Out of the cage

Chapter 739 Chapter 17.15 Cold Iron

In the year 3233 of the Fire Emblem Calendar, there was an anti-tide against Iron Star in the Sky Empire. If Enma hadn't quickly resolved the foreign enemies in the north. The enemy who is staring at the inside must jump out at this time and bite Iron Star together with the outside.

At this time, not only the old-fashioned faction in the empire wanted to bite the iron star, but also the cities occupied by the reformist faction in the south had reached their limit. These former comrades-in-arms of the revolution are now using the so-called "reconciliation doctrine" to shake hands with the imperial conservatives in parliament, and then reached the so-called "new acquisition" economic bill for rural and rural areas.

This bill is to forcibly determine the "new currency" as a legal tender. Conversely, the farm tickets and labor tickets inside Iron Star are illegal. And this new fiat currency, without any collateral, is destined to be something that becomes a gold circle certificate.

The postman sharply pointed out in the newspaper that the big city capital group has made no distinction between "progress" and "movement".

In the Sky Duma Federation, in all the big cities, the food requisition troops have been assembled with money, and they are always needed. If they don’t have to go out, it’s not good to stay in the city.

And when the food requisition teams from these cities counterattacked in the south, Iron Star was always one step ahead of them.

On February 12th, Iron Star held the "Agricultural Economic Conference" in the rural areas of the south.

At this time, Iron Star's cadre organization in the entire southern part of the empire is a total of 4.5 million people.

The most basic structure of this organization in the countryside is a "statistical office", and basically every small town has such an organization. The rural cadres inside may lack culture, but they are definitely capable of writing and martial arts. Wen Ke took the straw to count the population and supported education, and Wu Neng responded to the call, sitting on a tractor with a gun on his back, and a mortar on his back to defend the leather fruits.

You must know that when blocking the Anglo Corps in the north, these militiamen often fought in a column of a dozen regiments and tens of thousands of people.

This is the first time in thousands of years in Wanlun Continent that the degree of organization of rural areas has surpassed that of urban areas.

Wei Keng: Compared with rural villages, cities are more concentrated and have the advantage of natural organization. However, because cities are too concentrated, it is harder to recover from ideological corruption than rural villages. From an ecological point of view, the more complex and large systems, such as forests, are more stable when resisting risks, but it is difficult to recover after damage.

On March 1, the grain requisition team in Bohang City, the largest city in the south, was wiped out. More than 5,000 grain requisitioners were all put on trial. reform through labor.

On March 4th, the "so-called farmers' joint committee" authorized by the lords of the Biel City Council changed from being glorious to being shouted and beaten by everyone. The entire army was wiped out in three months of action. Six thousand people were arrested.

On March 5th, in Bufei City, the grain requisition team under the "Agricultural Purchasing Team" created by the reformists was also completely wiped out. Four thousand people were arrested, and sporadic organizers fled back to the city.


On April 1, Orr, as the commander of the third column, he is no longer the commander of the company level. Rather, it is one of the members of the second batch of hero units newly born by Iron Star.

He was assigned a land frigate-level car with a tonnage of 320 tons and eight rubber wheels to maneuver. Except for a "projector" to load armored shells, its main firepower was the artillery deployment system of the rear propeller helicopter platform. I love artillery, so I was specifically admitted to a related major and studied machinery in this area.

He won the right to lead the army, and his land frigate carried three helicopters. The task of these three helicopters is to deploy 200mm caliber propeller missile rocket launchers.

After the helicopter took off from the "big eight round" platform of Orr, it quickly obtained the position information of the surrounding ten kilometers,

Then this "air turret" will fly to some areas suitable for firing artillery, and this unmanned helicopter will deploy the mechanical intelligence block turret of the rocket launcher hanging below (this turret can automatically rotate and adjust the angle).

The rocket launcher shoots shells, and the first stage is to rely on the tail rocket to accelerate for ten seconds.

After flying high enough into the sky, the fairing opens to deploy the propeller, while the air inlet is filled with air, igniting the gas engine and turning the propeller.

