Out of the cage

Chapter 681 Chapter 16.10 (Part 2) Postman!

In May, when the city security office sealed a batch of goods, and Enma went to the door to ask for it to no avail,

Enma looked at the head of the gendarmerie, then patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said, "In a few days, I feel that Tianhan can come to me."

Just when everyone didn't know why.

Three days later, the gendarmerie came to Enma crying, because they had diarrhea for several days, and all their intestines came out. After taking antidiarrheal medicine, their whole body was red and itchy.

In Chinese medicine, doctors and witches have not been separated since ancient times. Sudden changes in the environment and changes in drinking water will cause damage to the balance of the body, and then the invasion of external evils.

For example, a cold is actually a virus, which is originally in the nose of a person. Once the immune system is weakened and the balance is broken, the virus can become a demon.

En Ma just used his "light and shadow skills" to go to the military police cafeteria and sprinkle some laxatives. At the same time, he hung a honeycomb-like "pollen disperser" on the big tree at their upper air outlet. This, in En Ma's eyes, can make the noses of the big men in the security station snot for several days, and then lose their minds and get into a car accident.

...Of course one lesson is not enough...

The old Sheriff stepped down, and the new Sheriff stepped in.

Especially when the military police who came to the door found Enma, they naturally turned their faces and refused to recognize him.

He sent Enma to the cell, but when he kicked Enma, he found that it was a paper stick man. The lips are bright red, at first glance the eyeballs are still rolling, but upon closer inspection, the eye sockets are empty. I was so scared that I peed my pants.

The gendarmerie, of course, still has unbelievers.

The new official took office three times. After confirming that Enma was ignorant and would not give hard currency such as gold bars and silver dollars, he slapped "too shameful" on the solid wood table in the conference hall of the public security station the next day, and then followed His "sensible guys" directly decided to send a convoy to seize Enma's warehouse at night.

However, in this "Operation Zero", the entire convoy of the gendarmerie got lost in the thick fog for no reason. into the river.

In the end, Enma appeared on the bridge. After pulling a rope to pull the sheriff out, Enma disappeared in front of these dozens of people in a blink of an eye. Hundreds of oceans were left in place. When someone in the military police picked up these oceans, his hand suddenly felt a pain, and he found that the strange faces on the oceans showed teeth, and there were blood beads from the punctured palms of the military police on the corners of their mouths.

It was so evil that the gendarmes in the city no longer dared to mess around with the "monster" Enma, but respectfully visited Enma to treat his illness.

Of course, Wei Keng's philosophy is: "Just click as far as you can."

After confirming that the goods came back, Enma prescribed them some medicine for oral administration and sulfur medicine for bathing. After several days of collapse, their blood became rosy.

In the city of York, Enma became famous in the field of the mysterious world.

Several other mystic scholars in York City also paid attention to Wei Keng, but Enma declined their visit in a very low-key manner, and stated that they would not snatch their "clients" (those rich people).

The two sides do not violate the waters of the river, and do not fight each other.

...Since then, things have been calm again, but everyone has this "balance" in mind...

En Ma was not acquainted with the gendarmes in the city.

In winter, with the lack of supplies in the city. All alcoholic beverages have been stopped.

From the countryside, Enma brought "Yumqian Ye" and other miscellaneous fruits to make a few jars of wine and began to supply them in small quantities. (Elm money is not a leaf, but a fruit.)

Enma openly communicated with the military police and provided some "souvenir products". The relationship between the two parties began to become harmonious. More importantly, Enma began to "ask for" the captain of the gendarmerie, which made the new gendarmerie officer who wanted silver dollars and gold bars finally able to receive the benefits from this new small workshop in York City.

That's right, for this corrupt official, he doesn't care about "morality", as long as he can receive money and give lectures. Even if Enma didn't break the law, he couldn't get any money, so what does it have to do with him?

Enma took the business line, and then made it into the city's constitutional prison.

Enma hired child labor, cut and cut newspapers one by one, and then quietly sorted them out.

After these school dropouts worked all afternoon, the old newspapers that no one wanted turned into stacks of small paper cards.

As for the cut newspaper, who wants it? To be precise, which category of people like reading books the most?

To need these types of attributes, the first must be intellectuals, who have a necessary need for information in daily life, just like people in the 21st century cannot live without swiping their mobile phones.

Second, being constrained to a certain extent, some of the time cannot find use. For example, Chinese students in the ancient industrial age read one book after another.

But in contemporary times, those who meet these two attributes are the dissidents imprisoned in the imperial prison. And when it comes to doing business in this area, Enma is not stingy with silver dollars and gold bars.

…After getting through this line, the pattern will be very different…

In line with the service spirit of urgency.

Enma sorted out these clipped newspapers by sending small cigar boxes, and sent them in through the gendarmerie contacts. Of course, paper and pens are also sent in. At the same time, a long-rod mirror device was invented, which can extend out of the window to better irradiate the narrow sunlight into the prison.

Of course, sending newspapers is not free. Enma, as a student, asked these scholars at the same time, some knowledge questions, and asked them to be cheap teachers.

Enma's explanation to the gendarmes was: "Look, brother, we are all poor students, we are all poor students, the lifeblood of the students, we can't invite teachers, so we can only prostitute the idlers in the prison for nothing. A little newspaper, right?" After that, he returned a stack of banknotes.

The system pops up: "You are good at hypnotism."

Every banknote given by Enma has spiritual induction.

…Enma: I’m really in business, I don’t think about anything else. …

Put your hands in jail. The bystanders on the system side immediately said, "Woohoo, what are you going to do?"

Yan Beixiang could tell that Wei Keng on this timeline was about to make trouble.

