Out of the cage

Chapter 730 Chapter 17.07 The war won by pushing the agricultural area

October 20. Zhang Ke, wearing blue work clothes, is in charge of feeding the plasticizing production line. A large amount of plasticizing materials are being produced in the central industrial furnace. Some of these materials will be processed into snakeskin bags, three-color cloth, and some will be turned into Chemical fiber is produced, and some are used as rocket shells for military use.

Zhang Ke is recording the data on the notebook, and in the process of linking the industrial furnace tower in the reactor, the quantum information in the ether continues to control the chemical reaction.

At the same time, this kind of industrial production process is also condensed in his spirit, and this feeling of slowly increasing knowledge allows him to have new accumulations.

After Zhang Ke finished recording, he looked at Iron Star on the industrial tower and remained silent. This iron star is far more shining than any knowledge carrier he has accepted in the past.

Zhang Ke couldn't help recalling the curse message.

The evaluation of the bosses in the Compass Tower: "This evil spirit has been implanted in your soul like a parasitic beast. While our means are killing it, it is also consuming your spiritual power, and will eventually drag you into it. destroy."

Among several people, the palm branch is the highest in the process of evil spirit infection. Before coming here, he already felt that his sanity had been eaten away, and the evil spirit had merged with him. But now, the extremely difficult thing in his spirit was suddenly expelled, which was actually a big piece of his old spirit being gouged out.

Such a mental loss, appearing in other places except Iron Star, Zhang Ke will inevitably collapse and jump into the sea.

Now Zhang Ke presses his heart, he understands that the part of his soul that has been "gouged out" can now have a heavy faith to rely on.

This belief is that human beings try to get rid of coercion and pursue the confidence to stand upright. This is far more solid than the mysterious charm that hides in the shadows of the light of the gods, and can become a diamond shield in the mind.

Tens of years ago, he regarded the "forbidden law" here as a forbidden place that cannot be touched, but now, Zhang Ke silently said: "May this (Iron Star) shine."

No matter how strong the mental power of evil spirits is, it is also a mistake (the more wrong knowledge, the more reactionary). The mortal effect pervading here allows the wronged souls to change their minds, discard those evil defilements, and return to normal.

…Knowing that you are doing the right thing is a great medicine…

In mid-October, the northern war situation underwent a fundamental reversal.

The Anglo side was shocked when they learned that their intervention army had been cut off, and immediately decided to send a note to the Sky Empire, asking the Sky Empire to mobilize the troops to go northward and jointly attack.

A full month after Langston's setback, the molten steel tower city is still standing on the northern land. On the defensive tower position destroyed by artillery fire, the engineering team that the defensive tower was rushed to repair continued to pile up concrete and steel modules, not only was it not destroyed and collapsed , but thickened and bolded.

After the attack of the White Winged Knights failed, the winter of October came. At this time, frost had already appeared in the north of the Sky Empire. On the armored vehicles of the Anglo Intervention Army, the body of the armored vehicles was also wet and icy every morning.

Facing the city ahead that could not be attacked for a long time, and the defensive tower position that suddenly appeared on the main railway line behind, the Prince of Anglo doesn't know what to do now.

In the early stage, he cursed that the iron star mud legs who dared not come out for a decisive battle have now gathered behind him with heavy armored troops. The encirclement posture was put on, and such an encirclement was flexible. Once the Anglos counterattacked along the railway line, they immediately retreated to the rear defense tower position.

And once they bypassed the railway line and made a detour from the flank, the heavy armor group led by Enma immediately cut from the Anglo tail.

Because any mechanized troops, after leaving the railway line, it is inevitable that they will not be able to assemble, and the phenomenon of elongation has appeared.

On the morning of the 16th and the afternoon of the 17th, Enma cut off Lance's tail twice. The first wave was a knight and two energy destroyers, and the second wave was two airships and two missile tanks. All are wiped out.

En Ma led sixteen armored units to deal with the scattered Anglo armored forces, all of which were defeated within two hours. And all with zero battle damage.

The Anglo army was like brown sugar. It was first glued to the defensive position of the Molten Steel Tower City, and then it was beaten down by the heavy armored troops of the rebel army.

After days of failures, the total strength of Lance has dropped from 32 armored units at the beginning to 24, while the total strength of the Peasant and Industrial Army has reached 50, even if there is a gap in technology, arms, and decisive battles. Already benefiting the Iron Star Corps.

…Enma’s name, which is now increasingly being discussed in the highest Anglo military centres, is being discussed…

For the Anglos, what is even more terrible is that the Peasants and Workers Corps is always backed by supplies.

Even if it is a "heavy infantry" level tank, the front line armor is pierced, and the power pack is damaged. As long as you return to the molten steel tower city base, the mechanical arm is like a knife cutting open the belly of a living body, and it will be installed for the entire land cruiser. Parts, replaced with a new armor, and refurbished the internal industrial system to return to the battlefield.

