Out of the cage

Chapter 746 Chapter 17.21 General Poma

In 3235, the Legion of the South in Vernes, a force of 50,000 troops consisting of sixteen Land Cruisers, was fighting an Anglo-backed rebellion in the southern colonies.

The person in charge of this force is a commander Poma who has just turned twenty years old. He was born in a down-and-out aristocratic family in Nangang, and then graduated from the Artillery Academy. After being appreciated by the officer, he married the officer's daughter. Accumulate achievements in the south step by step.

Especially when the Anglos raided the southern colony of Vernes, when the rest of the legions were all retreating, he struggled to defend the important city of Bibos.

Of course, if you look back at his tactics carefully, he built a large number of zigzag anti-tank trenches around the city of Beboss. This set of tactics is not similar to that of the Iron Star Revolution of the Sky Republic, but exactly the same.

Perhaps it is because he actively learned the war mode from Iron Star, and of course it is because there is an information chain linking the void. This is God's blessing, and Poma's consciousness has the official system recognized by the main world.

...Boma, a traveler arranged by the main world, but he himself does not come from the main world, but from a near plane...

This organization is nominally on the same level as the official immortal class obtained by Zhao Xingchen. In fact, after the third plane war, all forces in the entire time and space are flourishing, and the forces in time and space that are qualified to organize the organization under his command vary in strength. Examination standards vary in difficulty. This is just like the green cards of large and small countries in ancient times.

Just as people in Asia, Africa and Latin America before the 16th century did not have the concept of "which nation do I belong to", now the traveler does not have the concept of "which plane area do I belong to?" benefits” advantage.

After Poma's victory at the Battle of Beebes, his success followed.

Facts have proved that when the upper class is in a state of closed thinking, it is useful to have an independent mind at this time. During the two years of war, the Commonwealth of Verland fought a tug-of-war in the Northern Front War, and the two sides began to be mediocre around the defense line. When the steel is consumed,

Poma successfully used it on the southern front, interspersed with tactics, won consecutive battles, and won three victories.

May 34. He led five land cruisers with a combat force of 8,000. For the first time, he cut off the Anglo's branch forces on the southern river, destroyed three Anglo land cruisers, and captured 5,000 people.

In November 1934, for the second time, he pulled the Anglo defenders to a field position for battle, defeated the left wing of the Anglo army with artillery, and then used six heavily armored land cruiser units as the front, penetrated from the flank and destroyed six An Anglo armored combat unit.

In January 1935, the Anglo launched a winter offensive in the colonial area of ​​the southern continent. As a result, the Southern Army was intercepted during the Moss Valley Movement. The armored corps composed of fifteen land cruisers withdrew in a hurry, but the 150,000 combat troops People are lost.

This continuous interspersed and anti-interspersed shows that the differences in their operations are not due to the personal intelligence of the generals. There have been major changes in the military system behind it.

Because interleaving is not something that everyone can use. In the northern confrontation between Vail and Anglo, the generals of the old system would not have thought of it, wouldn't they know how to intersperse? That's because under the old system, to be bold is to draw a tiger but not to be an anti-dog.

…If the wages are not enough, you have to rely on the surveillance of cameras in "sweatshops". If the military promotion system is not good, you can only rely on high-pressure ranks...

Squad platooning tactics can only increase the probability of success to a feasible level after the informatization and organizational strength reach a certain level, and the high-mobility and long-distance combat can be carried out.

Don't watch thieves eat meat, you have to watch thieves being beaten, interspersed with detours also represent risks.

In the second European war in the main world, even though there was a blitzkrieg that swallowed up small countries one by one, and even took down the hairy country at once, it seemed that this was the absolutely correct way, but on the Soviet-German battlefield, if it could not be interspersed, it would be defeated. There are many cases of shit. It is very common on the Soviet-German battlefield, and the front line is pulled back and forth like a ping pong ball. There are a large number of interspersed failure cases.

