhead. …

Master Wei is now communicating with thousands of planes for the first wave, which is expected to take place in decades.

The second stage can be tens of thousands of planes.

"Industrial" godhead, if the Shangqing traveler from the past two hundred years came over now, he would be in a hurry, but Wei Keng was not in a hurry, even if this godhead lost, he himself was not in a hurry.

Because there are a lot of "jobs" hanging behind this godhead, Wei Keng only has "jobs" to do in his eyes, and then the position.

...so and so, like a god but not a god...

Twelve-year-old Wei Keng was carrying a small schoolbag and taking notes in his notebook.

In Wei Keng's notebook, when Wei Keng couldn't see it, a pale golden light jumped. At this time, others opened it to read, but they couldn't see a line of handwriting.

It's not that Wei Keng is deliberately hiding it, but that the large amount of information recorded by Wei Keng unknowingly involves the "secrecy" regulations set by many gods, so these notebooks that Wei Keng can see the contents of, others cannot see .

Wei Keng himself felt that those very simple information such as "comparison of planes" and "common sense of consciousness guides the development direction of time and space" are actually not simple! This is knowledge that only God is qualified to understand.

Mortals would be cursed if they knew. As for Wei Keng? Now it's actually pretty extraordinary.

...Wei Keng, who is twelve or thirteen years old, still has some "low-level interests", but Wei Keng's interests are all based on his "do-it-yourself ability"...

Wei Keng thoroughly studied the delivery rules over there, and then sorted them out. According to the basis of his body data, he superimposed them according to the rules, and then directly generated different hero templates on this plane.

For example, various skills such as "Windwalk", "Sneak Assassination", and "Ghost Stealth" are theoretically formed by the human beings on that plane according to objective physical conditions. Wei Keng has basic body training materials here, why can't they reverse it? What about engineering?

After Wei Keng tried many mystic skills, he muttered: It's just that switching skill slots is a bit troublesome.

...In the Pantheon, the God of Destiny is watching Wei Keng quietly, but every time he sees a little bit, it is covered by Bai Linglu. …

Bai Linglu looked around in the space, staring at the stunned juniors and reprimanded: "Work!"

The newly recruited inspectors in the space stopped marveling at Wei Keng's display mode and started to work. Among them is Hongzhen. After she was summoned by Sister Bai, she was in charge of the time and space where Enma's identity was located. "

As a veteran traveler, Wei Keng's style of painting for the supervisors is a kind of "tall, big, and hard" in the gaps of the rules, see every stitch, and not be influenced by other people (gods)

When Wei Keng started researching hundreds of skills wholesale. Oh, Wei Keng probably doesn't use most of these skills at all. Just to test the technology, the inspectors stick out their tongues one by one!

The rookie traverser team takes the golden finger, which is equivalent to the young hero finding the swordsmith in the best workshop in the village and customizing his own exclusive tools.

Master Wei, this is it! It is purely a stamping factory with assembly line production, and even the defective products produced may be sold to the management bureau for money.

Master Wei: Mystery is rare and precious only if you are ignorant. If you understand it, it will be the same as eggs in the kitchen. There are multiple cooking methods, such as steamed eggs, poached eggs, egg pancakes, fried rice with eggs, and egg rolls. "

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