Out of the cage

Chapter 743 Chapter 17.19 (Part 1) Technology Crisis

In 3234, the economic crisis broke out in many traditional industrial countries in the entire Wanlun continent.

The first sign of the crisis was the shortage of various commodities in the supply chain of "various light industrial products" in countries other than Iron Star, followed by layoffs. Affected heavy industry.

The operation of large and small industrial furnaces in various countries began to be jerky. Only the iron and steel military industrial furnaces supported by the nobles are still hot, just like a person who is sick and has a fever on his forehead, struggling to maintain strength.

Amid the wailing on the continent, the number of Iron Star's industrial furnaces began to increase significantly.

Among them, the amount of information in the industrial furnaces of heavy industries in the ether world is increasing at a rate of 15% per year, while the scale of "smelting furnaces" in small industries is increasing at a rate of 25%.

Industrial smelting furnaces, all production lines for manufacturing tools, begin to accumulate "concept reflections" during the operation process, that is industrial smelting furnaces.

...the light of "Industrial" begins to appear "Dongfanghong"...

On earth, after an industrial lathe successfully processes the first batch of products, it must go through warranty and debugging before it can be put into stable production.

Every running machine tool in the real world can find its reflection in the ether world

In the world of multiple planes, machines have "souls", um, that is, "quantum entanglement" information states. Under the continuous operation of the master master, a large amount of "conceptual information" has been accumulated, and the user who masters (serves) the machine can mobilize this information.

For example, on the earth, if the lathe is not adjusted, not filled with coolant, and the tool is pulled directly, then the tool head will burst into flames, and then it will be destroyed. But in the industrial plane of the multiverse, a machine tool that has been in operation for more than five years, after the concept of the process is formed, even if the user fails to know all the operating procedures, the machine soul can make up for the consequences of such wrong operations, such as not adding coolant , when the cutter head processes metal, the conceptual information of the ether world will allow the cutter head to cool naturally.

...the concept of "machinery" lies in all modern multi-industrial worlds...

In this world, machines have "thoughts", and at the level of the ether world, they all have "souls", and these "souls" are all cultivated.

Such a "soul" needs spiritual support, that is, even if the producer does not consume real material resources with his own hands, he still needs to use spiritual power to move these gear parts in the ether world and process the industry.

Once there is no one to push, these mechanical parts of the etheric world will be damaged.

Therefore, whenever the Wanlun Continent enters a period of economic prosperity and people on the mainland produce large-scale production, the overturned machinery in the ether world and the mechanical gears reflected in the sky will appear like a steel forest.

And when it entered the depression stage, the background sound of the roaring machinery of the entire ether world would turn into a creaking, clicking noise of mechanical jamming, and it was full of the smell of rust.

Now mystics and industrialists in the Wanlun Continent see that the entire ether world is tilting towards the east. The vast expanse to the west is decline, while the east is a new world of emerging machines.

..."rusty" aging, "shining" healthy...

The scene of the ether world represents the morale of the citizens of a country in this era. Depression will infect a generation, and prosperity will also affect a generation.

Iron Star state-run electronics manufacturing plant, a batch of diode computers are being produced. Zhangke is the person in charge of this factory, because of his responsible work attitude and rigorous attitude towards technology, which made him the general person in charge of the factory soon.

He is the person with the best level of operation of this batch of crystal equipment in Iron Star, and one of Wei Keng's clones also happens to be his apprentice.

From talking with him, Wei Keng understood that the Auror in charge had a family tradition of making the magic wand in his hand, and this technique used a similar technique.

For Wei Keng, this is, the wizard shared with you the chip technology manufacturing.

The core of the magic wand is a material with a certain vitality, such as firebird feathers, dragon horns, etc., and the structure on it has a certain structural ability, so the magic wand will grow and change according to the spiritual power of the owner.

These natural materials that can store a large amount of etheric information, and the knowledge and know-how of their changing attributes are the materials passed down from generation to generation.

And in the iron star factory, it means that when engineers use modern equipment to inspect these diodes, the spiritual field of the group virtually stabilizes the structural fluctuations in the diodes.

The diode device that appears in this way is convenient for users to use

At present, the chips used in aviation and ship surveying and mapping in Iron Star are all manufactured in this "manual watch" polishing method in this factory. But the progress of the future era can be an automated factory.

…"magic" and "science and technology" depend on the perception of the world. …

"Emerging information industry", it is also his honor for the master from Anglo,

The "wand core" passed down by his family is a basic skill for him. However, in the past, even if his family was an expert in mystical skills, they still could not get the support of manufacturing on such a scale. Probably only four magic wands are produced each year.

The moonlight and starlight in the dark night, no matter how shining, can't compare with the light in the daytime.

Now in Iron Star, Zhang Ke took advantage of his talent and learning, and quickly became the factory director.

