Out of the cage

Chapter 701 Chapter 16.21 (Part 2) Sky Empire with Severe Symptoms

In the year 3231 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, the Sky Empire has decided to negotiate peace with the outside world. Although the empire's newspapers were very reserved, all literate people in the empire knew that their side had lost.

Decades of labor and production of the residents of the empire, including a large number of middle class and small capitalists, have become useless.

A small number of people are still getting rich. These decadent aristocratic groups in the empire, who do not know their death date, still hold a large amount of gold coins and monopolize supplies, which has aroused great resentment from all over the empire, but mocked the "incompetent rage" of the lower levels.

What the imperial revolutionaries are most criticizing now is: when the black bread of ordinary residents of the empire has been mixed with 30% sawdust, the guards who come and go to the palace are discussing life taste in the salon,

These royal neighbors were obliged to have fine wheat bread every morning, to have five pounds of butter a month, to make cakes for afternoon tea, to have a decent suit of clothes, and to attend important occasions. And I think "this is necessary for me", and I want to keep my "characteristic" and a better life.

Relatively speaking: the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were about to be cleared at the front were starving to death. The imperial bureaucrats who came from the imperial capital still thought that these bastards were not worthy of sympathy.

In the winter of this year, with the shortage of supplies in the major cities in the central part of the empire, cases of retired imperial soldiers taking the lead in looting bread appeared in almost all cities.

Even throwing incendiary bombs and explosives against military police vehicles on the street is not uncommon.

...the pyrepile of the great city reaches its burning point, and the Empire prepares to begin its extinguishing...

On January 11, 31, it was snowing, and the atmosphere in the imperial capital was tense at this time. The imperial intelligence system had found out that the party members would instigate a big riot in the near future, but where were the party members planning to instigate the uprising? In the past three months, the spies that the imperial intelligence organization had ambushed in the partisans were almost wiped out.

This is clearly the purge that has been encountered.

At this time, in the solemn hall of the Imperial Army Constitution Department in the imperial capital, a group of sergeants dressed in black woolen uniforms stood in line. In the case that the lower-level soldiers are generally in gray canvas military uniforms, their clothing materials, as well as black and shiny belts, leather boots. As the daggers of the Empire in the shadows, they are expensive on the Empire's "books".

Gendarmerie Brigade No. 234, this team has 600 people and a total of 12 captains.

Members are all "extraordinary".

How much of the cultural heritage of ancient spellcasters survives in palace empires

For example, nobles will spend a lot of money to train some followers.

The mystics in the royal palace will use the necromancy (life) arcane method to implant specific life energy into their followers, and give birth to a person with the strength of a great knight.

Of course, if these mystics do not belong to the royal palace, their conscience is not so good, and followers are tool people for them, and they tend to overdraw their potential.

In the industrial country of the Wanlun Continent, there will always be a group of "absolute loyalty regardless of right or wrong" forces gathered in the upper echelons of the empire.

Right now, among the gendarmerie groups of the empire that are preparing to suppress, these transcendents are all mass-produced fighters "implanted with metal dragon flesh and blood tissue".

They have some dragon abilities. Although they have the appearance of a human, their muscle strength is several times stronger than that of normal human flesh and blood, and they have an innate sense of danger. Dodge bullet shots.

In some missions, these dragon blood gendarmes can often sneak into the core of the underground forces with dozens or hundreds of people with only five people, killing the "unstable elements" and "corrupt moths" of the empire

...a good knife for killing people, but it can't operate on itself...

Leading the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie was a lady with a very pale complexion and silver hair. Her name was "Seagate". At this time, she was leading her soldiers to wait for new orders from the empire's superiors.

At this time, a greasy-faced imperial colonel came over under the escort of the guards. This "colonel" was Wallace, and the military rank on his shoulder came from "shade". His father was a duke and also the head of the empire.

Seagate took a deep breath, and opened the map in front of Wallace. Eight cities near the imperial capital were marked on the map. In each city, the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie determined that there might be subversive activities in the empire. dangerous elements.

Wallace was obviously drunk, yawned and said: You can't be sure, so many cities may be unstable, you want to say that the empire will perish tomorrow.

Seagate suppressed the irritability in his heart, and responded politely to his superiors: "Don't dare."

Seagate opened the current investigation list and stated: "But now is a special period. In order to prevent the partisans from causing huge damage, we should control these dissidents."

She took out a stack of photos and said in a low voice, "The target of this mission is these people."

Among them, on the third row of photos is a man with thick hair and a beard named Ludis.

Wallace didn't look at the folded photo, waved his hand and said, "Go do it."

...the point of view came to the other side,...

In Swan City, Ludis just finished attending the revolution meeting, and felt that someone was watching behind him. He paused and came to an opera, a dancer Silena. sheltered him.

The dancing girl dismisses the search of the gendarmes. At the same time, the secret passage in the room was opened, allowing Ludis to escape smoothly.

Ludis contacted his comrades in the Imperial Army and decided to launch an uprising ahead of time.

In the evening, with the explosion of the Governor's Mansion in Swan City, the uprising began, and the soldiers who were about to be abandoned by the empire rushed to the armory with their guns and rushed to the rich district.

...rural and rural areas, at this time still on the sidelines, as the Urban Revolution decision-making group is now alienated from the "postman", and someone is unaware of its decisions...

On the 12th, in the eastern part of Sky Empire, Enma was inspecting the granary. At this time, the granary was hidden deep underground, and was sealed with a "petrochemical force field".

This is a variant of the ancient "Petrification Arcana", but now it is spraying medicine to transform the nature of the wheat grain shell. This petrification will eventually be lifted with the passage of time, but this petrification can prevent rats, insects, and wool. It is even "fireproof", which prevents people from burning the warehouse after stealing it.

