Out of the cage

Chapter 70 Chapter 2.27

Commander, Master Wei Keng is serious.

When doing something seriously, the path makes a huge difference compared to pretending to do it.

During the planning process, the key elements listed for the decisive victory in the later stage are often things that seem uninteresting at first! And these seemingly meaningless things can only be promoted if there is real determination.

In this plane, Wei Keng's goal from the very beginning is to fight with the large army!

On the other timelines, the less powerful explorers proposed a large-scale decisive battle plan, which is one of the choices of "optimistic situation". Will work hard to develop in an optimistic direction.

"Work hard" is not "must", and there will be weaknesses and compromises in the path.

So, when Battle Greymon and Steel Garuru are so fragrant. In the future, skills can be used to deal with crisis situations. This is really going to be the way of the apostles with bare hands! Isn't it a little too risky.

There are too many of these concerns, and the path of "working hard" deviates from "inevitable" at the beginning.

Wei Keng chose the path of civilization and progress from the beginning. And it is inevitable, the only route.

Psychic information transmission is originally a project with special functions, and Wei Keng is aiming at languageization! "Language", "organization" and "tool development" are all ladders of civilization.

The formulation of a large number of normative radicals, which ones are applicable and which ones are not. How to move in the direction of more efficient and accurate expression. The road is difficult and dangerous, and it is very easy for people to give up.

And does it work? It is still early days, not so handsome, not only earthy, but also cumbersome.


Popularity of the language of the mind

Apart from trying his best to spread it to the humans in his community, Wei Keng did not avoid Long Ximin, and taught him the spiritual language system.

Long Ximin can also communicate with Wei Keng now, at the second level of communication, and occasionally use the fourth level to describe some concepts that are invisible to the naked eye. For example, after the turbulent Yangtze River water falls into the sand and gravel, the water is wrapped in the picture of the sand and gravel flowing and impacting.

In this regard, the system issued a reminder to Wei Keng to pay attention to the consequences of communicating too closely with her. Because, during the teaching process of the spiritual language department, the blood injection required by the medium is leaking Wei Keng's genetic information.

The purpose of Long Ximin going south this time is to have genetic exchanges with Wei Keng. Wei Keng is now unilaterally leaking his own information, and Long Ximin has also built up the ability to communicate with the Pearl River community to a certain extent.

She had learned the language of the mind, better than most. In system analysis, she has the possibility of stealing this pattern.

As for why Wei Keng still wanted to do this? ! Because from Wei Keng's perspective, the conflict between the two major human gene groups is not a resource conflict, but a route dispute.

What made Wei Keng decide to spread the spiritual language towards his own group? If it weren't for the conditions that really didn't allow it, Wei Keng even wanted to push the spiritual language to all people over the age of 30.

Previously, when Wei Keng Diaolang wanted to engrave his name on the cliff, he was not so serious and serious.

The cause was precisely Long Ximin!

Long Ximin has a keen gene perception ability, and has a far more subtle judgment on the genes of various life in nature than Wei Keng.

Her life is evolving in this direction. But Wei Keng reversed his direction based on her and Yucheng humans' direction!


Before the arrival of the Pandora field, the main direction of human evolution fell abruptly compared to other species.

Humans' sense of smell is inferior to that of most mammals, and even the ability to emit body odor information is degraded. The same is true for vision and hearing. In terms of human perception of nature, except for vision and finger touch, which have advantages, everything else is weaker than animals.

So what is human beings evolving in the age of civilization? No, it should not be said to be the age of civilization, but what is the focus of the stage from ape to man? Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of humans had a piece of the cerebral cortex that was specially developed to deeply understand the same kind of behavior. Even began to assume what will happen to the same kind, and then carry out predictive thinking.

When animals are strengthening their perception of the ultimate efficiency of nature, humans are thinking more and more about their own kind.

For example, when seeing Long Ximin's keen sense of all kinds of genes in nature!

Wei Keng, who felt that he was a man, never thought of competing with her in this respect. Instead, think about where your strengths lie?

In the 139th year of Pandora, when he was roaming in the mountains with the "Jungle Elf Priest" Long Ximin.

Wei Keng, who is "not motivated" and "only pays attention to the ability to eat", found out that the talented Long Ximin had found excellent biological genes that he couldn't even detect the difference. At first, he just comforted himself: "Yes. The perception of other creatures, I can't compare to the humanoid node from Yucheng, but! My perception of myself is stronger than Long Ximin's perception of her kind in Yucheng!"

After fighting many wars, Wei Keng never found that the node creatures cooperated perfectly. After the Wei Keng group won battles with coordination, they continued to upgrade their internal communication capabilities.