Only countries that have completed a comprehensive mobilization system for industrialization can have a steady supply of reserve forces, making it acceptable for interspersed adventures to fail. Interspersed with this kind of work, it is often walking by the river, so there is no way that the shoes will not get wet.

There is no modern mobilization and talent selection system, playing interludes? It can succeed several times, but as long as it fails once, it will be like Hannibal's expedition. The whole country's elite will be wiped out, and there will be no follow-up supplements, so it can only be defeated.

Poma is now on the southern continent, and has begun to form a wave of new non-commissioned officers who are loyal to him. Compared with the family teams around the newcomers who were born in nobles in China, Poma's initial team is much larger than those family teams.

A family team can only have one or two hundred people at most. Poma currently has tens of thousands of recruits, thousands of non-commissioned officers who can be promoted, and hundreds of people in the reserve pool for future general training.

...Valer is in the current situation, and he is destined to create a hero in the future...

The Commonwealth of Vers still belongs to an aristocratic consensus country so far.

The decaying remnants of the army have not been cleaned up in the command system, so the Vail army looks like a large army on the blood canal front and the Anglo bloody battle, but its school officers and generals are still the old-fashioned aristocratic system. This system will make cannon fodder die in large numbers. But once the established system is wiped out and there is a loss of officers, it will be devastating.

Then the speed of its selection of talents cannot keep up with the consumption of the war. Just like the Roman Empire, if a legion is lost, the damage to its vitality cannot be recovered for hundreds of years.

In 3235, on the northern front of the Commonwealth of Valor, millions of troops seemed to be "robotically" advancing each other. It was not that the commanders were stupid, but that they had encountered a lesson in the early stage of radicalization.

...Vaner, who was advanced as a whole, was "scarred" by the short board at the top of his side...

In the early days of 3234, the Anglos did not expect that the Vernal Confederation would have such great determination to fight this war, and the generals of the Vernal Confederation also misjudged the war situation. Imagine the war so smoothly.

This is because the Commonwealth of Valor underestimated Anglo's military combat capabilities by a little bit after watching the Iron Star rebel army sweeping the internal and external wars at the end of the Great Revolution of the Sky Empire, and then overestimated its own military offensive capabilities by a little bit. Ding bit.

I only see the scenery in front of others, but practice hard after seeing no one, which leads to a wonderful misunderstanding: "If xx can do it, so can I".

The congressmen of the Republic of Verland eagerly declared victory, and when no one was allowed to say failure, the mentality of the entire Valerian lost its objectivity. They forced the frontier combat forces and prepared to resolve the war within a winter.

So a large number of elite troops hit the front directly. As a result, these adventurous noble officers proved a "reason" with a series of failures: the offense consumes too much, and the "defense" is more conducive to consumption.

Ever since, it has now returned to the muddy consumption, and both sides are smashing each other with artillery firepower. After smashing, drive the cannon fodder to fight for positions. If the fight fails, then continue smashing. The entire northern region is filled with gunpowder smoke and acid fog.

...The current situation changes early and the country benefits, but the superstructure does not want to change...

Therefore, the war of attrition on the northern front will cause the entire country of Val to lose a lot of blood.

It is true that various data will tell you that the victory of the war is supported by a large amount of cannon fodder. In the end, national strength determines victory, but further data will tell you that the proportion of recruits killed in battle is several times that of veterans. The recruits recruited, soldiers who have not undergone several months of training are cannon fodder, and officers who have not undergone seven or eight years of orthodox education go to the battlefield, which is equivalent to adding lubricant to the opposite meat grinder.

The common deliberation system of the Kingdom of Valor was the final determination of the political power by the uprising of the urban faction in the metropolitan area. There was no uprising organization like the Agricultural Youth Association in the fringe areas of Verland, which made the system discussed by the Vernal Parliament always unrealistic.

Maybe Val will win this war, but he can't realize what the consumption of vitality means!

[The first European war directly brought Britain and France into a slump, and the second European war caused Soviet Russia to lose the most elite generation. Then, in the cold confrontation and economic transformation, they lost the young and experienced middle-level, and collapsed directly. Wanton smear]

If a hunk doesn't come along, Val's fate is sealed. But there are gods on Wanlun Continent, so the fate has changed.