However, if you can guard against thieves, you must also prevent jackals from worrying about you.

During these months, nobles from all the major cities found themselves, declaring that they wanted to "borrow food". Enma understood that these urban nobles were already in debt like ants on a hot pot.

The debts owed by these city lords are definitely not in the form of easy borrowing and repayment, but purely because they want to pay tribute from the village.

Over the past year, Enma has raised coal mines, food, and raw materials to advance these urban factories to complete orders, but the fertilizers and machinery they delivered generally did not complete 70% of the orders.

After the investigation, Enma found that those coal mines were used up by the imperial nobles for extravagant consumption, and the grain and raw materials were also resold.

In view of their poor reputation, the Agricultural Youth Association has increased the steel orders of Misur, built a steel factory in the north, reduced orders, and no longer provided production materials to these cities.

As a result, the city leaders of these cities began to send collection teams,

These expropriation teams, before enjoying the scenery of the countryside, were bombarded by the "water-pipe bazooka" bombardment and collapsed.

Afterwards, the representatives of the "Empire Veterans Mutual Aid Association" arranged by the Peasant Youth Association in the rural and rural areas promoted the judges in the city and sent a team of professional lawyers.

These "litigators" introduced in the urban courts that "there are many gangsters in the countryside", and without exception, they pushed all the blame to the "revolutionary party".

As a result, some unrestrained municipal officials in the city cursed: "You are the revolutionary party!"

Oh, in this curse, the non-official member of the Agricultural Youth Association sarcastically said: "Well, if you say yes, we are! So you think we are right or not."

With the current state of the empire, even the accountants of the Agricultural Youth Association knew that the big men in the city couldn't do anything to them.

…Enma seems to be leisurely, but he is waiting for news. …

After the granary anticorrosion work is completed. The comrades in the city finally got their news.

Enma immediately rushed to Mirsu City and met a man. This is Greve's student, who is in charge of communicating with Enma.

Enma: "Willie, my friend, it's so nice to meet you!"

The young man who walked into the factory took off his hat and hugged Wei Keng: "Enma, I'm going to trouble you again."

Enma led him into his room, and said in a low voice, "How is the uprising?"

Willie: "It seems that you already know." Enma shook his head: "You guys are making too much noise. I only know about your uprising, but I don't know the situation."

Ever since they learned that Enma led the Rural and Rural Group and now had food and weapons, the Imperial Revolutionary Party came here again and again to ask for alms.

The comrades responsible for the reception of the Agricultural Youth Association complained: These people were very cautious at the beginning and only asked for funds, but later their appetites grew, and they started uprisings everywhere in the empire like sprinkling water.

But every time their uprising failed, Enma was very annoyed, and once announced: no longer unconditional support, unless a more careful and perfect plan can be formulated, don't make small troubles with a hammer and a stick.

You know, every time Enma gives them weapons, it takes a lot of effort to wear off those weapon number inscriptions.

Of course, having said that, Enma is still a revolutionary, the most staunch ally at the moment, and an important strategic partner in the future.

Enma: In the future, you (aspiring young people) will be disappointed by the new ruling group that stole the achievements of the revolution. Iron Star welcomes you.

For example, during the preparations for the current Swan City Uprising, Enma opened many small workshops in order to deliver supplies to them, and at the same time smuggled various parts to directly process firearms and grenades. And help them train a cadre of warfighters.

Greve sent thirty people, Enma eliminated six, and the remaining people were much tighter in terms of confidentiality and mutual structure than before. And let them develop members in the city, establish a list, and infiltrate surrounding troops. ——Wei Keng is too proficient at rebelling. However, the command of the uprising was temporarily taken over by Greve a week ago.

...Comrades from the imperial city faction, there is still some arrogance towards the countryside...

Willie seemed to be trying to cover up something, so he asked first: "Enma, are you in favor of the uprising?"

En Ma: "Yes, of course I agree. I am in favor of organized, disciplined, determined, and strategic uprisings. Each uprising must achieve the desired results, and at the same time coordinate the next uprising. When we launch an uprising, we must be stronger than the reactionary government. Keenly anticipated developments after the uprising."

Enma opened the map of the empire: "For combat, if there is an uprising, what kind of work do you need?" He knocked on the table.

First: Precise strikes against the upper echelons of the ruling structure, weakening their authority. Therefore, during the uprising, not only should the target of the Governor's Mansion be attacked, but the "television station" should also be controlled to control the city's communications. I'd love to see a plan of attack on that front.

Second: After the uprising, make sure that the vital forces are not counterattacked by the opponent, such as here, the arsenal, the grain station, and the water plant. If you grasp this place, you can defend the city for a long time. pulp. Now the forces that control a large amount of materials in big cities are now "fools" and "opportunists".

Third: Observe at all times. The public's reaction must now be understood objectively. Most people do not understand the significance of our actions. They failed to realize the ugly behavior of the reactionary government. We have to expose it every time. It is easy to shoot the enemy, but killing the heart is a complicated job. We have to leave leaflets afterwards and analyze the essence of it to the people.


Enma used his "circulation" ability, trying his best to influence the comrade in front of him.

Willie couldn't help but blushed, and then said: "This time, we have seized the governor's mansion and the armory, but the regular imperial army around us started bombing us with airships."

Enma's expression darkened: "It's not like you haven't completely instigated the middle-level officers in the barracks. What about the leaflets? Have you occupied the radio station? Also, you have to find representatives in the city and pull them into your camp to increase your influence."

Willie's response: "At the beginning, we thought that the commander of the Thirteenth Army of the Empire had a heart for revolution."

Enma sighed silently in his heart, and opened the projected map: "Don't talk about useless things, arrange a way for me, outside the battlefield, I can't make an accurate judgment now."

that's it for tonight, i have a headache

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