After summarizing this point, like a spring thunder

Wei Keng suddenly realized that he and Yucheng Gene Group were at a crossroad similar to "human and ape meet".

Wei Keng: I have been trying to maintain my sociality so that there is a clear dividing line between me and the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle.

The route is different!

The Yucheng community is its own counterexample. According to this difference, Wei Keng deduces that even if the level of industrial technology is the same in the future, the Yucheng tribe will eventually develop into a swarm system in which the center gives absolute orders to the servants.

And Wei Keng deduced in reverse based on this, and determined what he should do to further maintain his sociality and not become a swarm of insects.

Then Wei Keng revealed the spiritual language to everyone, even if he draws blood to make his daily life radiation bear the burden, he should try his best to teach others to enter the "more efficient communication system" and synchronize with himself.

society! It needs to be maintained.

In this world, Wei Keng is no longer afraid of the visible "genetic community" enemies, at least not as weak and trembling in the face of those monsters as when he first came here.

But now, Wei Keng has developed fear here, fearing that he may develop towards the route of Yucheng, lose his 'humanity', and become thousands of zombies.


In 140 years, when Wei Keng transferred a large amount of biogas and farmland integrated power generation area.

Wei Keng and Long Ximin are working in the reserved farmland. In the study room of the power station, several Wei Keng were quietly doing their own things.

Three Wei Keng were writing hard on the table, compiling and drawing the materials into books, and there were several other Wei Keng, some were observing with a microscope, and some were cleaning the pool and sanitation.

After Long Ximin walked in, the two Wei Keng looked up at him, they understood that she had come in, and briefly informed the other selves with the language of the heart, but the other Wei Keng didn't look up.

Long Ximin's eyes swept over Wei Keng one by one. Her eyes at this time were the same as those of a girl shopping in a mall trying to change which outfit to wear.

Although any one of Wei Keng can talk to her, but she wants to find the busiest Wei Keng, because ah! As long as she finds the busiest Wei Keng and is ready to walk over, then Wei Keng here will take the initiative to find someone to talk to her.

Now her expression is still high and cold, but she has the phenomenon of "caring about the other party's initiative" in her heart.

This may be the biggest change that Long Ximin realized after entering the human group led by Wei Keng.

Compared to the time when she first came, Ru Goddess had an indifferent heart under her appearance, but now she has a trace of human desire.

And gradually she became emotional, and her impression of Wei Keng gradually enriched.

From the very beginning, the existence of the powerful human male gene aggregation in her heart gradually discovered that, in addition to those terrible attributes of aggression and destruction of nature, there were some rough, sloppy, and indescribable "" shortcomings", and these shortcomings made her want to make up for it.

For example, in the joint management of the farmland system, what the outside world sees is vigorous and resolute, and the patiently stacking small bricks and tiles into a grand feat. But Long Ximin saw the process in more detail.

When she picked out the gene, Wei Keng couldn't wait to get started before she mentioned the shortcomings of the genetic conflict.

She saw that Wei Keng made a muddle-headed mistake and killed batches of vegetation, and showed a frustrated look.

But then he reorganized and immediately started a new attempt, as if he quickly forgot about the failure. It's like a wound is healing. It's gone after a night of sleep.

Wei Keng tried again and again, gradually accumulating data, and made the amount of information into a "textbook scale" technical manual. Come up with the final plan to increase production. Let the frequency of the biochemical tower and the field crops match.

Greatness is accumulated step by step, with simple steps.

But when this miraculous success was achieved. Wei Keng acted so ~~ not in line with his identity.

Dozens of Wei Keng laughed piercingly in the fields. Then stood on the high tower and sprinkled the boy's golden water.

In the past half a year, the Wei Keng that Long Ximin encountered did not fit the traditional impression of a powerful existence she conceived in Yucheng, but it was indeed powerful. Being able to put great motivation into things, but when releasing the emotions of success, there is no restraint of decency at all.

Long Ximin didn't understand very much: "Isn't the miracle launched for the purpose of the gods to promote the power of the gods?"

However, Wei Keng's seriousness when he acted, and his wild appearance when he disbanded, made her a little, um,——Under the high tower where Wei Keng had been presumptuous, there was a masculine aura, which was still so strong after several days.

(Master Wei Keng defended: "When I was crazy, I drove all the women away. I didn't expect anyone to be able to smell it later. Huang Yuhua and the others didn't smell it. It's a biogas area. What's wrong with the smell?")


In the library, when Wei Keng separated a person,

Long Ximin: "I think, it's time to talk about it."

