Out of the cage

Chapter 714 Chapter 16.31

With the ultra-wide-gauge trains, the dismantled industrial furnaces were brought into the "industrial park" area established by the Agricultural Youth Association in the north, and groups of workers' families were resettled in the tube building.

Note: This tube building is suitable for industrial mass production, but Enma has supplemented the design and reserved metal lock hanging ladders on all balconies. For fire escape.

When such batches of industrial parks were launched in the north, it officially foreshadowed that the Agricultural Youth Association has its own "industrial chain". The Northern Agricultural Youth Association has quietly acquired the most needed capital. And now those urban literati in the empire are still staring at the transformative power of the rural and rural areas with arrogant eyes, thinking that the rural and rural areas still lack "the most precious cultural guidance".

After evacuating from Swan City, Enma rewarded him with a pot of dog meat hot pot in the train carriage: Willie made great efforts in the transfer work.

Willie looked at the stewed dog legs in the pot and refused at first, but after he got caught (there is no chopstick culture in Sky Empire), he switched cups with Emma.

After getting excited, Willy began to tease other factions in the empire after this "great strategic shift". Willy: "Others in the empire thought we gave up Swan City, but they didn't expect you to spread the war to the entire north of the empire."

Enma smiled and said nothing: "Don't talk to me, the next military operation is confidential, and I can't tell you."

Willie: I didn't ask either. Then he sighed and asked, "Did they really part ways?"

Enma looked at Willy who was getting drunk, and swallowed the dog meat in his mouth: "The so-called brothers settle accounts clearly, reviewing the laws of history, and the development of various ideals are all due to the unclearness of real interests, and the accumulation Contradictions eventually erupted."

Every decision of Enma seems to be a firm will, but it is actually a "sufficient reason".

In ancient times, even brothers and sisters in a family would become enemies with each other because of the unfair distribution of the old man's inheritance, and they would not communicate with each other until they died.

…In the industrial city and the rural area, if the issue of interests is unclear, where is the innovation? …

The entire Nongqing Group of Sky Empire. The job in 3231 is to "loan grain", that is, to calculate how much grain you can produce in each rural area. Then issue the corresponding food coupons.

Then urban workers sign the IOU at the factory, and the mortgage of the IOU is the fertilizer, machinery, fuel, etc. for the next production season in the city.

After getting some tickets for the industrial zone. Purchase light industrial products, agricultural and sideline products from the countryside,

Of course, if the industrial plant cannot complete the production tasks and owes too much, the mortgage is the right to control the industrial furnace. Rural and rural areas have creditor's rights on industrial production, and now have the power to review bad operations in industrial areas.

Liquidate the "running deficit", strictly investigate those responsible, and reassign cadres.

Wei Keng: According to the theory of "asset revolution", the meaning of creditors lies in control. Personnel, economic intervention. But in fact, those financial experts in the "Central City" talk about "capital contracts", but since their birth, they have not prepared to transfer the power of "creditors" to the surrounding areas.

Enma is now: "The central urban property faction will not give it, but we will come and take it."

Now controlling agricultural sales channels, the human-organized Youth Youth Association has very advanced "asset management and control" capabilities, and has taken the lead in the process of urban industrialization.

Oh, the same is to mobilize grain from the countryside, and the centrists always "requisition grain" unconsciously.

In Nongxiangpai, the word "requisition grain" is zz incorrect.

The Agricultural Youth Association: "Because, why do you recruit? How can you know more words? The gun is tough?", "If this is the truth, then talk about it!"

...Nongxiang led by Enma: The taste of unruly people is very simple, even if the sky changes, the soil on the ground still has pits...

After the Battle of Swan City, the Agricultural Youth Association expanded rapidly, not only to the empire, but also directly to the so-called "grain collection" team sent from the recovery area of ​​the city.

When these so-called "revolutionary parties" came to the village, they just obtained the so-called "food and materials to support the just cause" by means of coercion.

Before they could return to the city, the wilderness was directly blocked. The peasant and soldier brigade, with hundreds of people lined up, directly carried out the "bandit suppression" operation with mortars and machine guns.