Now this electronics factory produces two to three thousand computing devices in its production line every year. These computing devices are all put into national construction, either on dams of water conservancy projects, or in weather stations, or in high-altitude transport airships. The "electronics industry" has formed a considerable concept of industrial manufacturing.

Although the reflections accumulated in the ether world of the concepts that belong to the palm branch are far from the scale of other industrial reflections, this factory director from Anglo is now also bound to Iron Star.

Zhangke is debugging the chip again today. Right in front of his operating platform, inside the glass window, a 20-meter-long machine is shrinking the complex light source to the size of a palm. This scene is like a huge convex lens, combining a large number of regular The light is focused inside a box the size of an alarm clock.

This optical machine will eventually project each beam of light onto a small silicon crystal. Each beam of light contains complex information. When projected onto the chip, it not only engraves on the surface, but even tunnels To carry out precise carving inside requires mental strength to repeatedly adjust.

Zhang Ke checked the machine debugged by "Wei Halo" (Wei Keng's avatar), and found no mistakes after a glance: "So-so".

This phrase "so-so" is already the highest evaluation compared to the "rice bucket" and "idiot" that other apprentices who entered the factory received before. In Zhang Ke's heart: the apprentices in the whole factory, that is, "Wei Yun" are the most savvy. As for why they scolded so hard?

Because the lineage of Zhangke only does the inheritance of "magic devices", that's how it is. All high-precision instruments require a lot of hard work to accumulate. There is no tolerance for "impetuousness", and it is even more impossible to be motivated by "continuous appreciation" throughout the process. Only when you succeed, recognizing your own craftsmanship is the greatest encouragement.

Hearing that Zhang Ke didn't find fault today, Wei Yun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Ke continued: "Starting tomorrow, I will teach you how to carve."

Wearing a white dust-proof suit, Wei Yun said, "Yes, mentor."

... Wei Keng is in this plane, every era has a beginning, ...

In the factory, Wei Yun held a chip that he was in charge of processing. He let out a sigh of relief: "Although I promote the information revolution, in this world, virtual information can interfere with reality, and mastering "silicon-based storage information" devices is destined to be a privilege for a few people within a few generations."

It is impossible to mass-produce chips, but the performance of chips is not comparable to that of the earth.

The "original chips" produced by the Iron Star factory are different from the chips on the earth that are used casually and thrown away when they are worn out. The chips in this world have growth potential, and users continue to determine the chip standards that suit their own spirit. To some extent, human beings will be like hermit crabs, residing most of their spirits in chips.

And the mental power is strengthened to twice that of ordinary people, which means "smart as a demon", and can mentally calculate the approximate data of all objects in the field of vision, such as the height of the door, the height and distance of the building. And in extreme sports, it is possible to grasp every minute, so as not to stumble and fall from a tall building.

...Multi-dimensional intelligent technology will have a "crisis" in the future interstellar era...

In the arcane world, technological breakthroughs are by no means simple. Just as every technological breakthrough on Earth means war,

In the arcane world, a world where everything is connected in a wide range, every new technological breakthrough will also cause disaster.

Iron Star is now advanced, because it handles capital and industrial resource allocation methods better than other industrial countries. This is an improvement.

When we have advanced to an era, we will be exposed to the problems of the new era ahead of time. In every era, there will be a phenomenon of "core resources gathered in the hands of a few people".

When the age of intelligence comes, if one percent of people form a class, their intelligence ability will be several times higher than that of other people during the growth process.

So can the concept of "together" and "together" be maintained today?

…Many problems in the future era can only be blocked by the efforts of some "worries first" in the initial stage of the development of the era...

To the north of Iron Star, Wei Keng, code-named En Ma, also holds this chip.

As a cluster individual, he also saw from his own perspective that "the gods will block him in the future on this issue", but Wei Keng did not intend to hide this technology as a taboo like some human kings in the interstellar age in the multidimensional plane science and technology.

Wei Keng: Chips must be developed. It is a scientific attitude to face forward.

In terms of manufacturing principles, the chip and the core of the wand have the same technology. The magic wand uses a lot of natural and expensive materials, and the chip not only analyzes the principles and functions of these natural materials, but also artificially synthesizes replacement components.

The magic wand belongs to the mystery when the cognition is insufficient in the past, and the chip belongs to the science when the cognition is sufficient. Functionally, the chip replaces the core of the magic wand, which is the real science to dispel the mystery.

This is like before the Xia and Shang Dynasties, you could rely on the twenty-four solar terms to guide the time of agricultural sowing, and then pretend to sacrifice to God every year, and wait for the mysterious coat of "the will of heaven" to become a great master of theocracy. priest. But if the lunar calendar is popularized, it will not work to rely on such pretentious tricks.

In the process of building the next generation of Iron Star's army, the target set is that all new officers should be chip-based! Challenge the current personnel of the old army by training new officers.

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