The rest of the individuals were writing furiously, and Wei Keng, who was sitting in front of the table, was turning the pen in his hand, shaking his thighs incessantly: "Let's talk."

Long Ximin: "Except for you in the farmland and the factory, the rest of you are still preparing to expand outside, aren't you?"

Wei Keng turned the pen faster: "You are wrong. First, I am preparing everything for the outside world; second, the word expansion is not accurate. It was originally the land of human beings, but now it has the ability to expand." Call back, this is called recovery!" The tone of the second half of the sentence is still so calm, but if it is written in words, it will appear domineering.

Long Ximin looked at Wei Keng: "What do you think nature looks like?"

At this time, all the Wei Keng in the library raised their heads and said in a tone of reciting formulas: "Nature is a system, a system in which many objective rules are intertwined. Creatures that violate these objective rules will encounter various accidents." .” After speaking, they collectively lowered their heads and went about their business.

Startled slightly by Wei Keng's all of a sudden, Long Ximin looked at Wei Keng again after seeing Wei Keng and the others go their own way again: "Then do you have respect for nature?"

Wei Keng had stopped turning his pen, and said slowly: "Respect is a word that I would use for people, and for natural and other objective phenomena, I should be cautious. I think I should understand what you want to express to me.— —In today's world, thinking and consciousness have spread to all gene groups, as human beings, we should recognize this fact, right?"

Long Ximin raised his head, confirming Wei Keng's guess about what he meant.

The sunlight shone in from the room, making it look so glaring, the light and darkness between the bookshelves were very distinct, and Wei Keng, who was sorting out the materials in the study, stubbornly did not draw the curtains

On Shafang, Wei Keng, who was having a conversation, shook his head at Long Ximin: "First of all, I know that 'thinking' already exists in various communities around the world. This is indeed an objective phenomenon, and it will not be recognized by anyone. And disappear. But! These are not enough for me, not enough for human beings to determine the loss of the future. Because these things are very low-level."

Long Ximin's face was pressed and rubbed by Wei Keng. She didn't break free and let Wei Keng's palm touch her skin, she just looked at Wei Keng, waiting for him to continue.

Wei Keng said with some vicissitudes: "Things that were originally very low-level, Pandora changed the appearance of these low-level things, and wiped out the accumulation of human beings in the past. But it still cannot be said that they are high-level! Leveling up human beings What has been achieved in the past is the Pandora field, this sudden change of physical rules, not the genetic community!"

[For example, telepathy makes language appear inefficient, but this is an attempt by human beings to advance to an advanced level on the basis of vocalization. And on the basis of telepathy, if you haven't made a more advanced attempt, then you can't say that you have become advanced! ——The nobility of life lies in breaking through from different foundations. 】

Wei Keng left her smooth and pore-free face with both hands, but the back of his hands smoothed Long Ximin's hair again. It seems that poor people who can't afford hand-made toys will play hard when they can get started.

Long Ximin said indifferently: "Then what do you think is advanced?"

Wei Keng was more calm than Long Ximin expected: "I don't know, I'm not sure, I don't know, but this upheaval made us clearly aware that human beings may become low-level. When encountering major changes, don't adjust. , adapt, unable to rethink and put into action, this is inferior!"

Long Ximin stood up. The separation of Dao has been pointed out by Wei Keng.

She looked at Wei Keng, as if deciding on something.

Wei Keng also looked at her, waiting for something. But Long Ximin just looked at Wei Keng like this, and seemed to be frozen in some kind of contradiction.

After a while, Wei Keng seemed to be tired of waiting, and slowly said: "Let's talk about this for today, you can go back, um, go back to Yucheng in the north. If you want to meet me again next time, just don't forget the spiritual language gone."

Long Ximin paused for a moment, and after being passively resolved from the conflict, he nodded and said, "I will remember the language of the soul. However, my position is still in Yucheng."

Wei Keng "huh?" snorted, and said, "I don't want to change your position with a few words. Well, you can just be a sounding board, and send me a few words over there."

Long Ximin's eyes were fixed, and he was sure that the person in front of him was declaring war.

Wei Keng: "If you lose to us, stop calling yourself human, then you will not be extinct. But if you continue to call yourself human, human beings will have no ambiguity about the inside."

[Life can be diverse. But for those of the intelligent species, those who have already stepped forward, every step forward is the price of blood, and they will never accept the confusion of the wrong route. 】

Long Ximin's expression seemed to change for the first time, and it was the first time she realized that a kind of great sadness from her heart was stuck in her throat, separated by huge ravines.

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