In this kind of battle, without firing a few shots, all the grain requisition teams transferred from the big cities crouched down with their heads in their hands.

Faced with the so-called comrades of the city center faction, who came to question me.

The gang of "troublemakers" led by En Ma categorically denied it. Claiming to fight robbers, not the city's food collection team. Moreover, "all the stolen goods are obtained", and the bitter masters in the village can be found to complain.

Those who are responsible for this matter in the Youth Agricultural Association are some old women.

These aunts wearing red armbands put their hips on their hips and asked the special commissioner Tumoxing Zhifei sent by the city, "What? You said it was the grain collection team sent by the committee. Where are the documents? As for the IOU, you can send yours." When people come down, they come to take it lightly, and they come to take it openly, and they are all idlers with uncertain identities, so why come to us to grab it?"

In Nongxiang, the home area, the Youth Youth Association has mastered the "mouthpiece of public opinion", accused the facts in the newspaper with a pen, and issued "handover procedures?" "Personnel information?" "Loan guarantee?" After three questions.

In the mobilization of public opinion, the CYCA itself is highly unified! The agricultural areas and the rule-abiding industrial areas in the north are all on the same side.

The residents of the industrial city, who were tied to the chain of common interests by the farm ticket and labor ticket, also sneered at the so-called grain requisition in the so-called recovery areas of other cities.

When the two parties start to trade fairly and benefit each other, the third party does not abide by the rules and directly tries to come and prostitute without collateral, which is hated by everyone.

Now the other people in the Sky Empire city faction think they are smart and can get supplies from rural and rural areas by virtue of their charm. As everyone knows, the group of rural youths brought by Enma have "difficult" the rural and rural areas of the entire empire after studying in the city.

Enma: Ge Hu, it’s not that “I have the brains to lead you all”, but that everyone needs brains to understand what is better social cooperation and refuse those “vampires” to join.

...After 3231, after the retreat of the Swan City in the sky, the confrontation between the two groups of ideas began within the Geshu Group,...

In Mirsu City, the earliest industrial city captured by the northern base area, the young people in the city are obviously concerned about the loopholes in the work of those comrades in the southern recovery area.

"There is no guarantee for grain collection. Let the subordinates grasp the indicators of grain collection. What if people are killed?" "Grain collection is guaranteed by the reputation of the city in Guangfu District, but the people who execute it don't care about this reputation?"

The southern revolutionaries showed no concern for the above two loopholes, thinking that these were only minor problems, and they would compensate them once the revolution was successful. This made the urbanists in Nongqing District feel unreasonable.

There were sharp differences in thinking between the two sides, and no one could convince the other.

So it's up to the barrel of a cannon to fight.

The cities in the recovery area became furious and sent more food requisition teams, while the Agricultural Youth Association also mobilized weapons and industrial equipment from the north.

...The writers of the Agricultural Youth Association: If you dare to use a knife, we will dare to use a gun; if you dare to use a gun, we will dare to use a cannon; if you dare to fight, we will dare to overthrow you...

In York City, Sugemat looked at the southern documents at this time.

In the shooting perspective of the passing imperial airship. Rows of civilian trucks (eighty tons), guided by armed airships painted with iron stars, drove in towards the south. (The armed airship has a nuclear reactor on it, which, along with the tunneling array, provides sufficient heat for the truck's thorium reactor.)

Each truck either carries a 150mm artillery or a large number of motorcycles, which looks like a regular army. But this belongs to the "backbone peasants and soldiers" transferred by the Agricultural Youth Association.

Such a powerful force going south, as a general of the imperial army, naturally cannot ignore it! But I don't feel the need to intervene.

It is interesting to say that when the Agricultural Youth Association proposed a fair exchange of materials between "industrial cities and agricultural villages".

These big cities on the imperial side acquiesced to the rules, and quietly exchanged fertilizers, steel and heavy machinery produced in the cities, and various agricultural materials from the Agricultural Youth Association. There was no fierce confrontation between the two sides. This is because the conservatives in the empire now know that they are too weak, and of course they are more likely to want to stimulate civil unrest among the "partisans".