Orr's skill is to activate the "space teleportation" ability inherited from Enma after firing the artillery, launch himself out of the rocket base of the extended-range warhead, and retract it into the "recovery bin" inside his land frigate.

In the metal cockpit of the land frigate, "recycled rocket motors" are cooled and reassembled into new shells. After the helicopter comes back, continue to reload.

...The tactic of drones hanging artillery is the game of mountain artillery in the second half of the 21st century in the main world...

Orr's helicopter was capable of deploying fifteen launch tubes, each firing eight 200mm rockets, to multiple positions within a five-kilometer range within an hour.

It takes 20 minutes for Orr to recall these launch tubes, and the automatic reloading system in the car body is reloaded in half an hour. This is his skill, "Steel Hail".

So strictly speaking, Orr can fire a regiment-level artillery salvo within two hours. (An artillery regiment only has forty or fifty guns.) Orr's vehicle is loaded with enough ammunition to release six rounds of "steel hail".

This skill of his is obviously related to space twisting.

This is the bloodline influence of 'Enma'. Of course, Wei Keng also gave him a lot of experience in the process of penetrating the western front.

...for Orr, his uncle is now a big deal. …

In this battle going south to deal with the counterattack of the southern asset areas against the rural and rural areas, the steel hailstones he fell, from the grain requisition team, to the train stations of big cities, were smashed like chickens and dogs.

It's just that this kind of "bullying novices" and interfering with the urban faction's combat operations to collect resources is very attractive to hatred.

No, he has already received warnings from some veterans of the "revolutionary faction" uprising in the big city groups in the south, ordering him not to attack the acquisition team, otherwise the "Duma Government" will send troops to destroy him .

As for him, seeing these warnings, he didn't laugh out loud, but the corners of his mouth also opened.

Orr looked at the dimly lit Braun City in the distance, and whispered: "If you can suppress me, will you still send me a warning letter?"

Orr opened the latest Agricultural Youth Daily, and it was impressive that the postman proposed a new headline: "Peace? Or use peace to suck blood!"

...When "resistance" became a matter of course, the fire has already ignited...

That night, Orr came to a market area controlled by the Agricultural Youth Association and met a man.

This is a buyer sent by the imperial royal family. For this lady named "Seagate" who was older than him, Our couldn't help but be attracted by her temperament, but for now he suppressed his thoughts.

According to the records of the disciplinary committee and other representatives of the Agricultural Youth Association, Orr told the messenger: "Your Excellency, you go back. Regarding the supplies you want, I can promise to prepare a batch for you, but the customs in Braun City You have to tell us the tax settlement date."

Seagate: "Your Excellency, I am very happy to cooperate with you. But your dangerous position makes me think that the deal with you may not be long-term."

Orr: 'You don't need to worry about it, maybe the next delivery location for you may not be directly in the city. ’ (Iron Star now has plans to win some big cities in the south.)

… For Seagate, once upon a time, it disdained to think about the ideas of these opponents from mud feet, but now it has to face who is right and who is wrong. …

The biggest success of the YCAFA's reform is that it allowed a wave of young people who had gone to the cities and soldiers who had gone through frontier battles to return to the countryside with knowledge and organization, and helped the entire rural and rural areas understand the "regional accumulation" the concept of "capital".

The people in the agricultural area suddenly found out. In the past, as a countryman, I really suffered a lot. Why only use the money printed by other people and city people, the agricultural products and agricultural by-products in your own warehouse, the corresponding food stamps, oil stamps, sugar stamps, non-staple food stamps, and discounted commodity stamps, aren’t they also money?

So why use a lot of agricultural products in exchange for a small amount of imperial banknotes, and the imperial banknotes can only be exchanged for a small amount of fertilizers, tools, and pesticides?

The shrewd farmers seem to still not understand what the imperial economists said in the past.

But now there is no need to "understand" the principles of the urban school. Now that food stamps are exchanged for more industrial products such as fertilizers, fuel oil, and mechanical parts, you can understand what interests you want to defend.