...The spiraling history will plug all loopholes, but the multi-plane gods will deliberately open up many leaky areas for history...

First of all, Poma is a traverser, born in the fringe area of ​​Ver, the first batch of family members who can be recruited, are not subject to those seemingly "advanced" but useless theories in the capital circle, consuming their own thinking and configuration.

In 1934, a series of adventures in the northern part of the Republic of Vernes led to the loss of a large number of young nobles. This forced Versus to withdraw a group of mature and stable generals from the surrounding colonies, and at the same time promote some new generals.

Poma's series of promotions is against this background. His combat ability was recognized by the elites in the capital circle, but because he was born as a commoner in the southern seaport, he was still rejected by the capital's gentlemen, who only let him be in charge of the battle in the southern colony. And this was exactly the right thing to do, which just allowed him to rebuild a new military promotion system. Improve your leadership skills.

Moreover, he is not just a warlord, he wants to return to Verland with his own military system. And it is to be in the land of Valer before its flesh and blood are exhausted.

Poma got God's will (system task): Solve all Anglo troops on the southern front within 35 years.

…Anglo has a lot of experience in low level struggles, but now times are changing, and the gods are starting to abandon this one-time favorite…

The city of Itre (the fuse of the Wanlun Dilong War), now the Anglo colonial army has "liberated" the southern kingdom that was once a vassal of Val, gained the right to rule here, and supported the puppet.

The former Anglo navy general of the magpie's nest dove master looked at the map in the palace. The bookshelf that was once cherished by the king here has now been boxed and shipped back to Anglia to be sold to collectors. Now this bookshelf is used by him. Boots, and a saber. This is his self-praise for conquering the country.

Oh, and he's even started an officer fraternity, oh, with this lady of Ittle. Oh, the Angles, at such parties, boast of conquering by charm. But in fact, as the victors, they forced the ladies here to become "very easy, girl".

But after a year, he was in a bad mood. He thought this was the end of the combat mission, but the mortals refused to admit defeat obediently.

He has a series of thick battle reports in his hands. In each battle report, there are signs of the main force of the enemy, but if they are deployed according to these battle reports, then the enemy is everywhere.

This is Poma's skill, "False Illusion", which projects three to four illusions with clearly visible inner workings. This illusion is not only an optical illusion, but also sounds, ground vibrations, and even the reflection of information in the ether world. . Even artillery strikes can withstand four or five hits. Such an illusion forced the Anglo defenders to distribute their troops to many places.

Just when the Admiral of the Navy began to think angrily about how to find an opportunity to get Princess Iter, he vented his anger.

However, at this moment, the sound of artillery fire suddenly interrupted his fantasies.

The tricolor banner of the Valians has sprung up outside the city. The counterattack firepower on the city wall was misfired during the blasting, and the heavy armor of the Valians rushed into the city again after a year.

...The military strength of the imperialists in the colonies has always been lagging behind the native legions...

The so-called "drinking and sex hurt people", and "prosperity" will blunt the army. Because the officers take the lead in enjoying the prosperity, discipline will inevitably be relaxed, and if the discipline of the army is relaxed, the combat effectiveness will most likely drop to one-tenth of the original.

After three hours of fighting, Poma captured the Anglo governor of the city. The Admiral of the Navy is hiding in the special props room where he hides the whip, candle oil, and collar.

Well, this secret room was obviously not built by the Angles, it was built by the nobles of Iter, but it is obviously used frequently recently, and there is a salty smell in it.

When Poma captured the Anglo general, his soldiers, whether it was intentional or devilish, took off his white gloves and put silk stockings on him. Poma shook his head "helplessly" for the "naughty" behavior of his subordinates. However, he did not punish the soldiers, but verbally reprimanded the soldiers to return to the camp immediately and be on guard at any time.

But Poma handed a bottle of water to the Anglo governor, and asked, "You are very good at sea, but why are you so "decreasing" in combat on land?"