Therefore, the target of the Agricultural Youth Association's dispatch of troops to the south to resist the conquest is actually the cities in the Guangfu District.

Now that the imperial economic experts are free, they hold coffee again, greet reporters and start to comment on the small newspapers in the salon: the big cities in Guangfu District, the problem at this time is that a large number of young urban youths who do not understand economics, only think about Violently overwhelm opponents, facing the reformers in the city who "speak well", they were fooled. However, in the face of the "forced" return from the rural and rural areas, the Youth Youth Association, which did not listen to their instructions, began to "repress" in order to maintain the authority of the revolution.

Ever since, the empire loved to see that the rebels fought themselves.

There was no such joy in Sugemat. When he flipped through the information page after page, he already regarded the group led by the "postman" as the biggest challenge.

Because, whether in military or economic terms, this force is more determined than all the forces in the empire. But now the empire seems to be ignoring the "rural and rural group", and now it is letting it develop in the entire empire's rural and rural areas.

Su Gemat: "The biggest strategy of the empire now is to quickly reconcile with the moderates of the party members and quickly suppress radicals like the "postman"."

At this time, Sugemat was holding a document with the most red mark, that is, since the armistice of the empire, some soldiers rebelled in the big cities of the empire, but most of the soldiers seemed to be disbanded but in fact joined the rebellion in the countryside.

These two years have been the fastest growing period for the Youth Youth Association. The imperial general can imagine what kind of crisis will erupt in the future if he ignores it now.

While Sugemat was thinking, the sound of "repair electric fans, repair freezers" sounded in the city where he was.

…"Industry" has invisibly invaded every aspect of the sky empire in some small and ordinary concepts. …

In March 1932, before there was a month to gather for the busy farming, the "lord" published a new article, which was the article on "Total Industrialization".

The article proposes the concept that "industry" is a cooperative social concept that is not limited to cities.

Cities should give full play to their urban advantages and focus on the development of "integrated heavy industries suitable for high population density", that is, super industries such as "steel", "heavy machinery" and "chemical industry" that require thousands of people at every turn and require the cooperation of railways and port transportation systems. This is what big cities are capable of and can take advantage of.

As for the structures on other industrial chains, try to allocate them to those rural agglomerations with better traffic regulation. It is convenient for rural areas to send back the labor force after the busy agricultural period is over, and deal with problems nearby.

After this article, each region will begin to divide the labor.

The city is responsible for the industrialization of materials, large-scale machinery and energy.

As for the villages, they will not intervene in this aspect, nor will they engage in "indigenous steelmaking" and other things that are only "industrial education". The "agricultural labor force and ecological resources" required by large-scale integrated industries can only be completed by large cities in the transportation hub belt.

But now, in terms of economic structure, some steel, plastics, and basic mechanical parts in the city are sent to various towns fifty kilometers away to set up factories. It is far more reasonable than expanding the city at this stage.

After the evacuation of Swan City, the Agricultural Youth Association has already made a preliminary layout in the north and started to complete the construction of industrial parks in towns. At the same time, it began to open industrial schools and began to provide guarantees for the employment of local industrial parks.

One after another, refined high-quality products have begun to be mastered in rural areas. These high-quality products are no longer cans, but some "vehicle glass" and "industrial parts".

A network of "steam pipes" (the equivalent of an electric grid) merged into the countryside.

In the north, large agricultural machinery factories are still located in cities, but small and medium-sized agricultural machinery factories have begun to bloom everywhere.

...The last thing capital will do is to "give money to more suitable people to earn"...

In the north, in Wutong Town, the Agricultural Youth Association set up a lightweight agricultural machinery factory here.

According to the requirements of the technicians dispatched from the city, those trained by the Youth Agricultural Association started the maintenance of agricultural machinery. They took a ruler to measure each sanding tool, and then poured 20 cm cylinders one by one.