On the contrary, the White Winged Knights' back road was cut off. In the magnificent mechanical reflection of the ether world, there has been a lag and jerky. When the mechanical gears are turning, cracks will flash, and the armor fixed by rivets is also creaking. , like a door blown by a strong wind.

On the 23rd, Lance in the steel cockpit was now haggard. Although he was located in the center of a powerful land fleet cluster, he was already at a loss in the face of the smoke and dust in all directions in the distance.

But what frightened the young Anglo general most was not the heavy armor of the rebel army, but the ubiquitous commandos. And the excavation of tunnels that is now approaching.

Under the light of Anglo's newest searcher.

On the side of the Iron Star camp, four to five tons of diesel tunnel excavators quickly dig the soil like a groundhog, a one-meter-thick drill bit crushes the soil in front, and two sets of excavator shovels on the side, like shovels, will The soil at the bottom of the pit ten meters deep was thrown outwards,

And in the middle and rear of the tunnel, batches of thick pipes with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a length of 6 meters are on standby at any time. These can project a 500-kg warhead to a distance of 600 meters, even if the Anglo When the armor is hit at a position of 20 meters, it will also produce the effect of "concussion and vertigo". The shock wave will tunnel into the steel interior and affect the combat personnel.

Lance stood up in the cockpit, looked at the combat map, and saw the encirclement that was gradually forming, he broke the pencil: "Damn, it was a mistake to come here, what kind of brains are those idiots in Sky Empire? , so that such a person can rebel!"

...The autumn wind is getting colder and colder, and some migratory birds will never have the chance to go home this year...

The northern campaign is in full swing to complete the final stage, the conditions for mass annihilation are already being formed, and the Anglos are urging the Sky Empire to attack, but in the performance of the Agricultural Youth Association, there is no joy of "imminent major victory". Instead, he told them in a tepid manner that "the war has not stopped" and "our side is still fighting arduously" these "progressive" speeches.

【Bai Linglu commented on this: "The more he reaches the stage of victory, the more calm he can be."】

Enma's restraint made external observers like Sky Empire not feel the sign of "a sudden change in the battle situation". In a "wait and see" state.

The observations and conclusions of the elite observers of Sky Empire on the battle situation between Iron Star and the Anglo Intervention Army at this time are still based on the situation of the last war, that is, they will go through a "long tug-of-war".

The imperial nobles are so conservative now, mainly because of two points.

First: After experiencing the "Battle of Blue Birch Bay", the imperial army in the north was really scared, and went from the extreme of quick victory to the conservative extreme of waiting for foreign intervention forces to solve the problem. For the generals of the Sky Empire, three consecutive imperial armies including Minlar were defeated, and the northern troops were already insufficient. If they failed to intervene and lost another army, the rebel army could go straight to the imperial capital.

The nobles of the empire who were willing to take their lives did not dare to take this risk. They would not provide the northern army with carrying equipment for long-distance battles northward, and would at most close the door.

In fact, the imperial nobles were right to worry. Because Enma did prepare troops to defend against the imperial army's attack. Now that there are 50 heavily armored general corps, if the whole army is not pressed, it is because they are afraid that Anglo will suddenly perform a miracle, and if they can't take it down for a short time, there will be side effects. At that time, when the cheap army of the empire went north, the Peasants and Workers Army had no strategic maneuvering force to deal with it.

Second: The restoration faction in the southern part of the empire, when this group of talkative parties blatantly claimed credit for their achievements, they did indeed attract most of the attention of the empire.

Since the princess was intercepted, the entire royal family was worried that the glory would be humiliated. Except for His Majesty the emperor, the princes of the royal family all express secretly that the princess is flawless and cannot be tarnished (that is, she is self-defeating). The big bosses at the core of the empire were afraid, and a "no misery" plot emerged.

They were afraid because that's what they did to the ladies of the rebel army.

Oh, their worries are unnecessary. At this time, Her Royal Highness has been protected by Ludis, and the difference in camp between the two seems to add to the romance.

Like some love stories sung by bards, there is a leapfrog love affair between the demon king and the holy priest.

...Under the original fate, there was a love triangle, but Eun Ma was very busy. …

The perspective shifts from flowers, precious stones, and beautifully carved and painted walls, to palace staircases, back to the native land.

Some Wei Keng with grass roots in his mouth are doing ordinary and enthusiastic work in a tractor.

In October, the autumn harvest began, and a large number of agricultural locomotives began to march again throughout the territory of Sky Empire. When the wheat ears began to be harvested, the war seemed to stop all of a sudden.

However, not all the harvested wheat flowed to the big cities. With the completion of the statistics of public warehouse storage and the supervision of all parties, this year's agricultural bills began to be issued. The price of goods on the market proves that the ceasefire in the empire is not the benevolence of the empire, but the cowardice of the empire.