[Wei Keng: Farmers are not stupid. Two thousand years ago in ancient times, in China, carrying an iron pot and coat on the plateau, you can exchange an iron pot and a coat for a yak. ​​After 2008, with the opening of the world's highest railway After that, if you ask a herdsman to exchange it like this, they will give you a blank stare. 】

Now these imperial food collection teams want to exchange the so-called imperial banknotes for agricultural products again.

In the rural and rural area, whether it is ordinary migrant farmers or those big planters, they are all united around the Iron Star Rural and Rural Organization.

At this time, the people of the imperial city faction still looked at the rural and rural areas with superior eyes. Stubborns think they are justified when they buy!

One by one, the powerful economists forcibly believe that the brainwashing of the rural and rural areas must be the iron star deceiving the ignorant villagers and violating the state policy of Duma governance.

..."People who are not doing well think that the world is wrong", this point is more applicable to people who claim to have drunk ink. …

In April, prices in the major cities of the empire further skyrocketed, and the Duma government was miserable in the face of external compensation and raw material demands, as well as the suspension of production of most factories in the actual control areas.

These idealistic reformists still haven't realized their mistakes. When reading the resistance in the rural and rural areas, the well-dressed people in these salons felt unbelievable that "the empire has paid for supplies and was resisted by the rebellious people in the rural and rural areas". The nobles were willing to trade on an equal footing with gold coins, but they were unreasonably slapped and rejected by the countrymen.”

Self-esteem is too high, and one's "specialization" is taken for granted to be taken care of by the world, so it is easy to feel that "dignity" is violated.

All the high-end newspapers in the empire felt angry at Iron Star's despicable role in such an incident.

Of course, the city newspapers can only be angry at present, but they cannot put their anger into action.

…the last thing self-proclaimed “intellectuals” are to admit mistakes is to wait for others to admit mistakes. …

Because in March, Iron Star and the Thunderbolt Alliance once again confronted each other, and Iron Star was determined not to back down in the position surrounding the "Kadi" city. The Thunderbolt Alliance formed an army of 60 land cruisers to attack again, but at the cost of losing 12 land units, they resented it on the spot.

General Bess of Iron Star led six assault artillery units to the city of Fengyu on March 25th, and responded to the Thunderbolt Alliance with artillery bombardment. If the war continues, it will be a revolution that will spread across the continent.

The Iron Star Farmers Association has now been implemented in the south of Osima.

The Beis cannon directly bombed and collapsed eight ancient buildings of more than 300 years in Fengyu City. The damage was not great, but the Wind Whisper Alliance activated the wartime system, and everyone hid in the air-raid shelter wearing gas masks.

When the main force of Osima had to return to help, Bei Si had already retreated (he did not use Wei Keng to teleport collectively, he left directly from the northern line).

Iron Star From now on, there are two lines that can be interspersed to the north of Osima. And Kaidi City is the reason why it can stand firm and carry out a protracted war after interspersing to the north of Osima. In other words, as long as Kaidi City is in the hands of Iron Star, the huge static defense system deployed by the entire Thunderbolt Alliance on the Eastern Front will be abolished if large-scale adjustments are not made.

And now the Kingdom of Osima has no funds to rebuild the defense line. To be precise, Osima's current kingship group has no funds.

The funds are all in the hands of the current large business groups. To reset the static defense system, it is necessary to rebuild at least 500 kilometers of permanent fortifications. Such consumption is equivalent to twice the compensation for the defeat of the Sky Empire!

Osima has not won the battle of the upper group now, but it is basically impossible to force its domestic commercial capital group to pool the money. Therefore, we can only mobilize the existing troops to confront Iron Star again, hoping to use diplomatic pressure to force Iron Star to make concessions.

...Because of Enma's strong military capabilities, Iron Star is now speaking out to the outside world, and there are more and more "strong voices of iron and blood"...