This is the cylinder block of a hot bulb engine. It is not difficult to make a simple cylinder block.

In recent times, the East had an annual output of one billion tons of steel. South and Southeast Asian workshops often did this, pouring metal solution, and then sanding it, and even the turbines inside were poured. This small engine can only drive the bicycle's engine, and the structural requirements are not so strong.

On this plane, the only technical difficulty of this type of small machine is the place with the highest power output density - the bearing. Regarding the toughness of the shaft material of the bearing, it must be processed by advanced equipment, and workers with more than ten years of operating experience must check it.

Although in this world, if the arcane is strong enough, it can be done.

For example, when Enma opened a store in York City in the early years, his hands were condensed with light. As drops of chromium-containing metal displayed in zero gravity, they turned into absolutely uniform balls, and then slowly entered the pool. During the condensation process, the red light Gradually go out in the center, become an absolute sphere, and then enter the grinder along the sliding track, and the standard bearing balls are produced one by one.

But such originals have "supporting factories" in the next town.

...Enma on "industrial", playing something new to "industrial"...

Industrial planning is the integration of resources.

When the Empire fought against the Thunderbolt Alliance, it was exhausted, but in fact the planning was very bad. A large number of people are still manual agricultural population, and have not participated in mechanized production to exert their production value.

At the moment, under the management of the entire Peasant Youth Association, the labor efficiency has increased by several dimensions in the past. Even if it is simply to dig a canal, it is no longer how many people were used to dig and transport the soil in the past. A large number of machines have reduced the labor loss. .

The conservatives and reformers in the entire empire now only know about the barbaric resistance in the rural and rural areas, but they are completely unaware of the total industrial output value that has just spliced ​​together a few industrial cities. It is two to three times that of their other industrial cities at their best economic times.

If the industrial families in the imperial capital heard these data, they would never believe it.

Rural and rural residents: The increase in industrial efficiency is like being blessed by the gods.

Oh, the creator of the genuine "Industrial Godhead" is currently staying on the Wanlun Continent with a mortal body! And Wei Keng's idea in the dark plane is: in the body of a mortal, a great will is condensed.

And those of the Pantheon, those gods of the secondary "science, industry, and machinery" faction that originally wanted to "usurp the throne" are also quietly paying attention to the sudden changes on thousands of planes.

Gods: The Godhead of Industry in the Void fits Wei Keng very well, and seems to be able to fuse with Wei Keng's soul at any time, but!

If it weren't for the newly-generated "hot thing" that is constantly repelling (competing with the industrial godhead for "primary and secondary"), Wei Keng would now be able to embark on the path of being compatible with the supreme godhead of "industry".

The "industrial" future that many gods on the technological side dream of.

As a mortal, Wei Keng has no "miracle" most of the time, but many gods have to admit that they have never walked the path that Wei Keng has walked in their countless starts.

...In the dimensional area of ​​the far universe, in Wei Keng's supervisor space...

Regarding this, Bai Linglu sneered and commented: "That's right, what he is doing is his "non-magical" self, but doing this seemingly simple thing with gusto is not in harmony with your nature."

In the core philosophy of Eastern civilization: the highest goodness is like water, and water is good for all things without competition. Don't fight, fight for the big.

Obviously, it is easy to become significantly stronger, but restraining the "short and shallow contention" and willingly integrating itself into the soil like water, this is the "gods" who have been promoted under the selection system of Mediterranean civilization. eradicated.

A newcomer, Liu Zhengyan (supervisor), couldn't help asking: "But in our system, His Excellency Wei Keng is also very rare."

Hearing this question, Bai Linglu couldn't help recalling some memories, and told the sisters in the team about the past: "How should I put it, it was accidental that he was selected into the team of time-travelers back then. He didn't want to be a time-traveler. When the first plane war was going on, the Eastern Time and Space Administration was short of manpower, so they arrested him, a disappointing guy, and then went to a high-risk but highly free-to-play plane. Well, at that time, He~~"

Bai Linglu noticed that many subordinates who had pricked up their ears immediately cleared their throats and said, "Work."

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