Out of the cage

Chapter 697 Chapter 16.19 (Part 2) Moderate

On the continent of Wanlun, in the north of the empire, there is a small industrial city of 200,000 people, Mirsu. Now we have a new group of leaders. Linger, he has always been a member of the revolutionary party, but was not discovered by the empire. Of course, with the current state of the great revolution, he is in a state of being ignored by the revolutionaries.

The general mainstream of the contemporary Imperial Revolutionary Party is led by young, broad-minded aristocrats.

Narrator: The middle and small aristocrats are also aristocrats. People like Bienma who are born with mud legs are separated by an insurmountable social gap.

They seek "big aspirations." The empire's attitude towards them is to be trapped in prison and recognize the reality.

Of course, now that the foreign war has been defeated, the empire whose internal economy has collapsed has in turn been taught a lesson by reality.

At this time, Nongxiang Zhongenma commented on this: At this time, the urban revolutionaries were chasing great ambitions, but they did not allow this great ambition to accommodate too many comrades. So when they were flourishing at this time, they unknowingly let the comrades who followed them get left out.

The reason for the so-called "letting the conservatives usurp the fruits of success" was the early new democratic revolution in the East in modern times. It is a revolution that takes the upper-level route, just like a fish leaving the water, and a tree's roots leaving the soil.

The core problem of Sky Empire now is that the group of people who control the "steering wheel" have been staying in the "cab", with rooted buttocks, too far away from the "axle", "tyre" and "fuel tank".

These "drivers" cannot realize the complexity of the upper and lower governance links of a modern industrial body.

Therefore, there is no awareness and determination to grasp all these things in an all-round way, and it is also dependent on the cells of the old body being able to "recover spring after a dead tree".

In this context, Enma found the city representative of the secondary industrial city in the north ~ Linger.

This is the first cooperation between the Youth Farmers Association and the Imperial Revolutionary Party.

In the current situation of industrial bankruptcy in major cities of the empire. The Youth Youth Association carried out bottom-hunting operations. By supporting Linger, a revolutionary, it entered the political arena of the fringe city.

At this time, the CYCA already had a certain amount of initial capital.

All the farmers of the Junker model in the northern region, after a "division of land", "universal rural and rural elections" and "insertion of cadre groups", can be said to integrate the "hard currency capital" such as gold and silver in the region at the lowest cost. stand up.

After the land distribution, all the farmers changed their voices, and a "new faction" has been formed. These "new factions" cooperate with the Agricultural Youth Association and occupy a large part of the "water canals", "fertilizers" and "agricultural product sales channels". Cheap.

The Youth Agricultural Association asked them for a loan, and they also gave the YFAA the gold, silver, and imperial bonds hidden in the farm.

And the investment of the Agricultural Youth Association is also planned. For example, now I took the opportunity to buy a city furnace.

…Wei Keng: In terms of core resources, if you can "buy", don't "grab". The process of "grabbing" is prone to confusion and legal entanglements, which provide reasons for the counterattack of the reactionaries...

From the perspective of scale, Mirsu is not considered the largest industrial city in the empire. It only has the ability to produce steel and refine it, and its products are mainly rails.

No ammunition is produced here, not even bullets. Now after the defeat of the war, even the daily operation has stopped.

The empire is now in chaos, and the center has lost control of many marginal cities.

But the gendarmes tightened their control over the industrial centers that produced the munitions, dispatching royalists to these important towns for conscripts.

In the summer of 3230, when the struggles of various factions in the central region of the empire became increasingly fierce, a "stable" but "significant" change occurred in the bitter cold region of the empire in the north

After Linger won the big head in the parliamentary election, the Agricultural Youth Association also entered the factory to communicate with the technical backbone of the factory, and transported the raw materials to restart production. At the same time, a picket team was formed in the factory area.

Some of the pickets began to leave production and conducted military training.

Live ammunition test firing of artillery and machine guns, as well as driving and maintenance of heavy trucks and tracked vehicles during long-distance marches.

Linger came to power on behalf of the "centrist", and the empire took an attitude towards it, and it was necessary to ensure that it would not fall to the "radicals"

Of course, the party members also suddenly remembered the little brother "postman", and began to beg the "postman" to contact the northern "bandits" so that the north could launch an uprising and set an example for the national uprising.

...Wei Keng: List your mother's size...

Enma: In line with the common sense of the world that "with a gun in hand, don't panic".

"Cooperation is cooperation. You have guns, and we also have guns. If one day, you don't want to cooperate, some of you are quite decisive, without the slightest bit of "iron fist" who decides to kill us quickly. At this time, if we don’t have guns, we will be “cleared” by you, but once we have guns, we can wrestle with you.”

In ancient times, the experience of Eastern decision-making plans, any cooperation is in preparation and "allies" enjoy "success". Also consider "Once Allies" backstabbing you after "Risk Out".

