Out of the cage

Chapter 723 Chapter 17.01 Surprised for a week

In the southern part of the empire, Ludis is located at the Headquarters of the Rebel Corps, which is also the Marshal's Mansion appointed by the "New Duma" of the sky.

In this room, all the lights became brighter with the sudden operation of the concept field on the hero unit here.

Ludis put down the goblet: "What did you say?"

He looked at the person on the interface in disbelief.

Enma said leisurely: "The imperial general Henry has been annihilated by our army. He committed suicide in front of me, and his guards were also captured by me. Next is Minlar. You will know the latest news almost tonight. "

In order to prevent him from not believing, Enma released the picture of Henry's final defeat. On the dilapidated steel mobile fortress, Henry, the veteran of the empire, was exhausted under the siege, and turned into fireworks that ignited spontaneously.

Ludis stared at the "comrade-in-arms" in the concept communication, and said in a somewhat complicated tone: "I can't believe you." (He didn't want to believe it. If what Enma said was true, it meant that Iron Star had become an imperial power. The strongest rebels)

Enma: "Oh, I understand. But when you are sure, can we start a new project immediately?"

Ludis: "Do you also want to participate in the (reformist) negotiations between our side and the empire?" In his opinion, Enma's postwar is enough to force the empire to make major concessions.

Enma waved his hand: "It's too early to negotiate with the empire, Ludis, let's talk about new cooperation projects first."

Enma unfolded the map and marked the location of the princess guards coming out of the imperial capital at this time, and now delineated a point where they can be teleported. This position is just in front of the path of the princess guards, which seems to be the way of robbery.

Master Wei said the name of this big project: "Kidnapping the Princess".

Ludis narrowed his eyes, and he stared at En Ma, confirming the old friend's intentions.

Enma looked at him and said with emotion: "In today's situation, you always stand still. This is wrong." The meaning is very simple, even if you feint to contain the empire, we are still teammates in the trenches.

Ludis walked around twice, looked at the map, and nodded: "This cooperation is mainly about me."

Enma smiled and nodded: "That's natural."

... On this day, Enma shook the ladder of fate, and tied the "black thread" that tried to tie himself to the red thread that was tied to his old enemy...

The princess was handed over to someone else to tie her up, and she mobilized her own forces to continue besieging the main force of the empire.

On September 9, at night, Minlar jumped half of his body from the "submarine out of the hatch" of the heavy vehicle, looking at the dust around him, his eyes were dull.

He escaped from the encirclement just a few hours ago, and now he is caught in another encirclement. In the sky is the Iron Star Alliance airship, and in front of it is the "Energy Destroyer" tank that is intercepting it head-on. These chariots were obviously the troops that blocked him in Lanhua Bay a few hours ago, and now they suddenly appeared right in front of him.

After the adjutant turned on the identification system, he confirmed the body numbers of these cars, and broke down on the spot: "Impossible, they are clearly at the rear."

When the pursuers suddenly appeared strategically ahead, the Imperial Army, which had already escaped, collapsed. I think this is completely unrealistic.

Of course, Minlar thought of something, and he invested his perception into the etheric plane to observe the "enemy's movements" in the distance

Four minutes later, after the "turtle in the urn" imperial general confirmed the circular space ripples spreading in front of him in the etheric realm, he murmured: "Collective teleportation".

Among all the super skills, the super skills that can be called strategic significance, except for "Holy Restoration" is "group teleportation".

This skill officially shows that there are general-level heroes among the rebels in the empire.

However, the clusters of artillery did not give Minlar time to think. Now he can only drive his armored forces towards the basalt rock platform four kilometers away.

…The sparkling red star, like a deadly dart, is quietly chasing the embarrassing imperial griffin, …

At 11:23 at night, the Iron Star rebel army successfully surrounded the remnants of Minlar in Suipaotai, a high rocky platform of an extinct volcano.

At the same time, Minlar in the encirclement was already in panic all day long, because he had already sensed General Henry's "falling star" anomaly in the ether world.