As for Anglo, after re-penetrating the Yuzui port, they also stopped interfering in the northern line of the Sky Empire, and began to intervene in the southern line of the Sky Empire from the south line, which is now the sea area at the right corner of the "T" continent. In other words, it is to step up the time to support the southern reformers and Iron Star to fight internally. Of course, this kind of support means selling surplus military supplies from the last war and providing military personnel to help the reformers train the army.

But the problem now is that many cities in the south have lost the ability to collect supplies from the controlled areas under the current basic situation of the Sky Duma government. Everything is lacking now, food, fuel, steel... On the contrary, weapons are the most indispensable. Because there is no army at all.

As for food, fuel, and steel, Anglo is not in stock now. This disagreement caused Anglo to say in an extremely insulting tone to the reformers of the Sky Duma Group who were begging for food: "Are you a new cabinet that has actually gained power, or are you a busker with an office card?"

...For the gods, they want to connect Wei Keng's individual with some noble classes, but Wei Keng always carries soil...

In Braun City, Princess Xuelisi is now wearing a slightly plain dress (also expensive silk) to meet Seagate.

For Princess Xuelisi, the slight decline of the royal family has not completely reduced her life to an uncomfortable level. On the contrary, it has reduced her a lot of royal etiquette constraints.

After the team that originally rushed to Anglia was cut off by Ludis, and the princess was put under house arrest by the reformists, Seagate became an important channel for Xuelis to understand the external situation.

In various literary works, fallen princesses often have some "civilian" friends.

After listening to Seagate's description of the current situation in the countryside of the empire, Xuelis seemed to be very emotional: "Is the faction of Iron Star fighting for the injustice of rural farmers?"

Seagate paused: "To a certain extent, this is true, but this is not an issue of the empire. Now the city generally does not understand the countryside. The empire has always used the funds and taxes for the purchase of agricultural areas to be paid by the government. Merchants skimped heavily, and only one-third was delivered to the rural and rural areas. It is obviously impossible for the rural and rural areas to complete the purchase of necessities such as fertilizers and pesticides with such a small amount of money, resulting in a reduction in production in agricultural areas. Rural poverty."

What Seagate said: This is the exploitation of greedy businessmen, leading to a great uprising in the agricultural areas.

However, Xue Lisi, who is at the top of the empire, knows that the royal family and business are inextricably linked, and the rapid accumulation of assets of several princes in the empire during the war is obviously unclean.

Xue Lisi raised her hand to frame a circle and put it in front of her eyes. Through this frame, looking at the city outside the window: "So far, no one in the empire should have seen it, General Enma."

About "Enma", the entire territory of the empire is now curious.

Xue Lisi knew from the communication between her subordinates and Ludis's subordinates: she was robbed and Ludis carried it out, but Enma was the mastermind behind it. And when he fell, Enma should still be nearby. After confirming that he was captured, he immediately returned to the north.

Her Royal Highness still has some confidence in herself, but when she became a prisoner, that person didn't even have any interest in looking at her "trophy", which still made Her Royal Highness feel a little fussy.

In recent years, Enma's series of achievements also made the princess feel that her Ludis was very anxious.

Narrator: If a young general of the empire could break through the Thunderbolt alliance's defense line three years ago, then Her Royal Highness's marriage would be confirmed.

Seagate hesitated for a moment, and finally told Princess Xuelisi: "Your Highness, Enma is a very, very young man, even younger than Ludis. If I guessed correctly, he is no more than three years old now. Ten years old."

The princess looked at her: "Have you seen him?"

Seagate: "During the Great Rebellion in Swan City (Iron Star calls it the Great Rebellion), I led the Dragon Blood Gendarmerie to attack the core area of ​​the rebel army, but at that time, I was calculated by the encirclement circle designed by him, so I was captured .”

Xue Lisi looked at her and said with a smile: "You have been wronged for losing to a hero who is about to become famous. By the way, after you were captured, did you meet him? He is very young, um, how do you feel about him?" "

Seagate: "He's a piece of cold steel."

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