Politics does not talk about "friendship".


In the cleaned city hall, after Linger received the local family representatives, Enma also paid a visit. I met him as a "lord" (the leader of the Agricultural Youth Association).

Linger is still very enthusiastic about Enma at this time, and now the two parties are still in the honeymoon cooperation period.

Linger is still adapting to the current new identities. The first is the identity of the new city chief, and the second is that he suddenly became the first vanguard of the revolutionary party to enter the city.

The thrill of being at the top of the wave made him ecstatic

Relatively speaking, at this time, when other revolutionary parties had not yet obtained the rights to big cities, Linger became the target of the faction.

Of course, this feeling of "power" makes him no longer inclined to "change", but hopes to maintain the current state and become a "neutral coordinator".

After seeing him, Enma also carried out the initial comradely greetings, saw him take out the letter from the revolutionaries, and then reminded him.

Enma: Comrade Linger, I think that your situation is very delicate at present. Please be careful.

Seeing Enma's caution, Linger understood that "Enma is not active in supporting other revolutionary comrades", so he began to ask tentatively: "The current situation, shouldn't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

En Ma: "Slow and steady, our worker team has not yet completed the first process of steel industry production in the city. Even if the first process is completed, it can only provide basic steel at present, and cannot be independent in the military system.

If the empire is willing, at this moment, you and me, outsiders who have not yet established a firm foothold, can be pushed out. Also, you don't think that the urban families you see really support the revolution, do you? "

Linger tested Enma's attitude of "not wanting to cause trouble" and felt relieved, but Enma pointed out that "the foundation is not strong". These unpleasant words made Linger, who wanted to have greater development, feel unhappy.

Enma walked up, looked at the vases delivered in the hall, weighed them up and said, "Today they can stand on your side, and tomorrow they can stand on the empire's side."

Linger walked over to Enma and handed Enma a cup of tea.

This is mainly to block Enma's gold-plated claws for picking the vase.

Linger: "So when everything is ready, which side are you going to stand on?"

Enma looked at this "comrade" who was born in a small nobleman, thought for a while, mainly thinking about his mentality, so that he could "talk to people, talk to the devil", and finally gave an answer: "We have to stand On the side of success."

Linger raised his teacup: "Let's toast to success."

At this moment, En Ma raised the empty teacup that he had already drunk: "Cheers."

...People of different classes are destined to be difficult to become long-term comrades...

The current situation is as enma guessed.

In the capital of the empire, it was also known at this time that Linger came to power, and in the rural villages, a group of "bandit army" members dispatched personnel on a large scale to carry out a series of information on the industrialization of factories.

But at this time, the empire has now been exported by the revolutionary parties in other large urban areas, and the economy of most areas has lost control, and this chaotic area has to be put aside as a hot potato.

Before Linger took over the city of Misur, the economy here was completely paralyzed.

This paralysis is entirely created by the empire.

The empire withdrew all hard currencies such as gold coins and silver coins from banks in small and medium-sized cities, and transferred them to large cities with military-industrial complexes.

In the turmoil of the current situation, the upper echelons of the empire also understood that no princess or prince could keep their status. Only the army, steel, and food could defend their status.

In the Imperial Intelligence Agency, Linger's photo was placed in the column of "Neutral Faction" after he came to power. As for the rural gangsters of the Agricultural Youth Association, they were also temporarily removed from the "Most Radical Faction in the Empire" .

Of course, if Linger dared to jump out blatantly now.

The intelligence personnel of the empire will change it from a "neutral faction" to an obvious "imperial radical", and the empire is lacking a killer at this time.

...Wei Keng knows that his actions are not blessed by God, so he has been racing against time to deal with various accidents...

On the side of the industrial furnace, the factory is training while producing.

The various codes in the warehouse were dug out, and the young workers who came were memorizing industrial regulations, as well as the process parameters that should be kept in mind during production. Made a cheat sheet.

This is an open-book exam, that is, you take the exam with your own notebook data, which can keep you in the job.

Enma offers a very generous salary for this. If you pass the closed-book exam one month later, you will get a bonus and be promoted.

And here at the railway station, it is a drill to practice the division and operation of large cargo.

In the wilderness farther north, factories are being built along with the railway. A steel city of the same type rose from the ground.

For Enma, entering a big city is a "strategic adventure". If someone in the empire insists on colliding, if the Nongqinghui is not prepared, then the "strategic adventure" will become a "strategic speculation."

But now that we are ready, this "strategic adventure" will be profitable no matter what.

Enma has now arranged simultaneously: the strategic transfer, the evacuation process, once the empire is ready to suppress, it will leave bottles and cans. Simultaneously take away some core assets.

In the transfer process: In addition to maintaining industrial materials, experienced personnel are evacuated first, and even want to dismantle the entire set of steel equipment. Transport to the north to fight a protracted war.

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