Iron Star is like a sea wave, besieging the "isolated island" where the remnants of Minlar's army is located

In wars, Iron Star would always give priority to preempting various highlands, but only this highland was allowed to retreat to Minlar. This is because this highland has a fatal problem for the defenders, that is, lack of water!

This is the big pit that young generals who "must grab every high" will always encounter, and Ma Su has suffered from this loss. Talking about troops on paper means sending troops while looking at the map, and on-the-spot reconnaissance is very important. The empire's heavy mechanized troops are nuclear-powered, so they may be able to run without fuel, and the food they carry can last for a long time, but the only source of water is fatal.

Enma made sure that Minlar was forced to the blister platform, and immediately unfolded the backup map.

Enma dug super anti-tank trenches around. The militia organization of the Farm and Township Association arrived with an excavator and dug a large trench with a standard width of 30 meters and a depth of five meters.

After digging, let the Iron Star second-line troops station here, and prepare a lot of line-pull anti-tank firepower. That is, a 500kg remote-controlled landmine. This big pit was prepared for the empire in advance.

This is to prepare for a long siege.

As for outside the encirclement, Iron Star maintains a large group of heavy soldiers. This strategic deployment situation! It is to "strike aid".

The empire's closest heavy-armed group is the Sugemat Group in York City. And the Luoxi Group in Pangke City.

…Enma counted the time when the Anglo troops in the north would start, and even wanted to call for help. In addition, I am going to do something in the south...

After being hindered by other so-called "partisans" in Swan City.

En Ma’s impression of the reformers in the southern recovery zone: they have never been qualified allies, they always think they are smart, they take the position of standard bearer by themselves, and make self-righteous “arrangements” for other teammates in their own expediency .

En Ma: "However, the ability of these people to engage in politics and create momentum cannot be ignored. Maybe we cannot cooperate with them strategically, but we cannot ignore their influence."

Enma decided to arrange something for them in advance. Focus the political attention of these partisans in the South on the "Empire" instead of grabbing the fruits of victory with the Iron Star after the fact.

After Enma completed the siege of the Minlar Group. Launched the electromagnetic teleportation array, and began to teleport towards the southern Ludis troops. This is "single wear", and teleports through a single vehicle connected by itself. The energy cost is much smaller, and the arcane interval is much smaller.

This time, after two days of going south alone, I can teleport back for the second time. Of course, even if the car breaks down, Enma can ensure that his people can get back.

All in all, the project "Kidnapping the Princess" will allow the Southern Partisans and the Northern Iron Star to temporarily maintain a united front against the Empire.

In the early morning of September 10th,

In the center of Ludis's armored force, as the blue light flickered, a heavy armored vehicle appeared in the spherical mask,

Half an hour later, Enma, who jumped out of the car, met Ludis.

Ludis had complicated eyes, but he still smiled and congratulated Enma.

When Enma carried out a series of operations in the north, such as encirclement and annihilation, pursuit and encirclement, the territory of the empire has been turned upside down. The day before, he was still laughing at the mudlegs in the north for their final struggle, and then came the news that Henry Xing, the general of the empire, had fallen into the Blue Birch Bay.

There is no doubt that this is a super victory for the revolutionaries in the current decline. The reformists who were originally weak at the negotiating table suddenly have the confidence to speak out again.

Ludis brought Enmara into the combat command room and began to implement the "intercept the princess" combat plan.

It's just that when Ludis and Enma were discussing, an adjutant beside Ludis was thoughtful. But then he passed the small note to an orderly to take it out.

Enma looked at the adjutant who was leaving,

Ludis reminded: "Now here are all my people."

Enma nodded in understanding.

Next to Ludis is the eyeliner of the southern moderates.

When Ludis used force to force the southern bureaucrats to stand in the camp against the empire, he just dragged these people into the water. As for the fact that after they were launched into the water, this group of people secretly huddled together and tried to turn against the water, which was beyond Ludis' control. of.

Ludis is not a king, and there is no new authority to enforce orders on the various forces in the restoration area where he is located.

...every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, Enma just doesn't want to talk about it, Ludis can't be a dictator now...

Half an hour later, in Feather Whale Port, a city of commerce and trade, the reformists had a hasty meeting.