The Anglo navy general seemed to really wake up from his dream at this time, looking at the breached city and said: "This is a place of ecstasy."

Upon hearing this answer, Poma nodded: "Thank you for your answer."

...The Southern Continent is like the so-called "No. 1 Beauty in the Martial Arts", which only belongs to the strong...

After taking Ital, Poma directly bypassed Ver's appointment process, and after meeting with local interest groups, he appointed affairs officials in various key positions in the region.

Poma moved the army out of the city and did not directly garrison it. Instead, they stationed forts around the city. As for the physiological needs of the soldiers, Poma asked the affairs officer in this area to cooperate with them.

As an occupying force, perhaps they want to bear the name of the liberator, but there are more reasons: Poma rejected the solicitation of the local nobles of Iter out of the need to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army.

Money, wine, women, this kind of excitement, there is no need to indulge in the city.

Poma himself also seems to have shown his loyalty to love, and he did not accept the ambiguity of the princess of Yitel!

In fact, Poma, as a very sophisticated politician, knows that some "cannons" seem to be free, but in fact the price is high. The Princess Iter came to him at this time, obviously wanting to use this as a Capital, let's talk about something.

For example, topics such as the Restoration of the Dynasty.

Poma, if he wants to make the local area a stable supply of manpower and materials for his army, and then he will have to trade with the groups in Val, it is impossible for the inefficient Kingdom of Yitel to rule back.

He will only symbolically support the royal family here, as a symbol to maintain stability.

What? As for the operation of pulling and hanging ruthless? Eat dry wipe clean, do not pay bills white whoring. — In theory, it is possible, but in practice, the women of Iter are not so easy to fool.

Moreover, when a man does that, his thinking is slow and his intelligence will be reduced. After reducing his intelligence, he still spends part of his energy on this aspect, making it even more difficult to deal with complicated situations. Poma's ambitions are very big. It is very different from the Anglo general who only wants to be an "overseas governor".

…A person's achievement depends on his starting pattern. The bigger the pattern, the more restrained he is from the very beginning, and he will not fall into a low level. …

After Liu Bang entered Xianyang, when he saw countless beauties and wealth, he finally chose to seal the palace, led his troops back to Bashang, and chose to keep the same formation as the soldiers. In the first section, the philistines of the industrial age who have been replaced by beautiful female secretaries.

Wei Keng: The philistines feel that if they are so rich, they should naturally have (privileged) privileges and let them indulge, but they don't know that is "their own opinion". The "people" who work with them see that their boss is like this. "Virtue": (The leader) takes all the credit for himself as long as he succeeds a little, and wastes energy on special hobbies, rather than dealing with official affairs.

Such a leader may be very self-consoling when he "indulges" himself, and hints at himself: "What's wrong with having fun", but the followers in the team who look like people in the team have never believed that this guy has the ability to "lead everyone" determination.

What is "determination", the army does not go out alone, maintains the army formation, is the army's determination, in the career, looking at the "beauty wealth" at your fingertips, do not specialize, do not leave the ranks, and still keep your eyes on "everyone's appointment" The goal", this is the determination to do great things.

Wei Keng: Hollywood's personal particularism is the biggest "ideological pit" in the 21st century. How many people are "stupid" without knowing it, thinking that it is "personality".

On June 9, 35, Poma passed the news of the complete recovery of Itter to the capital of Ver. The spirit of Verne, who was slightly exhausted in the bloody battle, got a dose of stimulant. The name Poma immediately resounded through the streets and alleys.

Of course, for the leaders of the Commonwealth Council, after Poma regained Iter, he secretly appointed the local governor, and felt vigilant. Because this is a challenge to the Vail center.

However, in the Palace of Mirrors, those giants wearing thick glasses had to lower their posture to Poma at this time.

Because cannon fodder is especially needed in the bloody battle now, after the recapture of the Vail colony, it means that the supply of cannon fodder resources will be restocked with the breath that was not breathed in the early stage of the war.

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