According to the experience of ancient times, whether it is directly confiscating land or buying it back, traditional agricultural countries want to progress to industrial countries. The village must change.

"Fairness" is the basis of "law", "law" is the basis of "governance", and "governance" is the cornerstone of "mobilization" in war.

At the beginning, the Nongqing Action seemed to have dealt a serious blow to the gentry in the countryside.

But as this year began, it was the big businessmen in the city who gradually discovered that they were the most affected group.

…In the great tide of change, the old and the new will be eliminated in any class. …

When the homecoming campaign initiated by the empire failed, the new manor class quickly replaced those old empire landlords who were ignorant of current affairs.

After the Agricultural Youth Association took back the "dominant right of agricultural products", land conflicts were alleviated. In other words, in the old days, all the capital in the countryside was plundered by the big cities. Under this kind of unfair trade, the only thing that the big cities could not plunder from the countryside was "land", because it required someone to implement it. Really watch over. Due to the lack of capital, the countryside remained feudalized for a long time.

What is "capital"? "Capital" is the power to convince people to follow,

"Capital" is the power that a gentleman from the city goes to the countryside to throw a civilized stick, and the young men can carry it away.

"Capital" is the charm of a little scholar in the city who just brings some cloth and combs his hair, which can make the little girl in the country more willing to smile and talk.

Capital is to make you believe that foreign things are better than domestic ones, new gadgets in the city, and intangible values ​​that are more fragrant than local products in the country, so that you are willing to exchange them under the scissors gap.

…There are contradictions in any society, but the more capitalized class is more capable of resolving contradictions. …

When capital stays in the countryside, food, raw materials, and labor will stay in the countryside to increase the value of production and generate more "capital".

For example, the villages under the management of the Agricultural Youth Association are far more able to eat than the cities, and there are fresh things that are not available in the cities, such as processed "dried mountain products" and "freeze-dried", as well as sausages.

When a basket of mulberries is no longer easy to get in a bowl in the city. This is rural capital accumulation.

Enma did not completely divide the land in the villages of the Sky Empire, but still managed to deprive the old manor owners of the right to speak by controlling the urban and rural channels, and complete the social progress of the countryside.

Under Iron Star's economic strategy, land is no longer the largest capital in the countryside. Those who hold farmland have become ordinary people who supply raw materials. Any piece of land that is abandoned will even have to pay heavy taxes.

After the reform, the new forces can firmly grasp the dominance of "manpower, raw materials, and channels" in the countryside.

…Enma: Should the countryside be simple? That's because you urbanites habitually treat the villagers as idiots. …

So this year, when dealers in the major cities of the empire went to the countryside to collect grain and tried to use thermos bottles and small mirrors to exchange for a sufficient amount of agricultural products, oh, they found that their goods were not so popular.

And the well-connected people who want to collect food also said that they don't want anything other than hard currency such as "fertilizer" and "fuel".

They can only go to the Agricultural Youth Association to buy grain, and the Agricultural Youth Association directly raised the commercial price to nine-tenths of the urban price. As for previous years, these grain collectors sent them to the city three times in the name of "transportation loss".

As for this time, the Agricultural Youth Association: whether you like it or not.

As for the loss in the "transportation link", the Agricultural Youth Association can transport it by itself. What, don't let the country people come to the city to sell it? Then you won't be able to buy anything. Because all channels into the city are under full control.

…Iron Star now appears to be alone against the Anglos, but actually mobilizes a greater power economically than the upper echelons of the Empire…

The Agricultural Youth Association specially built a new railway platform to transport truckloads of industrial products from the north directly to the south. Then exchange them for agricultural tickets in batches. This batch of materials was turned to support the Peasants and Workers Army in foreign operations.

Grain, agricultural by-products, and processed coats, as well as agricultural laborers, continued to head north after busy farming. The rebel army became stronger and stronger in the counterattack against Anglo.

And took the initiative in the transaction with the imperial city, a large number of gold coins flowed upstream from the city to the countryside.

The finances of the Sky Empire are very strange. There are farmers and soldiers in the north making troubles, but the tax revenue is raised instead!

These big cities are responsible for the transport of materials for the Agricultural Youth Association, and the money is being made every day, and the sky empire’s finances are back to life, making the top noble bureaucrats of the imperial capital even feel that "the empire can take a breath, and then it can continue to play rust." Rusty Fist".

But only some sober people in the empire know that the major cities in the entire empire no longer recognize the imperial banknotes, and the inflation is extremely serious. Instead, they recognize silver and the agricultural notes issued by the Iron Star base.

In the cities under the "control" of the empire, those factories seem to be running rumblingly every day, but the outside of the city is surrounded by the iron star brigade from the countryside, and a large amount of supplies that go out of the city every day quietly flow into the iron star rebel army hands.

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