Crystal wine glasses, clinking ice cubes and fine wine, these old people who have just adapted to how to "lead the improvement" began to comment on the advanced situation.

Regarding the catastrophic changes in the situation in the north and south of the empire at this time, these reformers feel that they are the stage to show their talents.

After repeated negotiations among various giants in the scattered Sky Duma meeting, the leader of the Reformist Party believes that Ludis’s current action is necessary. , then it is impossible for the empire to reprimand us for betrayal.”

These reformers are also in urgent need of bargaining chips now, and urgently need bargaining chips to negotiate with the empire, so they support Ludis's current actions.

Because they can't control this matter, they can only participate in the way of "support", and show that they have bargaining chips when negotiating with the empire.

Wei Keng commented: This is the old craft of the politicians, empty-handed white wolves

Just when Enma and Ludis went to intercept the princess, the reformist envoy who was conducting a new round of negotiations in the imperial capital began a new round of operations.

Gulleri, a partisan of the Reformation Party, and those "good personal relations" friends of the imperial nobles in the imperial capital revealed a major news, that is: "The Northern Iron Star Army besieged and killed Minlar, but the general of its Iron Star was not there. The north has already held talks with Ludis in the south."

…Emma complained afterwards: “Being teammates with you guys is really pissing me off”…

The reformists in Yujing Harbor didn't reveal the slightest bit of news about robbing the princess, but they sold out the rebel army in the north. This is why Master Wei dared not go with them.

In the imperial capital of the empire, the regent immediately issued an order after receiving the cutting-edge information, and ordered the Sugemat Group in York City to rush to the rescue immediately!

The reason why the Prince Regent acted in this way was that he had to make up for the early strategic mistakes.

The loss of a general in the suppression of the mudleg rebels in the north was already a thunderbolt to the empire, but if he lost another general one after another, he couldn't bear it no matter what.

Even if Enma didn't leave the front line, the imperial capital confirmed that Minlar was still holding on, and he still had the hope of "turning the game over".

The regent is now looking forward to joining forces with the two imperial armies in the north, breaking the encirclement and attacking the northern rebels in one fell swoop.

In short, the Prince Regent has lost money, and wants to gamble, and stop the loss if he wins. And he thinks that he gambles with a high cost, and if he plays more mines and one mine, he can't lose!

The regent's original words on the map: "The gang of rebels in the rural area just had a bloody battle with Henry and were severely injured. Now it is their last breath. At this time, our new army will join in and we will surely win a big victory. Annihilate the enemy's leader , to sue General Henry’s spirit of the Kingdom of God.”

[The regent didn't know that General Henry's soul consciousness at this time was not in the divine kingdom of the god of steam, but was absorbed into the "information space" created by Bai Linglu. Oh, strictly speaking, the industrial godhead was created by Enma, and Bai Lingluguan's space highly complies with the rules of the multiverse, and belongs to the "industrial god kingdom". In the matter of stealing souls, the God of Steam has nothing to say,]

...the old ship, before sinking, will form a vortex of fate and engulf the passengers on board...

On September 11, in the city of York, Sugemat looked at the telegram sent by the empire, let out a long breath, looked at the north, and said to his daughter beside him: "Mikael, give me Let's do a divination."

Mikael paused slightly, she was very surprised, because her father never dismissed "mystery".

Mikael opened the crystal ball without asking, and began to link to the ether world. However, after she closed her eyes, her brows were tightly frowned, followed by great pain, and finally, the crystal ball shattered suddenly.

Mikael, who was pulled up by his father, held his father's hand: "Dad, don't go, I'm afraid." Like a little sister-in-law.

Mikael didn't see any vision of the future, but in the etheric field, she saw a dazzling presence in the north of the empire, and if her father went to the north, not to mention whether he could agree to it in the military, but in a decadent way Striking this fiery place is like wielding an ice sword in a summer furnace.

…Beep beep, the cuckoo clock in Mikael's room is ringing. …

Sugemat finally left. Sitting on his knight-level chariot, he looked back at York City behind him. The various machines in York City seemed to have rusted a lot as he left.

