Out of the cage

Chapter 705 Chapter 16.24 (Part 1) The Great Holy Grail

"About how to deal with virtual creatures of the summoning system", Wei Keng has a special research topic.

The motivation of Wei Keng's research is not to value this kind of power.

Instead, when studying the model of the gods in this world based on the theory of "life orthodoxy" summarized by his own tracing, he conveniently turned up the details of "ghosts".

Of course, Wei Keng, who walked the "orthodox road" in life, did not "summon" super powerful historical heroes to assist him in any plane.

Wei Keng was too aware of the disadvantages here.

Wei Keng: An existence that is limited to the historical evaluation box is far inferior to a "middleman" like me who can attack all rules and regulations based on life.

Bai Linglu also agrees with this: If the "conceptual summoning of the etheric world" is really strong, why is there no Shangqing-level traverser who is willing to come as a "summoned" posture?

Bai Linglu has seen the scene of "tracing the origin" that broke out on the basis of human orthodox carbon-based life. Human beings evolved based on the life system, and life is a phenomenon that develops through the loopholes in all the physical laws of the world.

...At this time in Swan City, Enma is touching the rules of all things between his fingers...

In the great uprising, in the chaotic battlefield, Enma not only used the method of enchantment, but also directly used the "reincarnation technique", a holy magic method that the heroic spirits usually dream of, and turns back into a human being.

Enma may not be able to reach the skill level of heroic spirits in some extreme magic, but what Enma can do in some aspects is that these heroic spirits will never be able to complete.

Life seems ordinary, but its existence is to touch all the rules of this world.

Human being is located in the carbon base, and it seems to be deeply bound, but it is life from the beginning to the end.

Theoretically, life has a way out under the barriers of all physical rules.

However, the "information concept" life of ghosts is often a castle in the air, seemingly powerful, and the connection with the physical world is only a balloon connected by one or two lines.

These "balloons" sway on their own, and under the stimulation of external information, they go farther and farther on the road of more and more extreme thinking. I didn't even know it, and I almost broke the "connection".

The heroic spirits are forced to stay in the world because of the line of "obsession".

After dealing with the archer, Enma looked at the archer's card that was annihilated in flying ash, and sighed: "I understand, you guys will die badly."

Enma opened the system memo and made notes on this mission: As a mortal, it is impossible to have no obsession, and you will get angry when you are stimulated. When you encounter obstacles, you will be lazy. These are all obsessions in thinking.

Multi-dimensional human beings are fine at the "initial stage of thinking". Once the thinking becomes complex to a certain extent, it is easy to go astray along with obsessions. In this regard, mortals in multiple planes are far inferior to humans in the main world.

Human beings in the main world have more stable mechanisms as a life that has evolved out of the rules of the universe for billions of years of carbon-based evolution. These stabilizing mechanisms, in the eyes of humans themselves, are mostly useless. But these stable mechanisms that limit "individuality" are exactly what these humans on the multidimensional plane lack.

En Ma cursed: "Once you climb to a high position, it will be abnormal."

…Wei Keng: I know that my own personality is not suitable for a high position, but you don’t know that your virtue is not worthy of a high position...

Back to the present, in this "fight".

The Great Holy Grail summons the existence of the concentrating information on these cards (Servants), although they are already quite human-like, can eat, and even have almost all human emotions, but they are not human in the end.

Enma was stimulated one by one like a needle, and their information was distributed, reconnecting the ether world.

On the other side, in an alley linking the square, a servant named "Knight" is preparing to intervene in the battle field between the rebel army and the imperial army.

A paper puppet folded by Enma appeared in front of the "knight", hindering the "knight" after three rounds, and the knight suddenly raised his head, and saw the stars in the sky presenting a symmetrical chessboard arrangement from his position . Immediately afterwards, this "knight" follower flickered like an electronic mosaic, and then disappeared into the real world.

Narrator: This is the "Great Dispel" technique, which is almost exclusively for this kind of existence. Of course, according to Wei Keng, this is to unplug their (slave) network cables, so this thing that came out of the main box (the Great Holy Grail) was directly deleted.

In the next two hours, almost no ordinary people knew about it.

In Swan City, Enma found these "card heroic spirits" one by one, and then helped them arrange "funeral affairs" and sent them to re-enter the etheric world.

The information concept condensed on this kind of card for thousands of years, after being cracked by Wei Keng one by one, did not return to the "Holy Grail".

Here in the supervisor space, here in Bai Linglu, these "trash", oh, those who are obsessed, are collected.

...Bai Linglu looked at Yan Beixiang who was coming closer: No matter what, give him a chance. …

When Archer's consciousness left reality, he came to a hall with white ceramics as the floor and sky blue crystal glass as the dome. After looking up at the clear scenery in front of him for a long time, he asked, "Is this the Kingdom of God?"

At this time, the response from the space (flicker): This is the place for you to stay!

Archer paused: "Here, Rongshen, may I ask your title?" He already regarded this place as a kingdom of God.

Space responded: "My name is not important, you can call me the Lord God. What you need now is to explore the meaning of life. The concept of life is much greater than gods."

Then, in the space, a real flesh and blood body was printed for him, which was not as perfect as the previous conceptual body, capable of hunger, cold, eating, stretching, injury, and excitement.

Archer looked at his palm. stunned.

The "Etheric Realm" communicated by the Great Grail Ceremony merely allows him to be a Concept or, the Divine Concept.

Because the heroes in people's hearts are not bothered by eating, drinking and messing around, so even though they are endowed with a huge concept, they are still not considered human beings. But here, direct attunement becomes reality.

