Out of the cage

Chapter 695 Chapter 16.18 (Part 2) The Outrageous

The "Wan Lun" continent is in the shape of a T. In the industrial society of the northern continent, at this time, the Thunderbolt Alliance that defeated the Sky Empire began to prosper, a large amount of industrial production began, and exploitation also quietly increased.

And on the mainland in the "vertical" state in the south, a series of low-cost passenger ships with a standard of tens of thousands of tons began to be built. Obviously, this is a ship that sells "labor" to work under the manor owner.

The "benefits make the mind stunned" effect of the ominous gold coins began to permeate the entire upper layer of the continent indiscriminately, and a final battle may be held within these thirty years.

After playing table tennis, Enma went home to rest.

In "Break Time", Enma turned on the system and stared at the gold coin. As the creator, he can now clearly see that the entire gold coin was gleaming with blood.

Enma said to himself: "This thing kills randomly, now it's troublesome~" Wei Keng was sure that this thing had been noticed by the gods, and the gods began to pay attention to him.

At this time, the system jumped out and began to give suggestions: "Scheme 1, build a sun reflecting surface, knock gold coins into gold leaf, build a sacred vessel, and communicate with the sun's spiritual field."

En Ma: "Wouldn't that be, producing 'spiritual pollution' sunlight?"

System: "Yes, mortals, after seeing this golden light, they will become more infatuated with money."

Enma shook his head.

System: "Option 2, you make gold coins into pen nibs and distribute them to students. Pure gold nibs will dilute this concept."

Enma: "You get it, don't do immoral things, children don't study for the 'golden house, Yan Ruyu', they should be for ideals." (Greed for money after dilution is still greed, Enma never uses it "Dilution" in the name of overdrawing the bottom line's capacity.)

Ominous gold coin materials will induce the temptation to read books "for money and for others".


Enma: "So why do I have to take care of it?"

System: "Are you really not going to take care of it?"

Enma: "Why should I be responsible for 'the noble sentiments of those rich people'?"

Enma showed sarcasm on his face: "Am I making a TV series? I want to create an aristocratic class with good life, good sentiments, and good morals. In reality, after these people make money, they start to feel empty and anxious, trying to raise ghosts. Dolls and other metaphysical methods maintain their own sudden wealth, and they suppress the needs of the inferiors, so that their charity seems very precious, and creating their own 'nobility' is their true colors."

Here, the system weakly reminded: "Wei Keng, the gods are recording a lot of your current outrageous behavior." Unexpectedly, this sentence aroused Wei Keng's arrogance.

Enma smiled brightly: "Record, crime? Well, only by obeying their current order, then my behavior needs to acquiesce to their style. But who said that I am satisfied with the current order?"

On the system side, Yan Beixiang knew that the traverser she was following was preparing to "end the axis".

... Wei Keng's obsession cannot be erased or forgotten, and it cannot be suppressed now. …

In March 3230, between the vast rural bases in the eastern part of the Sky Empire, the postman published an article "This world does not need gods."

This article fundamentally expounds the collision of the world's industrial capital, and the capital is ultimately controlled by a few people. These few people follow a fixed concept for the stability of their own rule. This concept is a series of modern gods.

The emergence of industry, technology, and machinery has given the consciousness of each plane more subjective views on natural phenomena. And then the "mass production" of human civilization can be carried out.

Compared with the last time Wei Keng entered the multidimensional plane in Wanlun Continent, the production line in this era is much more stable, and there will be no huge "spiritual enrichment" for personnel gathering. This is because people in Wanlun Continent tacitly believe that the industrial link they believe is stable.

However, all human beings' overly subjective (superstitious) anchoring of natural science phenomena can only make the progress of human civilization forever hindered by "tall people". (The tall ones are gods here.)

…Existence like Wei Keng began to question God, which is a big event for the Pantheon...

In the eyes of the lower god, Wei Keng began to yaw gradually.

Many lower-level gods in the science and technology department think: "If he doesn't restrain his anger, he will never be a godhead." In short, these beings who are familiar with the "world rules of gods" think that they understand this society better than Wei Keng, are arrogantly teaching, imparting their class patterns,

In the eyes of the upper gods, the return of "industry" has become even more difficult.

The perspective returns to Wanlun Continent.

Enma's articles on "industry", "technology", and "machinery" were mainly spread in the countryside. Different from the previous "postman" speeches which were very marginal among the urban factions, this "words are not shocking and endless" article has generated a lot of discussions among the revolutionaries in the city and other scholars in the empire.

During the circulation process, various interpretations appeared. Some of these different "interpretations" are far from the original meaning, and some "intellectual neutral" views are all implicitly proving that the argument of "no need for God" is flawed.

Under the concept of "circulation", there has been tampering of meaning, which means that many "powers" are involved. There are some "tall men" behind these forces.

However, "tampering" information frequently appears in the mortal world, indicating that it is in the Pantheon. On the surface, the gods of "Gujing Wubo" began to be "touched"

It is possible that Wei Keng did not come to inherit the gods, but came to overthrow the world.

Michaelena (Fate) and Monath (Oghma, Knowledge) meet, and they stare at Wei Keng and make a fiery declaration. (In the same sentence, the sound of a powerful soul represents a huge disturbance to the future. Therefore, "fate" and "knowledge" can see Wei Keng's "hotness")

Monat sighed: "It seems that the industrial godhead can't satisfy him."

Monath, as a time traveler who started projecting from the pastoral era, knows that Wei Keng cannot be defined by multiple planes. This is beyond the comprehension of most contemporary traversers.

"He never cared," Michaelena said.

Monath: "Qin Tianfang, we must pay close attention to any movement."

Michaelena flicked his fingertips, and after confirming the hidden line over there, he said with confidence: "That side hasn't moved yet. As for this place, we have to make preparations to seal him (Wei Keng) from going out of line."

Oghma: "It's about a high-ranking godhead, and our interference power can only be limited to the same level as him."

Michaelena recounted after a long time: "If you do that, your future destiny will become uncertain and dangerous."

Forcibly suppressing the concept of a godhead will lead to a vicious evolution of the concept. For example, in the interstellar age, magic becomes Tzeentch. Oghma watched helplessly as his subordinate pantheon turned into a trash stock, and then the entire pantheon degenerated.

And if the gods forcibly use their divine power to the mortal world to attack "Wei Keng", and then shatter the industrial divinity and degrade the industry. I am afraid that the entire current world system will collapse.

Therefore, Wei Keng is now walking alone, no, returning to his position, which is a very bad result. But if the current "industrial" divinity is destroyed, the consequences will be even worse.

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