Sugemat sighed. He believed in his daughter's prophecy. Since the empire decided to rescue troops from Anglia, the empire's chances are not many. If the internal radical rebels cannot be suppressed, then the internal morale will not be able to Cohesion. But now, it happened that Tianzong talents appeared in the northern uprising army. This battle of the empire is really more ominous than good.

Immersed in the ether world, Sugemat sensed the power of the steam, and could not help begging to the god of steam: If this battle can be won, then he is willing to donate his soul and become a piston that runs forever.

The gods seemed to get his response. Half an hour later, while crossing the river, the boiler of his armored vehicle leaked air, and the entire tank machinery suffered a serious breakdown. (The gods don't want him to see him off)

Sugemat came to the steam wheel and saw the crackling, aging and leaking steam pipes, as well as the maintenance personnel who were sweating profusely and busy repairing the power. He heard what the maintenance personnel said that it would take at least 40 hours to recover. Repairing, Sugemat's face was livid, and he said: "I only give you twenty hours!"

However, after stepping out of the car body cabin, looking at the gray distance, he said sadly in his heart: "The empire is over" (because even if it is a 20-hour stay, he will definitely miss the battle.)

...This is the darkest hour of the Imperial Army, but the next focus of the Empire is "disgusted"...

The perspective came to the east, September 10 at 1:10 noon.

According to the information given by the Enma detection satellite, the Ludis troops completely intercepted the princess who was about to flee from the empire. With an ultra-long-range raid of an air-to-air propeller self-destruct aircraft.

Note, under the concept of energy tunneling, there is no rocket nozzle of any heavy rocket that can withstand burning for fifteen seconds, so the only way to destroy it at an altitude of several thousand meters across seven or eight kilometers is to rely on propeller missiles. These missiles are manned, close in and drop their warheads, and then the flying machine returns the same way.

Enma watched Ludis's "bat squadron" igniting the kerosene engine in the sky, thinking silently about the importance of close-in defense guns.

With today's airship technology, this task of throwing bombs is very dangerous, and the ammunition is easily detonated by the energy barrier of the airship in advance, so it often takes dozens of ammunition to blow up the shell of a heavy airship.

If you want to survive the explosion! If the airship obtains time and repairs the shell, then life is wasted.

Ludis's air raid unit successfully approached the princess airship unit this time. It was because Enma gave this wave of raid troops a stealth service, making them contact under a large optical lens.

It was too late when I saw this wave of raid planes from the viewing angle of the airship. The huge airship burned from the sky, its shell melted, and it began to lose air pressure and fall.

At the same time, the armored forces responsible for escorting on the ground were also surrounded by Ludis' heavy armored forces.

…The white jade-like airship in the sky is like a falling swan due to the leakage of heat. …

This army from the imperial capital did not seem to be prepared to fight against a strong army. Its leading hero, Irina, has only two levels.

Her skill is a level-1 "wide-area energy supply" (provide excess kinetic energy to the mechanical target engine within a range of 15 kilometers on the ground and 50 kilometers in the sky.)

First-level, summoning steel puppet warriors, (the folded steel skeleton and cannon, absorb iron-containing substances from the deep layers of the earth to form combat puppets, but the first-level puppets are only 70 tons)

However, in the face of the rebel army, Enma and Ludis, with this 7.5 configuration, Irina, a second-level hero, is not enough to look at.

With the blessing of Enma's halo, and the temporary war factory bombers thrown by Ludis. The rebel army began to launch a siege war against the fallen imperial army.

Rows of robots rushed in from Ludis, the artillery of the Imperial defenders hurriedly opened fire, and the armor was shaken by the recoil.

Rao is that the royal troops of the empire have exhausted their "resistance beliefs", but as guards of honor, they lack war experience

The spider robot approached in the shock wave smoke, like termites eating wood, and drilled holes in the shell of the Imperial Knight-class land ship with thermite, and the armor shattered.

Within the defense line of the Empire's Fallen Empty Court, the maintenance of the airship has come to a halt. Seagate escorted the princess out of the danger zone of steam splashing. "Robots" overwhelmed one's own battle line. Artillery fire has routed the land warships escorted by the Empire.

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