She said to Hongzhen: He (Wei Keng) doesn't want money or power, so he wants to "shake the earth and shake the mountains".

Before that, Hongzhen didn't know how Wei Keng was going to start. but now! Understood.

However, at this time, the monitoring task was directly taken over by Bai Linglu.

On all planes, Bai Linglu personally accompanied Wei Keng during all critical periods. As for Yan Beixiang, she will also be in a three-year period of silence and secrecy.

...in Overseer Space...

The slender Bai Linglu stood on the floating platform, looking at the entire Wanlun Continent interface below, she opened Wei Keng's past information for comparison:

Shenzhou Plane inherits the family business, formatted from top to bottom?

The plane of Pandora, directly itself is the "public", facing the violent nature, leading the survival.

Kong Twisted Dimension, after decades of making fried rice with eggs, he entered the "Sword School" three times, and once he came out of the abyss, the world was shocked.

The dark plane, through this dark energy ladder!

As for this plane, Wei Keng wants to be an "honest person" and peaceful?

When a thousand consciousnesses advance on a large scale, and a normal unfolding begins in a thousand worlds.

Bai Linglu: Everyone doesn't believe that when you come, you can be peaceful.

…Back to Wanlun Continent from the perspective, …

As Enma delivered the small note towards the prison, these imperial intellectuals also passed on their vision to Enma.

After filling the gap in the worldview, Wei Keng tapped the wrench and the hammer twice, and whispered: "That's right, I understood it all at once."

Right now, the industry is monopolized by capital, and the military is extremely dependent on channels. Wei Keng started as a purely civilian, with almost no resources to leverage.

However, Wei Keng, who didn't have any money and only had "connections", directly directed his connections to lead the opposition in the imperial prison. You know, this group of people is the most restless people in the empire, and Enma has led them.

If they lose, En Ma will naturally be dragged into the water, but if they win, En Ma will definitely win!

Generally speaking, Enma is young and has the capital to gamble. In the worst case, he would be imprisoned, then escape, and hide for a few years. But once this is done, it will be considered gold-plated among the imperial opponents. You can directly become a "senator".

…the prison castle is fortified, but the green creepers are climbing up the cracks in the bricks…

Sky Empire, York City, Omu Prison, has always been the worst prison. It is full of cockroaches, and it is opaque. The only small window can only project a little light at 8:00 in the morning, and then it stays in the window outside. Many intellectuals who hate war have been invested here in the empire.

It can even be said that the prisons during the current war are dedicated to detaining these "dissidents".

Because even other criminals who did petty theft were incorporated into the military queue because of the shortage of troops on the front line. Send the military shovel and go to the front to dig trenches. That is to say, this group of dissidents is the only one who is very unpopular. Because putting them on the front line will immediately incite the dissatisfaction of the soldiers and cause resistance to the empire, but killing them directly will arouse sympathy in the academic circles, and we can only expect them to lose their communication window in prison and die in despair.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Those who are detained here face only a narrow window. At the beginning, you will be furious, but after a few days, you will look up at the sky, and after a few days, you will lie down and look at the window like a dead body. After a few years, you may leave your last letter and die.

In the 3227th year of the Huowen calendar, the situation changed. Following the sound of ding ding dong dong, the sound of knocking on the washbasin sounded below the prison, the people who were lying in the prison immediately regained their spirits, and ropes began to hang down from the window. Each plastic package can be lifted up along the rope.

There are newspapers, pens, questions from outside students, and even some simple rewards, such as "a small bag of fried melon seeds" and "some dried peanuts".

Those who send these things from outside are called "postmen".

The prisoners in the prison did not know the appearance of this young man, but they had the impression that he was a very "brave" and "study" person.

As for paying the bill, the "postman" embodies romanticism: you (prison comrades) just put your name on the newspaper clippings that you send, and then give the IOU.

The "postman" said jokingly: One day they will be released, and they will be asked for debts.

The people in the prison also signed their names very optimistically, and added the signatures of "ten cents in arrears" and "one dollar in credit".

Such blatant engagement in relationships has formed unspoken rules.

As for the prison guards, they turn a blind eye to this. Now the material control is very serious, everyone is living a bad life, and the jailers are not interested in serving the Empire 996, not to mention that the "postman" can behave.

Every time I come, I can bring a pot of meat. "Eight stewed rabbits" and "dozens of spicy bullfrogs" look like unscrupulous meat. Or some toys, such as chess pieces and dice, can even be special products of other cities.

For the leader of the prison guard: he has meat to eat and wine to drink, and the prisoner has books to read and not make trouble, everyone is happy.

...In the prison cells of the empire, there are many powerful people who "speak well and look good"...

In Jawwood Prison, although a large number of rooms are in short supply, there are still single rooms. Greve, wearing a prison uniform, paces the room. In addition to papers and newspapers on his desk, he also has a small radio in his cuff. He stayed at the window for a long time, and pulled up a dry battery, which was just enough to store electricity for the radio.

Of course, there was another letter. He opened the letter. It was the reflection of "On Industrial Order, Today's Changes" written in the prison cell. Oh, this reflection was from the postman and other students. After being imprisoned, the empire directly blocked all his speech channels, and now suddenly someone listened to him and gave him back the channels.

Among them was a letter, he was stunned for a moment, then opened it and saw the familiar notes.

That was his revolutionary partner and confidante in another prison, Gninelina. "The beginning is, my dear Greve, I can see your handwriting again, in the dark prison cell, I seem to see you directly~"

Greve read, tears streaming down his beard.

Downstairs at this time

As the "postman" who delivered the letter this time, Enma saluted to the prison window! Then he turned his head to give the warden a gift.

Go to bed early, wake up tomorrow

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