Regarding the carbon-based data of life, Wei Keng of "The Pose of a Middle Man" has accumulated too much. The "one, two, three, four" traceability system of the dark plane can even be said to be the unique technology of the current main world in the multiverse.

Because Wei Keng's research was "non-utilitarian", it was not bright at the beginning. But after accumulating to a certain level, when you start to confront others, you will appear quite "complete".

Wei Keng prepared a consciousness storage structure similar to the "Kingdom of God" in this plane. This is the "surplus", and now the Kingdom of God is managed by Bai Linglu.

The "information enthalpy space" developed by Bai Linglu is much higher than the place where Archer's consciousness existed before.

The "Great Holy Grail" can only be counted as the leftover scraps thrown away by a god when he casually built the Kingdom of God.

Moreover, even if it is the complete kingdom of the god of metal forging, Wei Keng's understanding of the "meaning of life" in the dimensional system is far inferior to that of Wei Keng.

The human beings resurrected by the gods on the multiple planes are only resurrected in flesh and blood, and their souls and wills are just rough and flat personalities. And Wei Keng's "tracing system" in the dark plane confirms that life has thinking on the basis of flesh and blood, and on the basis of thinking, will, and willpower, there are variables that need to leverage time and space.

Wei Keng's technique: follow the origin of consciousness, reconstruct flesh and blood, and then guide the three views. It seems not "extraordinary" enough, but this kind of "ordinary" leads to regeneration, which is qualitatively different from the so-called "resurrection" of the gods in the multi-dimensional planes of the main world.

The mortals resurrected by the gods lacked infinity, as if cropped. And Wei Keng's rebirth of these consciousnesses now gave life the freedom to be crazy.

In the words of another veteran monitor, Jing Guyu stationed in the dark plane: The scientific system behind the traceability belongs to the next-generation "plane projection" system, and Wei Keng is advancing an era!

As for why Wei Keng can jump this technology to the forefront,

This is because Wei Keng's explorations in Shenzhou, Pandora, and the dark plane are based on the perspective of "individuals struggling with life and death in the basic social ecological niche" compared to the overly prosperous development direction of the multi-dimensional plane.

…The only shackles of life are the objective physical rules of the universe. …

Here in Swan City, within 100 minutes, all the heroes on the seven cards were torn apart by Wei Keng.

What is related is not the failure of this ceremony, but the failure of the whole ceremony at all.

Anglo was going to look for the "blood of the saint", but he didn't know that even the ten Holy Grail ceremonies could not have anything to do with the higher godhead. And even if it is a lower god, for mortals, it is still a god! Like the sun in the sky, it can be seen from a distance but not played with.

Enma, who relieved the future troubles, began to point out Jiangshan: Even if I lie flat, your broken cup can't hold the old man's phlegm.

At this time, Enma is in the state of first-order traceability. Although there is only one level, there are no "boxes" or "chains" that can be bound at the mortal level at this time.

The source tracers will not play the game of "deciphering and escaping from the secret room" according to the explanation of the rule maker, and directly use "equivalent" directional blasting.

...The angle of view came to the victim, that is, the eyes of the Anglo Aurors in charge...

In the southeast corner of the city, Enma made his only appearance in this "fight".

In the gap between the advance of the biped robot on the street, when the swordsman in the ancient castle era waved the holy sword in his hand, he was instantly frozen into a piece of paper

And the Auror who cast magic on this servant, stared dumbfounded at everything beyond his comprehension. And the person walking in front of him seemed to ignore all magic.

He picked up the magic wand, and a green "death curse" flashed on the magic wand, and the magician shouted: "Ava~"

But before he could finish shouting, En Ma rushed up with his fists: "A Dou He", with a bang.

The heavy punch that could kill the old master knocked the frail mystic scholar's glasses away. And his eye sockets were dyed and instantly turned blue.

"Eat me, the suppression of the dance shovel and iron fist." Enma violently pressed his head and rubbed it against the ground. The strong force of his arm directly made his forehead touch the concrete floor intimately.

Finally, Wei Keng turned him over and hit him in the stomach with an elbow, making him taste the acid in his stomach to understand that it was a "real beating".

However, this punch has completely knocked him out.

After handcuffing him behind the lock, Enma took a spicy stick out of his pocket, bit into his appetizer and said, "Playing with ghosts and ghosts in front of me? Heh!"

...the fist of justice that crushes the magic of evil...

Swan City, on January 24, after the overnight interrogation by the rebel army, an efficient investigation was conducted on these Anglo-sent extraterritorial elements arrested by Enma himself.

These people (Aurors) have confessions. Cooperate with all the evidence found.

Enma announced in the radio tower: The rebel army has completely uncovered the fact that the Anglo side and the traitorous empire's decadent group are connected in series to try to suppress the uprising revolution.

The sound of the loudspeaker echoed on the battlefield, and was then recorded by other young scholars in the empire who were watching the uprising, and then it was reported to the entire empire by telegram!

Enma explained to Greve: I just want to expose the tricks of these mysterious groups to the broad daylight, let them die and stop being a car.

But Enma didn't know about the subsequent development, which brought about a complete change to the success of the uprising throughout the entire empire.

Because of the frequent uprisings in various places, all the forces in the empire were already in a state of hesitation.

Now the conclusive evidence confirms the collusion between Sky Empire and Anglo! This added a barrel of explosives to the outbreak of grievances among the millions of troops in the sky empire that had just experienced defeat.

To some extent, the Great Holy Grail did respond to the call of the Aurors, paving the way for the arrival of the "Iron Star".

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